Long Yet Fruitful

Friday, December 7, 2007
By johnny

Thank You Jesus that I got an A on my final project. It was shown today during the last class of the quarter. The prof even asked me to stand and be acknowledged!...Crazy stuff. Anyhow, the project is to make a clear and bold visual argument of my worldview. So basically I can do anything I want about this project. So I started brainstorming and Jack helped me a bit and we ended up talking about Apple--how it connects or separates people. My original plan was to have two people holding hands with an iPod on one side, and on the other side there are two iPods pulling two people away from each other, and with a big question mark in the center.
But after thinking about that, I didn't think that would be a strong statement; it would rather be very vague because I'm not taking a side.
So I decided to make Apple into a Nazi-like cult. Props to my great sister Annie who helped me to brainstorm my supports which I rephrase them into three parts: 1. iConize(ex.- Madonna), 2. iDolize(ex.- Hitler), 3. iDentify(ex.- Disney). I have to give props to my creative brain(Thank You God!) to make the three parts i_______.
The project counts for 10% of my final grade! Sweet.

Anyhow, that's that.
So today after class(at around 2) I got a voicemail from Peter, a brother from Bread of Life Church SD inviting me to their weekly cell group prayer meeting. I've been there once and it was pretty awesome--in this small room with about 7 people simply giving Him praise and pray for the school and one another.

I didn't know why, but I started to text Peter back--"sorry man I don't think I can go I've got homew..." Then I paused. WHAT WAS I THINKING? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?I didn't know. The next thing I did was to delete my "lying in progress without any specific reason" to "sure man when can you pick me up?"

Wow. That struck my heart. I believe it was the Devil who tempted me to reject a heavenly invitation. I was alone in my room, trying to find something to do. And no matter how small the space is open, the tempter would try to get into my heart in all ways. Praise the Lord that He saved me yet again.

So tonight we prayed for the campus and proclaimed victory over UCSD because this quarter has really been a chaotic one--with wildfire, weird weather, heavy storm, I-5 closure due to a bomb threat, and YESTERDAY's bomb threat on our Medical School Campus' closure for the day. Still I will praise You, for You are faithful and lovely. I know You're in control, my Lord and King.
And afterwards I went and grab a bite with Peter and another brother Michael. Michael then took me back to campus and I was on my way to Intervarsity's Midnight Worship from 10-12. I love "simple worship", as I call it--just one guitar with people singing aloud, and the room was big and had great acoustic so the sound of our singing echoed and echoed. A great night it was.

During Midnight Worship I got to met this guy Jon who was actually leading worship on the guitar. I got to pray for him--he's longing to know God's heart and what His plan for him is. He's on the badminton team and has started a bible study among his teammates, yet now he yearns for a breakthrough. Yeah God! You are the Lord of the breakthrough. You Love Jon and You know his heart; would you just take him and mold him again!

Praise the Lord I shall once again! It's day 4!

ps. Good stuff always comes from the least expected place. That's how God tasted like today-a random flavor =)


December 07, 2007 2:07 AM Sarah Wang

It's so scary when I read your blog this whole week I say the same thing to myself, "What the, I just did that earlier!"

Same to this post...
Amanda invited me for Bible study and I texted her that I couldn't make it because i'm too tired. However I ended up not sleeping but doing stuffs on my laptop. Sigh, I lost. BUT JOHN, YOU WON! I'm glad you chose to go and get to encounter Him at a 'random' level.

Keep it up!!!!!


December 07, 2007 2:34 AM johnny

you are not weak. many times i just take my ipod with me and i just listen to music that would move my heart and gets me pumped up for His presence. Or just start praying. dunno which one works for you. Maybe you'll find something that fits you, you never know!

December 07, 2007 9:01 AM Stephineeee

mmm...yes. the Lord is yummy. good job on your project! add oil?

December 07, 2007 2:59 PM jasypants

WHOOO yeah! BATMINTON DOOOOODE. i love that sport, johnny! xD hahaha.. not sleeping.... library... wow. finals right? yeah.. COOL. you got an A on your final project! SO PROUD. ^_^ too bad you won't be able to come back this weekend. i hope all your hard work pays off in the end! then you can brag about it to us on friday. =]] add oil! we're here for you all the way!

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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