1. Auntie

    Sunday, August 31, 2008
    By johnny

    Finally I went to see my deceased aunt's cremains @ ChinBaoSan. Today's my uncle and my aunt's 17th wedding anniversary. I bet he feels really lonely inside since her passing away. Lord, I still believe for a divine encounter from You to my entire family. I believe that You are watching over my family as we draw our hearts closer to each other and cherish our lives even more.

    Thank You Jesus that I'm not afraid of death.

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  2. Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious

    Saturday, August 30, 2008
    By johnny

    Life is short. Eat some Di Ka Mi Sua (pig foot noodle) before you die! No Taiwanese food can compare to my grandma's super-duper delicious meal. If you are from Taiwan, you KNOW exactly what I mean by delicious! However, if you are NOT from Taiwan, Jesus loves you too =)

    Also today I went to a wonderful concert @ Taipei City Council. It's held by CBMC (Christian Businessmen's Connection) & a local church in Taipei. It was a night of music and testimonies. All the musicians are the top of the top in their fields of music -- some have gone to Belgium, France, and Boston to study music! All of them are professional musicians and they are also Christians! This band is called the Grace Combo -- besides vocals and piano, there is a saxophone quartet and a jazz band (sax, drum & percussion, guitar, bass, piano).

    Guess what? The band was formed just less than 50 days ago! Isn't God good? I really enjoyed the music they have presented - a couple worship music, but mostly classical & jazz pieces. In the end, everybody joined the musicians in singing "Power of Your Love". The concert was really blessed and I believe the band will be stonger and better day after day!!

    I also brought my good friend from elementary/middle school, Wayne, to the concert. He really enjoyed it and I hope that I can share with him more about this God who loves him and longs for a relationship with him! Jesus, thank You for Wayne. I believe that he will encounter You and believe in You. Stir his heart up, Lord!!


    ps. Praise the Lord for Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, who is running for vice-president with McCain. She is a very strong Christian; moreover, her youngest child has down syndrome.

    Check this out in Wikipedia:

    Palin is pro-life, a prominent member of Feminists for Life, and supports the death penalty. In 2002, while running for lieutenant governor, Palin called herself as "pro-life as any candidate can be." Palin has said she has good friends who are gay, opposes same-sex marriage, but complied with an Alaskan state Supreme Court order and signed an implementation of same-sex benefits into law, stating that legal options to avoid doing so had run out. She supported a non-binding referendum for a constitutional amendment to deny benefits to homosexual couples. Alaska was one of the first U.S. states to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage, in 1998, along with Hawaii. Palin has stated that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment. According to The Anchorage Daily News, she has supported allowing the teaching of the debate between creationism and evolution in public schools, if students bring it up, and not necessarily as part of the curriculum. Although she tried it when she was younger, she does not support legalizing marijuana, concerned about the message it would send to her children.
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  3. All Kinds of Strange Stuff

    Friday, August 29, 2008
    By johnny

    Yeah.... using those facial masks & use the toilet cleaner to scratch those itchy parts are just some of the strange yet fun things under the roof. I was laughing so hard when I saw my dad scratching his back with that because he couldn't stand the itch and couldn't find the wooden scratcher!

    Learning new things every day!
    Jesus, isn't that simply funny?

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    Thursday, August 28, 2008
    By johnny

    Never have I enjoyed a music concert as much as I did tonight @ the National Concert Hall @ CKS Memorial Hall. This jazz concert really stirred up some jazz element inside of me. And watching Hiromi play is so enjoyable because she really puts her whole heart in her playing! This is Hiromi's second time to Taiwan. Her first time was 17 years ago when she was 12 and she performed. It was when she saw all the smile of the audience and the standing ovation she received that she decided to become a professional pianist! Thanks Taiwan!

    I really miss jazz music, I have to say.
    There's a really different vibe....don't know how to say it..... you know...

    Annie, I didn't get to say hi to her; however, I wrote her a card and gave her a flower. How's THAT? =)

    I went to the concert with Alwyn and he took me to this AMAZING Mediterranean restaurant!! PITAS PITAS PITAS!!!! I gotta take my parents there before I leave for the States!

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  5. Award & Beyond

    Wednesday, August 27, 2008
    By johnny

    I photoshop'd my name on it since there's no name on that plate just yet lol...

    First of all, I just want to give all the praise to the Lord!

    I received the highest award for achievement today at the end of the last Carnegie Training courses. This is the highest award of all -- everyone voted, and this time, even the teacher voted. I was really overwhelmed at that moment and I couldn't even say a word besides THANK YOU.

    I think that's how I should feel when I receive the greatest reward of heaven - Jesus, right? I just want to express how honored I am and how I've gained more confidence and faith in myself.

    Freely receive, freely give.


    Had a great talk with Dad about life. Being in this business field for well over 30 years, he is still working so hard to earn those "blood sweat money". They have told me all about their troubles and burdens, and I was really shocked but at the same time, grateful. I can't ask the Lord for parents as amazing as Michael & Alice Wang. Lord, I want to see Your will be done in my family and I also want to love them more with my action. Lord I believe You are blessing my family's finance as the store is bumping into walls and not being able to breakthrough.

    I want to be a great son of God and of the Wang family.
    I want to be able to share the burden of my family.
    Through you, impossible is nothing.
    Teach me how to love You, Jesus.

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  6. Ed & Johan & Joe & Eden & Andrea & Ann

    Tuesday, August 26, 2008
    By johnny
    Having Hongkonese food in Taipei with Johan & Ed and Ed's older brother Joe (not shown).
    I really like this shoe store's atmosphere and the design!
    Had a great time sharing Jesus with Andrea, Ann, and Eden.

    Ed's buddy Johan took us to his shoe store, after we had dinner, and share with all of the people working there. During dinner Johan shared with me his Holy Spirit encounter this past Sunday at Green Bay with Jaeson Ma & Pastor Philip Mantofa! Ed invited him to go to this one-day event for artists, and he fell back when Pastor Philip prayed for him, and when he got up, he started to throw up some stuff -- not physically but spiritually. He felt some spirits left him out of his mouth! And he's really changed by the Lord. Yesterday Ed had a Bible study with Johan and Johan's friend (who said to Johan that his face has changed! And he's not a believer yet!). And today I got to meet him and go to his shoe store on Dun Hua South Rd. and to share more about Jesus with Eden, Andrea, and Ann.

    They really felt the change inside of Johan, and Ed and I started to share with them the love of Christ, and they were really receptive! We got to pray for all three of them! Eden (what a NAME!), the store manager, has been under some stress due to the workload at the store. I really admire his persevering spirit -- he's only been to the store for less than a year yet he is now the manager! "就從甚麼都不會就一直學到現在啦..." That's what he said to me! So we prayed that the Lord would bless him and his position at work.

    Then we got to share more with Andrea who's afraid of "ghosts". After sharing with her about the Lord she was really open for prayers. We then pray for her family, especially for her grandparents who are not well because of aging, and also pray for her life here in Taipei (she came to Taipei all the way from Kaohsiung ALONE 4 years ago!) to prosper and full of blessings.

    We shared the most with Ann. Johan, before our dinner meeting, was sharing his encounter with Ann and she told him that she believes in every god. So then Ed and I shared with her about the Lord's love and hope. She told us that she wants to go back to school and study more about fashion design, so during the prayer, we asked the Lord to bless her study and her dream to become a fashion designer!

    There's probably something about the name Ann in the Bible. There's this prophetess named Anna who would fast and pray and worship in Luke chapter 2. I'll share more about that with Belle's dream.

    Before we reached the shoe store, we encountered 3 people who were walking with two crutches! All three kindly rejected our prayers, but I bet their hearts were stirred up by God and the Lord will encounter them!!!! Thank You Jesus!

    I shared with Ed testimonies from Las Vegas and he got so pumped up! And also I shared with him about Belle's dream and he was also stunned at what God's doing all around the world! Thank You Lord for this amazing brother!

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  7. 5 AM

    Monday, August 25, 2008
    By johnny
    Wish me luck.
    Whoever reads this post please pray for me at this moment.

    I gotta wake up @ 5AM tomorrow morning to attend a 6AM Men's Group Meeting @ Oasis Bread of Life. Pastor Jeff asked me to share, and I accepted this challenge!

    I guess it's time for me to go to bed right now!!

    Lord, thank You for this opportunity for me to share with these amazing men of God tomorrow morning @ 6am (a-hem).

    Awake! Awake! O sleepers!!

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  8. Homecoming Party

    Sunday, August 24, 2008
    By johnny

    Heaven's got the party rolling on the night of August 23, 2008 at around 7:50pm. It's a homecoming party just for Belle, who accepted Jesus as her personal Savior.

    Her family is also in the same business as my parents -- opticianry and optometry. She came up to Taipei this past Thurs - Sat for some lessons on eyes. Praise God that her lessons ends before ONETHING so I got to drag her along and share with her about Jesus.

    The Lord has been sending people (she describes them as her angels!) around her lately to share with her the Gospel. She sees a huge change in one of her very close friends, Hua-Yi, after he started to follow Jesus. He shared a lot with her and also prayed with her; however, Belle has never prayed the sinner's prayer to accept Jesus as her personal Saviour.

    During ONETHING this past Thursday night, she felt the Holy Spirit and tears were flowing down her face and along came goosebumps-feelings. That night I told her that she will encounter God in her dream as long as she desires it.

    And her dream that night is one of the most amazing dreams that I've ever heard. She has never had an encounter with the Lord so vividly and tangibly! I was so overwhelmed by what the Lord has done in her and how much the Lord loves her and desires her to love Him back! I did some interpretation to the dream, and I believe that the Lord was telling her that He desires a relationship that goes beyond understanding and reason -- a relationship so real and warm and nothing like any relationship in this world. She felt peace and warmth and loved ever since ONETHING.

    And she certainly responded to His call!
    Heaven was rockin' right above the High Speed Rail station.
    Thank You Jesus, I love You.

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  9. Fire In My Bones

    Friday, August 22, 2008
    By johnny
    I just heard the most amazing dream in my life.

    And right now even though the AC is on, there's this unstoppable heat inside of me while the outer layer is nice and cold!

    I'll be posting the dream on my blog in the coming days. The Lord is doing amazing things and He uses this person's dream to tell me one thing: He is alive.

    He. is. alive.
    He hears my every cry and pain.
    He knows me by my name.
    He rejoices over me and walks with me.
    He is alive.

    Thank You Jesus for tonight. I will not forget this night.
    You once again reignited the fire inside of me.

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  10. United We Stand

    Watching it again right now.
    And it's hitting me again even harder since the first time I watched the DVD back in April 2006. I still remember. It was April 10, 2006. I was with the Wood family - Rick, Marianne, and Sam. We celebrated our (Sam and my) birthday on that night. And I gave Sam this as a birthday gift. We started to watch it, and God's presence started to flow in that room. I remember clearly that I teared up.

    Right now, August 23, 2008.
    Tears just flow down from my eyes. The Lord's presence is so strong in this little room that I know so certainly that angels are in this room. And I kept on getting electric shocks and goosebumps. God loves it when His people sing His praises. He really does =)

    Fire fall down on Taiwan I pray!

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  11. What's The View Out There?

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008
    By johnny
    Allow me at least try to be a little sentimental here.

    The head, the tail
    That's all I see
    Covered up is the middle
    It's like solving a math problem
    Using a calculator


    ps. very excited to go to ONETHING Taiwan tomorrow!
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  12. Glasses & McDonald's (again!)

    Tuesday, August 19, 2008
    By johnny

    There you have it. Pastor Jeff @ VisualTech. He's been craving for browline or horn-rim (RayBan style) frames for a while now, and he got this black rimmed frame with multi-focal lenses. Heather, his wife, says that he looks like her father! XD

    Anyhow, I got to hang out with another brother ALWYN SWANEPOEL (I love that name!) from Oasis Bread of Life! We went to Starbucks, and some traditional Taiwanese food, McDonald's (yet again!), and shopping for some shoes & shirts. He shared with me his journey to Taiwan and how he became a born again Christian here in Taiwan! I love his heart! He actually applied for Bethel's school of supernatural! His heart is burdened for Taiwan and his desire is to see the power of God to be shown and known on the streets!

    Guess what, just two months ago that Alston got to Oasis, and a month ago Ed also got to Oasis! Alwyn has been at Oasis for the past two years praying for the Lord to send people with the same vision to him! And guess what? Alston & Ed are the answers for Alwyn's prayers! I was in awe at what the Lord was doing during the past one month -- they started a Bethel group that watches the DVD from the school of supernatural since two weekends ago! I thought they have known one another for a while, but actually they've only known each other for a month or so! That's the Lord working and gathering people together! And I just feel like my visiting to Oasis two days ago was right on time because if I were to visit there right when I got to Taiwan, I would've only met Alwyn!

    Anyhow, we chatted so much about life and music (he's amazing at classical piano!) so he is going to HIROMI UEHARA's Jazz concert with me next Thursday (Annie...I wish you were here!!!)! I'm so thankful that I've had a chance to hang out with these three guys from Oasis TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!

    My heart was stirred when I received a call from Pastor Jeff later tonight telling me that Ed went to 榮總 (Taipei Veterans General Hospital) today and talk to many patients and pray for people! That 2.5 hour meeting @ McCafe is affecting the spiritual atmosphere! Lord, I pray that You would not let the fire to cease within Ed! Make him a kingdom carrier!

    I just want to thank You, Jesus.
    I love You.

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  13. Thai Restaurant & McDonald's

    Monday, August 18, 2008
    By johnny
    From Left to Right: Ed, Alston, and myself
    The Chinese pop artist Stanley Huang is Ed's cousin, and Alston is over 30 years old already (can you even tell?)!

    ***Special Prayer Request for Todd & Shonnah Bentley

    PART 1 - Worship @ Thai Restaurant

    I was just going to get my mama some food at around 7pm, and it turned out to be a little worship time for me! So there's a piano at that little restaurant right and I was just checking it out. The owner of the restaurant asked me to play some stuff, so I fooled around on the keys for like a minute or two.

    "So you are in a band?" he asked.
    "Yeah I'm in a band at my church."
    "Oh you go to church! You're a Christian!"

    I was overjoyed too! Found out that he attends our grandmother church -- Taipei Bread of Life! Isn't that amazing? So he picked up an acoustic guitar and we started to jam on some praise songs such as "There Is None Like You"! It was a great 15 minutes of jamming and worshiping with Mr. Tim Duan! He is a Taiwanese who lived in Burma and came to Taiwan 17 years ago, and one of the reasons that he started this restaurant is that he wants praise music to be played live when people are enjoying their meals! Lord I just pray You would use this restaurant to share Your love to those who come in for food; moreover, those who are hungry not only can get real food but also spiritual food too!

    Here's his own WRETCH page full of his own praise songs! He's really awesome!!! Praise the Lord!

    PART 2 - 2.5 hrs @ McDonald's
    First of, I found out, over facebook, that Ed is friend with the Hendricksons (now that's what I called small world)!!! So Ed invited me to a prayer meeting @ an MRT station tonight; however, it was canceled so I hung out with Ed and Alston tonight @ McDonald's instead. I started to share all about Impact and how we got BAAAAMMMM'd by IHOP and JesusCulture in the past two years and how we met the Hendricksons and also some of my testimonies of God's healing miracles, and some LAKELAND awesome stuff!

    After that Ed started to share his testimony -- how he became a really "religious" Christian when he first came back to Taiwan back in 2001 and joined his cousins to form the Rap/Hiphop band called MACHI. And after two years he started to "enjoy" life -- clubbing, drinking, and all that; he fell into the pit of "entertainment industry". However, he was still seeking after God and asking himself this question:

    What does it mean to love God?

    And the Lord gave him the answer while he was riding his motorbike. He started to cry under the power of the Lord! Later on he got connected with TOD & was introduced to Harp & Bowl worship, and through that he was connected with the Hendricksons (told you the world is small)! He went to IHOP for a week and their vision really opened up his mind and spirit. He's back in Taiwan now and will stay here for a while because his fiancee who's in Shanghai just had a tumor removed and needs to come back to Taiwan to have a check-up every two months. Then Ed, two months ago, met Alston & Pastor Jeff @ TOD and started to go to Oasis, and he started a meeting every Saturday to watch the School of Supernatural training DVDs! He's such an amazing man of God who has a strong burden to see Taiwan be transformed into a Christ-centered nation!

    We really had a good time and they asked me to lay hand on them and pray for the anointing of healing to be released to them (I was really humbled by that)! And I also asked them to pray for me. Ed's prayer for me is about my college life, and that's really from the Lord because during the entire conversation I've only talked about my school once, but my heart is for UCSD for sure! And Alston, who is one of many discipled by Pastor David Tai, prayed that I would have more visions from the Lord and to be able to receive words of knowledge and wisdom from above! I believe the Lord was having a good time tonight with us and boosting all of our faith up again and again. We will meet up again @ ONETHING conference (wed ~ fri).

    Taiwan is undergoing a huge battle in the spirit, I believe. Moreover, I also believe that this little island holds the key to unlock a door to something far greater than we can imagine!

    Lord I just thank You once again for Ed & Alston and their hearts broken for Taiwan because of You! I thank You for the connections between us and the conversations tonight @ McDonald's.

    There's a nameless & faceless generation birthing out of Taiwan. Jesus, You make me smile big.

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  14. Oasis Christian Fellowship

    Sunday, August 17, 2008
    By johnny

    Took me an hour to finally arrive at Oasis Bread Of Life.
    One of the few bilingual churches here in Taiwan.
    It is located in Tian-Mu, aka small USA.

    PART 1
    Took the MRT for 14 stops to Zhi-Shan station.
    Did not know that there's a bus that goes straight to the shopping center (Dayeh Takashimaya) where Oasis is located (on the 10th floor), so I started my adventure! Thank the Lord that all three people I asked for direction (I even went into a police station!) were really helpful. Nonetheless, that shopping mall is almost two miles away from the station (I did not know that, of course), so I was looking for any buses that would take me there. I stopped a bus and asked the driver, but what I got was a really mean "NO! #*$&#*%...(door shut....ZOOOM)..." <-- all in Chinese, of course, haha.

    Anyhow, I finally got there (all sweaty and stinky) and was right on time for the Communion (yay for breakfast? =P). Said hi to Jeff Taguchi (the pastor who visited Impact back in June), his wife Heather, and their 19-month-old daughter Emilia. I stood up during the New Friend Welcome period, and everyone was clapping and even shouting when I started to intriduce myself! What was that about?

    PART 2
    Little did I know, Jeff has been telling the entire congregation ALL ABOUT this church called IMPACT HARVEST CHURCH since he got back to Taiwan! After the service, I met all these amazing people from South Africa, Las Vegas, Canada, Brisbane, Irvine, and even ARCADIA! And they've all been to our website and are really impressed by it (you go, Andy!)!

    This guy, Ed (the guy on the right in the picture above), just came back to Taiwan from Irvine, and he's been watching Bill Johnson's DVD about signs and wonders! And I was so amazed by his hunger to see people get healed--he asked me,

    "I see Bill talk about all these stuff but there's no one that can really tell us how to do it on the spot here in Taiwan. Let's hang out and go do some city invasion, ya?"

    I was stunned.

    Since his return in June from OC, he has been searching for a church that flows with the Spirit and is open to the demonstration of the power of God. And now he's found it -- Oasis has been more and more open to talk about going out to be the light of the dark world, and how the vision of the church is not about growing in numbers but to kick people out once they bear fruits! Pastor Jeff and I both think that Impact's vision could be alternated as ENCOUNTER, DISCIPLE, KICK OUT =).

    PART 3
    Had lunch with Jeff, Heather, and Emilia @ Chili's (you can't get more American/Mexican than that!) And I really love hanging out with them! They are those people who make you feel like you're at home. We walked from my family to their family, from Impact to Oasis, and from Jack/Annie to how they met...and so forth. We had a wonderful time talking and exchanging friendship and love and all the God-goodies. There are so many things to share about today's visit to Oasis. I really thank the Lord for "leading" me to Oasis and leading Jeff & Heather to come to Impact back in June!

    Unless you people see miraculous
    signs and wonders,
    you will never believe.
    - Jesus

    Let's go and perform signs that make people wonder.
    That's the real definition of Signs and Wonders, isn't it?


    ps. Did I mention that Ed was in the Taiwanese Rap Band called MACHI back in early 2000's? I want to know his salvation testimony!!!!
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    Saturday, August 16, 2008
    By johnny
    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins
    and the sins of my nation.
    God, end abortion and send revival to America.

    Lord, we've strayed away from You.
    We've broken the wedding covenant.
    But Your mercy and love endures forever so that when we turn from our wicked ways and look to You, You will come and save us once again! SAVE AMERICA!!!!!

    Jesus, use these soldiers for Your Kingdom's sake and fight for Your Truth. Lord, we cry out to You for a restoration between You and Your bride! We want to fight for the injustice in America, and it is through You that we can win this war!

    Amen and amen. A historical day indeed.


    ps. it wasn't until I see Lou's left arm that I remember that I have the same thing on my right wrist: my covenant with the Lord. My LIFE band. Thank You Jesus for the reminder.

    pps. Thanks, Garrett. The Lord just loves to use you to be my angel =) Love you tons broza in Chile!
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  16. Here's the Answer

    Friday, August 15, 2008
    By johnny
    Two nights ago, I posted a picture of a sign.
    Okay....here's the answer:

    That place is a place to get massage!
    I was pretty surprised too.
    It's really interesting how this massage place uses a sign with the face a foreigner and three words: 吳神父 (Father Wu).

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    Thursday, August 14, 2008
    By johnny

    From RIGHT to LEFT: Austin (my good buddy), Niall (bass/acoustic g-tar & vocal), Hannah (Niall's wife), Jesse (lead g-tar & vocal), Julianne (Jesse's wife...and guess what? she's only 22 and she and Jesse are married for 2 years already!), Josh (drummer & Jesse's brother), myself.

    This 3-piece & 11-year band TRANSITION from Bristol, England is for sure on my TOP 10 artist now! Check out more info on this Chinese music website!

    Their style, taste, melodies, and lyrics are really great: not so much the "Maroon 5" style, but closer to a "U2 style" band I suppose. One thing that really stands out to me is that their songs tonight can be songs during worship! I gotta say when I was there filming and taking pictures, I can feel the relaxed and joyful atmosphere at that church. It was something I've never experienced before; it's hard to put my feeling into words. Every song is a worship song, a love song to the Lord.

    ****A special prayer request for Jesse. He got diagnosed with diabetes on August 4th, just two days before the band left for Taiwan! And the doctor taught him how to do all the medication and the shots so that he can be on this tour oversea! Please pray for a supernatural healing miracle from the Lord upon Jesse! In Jesus Name, be healed!

    The Lord is using this band to preach the Gospel to the nations! And they are certainly a blessing to this little island called Taiwan!

    I got Austin, my NMH good buddy, to go with me. And he really enjoyed their music and he was touched by the messages delivered through the lyrics. Lord I pray for Austin's salvation that he will remember TRANSITION's music and the meaning behind the lyrics. Lord would You convict his heart and stir up the desire inside of him to want to know You!

    Jesus, I do not know what to do about 中元節 (the day when most of Taiwanese would cook a lot and put it outside and burn paper money for the "bad ghosts" so that they wouldn't bother them...or something like that) but to pray for the sins of this nation. I know there is still hope for Taiwan! Lord, You never forget Your promises. When You hear Your people's cry, You would come.

    2 Chronicles 7:14
    I think that's what Taiwan should do tomorrow instead of making sacrifices and burning incense to the wrong gods.

    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins
    and the sins of my nation.
    God, end idol worshiping and send revival to


    ps. met a girl who lives in Arcadia and went to AHS. After working hard @ PCC for two years, she got into UCLA this fall. She goes to a church in Temple City too. I forgot the name but it's a branch out of the church Transition played at tonight.
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  18. Guess What This Is About?

    Wednesday, August 13, 2008
    By johnny
    GUESS of the day: what is this sign about?
    For English speakers, the three characters on that sign literally means FATHER (father as in Catholic Father) WU.

    The answer will be posted tomorrow!
    Please don't try to cheat by calling that number on the sign.....thanks.

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  19. Month of the Lord

    Monday, August 11, 2008
    By johnny

    ...whoever humbles himself like this child
    is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
    - Jesus

    TungHai University, one of the many Christ-centered university in Taiwan, has a over 50-year history. It is located in Taichung and its campus is simply beautiful. The Luce Chapel has become the trademark of the school due to its simple and modern design. It is donated by Henry Luce, the founder of TIME Magazine, and named in honor of his father, Rev. Henry Luce, an American missionary in China in the late 1800s.

    Our grandma church, Taipei LLC's young adult's annual camp, attend by thousand of young people, is also held at Tunghai University!

    I think I would attend this university if I were to study in Taiwan! It is a beautiful campus indeed.

    Lord, I know there's still hope for Taiwan. I know this Friday is the big BAI-BAI day when most of the people would put lots of food before the "good brothers" (which means the ghosts from hell) so that nothing weird would happen to them. The month of July, in the Lunar calendar, is called the month of ghosts. I really don't know what to say or what to do besides to pray for my family, my friends, and this little island.

    The seventh month is the month of the Lord!

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    Sunday, August 10, 2008
    By johnny

    Went to Taichung for a day. Got to see some family friends and also Joanna, one of the friends graduated from NMH and now at Indiana University.

    This is the cool part: when we got on the High Speed Rail to go back to Taipei, we saw some American/European people in the same cart. I told my parents that I wanted to go over and say hi to them moreover to know where they come from! Dad told me that they might be musicians since he saw them with some instruments!

    So I went over and introduced myself to these five people from Bristol, England. The band's name is TRANSITION--a three-piece band. They've got a friend who is taking them all over Taiwan for gigs and they played at FORMOSE music festival (Spring Shout) in Kenting back in 2005!

    Here comes the "GOD MOMENT" -- The band is a Christian band! They've been going to churches after churches here in Taiwan to do some worship leading and also performing! I was blown away!! Jesse & Niall & Steve are the core of this band. I also met Julianne & Hanna. TRANSITION has a 11-year history: starting as a worship band. I shared with them about Impact and about Radical Jam, and they are really amazed by Impact and how this church was started by teens and young adults. They also mentioned the LAKELAND REVIVAL (they've been watching it on GOD TV for months!) and I shared with them my trip to Lakeland back in May! Lord I just want to thank You for this divine meeting with these amazing people and warriors in Your Kingdom.

    Through this meeting with them I also got to know Evangeline, who is a part of AGE OF STONE Production -- another major Chinese Contemporary Christian Music production here in Taiwan! I will be attending some of TRANSITION's gigs here in Taipei for sure!

    Jehovah BA BOOM!
    You really did draw us together, didn't You?
    Thank You Jesus that You are there opening doors for me. I can't thank You enough. Thank You for being there for me and making things happen. Without You, there wouldn't be a divine connection between us and You.

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  21. Love Is....

    Saturday, August 9, 2008
    By johnny
    Say hello to my little friend...
    That's my double-trouble cousin Allan & myself wearing the famous Alain Mikli super high-tech sunglasses! It's got a screen on the right lens that pixelizes tha view of that eye. Pretty intense stuff!

    And I thought you'd fall for that! =)

    We're just having those "moments" once in a while, as you can see. My cousin is lots of fun! He sorta likes bloody stuff.....hmm....

    Love is patient...Love is kind to my cousin....


    ps. Bought two shirts for dad as Father's Day present. He looks pretty sharp and tasteful in those button-up shirts. Mmm...I like!
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  22. Beijing 2008!

    Friday, August 8, 2008
    By johnny

    Beijing, TAIWAN is coming!!!!!
    Lord, I pray that all the athletes will do their best and all the competitions are good and fair! No injuries and all people have lots of fun! And of course, let Chinese Taipei win some gold!!

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  23. Aim for the Right Ball

    Thursday, August 7, 2008
    By johnny

    Went to play some pool with my dad & my cousin Kevin. My cousin has been hanging out at these places for a while, and because of that he's been making wrong friends and under some negative influences. He was caught smoking at school once back in June. Anyhow, he's got some skills alright, but I still kicked some butt that day too with my NMH skillz that killz =)

    Is it easier to hit the right ball in the pocket blindfolded?
    He likes to ask me that.
    If I'm party blind, then I gotta be healed.
    Blindly shooting could cause some innocent blood.

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  24. Deaf & Mute

    Wednesday, August 6, 2008
    By johnny
    I shall expand this talk in near future.

    Am I deaf and mute? I have to say I do pretend to be deaf and mute sometimes. There comes a time when I close my ears to the needy and the poor and when I shut my mouth to the broken and lost. My heart, oh yessss, my heart. It cannot be shut down. It aches for the ears and mouth.

    "Hey ears and mouth. I just want you to know that I am still functioning. So don't give up trying!" says the heart.
    "Me too!" echoes the brain.
    "Me three!" says the hands and the feet.
    "Me four!" whispers the little teeny inner man.

    Guess I'm partly blind too...?

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  25. One Little Optical Shop

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008
    By johnny

    I gotta say it's nowhere near easy to run an optical shop.
    Eight people
    Over 3000 frames
    and over 40,000 customer records

    That, my friend, is Visual Tech Optical Co.

    I have repect for these people!

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  26. 130.68

    Monday, August 4, 2008
    By johnny

    ok. ok..... I have to admit I've been eating quite a bit much.

    Never have I reached 130...but I'm still alive!

    So what the heck, just dig in =)

    Ladies and Gents, living in Taiwan is not a good choice cause you can gain at least FIVE pounds in a month! Looking back these 6.5 weeks, I realize that I've still got quite a lot of things to do and food to eat! 4 more weeks to go!

    135? I guess that's not a dream anymore....ugh...

    Nonetheless, my BMI is 21.046 = very healthy!
    I suppose I need to thank all the food I've eaten so far!

    Let's say grace, shall we?

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  27. Modern Meets Historical

    Sunday, August 3, 2008
    By johnny
    This building, built in 1921 by the Japanese, used to be an elementary school. In 1945, it became Taipei City Hall for nearly fifty years. And since 1996, it has become a museum for contemporary arts -- MOCA Taipei.

    I like how the old meets the new -- an uncommon match yet suitable for each other.

    It's like singing Stir Up The Flame at a Baptist Church service in Mississippi.... or not?

    I like those old hymns. Got power in every single word.

    God, You are a historical God.
    You are a modern God (what's up, J-Dawg!).

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  28. Nothing = Impossible = Nothing

    Saturday, August 2, 2008
    By johnny
    With man this is impossible, but with God...

    I really like this tag from ADIDAS. Simple yet to the point.
    Every time I see the ad for Adidas, I can't help but to think about what Jesus said to the disciples about who can enter the Kingdom of God.

    I'd like to see a camel going through the eye of an needle =)

    Nothing is impossible with God.
    Cause impossible is nothing to Him.

    Good word right there.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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