Another Plague Stopper

Monday, April 28, 2008
By johnny
Yes. Phinehas -- he's the grandson of Aaron, the crazy plague stopper in Numbers 16. And the anointing of priesthood is right there so clearly on this young man (I think he's young), it came so naturally upon Phinehas that he does not even need to have a face-to-face talk with the Lord like Moses and Aaron did. Moreover, 24,000 died -- comparing to Moses and Aaron's 14,700 in ch 16! I feel like this anointing is so rooted within him that he KNEW right away what to do in order to stop the plague. I just feel like this is something profound in the context of what I've been writing for the past couple days -- mantles passing down throughout the generation since Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I want to be like Phinehas -- understood his authority and the given mantle, and just utilize his anointing right away! Three things Jack shard about Phinehas. 1) He sees. 2) He rises. 3) He acts. He didn't need to go have a cup of tea with the Lord to discuss whether he should do the same thing that his grandpa Aaron did -- standing in the gap between the living and the dead with incensed censer along with fire from the altar. I like how the mantle magnified over the generation because it's well utilized.

The movie Amazing Grace totally opened my eyes to the history of slavery, especially in England. Now I've heard of William Wilberforce, William Pitt, and John Newton (the writer of the hymn Amazing Grace). Wilberforce is a radical man who dedicated all his life to see the ending of slave trade come to pass. And surely he did after fighting for more than 40 years. I strongly suggest you to watch this movie that speaks about faith, hope, justice, and compassion. If God can use one person to shift the entire world's law on slave trade, why not the law of abortion? what about sex trafficking? how about child workers? If you have something burning inside and you want to change the world, go do it. God's running with you.

Eric and I were talking about dreams for a while, and I still don't quite get what the dreams I had a month ago really means. I hope I can get some interpretation when I head back to SD. Speach, I'm coming!!

Btw, Johnny's Book of Blab just came out. Blahh...


ps. Priests are cool. Levites rock!


April 28, 2008 11:58 AM Sarah Wang

First thing first. Lord, remove our spiritual blindness. Open our eyes and let us see!! We don't want to be killed by our ignorance. I don't want to see family and friends be killed by their blindness. Open up our eyes God!!!


April 28, 2008 4:58 PM jasypants

umm.. johnny's book of blabs? lol

April 28, 2008 8:34 PM Alice in Wonderland


I want to know God's mantle in my life!

Jesus open my eyes


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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