Blaze + JHOP SD

Thursday, April 10, 2008
By johnny

So I called Blaze(actually his name is spelled Blaise) at 5pm and he said that the pain has been lessened but his ankle still sores a bit. So I offered him another prayer over the phone. He still felt the same after the prayer but I told him what happened to Chad, the guy whom I prayed for yesterday:

He left me a message telling me that he really appreciated my prayer and how he still needs a cast for his broken ankle because he's getting nailed up on his ankle in a couple days. "But there is no pain at all after you prayed for me!" He said. God's nature is to love, and healing is definitely part of His unconditional love!

Lord I pray over Blaise's right ankle that You would heal him speedily that he would be healed in even just a week and he doesn't need to put on the brace for 6 more weeks! Pour down Your love upon Blaise!

For the first time I was at JHOP San Diego! It was a house with a crazy garden: goats, chicken, fruits, veggies, coyotes, hens, and dogs! It's nothing like a HOP that I would ever imagine: it's awesome! I want to be a gardener! Anyhow, Eddie, Gordon, Maritha, Jon, Grace, and I had a great meeting/talk about YOPP and Day & Night Prayer. Our hearts are all burning for a prayer furnace to birth out in San Diego. We had a 3 hour talk! It was really awesome and the Lord was really there to help us in our exchanges of visions and ideas and opinoins and comments and LOVE. Thank You Jesus. After all You're all we need.

Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord;
no deeds can compare with Yours.
-Psalm 86:8-


ps. I'm listening to this past Sunday's worship. I'm still in awe of what the Holy Spirit did! I'll put this online for y'all to download! Over an hour of worshiping in spirit and in truth. I love spontaneous worship.


April 10, 2008 12:35 PM jasypants

oh wow. you did a video for this healing. xD niice. ahhhh. crazy. aw man i need to start something too. start something going. oh man. i love Jesus sooo much. He's awesome! LOOK AT WHAT HE'S DOING!! XD

That's love.

April 10, 2008 10:43 PM Cheezy

Whoa. Gardener Aye? I've got some weeding that needs to be done in my garden. Interested? LOL!

April 11, 2008 8:55 AM Sarah Wang

I can't spot giggling and laughing while watching your clip!!!!
(Don't worry it's not because of your face. xD)

I got another feather this morning. :)



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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