Life is short. Eat some Di Ka Mi Sua (pig foot noodle) before you die! No Taiwanese food can compare to my grandma's super-duper delicious meal. If you are from Taiwan, you KNOW exactly what I mean by delicious! However, if you are NOT from Taiwan, Jesus loves you too =)
Also today I went to a wonderful concert @ Taipei City Council. It's held by CBMC (Christian Businessmen's Connection) & a local church in Taipei. It was a night of music and testimonies. All the musicians are the top of the top in their fields of music -- some have gone to Belgium, France, and Boston to study music! All of them are professional musicians and they are also Christians! This band is called the Grace Combo -- besides vocals and piano, there is a saxophone quartet and a jazz band (sax, drum & percussion, guitar, bass, piano).
Guess what? The band was formed just less than 50 days ago! Isn't God good? I really enjoyed the music they have presented - a couple worship music, but mostly classical & jazz pieces. In the end, everybody joined the musicians in singing "Power of Your Love". The concert was really blessed and I believe the band will be stonger and better day after day!!
I also brought my good friend from elementary/middle school, Wayne, to the concert. He really enjoyed it and I hope that I can share with him more about this God who loves him and longs for a relationship with him! Jesus, thank You for Wayne. I believe that he will encounter You and believe in You. Stir his heart up, Lord!!
ps. Praise the Lord for Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, who is running for vice-president with McCain. She is a very strong Christian; moreover, her youngest child has down syndrome.
Check this out in Wikipedia:
Palin is pro-life, a prominent member of Feminists for Life, and supports the death penalty. In 2002, while running for lieutenant governor, Palin called herself as "pro-life as any candidate can be." Palin has said she has good friends who are gay, opposes same-sex marriage, but complied with an Alaskan state Supreme Court order and signed an implementation of same-sex benefits into law, stating that legal options to avoid doing so had run out. She supported a non-binding referendum for a constitutional amendment to deny benefits to homosexual couples. Alaska was one of the first U.S. states to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage, in 1998, along with Hawaii. Palin has stated that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment. According to The Anchorage Daily News, she has supported allowing the teaching of the debate between creationism and evolution in public schools, if students bring it up, and not necessarily as part of the curriculum. Although she tried it when she was younger, she does not support legalizing marijuana, concerned about the message it would send to her children.
oooooh man! Thank You Jesus! He is good, Amen.