First of all, I just want to give all the praise to the Lord!
I received the highest award for achievement today at the end of the last Carnegie Training courses. This is the highest award of all -- everyone voted, and this time, even the teacher voted. I was really overwhelmed at that moment and I couldn't even say a word besides THANK YOU.
I think that's how I should feel when I receive the greatest reward of heaven - Jesus, right? I just want to express how honored I am and how I've gained more confidence and faith in myself.
Freely receive, freely give.
Had a great talk with Dad about life. Being in this business field for well over 30 years, he is still working so hard to earn those "blood sweat money". They have told me all about their troubles and burdens, and I was really shocked but at the same time, grateful. I can't ask the Lord for parents as amazing as Michael & Alice Wang. Lord, I want to see Your will be done in my family and I also want to love them more with my action. Lord I believe You are blessing my family's finance as the store is bumping into walls and not being able to breakthrough.
I want to be a great son of God and of the Wang family.
I want to be able to share the burden of my family.
Through you, impossible is nothing.
Teach me how to love You, Jesus.
Wow. You are amazing!