There you have it. Pastor Jeff @ VisualTech. He's been craving for browline or horn-rim (RayBan style) frames for a while now, and he got this black rimmed frame with multi-focal lenses. Heather, his wife, says that he looks like her father! XD
Anyhow, I got to hang out with another brother ALWYN SWANEPOEL (I love that name!) from Oasis Bread of Life! We went to Starbucks, and some traditional Taiwanese food, McDonald's (yet again!), and shopping for some shoes & shirts. He shared with me his journey to Taiwan and how he became a born again Christian here in Taiwan! I love his heart! He actually applied for Bethel's school of supernatural! His heart is burdened for Taiwan and his desire is to see the power of God to be shown and known on the streets!
Guess what, just two months ago that Alston got to Oasis, and a month ago Ed also got to Oasis! Alwyn has been at Oasis for the past two years praying for the Lord to send people with the same vision to him! And guess what? Alston & Ed are the answers for Alwyn's prayers! I was in awe at what the Lord was doing during the past one month -- they started a Bethel group that watches the DVD from the school of supernatural since two weekends ago! I thought they have known one another for a while, but actually they've only known each other for a month or so! That's the Lord working and gathering people together! And I just feel like my visiting to Oasis two days ago was right on time because if I were to visit there right when I got to Taiwan, I would've only met Alwyn!
Anyhow, we chatted so much about life and music (he's amazing at classical piano!) so he is going to HIROMI UEHARA's Jazz concert with me next Thursday (Annie...I wish you were here!!!)! I'm so thankful that I've had a chance to hang out with these three guys from Oasis TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!
My heart was stirred when I received a call from Pastor Jeff later tonight telling me that Ed went to 榮總 (Taipei Veterans General Hospital) today and talk to many patients and pray for people! That 2.5 hour meeting @ McCafe is affecting the spiritual atmosphere! Lord, I pray that You would not let the fire to cease within Ed! Make him a kingdom carrier!
I just want to thank You, Jesus.
I love You.
oh gosh...Hiromi's concert!!! make sure u guys wait for her at the underground parking lot entrance to backstage lah...introduce urself :-)
how fun! I'd love to meet Alwyn...Bethel group...i like that name and God's been connecting us with Bethel like no ends. it's been awesome!