Took me an hour to finally arrive at Oasis Bread Of Life.
One of the few bilingual churches here in Taiwan.
It is located in Tian-Mu, aka small USA.
Took the MRT for 14 stops to Zhi-Shan station.
Did not know that there's a bus that goes straight to the shopping center (Dayeh Takashimaya) where Oasis is located (on the 10th floor), so I started my adventure! Thank the Lord that all three people I asked for direction (I even went into a police station!) were really helpful. Nonetheless, that shopping mall is almost two miles away from the station (I did not know that, of course), so I was looking for any buses that would take me there. I stopped a bus and asked the driver, but what I got was a really mean "NO! #*$&#*%...(door shut....ZOOOM)..." <-- all in Chinese, of course, haha.
Anyhow, I finally got there (all sweaty and stinky) and was right on time for the Communion (yay for breakfast? =P). Said hi to Jeff Taguchi (the pastor who visited Impact back in June), his wife Heather, and their 19-month-old daughter Emilia. I stood up during the New Friend Welcome period, and everyone was clapping and even shouting when I started to intriduce myself! What was that about?
Little did I know, Jeff has been telling the entire congregation ALL ABOUT this church called IMPACT HARVEST CHURCH since he got back to Taiwan! After the service, I met all these amazing people from South Africa, Las Vegas, Canada, Brisbane, Irvine, and even ARCADIA! And they've all been to our website and are really impressed by it (you go, Andy!)!
This guy, Ed (the guy on the right in the picture above), just came back to Taiwan from Irvine, and he's been watching Bill Johnson's DVD about signs and wonders! And I was so amazed by his hunger to see people get healed--he asked me,
"I see Bill talk about all these stuff but there's no one that can really tell us how to do it on the spot here in Taiwan. Let's hang out and go do some city invasion, ya?"
I was stunned.
Since his return in June from OC, he has been searching for a church that flows with the Spirit and is open to the demonstration of the power of God. And now he's found it -- Oasis has been more and more open to talk about going out to be the light of the dark world, and how the vision of the church is not about growing in numbers but to kick people out once they bear fruits! Pastor Jeff and I both think that Impact's vision could be alternated as ENCOUNTER, DISCIPLE, KICK OUT =).
Had lunch with Jeff, Heather, and Emilia @ Chili's (you can't get more American/Mexican than that!) And I really love hanging out with them! They are those people who make you feel like you're at home. We walked from my family to their family, from Impact to Oasis, and from Jack/Annie to how they met...and so forth. We had a wonderful time talking and exchanging friendship and love and all the God-goodies. There are so many things to share about today's visit to Oasis. I really thank the Lord for "leading" me to Oasis and leading Jeff & Heather to come to Impact back in June!
Unless you people see miraculous
signs and wonders, you will never believe.
- Jesus
Let's go and perform signs that make people wonder.
That's the real definition of Signs and Wonders, isn't it?
ps. Did I mention that Ed was in the Taiwanese Rap Band called MACHI back in early 2000's? I want to know his salvation testimony!!!!
Pastor is so awesome!! I always remembered what he told us about The Great Commission...
"The verb in that phrase 'go make disciples of all nation', is the word 'make', not 'go'. If we only go and get people saved but not make them into disciples, we are only occupying spaces in heaven with them."
go MAKE disciples in Taiwan, Johnny!!