and the sins of my nation.
God, end abortion and send revival to America.
Lord, we've strayed away from You.
We've broken the wedding covenant.
But Your mercy and love endures forever so that when we turn from our wicked ways and look to You, You will come and save us once again! SAVE AMERICA!!!!!
Jesus, use these soldiers for Your Kingdom's sake and fight for Your Truth. Lord, we cry out to You for a restoration between You and Your bride! We want to fight for the injustice in America, and it is through You that we can win this war!
Amen and amen. A historical day indeed.
ps. it wasn't until I see Lou's left arm that I remember that I have the same thing on my right wrist: my covenant with the Lord. My LIFE band. Thank You Jesus for the reminder.
pps. Thanks, Garrett. The Lord just loves to use you to be my angel =) Love you tons broza in Chile!
we were watching theCall live on GodTV today at church. couldn't find Shinny. haha... Water Ranger prayed with theCall today. it was fun. see my blog for more. =D