What's Your Calling?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
By johnny
I had a good time with Speach up on that ugly head of the serpent. We prayed and shared a bit of what happened during this past 2 weeks. It was pretty awesome. I was kinda sad not seeing the rest of the gang, but I saw them tonight at YOPP.

This morning I was just telling Speach that the moment I came back I felt the burden of this school upon me and I once again have entered, actually RETURNED, to the battlefield. And tonight I teared up a couple times because Eddie started to ask each one of us about our callings and how he can give each of us a push to another level of our life-time callings because Eddie knows that his calling is to end humanism and crush the snake's head. However, not every one's called to do the same thing that Eddie's doing. I started to feel like...oh man..what on earth is going on here...I don't REALLY know what my calling is, or do I?

So Grace had a dream: She got a new cell phone. Then she was at a swimming pool, and she put her cell phone on top of her towels. And she dived into the pool and had lots of fun. However, when she got out from the pool, she found out that her cell phone's missing. Furthermore she realized that someone has took Grace's SIM card out and replace it with his own.

Are we all diving into this huge movement--whether it's worship, cell group, art, Impact, Love Tent, YOPP, JHOP, IHOP, Bethel, Harvest Rock, 24/7 Prayer Room--and leaving our callings on the side? We NEED to make sure that we've got that phone secured; we cannot just ignore our intimate communication with the Lord and dive into someone else's vision.

Jack's been asking the core peeps the same question since June: "What is your calling?" Because his dream is not to have everyone staying at Impact unless he/she is CALLED TO. He wants to see everyone eventually grow in maturity and stand firm on his very own calling--his own ministry. And we need to make sure that we are standing firm in what we're called to do so that when we dive into a movement, we do not leave our cell phones behind. And I do not want my calling to be taken away! Even more I want to have a heart that desire more--even to take someone else's talents away because they do not want them! That's how much desire I want the Lord to grant me! How about you? I'm still in the process of searching for the entire picture because I know that I'm created for a specific purpose and I have a unique calling. I wrote a little bit about the desire for anointing on Feb 22:

And I urge all of you on campus to have a heart that longs for blessings and anointing to a point that you even want to "steal" other people's anointing. This happened to Esau, whose blessings were completely stolen by his brother Jacob(later Israel) because Jacob CONTENDED for the 1)Birthright and 2)Generation blessing. I wrote about this here a couple days ago.

Jack's called to see young people
in San Gabriel Valley encounter Jesus, be equipped, and eventually be sent out(to have their ministries and follow their callings). And he is going after his calling, standing firm on it. He fully supports what we are doing at Impact: having campus revival meetings, pro-life sieges, city invasion--these are all different ministries he's supporting fully; nevertheless, he does not forget his very own calling. And what we are doing right now is to assisting him in his calling and vision as a church. I'm not saying that once we receive our callings that we need to abandon the assistance. I'm expressing how important it is to find our own callings and maximize our callings and assisting others with their callings with your ministry, stand side by side.

God right now I pray over those who are searching for their callings. Would You reveal Your unique plan to each one of us because we believe that we all have a life-time calling from You for preparing Your second coming. Tell us to which part of the body we belong. Teach us how to utilize our calling for Your kingdom. We do not want to just blindly follow someone else's vision, but we want clear confirmations about Your plan for us for the next 50, 60, or 70 years. Give us a 30 second summary of our callings. I'll do whatever it takes to get that new cell phone and keep it with me at all times. And unite our hearts and let us work side-by-side as different pieces of Your final picture!

In respond to Eric's question during campus revivalist meeting 2 weekend ago: Should we get involved in the fellowships on campus?
I remember that my answer to that question was pretty vague...something about how we all should totally get connected with all fellowships and build relationships....something like that. I think now I can provide a better answer, maybe not the best: You gotta find out what you're called for first, and then stand firm on that and pursue that calling--don't ignore that. However, if you are still finding your calling, go after what's on your heart because maybe(just maybe) one of the things on your heart is something the Lord's calling you to do! If you found out this is not the right thing for you, then it's cool, you pray about it and switch to a different direction. How much desire you have determines your desperation for more. You've heard that for a million times, but many times we do fall short and become weak and have no desire to search because of the multiple failures. Persistence is also a big part of wanting something. Trial and Error is a way, but I'd say go with PRAYER first. You might be surprised what God would show you through your consistent prayer for your calling!

That's about it. I'm still going after my greatest passion--music. I desire to become a prophetic worshiper, but I'm still not 100% positive about my calling. I feel like we are(as body of Christ) entering into a new season--and it's spring time and the 2nd quarter of 2008. New showers of blessing and soon will come the fruit(maybe in the 3rd quarter?). I'm excited!

...I will cause showers to come down in their season;
there shall be showers of blessing.
-Ezekiel 34:26-

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
-Psalm 37:4-


ps. I realized that today was my Lunar Calendar birthday! My dad called me and left me a voicemail with my grandparents too! They are so awesome.

pps. Woah I can't believe I have 35 entries in March, which has 31 days! I love to blog! 3 more quarters to go, that is about 273 more entries until 12/31!


April 02, 2008 2:18 AM Anonymous

thanks for emphasizing on my calling. first follow someone's vision, then receive your calling, lastly cast your vision.


April 02, 2008 6:00 PM jasypants

nice entry. thanks for expanding your answer for eric's question. i was wondering that a little bit after he asked it too. hm.

this is your book of acts. of course they'll be a lot of entries. haha. keep it up. i like reading them. encourage us. for i see that we all lack that spice in our lives.

i'm still working on that. it's not 100% clear yet.

April 02, 2008 11:57 PM Anonymous

We need to pray for our family members!

Daddy called and told me that mommy's not feeling well these days. Grandma needs to get a checkup also. Remember to contend for our family's safety & health in the spirit.

I love you, bro.

April 03, 2008 12:05 AM Cheezy

Uh..Happy Chinese Birthday? I don't know. I don't even know when mine is. Meh. Your blog on 'calling'. Very thought provoking. I'm going to have to thank you for it with a smack. HA! I don't think I can sleep tonight now. LOL. jk. Thanks for that entry. Keep up the blogging.

April 03, 2008 12:50 AM Eric

being able to link to your own blog is very sophisticated. haha

call back. a calling is waiting for you to call back.
iono whats happening but tonight i've been filled with short phrases. sucks but ahhhhhhhhh

my head is killing me. doesn't hurt. but mind...is i guess i'll make a post instead of using ur comment section as a blog....


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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