God's Covenant + Approval

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
By johnny
Thank You Jesus that I found my wallet!

I am especially inspired and pumped up by Jennifer's post today. Go check it out if you haven't. Now is the time to equip the children to walk in faith and power of the Holy Spirit! NOW! I felt the burden a week and half ago. That night I posted something about sowing into the nexgeneration for there needs to be a fire passed on from generation to generation. That's Jack's cry too! Here's the post.

I just finished reading Genesis 8-11.
Two words to conclude: God's Covenant (with us).

Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth...This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come.
-Genesis 9:11~12-

How crazy is that?
God's making an EVERLASTING covenant with me and you!
Yeah. How simple.

God You've given us the entire world--from the fish in the oceans to the soaring eagles--and You really think that we're gonna rule this world well once again after the big water thingy? How much faith must You have in us! Thank You for not breaking that everlasting promise. I think it's a really good promise indeed =)

Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.
-Genesis 9:14~15-

"Ooooooh! I see a rainbow!!!"

Exclaimed Jeff over the phone today after the rain.
"The last time I saw a rainbow when I was in fifth grade!" he then said. I immediately thought about God's covenant with us and how rainbow is a reminder for us that He's keeping that promise! And how amazingly tonight's reading is about the rainbow! God You are so good!

However, people are people--dumb.
Building this tower that's ten times taller than Taipei 101.
Wanting to become God.

If as one people speaking the same language
they have begun to do this,
then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
-Genesis 11:6-

No matter what those people were trying to do, God approved of their capability of succeeding in ANYTHING! Let us all speak the SAME LANGUAGE, think the SAME, and act the SAME toward the SAME goal! Then nothing can stop us! Nothing is impossible while UNITY is presented! Even God said it! Come on, faithful warriors! It's time to gather together as one troop and finish the fight(didn't mean to use the HALO 3 tagline lol)!

You know what I mean:
1. Start praying for unity among believers
2. Start praying for visions
3. Start putting on those shields and weapons
4. Finish the fight

Let's have the determination those people had in chapter 11 of Babel and use it toward the building of His kingdom on earth! Wake up! Don't be scattered! Speak the same and think the same!


ps. Sam's going to the chemotherapist tomorrow(today actually). God right now I pray for Sam in faith. I know that You've healed him and I rejoice in Your faithfulness and promise. I once again ask for a surprisingly positive result to an extent that he does not have to do the therapy tomorrow AT ALL! You see our shirts torn and sackcloth worn. Would You come in power and bring down Your flood over Your beloved son Samuel Beach Wood right now! Jesus I praise You for what You've done and what You're doing. In Your kingdom, all sickness is casted away. I thank You that Sam's feeling very well and he's up and running as usual! Bring RESTORATION!!!!



January 22, 2008 9:01 AM Sarah Wang

wahaha you've gotten the "sala symptom" as well now... which makes you unable to remember where you put stuffs! but it's ok, God will heal you! :)


January 22, 2008 1:12 PM Cheezy

Wow. Rainbows. I have a picture of one on my zune and up until now, i didn't realize what it ment. Covenant with the Lord. Wow. Amen. Unity. Ok. Time to shake some trees.


January 23, 2008 1:46 AM Anonymous

love the template.

might steal it...

once i get this property sold and help clients to buy!

thanks for your love.support.prayer...I love you johnny and praise God for what He has done in you.

seek after the anointing, seek after Jesus Christ.



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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