I found this discussion board in facebook under Expelled group. If you don't know what Expelled is, go click on the picture right there or the links under Mighty Sites. Watch the trailer at least.
Let me retype what this guy, "Preston Maness" typed.:
There IS absolutely no evidence for ID(Intelligent Design), because it's entire premise lies within the realm of the supernatural.
When I read it, I was like.....WWWWWWHHHHATTTT! That guy has NO IDEA what he's saying, but he said it all! I showed it to Eric and Joy, and we were amazed. Indeed, if God's mind is as small as ours(and if we averagely use only 4% of our brain over a lifetime), then I'd deny the existence of a Deity, or Jesus Christ.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower
and bread for the eater..."
-Isaiah 55:8~10-
From Exodus to Hebrews, the word "miracle" appears 42 times. I would say God is a consistent God, because throughout the 2~3,000 year from Moses to Paul, miracles only increased, and there's no sign of lessening. In this new season, I'm expecting more signs, wonders and miracles in my daily walk with the Lord. Whether is to lead someone to Christ or to heal the sick, I want to prepare my heart for the coming favors and blessings. God I don't think I can ever figure You out! You are so tangible yet You have so much yet to be discovered by us! I want to know You from the inside out just like You know me from the inside out. Let's be good buddies.
***************Topic Change......
For real, I don't know what God was saying today during worship. Nevertheless I felt the presence of the Lord throughout the time. Just now I was reading Mark's facebook message to us for today over and over again. And I kept on asking the Lord, "What is it that I could have done better to let You take control?" I felt like the worship could have gone even deeper, but the next thing I knew, it was 2:45pm already and we had to wrap it up! Sarah felt the same way too, and I bet RJ felt the same way too. I'm not saying today's worship was not good, I'm just saying that it wasn't satisfying. Is it because we've raised our bar way too high and tried to run while we're still learning how to walk? I really don't know. Or maybe I was just like Peter, being arrogant in leading worship. Lord I come before You and ask Your blood to cover me and wash me over if there's anything I've done today that totally missed Your mark. I really wanted You, and that's it. Thank You Jesus for visiting us and serving us at all times. Thank You Jesus. You are so sweet.
Here's Mark's message:
Dear Impact family
How about a few thoughts for tomorrow’s gathering?
First, I am very pleased and proud of your heightened awareness of Jesus’ love, presence and activity in your lives. Your hunger for more and experiences in the super-natural realm are all very exciting and stimulating. I truly believe heaven loves to watch us explore in the realm for which we were created – the spiritual realm.
Your reports of feathers, gem stones, healings and increased faith are truly amazing and inspiring to Debbie and me.
Let’s review how we got there: We simplified down to a “childlike” level of loving on Jesus. He is so beautiful and wonderful and loves to interact with us in times of intimacy. We worshiped “out of the box” and into simple heart devotion. We GENTLY told Him how much we loved Him. We lingered until our hearts could settle down and begin to respond to Him.
For some, we stepped into our giftings of prophetic: singing seeing, speaking out what God was giving us. This not only exercised our giftings but caused “fresh inspiration” to arise. That’s how it works – fresh water enters into the well that gives away.
So for tomorrow, you’ll have to find your own way of doing it – but stay simple and childlike, make it all about Jesus, tell what He’s done and give Him LOTS of thanks and true worship and adoration.
He will visit again!
We are SO VERY proud of you and love to hear of your enthusiasm and testimonies. Keep ‘em coming.
Lotsa love to all
Mark and Debbie
**Hey, throw in some comments. Cuz I really don't know. I want to hear and know how y'all think about today's worship. Please be specific if you can and not just type "it was good!" Share with me pictures, visions, or words that you received today during worship, if there's any. Or share with me how You didn't feel His presence today! I don't want this blog to be just about me, cuz that's not what book of acts is about. It's about the acts of the DISCIPLES: you and I. If you don't usually leave message, please consider to leave one here. I'd really appreciate it!
God is good at all times! Let us set our eyes upon Him because we have totally ravished His heart. Be a child of God.
ps. book of psalms is updated!
this post really keep people who don't have facebook posted on whats going on. haha
i still get all excited when i think about what that guy wrote. speaking words that contain so much power.
more supernatural. lets all go watch expelled sunday after church!