Beijing 2008!

Friday, August 8, 2008
By johnny

Beijing, TAIWAN is coming!!!!!
Lord, I pray that all the athletes will do their best and all the competitions are good and fair! No injuries and all people have lots of fun! And of course, let Chinese Taipei win some gold!!



August 08, 2008 8:46 PM [joy B.] doveseye


August 09, 2008 1:20 AM Anonymous

not gonna be a popular post... hehe^^

Go! Atheletes!

August 10, 2008 9:33 AM Cheezy

that comic is pretty sick. Like in a cool could also be interpreted the other way as well...


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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