Just thought a little bit of Christmas spirit would brighten up this blog. I'm still looking for 20 more minutes of Christmas music for tomorrow night's dance party!!!
Woah. Thank You God that I found my laptop right where I left it in the library!
Yeah, I was just about to go to bed before I realized that I actually forgot my laptop at the library?! Yeah I'm a little slow since I've been studying for tomorrow's final since 6. Anyhow, praise Him that I found it =) Or you wouldn't be reading this post!
Anyhow, today Brian stopped by and gave me a bag of boost-up: a banana, granola bar, apple juice, some goldfish and japanese peach candy. Thanks bunch Brian. Then he prayed for my health and just God favor over me when I take the tests. Man he's a great prayer comrade. Anyhow I also prayed for him and his fast recovery, for God has been healing him since yesterday. All the good stuff. Brian's been struggling whether he should go to Onething because the plane is extremely expensive. I prayed that God would provide his children when they're in need. I told him that Onething was a turning point for me last Christmas, and I just prayed for him that even if he cannot go this Christmas, he will still have many chances to go to IHOP.
I called Mr. Tierney, Mr. Corrigan, and Sheila back at NMH to make sure that I've a place to stay and a seat on the bus! Praise that God that I actually will be dropped off at Hartford after Vespers so that I don't have to worry about a ride! Thank You m'Jesus, You provide!
Then I started to do some Econ and CAT reviews until 6ish when Casey called to ask me whether I wanted to go study w/ him at Geisel library, so we met up. I actually saw Brian there on 6th floor! Crazy eh! At around 9 we went to Oceanview Terrance Cafe for Casey didn't have dinner. I kept on studying and making notes for tomorrow's test as he was finishing this huge burrito. After a while I was like....hmmm I would like some smoothie, so I asked him to get me a strawberry smoothie. He came back with a really peach-colored smoothie. All I could taste was the "MEMORY BOOST" that was added into it. No strawberries. Not even peach....It was quite disappointing but funny. Anyhow, as we were heading to the shuttle stop we went into this lounge where there was a piano. So we were just chatting and I practiced God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Winter Wonderland/White Christmas on it. We shared with each other about music and how Casey's mom plays piano too! Afterward as we were waiting for the shuttle he started to share with me what's been going on in his family--quite a drama. Anyhow, I'm going into detail but basically his parents got divorced when he was 5 and he was raised by his mom here in Anza, CA. Over the summer he was over in Colorado with his dad and he's going over again via Greyhound on Monday. Anyhow he shared with me a lot about how he used to feel guilty about his family situation, but he's now relieved from that burden since that's really not his burden. So I started to suggest him to dream big for his family-his mom, his dad, and his relationship with both of them-because God's going to use him as a blessing to the rest of his family. So he prayed for me and I prayed for him. God you're just so amazing right there in the cold(YET AGAIN><...). God, You seem to let me pray for people in the cold every time! You're crazy!! As I was on my way back to Revelle, Michael from Bread of Life San Diego called because he does not know my number(for I sent him a Happy Thanksgiving text msg before). We chatted a bit and he told me that he's going to Onething with some people in BOLSD! And he longs for a breakthrough and a change. He's expecting something new at Onething. So I prayed for him over the phone and I believe that God's going to blow his mind with this year's Onething conference. I'm still praying for Casey because he wants to go to Onething but there are many obstacles before him. I pray that his dad and grandma would let him go, and he would receive so much. If he happens not to go, I still pray that this Christmas break would be a time for him to build an intimate relationship with Jesus. Amen. So, that's that. And after the talk with Micheal I went to the library to print out stuff, and then I left my laptop there....and you know the story. Praise the Lord indeed for all He's done today!
Thanks Jesus. I right now ask Your presence to be at Temple City Live Oak Community Center, and everyone who goes in there would be filled by Your Holy Spirit!
You're a good God!
Amen! Let the people be filled with Your presence and yummy food! :D
Christmas count down! 11 more days...
*hope dad comes*