Twas A Good Day

Thursday, December 13, 2007
By johnny
Since you have heard about Jesus and learned His truth,
throw off your old self and your former way of life...
let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes...
put on your new self, created to be like God...
-Ephesians 4:21~24-

Day 10

Woke up at around 11:30 and started to check on this HUGE thread that I started on facebook. All these awesome people just crack me up. Every one of them is simply amazing! I called up Jeff(not Jim anymore! Jeff's his real name.), making sure that we would hang out later tonight. Anyhow, I went online and listened to WNMH(NMH's radio station) live over iTunes since my friends were holding a show from 1-3pm PT (4-6pm ET, of course). It's great to hear their voices and I got to listen to Hogappella's CD! It's finally out! I can't wait to put my hand on one this coming Monday!

So I went to Plaza Cafe after listening to the radio show, and I actually called in and said hi to those amazing DJs! No one ever called in during my radio show with Sam back in Junior year, so I want the DJs to be blessed by simply calling in all the way from California! It was quite fun. From 3-5 I was eating my late lunch/early dinner/afternoon meal and reading some Econ materials. I wasn't really reading, you see, since my brain was not functioning properly for I had quite a bit of food. Anyhow, the 2 hours passed by fairly quick, and I left the cafe for my Econ review session. I was very glad that I went because this TA is really good at explaining concepts and solving problems step by step. Thanks a lot Aren.

After the review session, I received text msg from Brian telling me that he felt sick because he pulled an all-nighter so he couldn't come to campus today(for he had told me last night that he would stop by and visit me today). I then called back to his voicemail and prayed a simply prayer of healing.

I went back to Revelle and met up with Jeff at 7. He had a car and we went to UTC since he did not want to eat any school food anymore(not really healthy...). UTC is the mall that's just a mile down the road. He started to tell me more about his life since our last Tuesday night talk--he's all done with finals! Crazy........anyhow, he cannot attend Christmas Party because he will be driving his suitemates back to OC late Friday night. However, I've already reserved him to go to Impact this Sunday! Good stuff. So we were walking around the strip mall and chatting about life in general. He ended up getting a really warm jacket from AE. I got some Godiva for my trip East Monday. I really do enjoy getting off campus and walking around the outdoor mall. He shared with me that he went to a Catholic mass this past Sunday with his suitemate--he enjoyed the music, at least lol. He's glad to hear that Impact's service only last for about 2.5 hours since usually a Catholic mass goes on for four hours(woah). After UTC we went to Islands and got something to eat(yum...). Then he started to share with me that how his life and his friends back in Arcadia High(he's a '07 grad) were all a big lie. He shared with me how his life really changed when he came to college for his suitemates are genuine, open, and caring. He felt loved. However those bad memories would come back and haunt him every single day. I shared with him that some of my bad memories also appear every day, and what I did was to pray to God that He would remove those thoughts inside of me and install peace and joy; moreover, I told him that it works every time!

"I think I'm meant to become a Christian, man." I was like...WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID XD!!!! "I usually wouldn't stop and rest when I'm on my crutches heading back to my dorm, but that night I stopped and then you appeared!" I couldn't amen more than that. God really has start a fire inside of Jeff, and that fire is growing stronger! "Yeah I told you about how after the concert I prayed to God that He would give me a random person to pray for, right? And yeah man, that was all Him." And I also shared with Him that how when we start to believe in Christ, old things are gone and everything is made new again! I once again told him that it's his choice whether he wants to try this strawberry milkshake(for I shared my conversion testimony with him last time). Amazingly I actually ordered a strawberry milkshake, a really good one in fact!
Anyhow, I gave him the book The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning and encouraged him to read it for it really explains the Gospel in a heart-touching way. "What does Gospel mean?" he then asked. I then explained to him how this word came about--Good News, after all, about how God became flesh in Jesus and He died for all of our sins so that we may have eternal live. John 3:16 sums it all up. We finally got back and before he went back to dorm I prayed for him--for his final grades and his left foot--his next check-up is on January 9. I told him that his foot would be healed before then and he wouldn't have to use the big boot anymore after the check-up because God is healing him--physically and emotionally.

It was a good night. While I was at UTC I received calls from Sarah, Annie, J, Casey, and Parkie. It was the craziest night ever! So many people called me!!!! Hm...I guess I'm somehow important hahah.

As I was walking back to my dorm and on the phone with Casey, I saw Rose (I mentioned her in last Friday night/early Sat morning's entry. Go check it out!) sitting by the steps, just chilling out I guess. After the phone, I started to chat with Rose about life and eventually about her right foot--for she has been on crutches since mid Oct. However I didn't see crutches or boot on her! She said that she doesn't need crutches now and she's just taking a break from the boot. So very frankly I told her that I have been wanted to pray for her healing because I believe that God really heals and I've experienced healing myself. "Sure," was her reply(my heart was like...God I praise You!!). So I just prayed for her that when she head home over the break and have check-ups, the doctors would told her that she's completely healed. I believe that she's healed. Totally. I then shared with her how I broke my left arm after falling off a bus back in 7th grade. It was a good and funny story. Twas a great night. Actually I've been praying for her healing since the day she hurt her foot, and today God let me witness that she's really being healed! Woohoo!

When I got back to my room I received a facebook msg from Brian:
God used your prayer to strengthen me! I felt some cold symptoms: headache, drippy nose, and my eyes are sore/itchy from not sleeping much. And my mouth has some canker sores. After taking long naps and eating more, I feel better. My eyes are not as itchy and my headache is much less, and canker sores hurt less. Appreciate your prayers bro!

Then Casey stopped by and gave me, Sal, and Micheal each a little bag of Christmas cereal and a Christmas card. Casey actually got me a new backpack! You rock, man! I'm so blessed. Then I walked him out and told him a bit about what happened tonight and he was encouraged! He also shared with me that last night he was reading the book Onething by Dwanye Roberts (which I lent him over the Christmas break) He said he learned a lot about how to be like children after reading just Chapter 1! He went to worship on this mountain where a bright cross stands. He said that he could see the entire San Diego county and it was super amazing.

All in all, today was yet another fruitful day.
God tasted like a food that tastes even stronger after swallowing it--all the people I prayed for today appeared in my previous entries!



December 13, 2007 10:35 AM Sarah Wang

i cannot express how excited, joyful, and amazed at how God uses you John. WOW!!! I was almost screaming in excitement when I was reading this line "I think I'm meant to become a Christian, man." that Jeff said. GO JOHNNY! LEAD HIM TO CHRIST! XD

and yay you got a new backpack!! your old one is not even a whole backpack anymore... lol. God provides eh?

Awaits your Godly journal tmr! >.<


December 13, 2007 2:26 PM jasypants

>_> what are you talking about? singing in the showers? did i say something for you to say that? x_x i don't remember. haha anyways! i do sometimes ^_^

& YAYYYYY. GO GOD!!! go johnny! ^_^ heeeeeeeee! :]

hahaha new backpack. nice. what color? haha

December 13, 2007 9:52 PM Stephineeee

johnny, you're blog always inspires me to go "out there." awesome awesome awesome stuff!!!

GO JOHNniey! w00t!

December 14, 2007 12:56 AM Anonymous

i like grapes

December 14, 2007 12:59 AM Anonymous

awesome. amazing things God's doing among you'all.

so powerful. let's continue to DESIRE & THRIST after HIM!


December 14, 2007 1:37 AM johnny

to the anonymous:
you must like to poo.

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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