The Chinese pop artist Stanley Huang is Ed's cousin, and Alston is over 30 years old already (can you even tell?)!
***Special Prayer Request for Todd & Shonnah Bentley
PART 1 - Worship @ Thai Restaurant
I was just going to get my mama some food at around 7pm, and it turned out to be a little worship time for me! So there's a piano at that little restaurant right and I was just checking it out. The owner of the restaurant asked me to play some stuff, so I fooled around on the keys for like a minute or two.
"So you are in a band?" he asked.
"Yeah I'm in a band at my church."
"Oh you go to church! You're a Christian!"
I was overjoyed too! Found out that he attends our grandmother church -- Taipei Bread of Life! Isn't that amazing? So he picked up an acoustic guitar and we started to jam on some praise songs such as "There Is None Like You"! It was a great 15 minutes of jamming and worshiping with Mr. Tim Duan! He is a Taiwanese who lived in Burma and came to Taiwan 17 years ago, and one of the reasons that he started this restaurant is that he wants praise music to be played live when people are enjoying their meals! Lord I just pray You would use this restaurant to share Your love to those who come in for food; moreover, those who are hungry not only can get real food but also spiritual food too!
Here's his own WRETCH page full of his own praise songs! He's really awesome!!! Praise the Lord!
PART 2 - 2.5 hrs @ McDonald's
First of, I found out, over facebook, that Ed is friend with the Hendricksons (now that's what I called small world)!!! So Ed invited me to a prayer meeting @ an MRT station tonight; however, it was canceled so I hung out with Ed and Alston tonight @ McDonald's instead. I started to share all about Impact and how we got BAAAAMMMM'd by IHOP and JesusCulture in the past two years and how we met the Hendricksons and also some of my testimonies of God's healing miracles, and some LAKELAND awesome stuff!
After that Ed started to share his testimony -- how he became a really "religious" Christian when he first came back to Taiwan back in 2001 and joined his cousins to form the Rap/Hiphop band called MACHI. And after two years he started to "enjoy" life -- clubbing, drinking, and all that; he fell into the pit of "entertainment industry". However, he was still seeking after God and asking himself this question:
What does it mean to love God?
And the Lord gave him the answer while he was riding his motorbike. He started to cry under the power of the Lord! Later on he got connected with TOD & was introduced to Harp & Bowl worship, and through that he was connected with the Hendricksons (told you the world is small)! He went to IHOP for a week and their vision really opened up his mind and spirit. He's back in Taiwan now and will stay here for a while because his fiancee who's in Shanghai just had a tumor removed and needs to come back to Taiwan to have a check-up every two months. Then Ed, two months ago, met Alston & Pastor Jeff @ TOD and started to go to Oasis, and he started a meeting every Saturday to watch the School of Supernatural training DVDs! He's such an amazing man of God who has a strong burden to see Taiwan be transformed into a Christ-centered nation!
We really had a good time and they asked me to lay hand on them and pray for the anointing of healing to be released to them (I was really humbled by that)! And I also asked them to pray for me. Ed's prayer for me is about my college life, and that's really from the Lord because during the entire conversation I've only talked about my school once, but my heart is for UCSD for sure! And Alston, who is one of many discipled by Pastor David Tai, prayed that I would have more visions from the Lord and to be able to receive words of knowledge and wisdom from above! I believe the Lord was having a good time tonight with us and boosting all of our faith up again and again. We will meet up again @ ONETHING conference (wed ~ fri).
Taiwan is undergoing a huge battle in the spirit, I believe. Moreover, I also believe that this little island holds the key to unlock a door to something far greater than we can imagine!
Lord I just thank You once again for Ed & Alston and their hearts broken for Taiwan because of You! I thank You for the connections between us and the conversations tonight @ McDonald's.
There's a nameless & faceless generation birthing out of Taiwan. Jesus, You make me smile big.
oh my gosh, that's so cool! and ..haha no i cannot tell. maybe ed and alston can come visit some time in the future ^^ that's so cool. oh wait. i already said that x] anything can happen at any time because God is totally awesome like that! and there is always a chance to share God. i love how that happens in our lives. glad you're having a blast! share some more when you get back, yea? :)