Seems like a lot, so I'll make this chapter short for ya faithful readers today. Short yet loaded with stuff. Stuff. Stuff it in! (I'm joking about making this short. It's actually one of the longest posts since there are many pictures!)
I woke up at around 8:40 and started to write my draft for my English class. It wasn't bad I guess since it was just a draft. I was making good progress nevertheless. The paper wasn't due until 4pm. So by 10am I finished writing a page.
This morning from 10-12, 5 of us(from 24/7 & YOPP) gathered on Library Walk and prayed for about 50 minutes and asked God for visions, signs, revelations, and pictures. Victor left for his 11 o'clock class so 4 of us(Ramondo, Hatty, Linda, and I) prayed again and then I took off with Ramondo. We didn't know where to go so we walked toward the Library. On our way were many tables, and one of them has stickers all over the table--"Mike Huckabee for President 2008". We walked past that table and then I felt an urge to head back and pray for the only guy at the table. We talked with him and he kinda refused my prayer offering by saying, "You can pray that Huckabee wins." Both of us told him that we've been praying for Huckabee. That guy did not seem to be a believer of Jesus, yet he supports Huckabee. God right now I ask that he will see that he's not just supporting Huckabee, but he is supporting Your kingdom to come! Would You awaken that guy and change him radically with Your love!
Right after that I received a call from Micheal, my roommate, telling me that the paper was actually due @ 12 because he went to his 10am section and his TA told him that. I was skeptical of his words yet he wouldn't be lying to me about this. So finally I realized that because his section is earlier than the lecture, his TA extended the due time for just Micheal's section. Phew. I was a bit nervous since we had to write up a 3-page draft! Thank You Jesus! So I left Ramondo reluctantly. I wanted to pray for people. However I finished writing the draft at around 1pm, had lunch, and went to the bookstore to buy some stuff for my gorgeous--15'4" beauty.
Finally, after turning my paper in during section today, I opened the magic box. It felt totally wonderful. I was so excited and so were my roommates, who were taking pictures and videos of me opening that black box!

Took me 30 minutes to photoshop this out. Thought it's pretty cool. It's gonna be my wallpaper of my gorgeous Macbook Pro for quite a while! Anyhow. I'm planning to laser engrave it, yet I need to find a design for it first! ( Later on tonight I used this silver baby to watch the movie SUNSHINE. I rented it from Blockbuster, it's a thriller and a well-made intense movie indeed. The movie's about human's last hope, Icarus II, a ship that carries a bomb that has the mass of the Manhatten Island, heading into the dying Sun to blow that bomb up. To reignite the sun. To restore humanity. To save the earth.
At the distance of 50 million miles from the sun, the vision of a normal person would impair if, for more than 30 seconds, staring at the sun(with sunglasses) at only 3.1% of its full beam.
Isn't that just incredible how God has created this Sun so perfectly that we are able to live and breathe perfectly just around 93 million miles away from the enormous fireball. God You are so good at measuring while You were creating the earth, sun, and moon! I love it!

Click on the picture to go to the Love Tent's website. Please keep this event in your prayers. We want to see this school immersed and saturated in His love! And so far I've signed up for 4 slots leading worship, so we'll see how that'll work out. God would You bring unity among believers through the Love Tent here at UCSD! Lavish us with Your unfailing love! We're hoping to raise $7,000 to have 1,000 tshirts given out for free. Just to spread the love. We don't know where the money's coming from, so please keep this in your prayers also.
I see it. The unity that I've been praying for since the end of September might just arrive on Valentine's day as we give our hearts to the Bridegroom. Only You can satisfy my heart, my God. I love You and You alone. No one else. Just You.
So yesterday I didn't share about my daily reading, but here are a couple great verses in Joshua that I just want to put it out:
...a huge army, as numerous as the sand on the seashore.
All these kings joined fight against Israel.
The Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them,
because by this time tomorrow I will hand all of them
over to Israel, slain.
-Joshua 11:4~6-
I see this as God's promise for the soldiers here at UCSD. No matter how huge the enemy is--a 560-ft snake--He's still going to hand it over to His righteous children, SLAIN. Isn't He great? And I just realized one thing: there will be no peace until God's promise is fulfilled! Come on! The land had rest from war(Joshua 14:15) right when the Israelites obtained and entered into the promised land! We need to realize that we have to be strong and courageous like Joshua in order to win battles after battles! Until His promise fulfills, until the land has rest from war.
DAVID - Psalm 6~8
Psalm 6
A cry for mercy from David.
A song of sackcloths.
My soul is in anguish.
How long, O Lord, how long?
-verse 3-
Psalm 8
A song of praise from David.
I can just imagine him dancing around!
How majestic is Your name in all the earth!
What is man that You are mindful of him?
-verse 1 & 4-
Psalm 7
Tonight's main focus.
For it really spoke to me and connected to Joshua.
Awake, my God; decree justice.
Let the assembled gather around You.
O righteous God,
who searches minds and hearts,
brings to an end the violence of the wicked
and make the righteous secure.
-verse 6, 7, 9-
Doesn't Psalm 7 sound just like what I've been talking about--Justice, Unity, and Violent Revolution! God You just keep on confirming me with the visions that I've been associating with and receiving. How awesome, how great, how inconceivable! O righteous God, come and take over UCSD--every building, every plant, and every soul!
That's about it today. I got an email from Garrett asking for intercession for he will be sharing a vision he received in his dreams with a boy he just met in Chile! May God work His miracles within that boy and through Garrett! Thank You Jesus!
That's enough for tonight. Loaded with pictures =)
Your love is tangible.
ps. God I give You praise for You have dealt with X. I ask for boldness and more of Your love within X that X would be completely devoted into You =) You're a good God!
Gosh darn you Johnny. That was a lot of stuff to read. Good stuff except when it got to your face. HA! jk... Totally digging the verses. Huckabee? Chuck Norris Approved?...God approved? I dunno. Keep it up college evangelist. Reap those souls!...for Jesus.