Tonight's prayer room meeting(7-10) with 9 other sodiers was quite an experience. God's presence was all around the room as soon as we started worshipping! Here are the couple things that I remember:
We spent the first 1.5hrs worshipping, and the last 1.5hrs we were basically singing in the Spirit, and praying for the school fervently. We all believed that God has placed His victory on this land already. The harvest is here yet the workers are few. We especially prayed for our consecration--how we need to be clean and blameless before Him as we are planning to have a 24/7 prayer tent for a week on the campus next month. God's amazing.
I right then thought about what I read Tusday night in Joshua:
And by consecrating ourselves and letting our pasts roll away,
God will do amazing things among us!
-Joshua 3:5-
My God You were amazing tonight. You gave us more and more visions for this school. I believe that UCSD's spiritual atmosphere is shifting faster than ever before-back to the Holy Spirit.
As of now, we're having a tent up 24/7 on Feb 13 and 14(Valentine's Day)--a LOVE tent for our Only LOVE--a tent of nonstop prayer and worship. We really do pray that we will get one entire week (from Feb 12-19) instead of just two days. UCSD's teaming up w/ other UC's, USC, and Pepperdine for a 24/7 run throughout this quarter and we hope to have a week of 24/7 prayer. God would You open up doors and prepare the date/location/organization for us! It's all for Your Name and glory's sake!
****Here's my nightly reading: Job 1 & 2
Job, a man who had it all--family, good occupation, wealth, servants, and God's blessings. He got completely BEAT DOWN just because God allowed Satan to mess up his life in order to show Satan how faithful a servant Job is. I was, that sucks. I'm not Job, but after just reading the first 2 chapters I yearn for the spirit of Job.
Here's what he said after hearing all his family, oxen, sheeps, and camels burnt, stolen, and dead:
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
may the name of the Lord be praised.
-Job 1:21-
Many believers experienced what happened to Job yet did not stand faithful; therefore, they started to curse God and doubt His existence and eventually became athiests.
Yet Job did not back down.
He gave God more praise than before.
And after he was paralyzed and sick from head to toe, he still held on to the Lord. Job said to his pessimistic wife,
"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"
-Job 2:10-
Very interesting that God has given permission to Satan to attack the most righteous man on earth; for three main purposes I think:
1) Put Job into a trial and test his faith
2) Show Satan that he cannot defeat God's anointed one
3) Teach me the importance of being faithful
****End of my nighty reflection
Back to the story.
Afterwards Brian walked me back to Revelle, and we prayed together before he went back. Suddenly I realized that I'm the only firstyear in that Passion Church prayer meeting! The rest of them are juniors or above, and many are graduating this year! I was like...GOD!!!!! Where are the first and second year people? Oh God raise up leaders from the class of 2010 and 2011!!! Oh God if they are not fired up, the future does not look bright!!!
I finally felt Jack's cry.
Where are the 20-year-old leaders in America?
I felt the burden and the sadness rushing toward me like waves.
So Brian, a graduating senior, prayed for me and asked that God would impart whatever's in him to me and the first and second years. I was really touched and he asked that I would pass on whatever I have to the younger ones too. We also prayed that high schools will experience revivals that students would carry their fire to whichever colleges they attend. I believe that the high school students right now are very important to a huge awakening wave of college campuses in the near future. Oh God come and take control of Your children! Turn them back to You!
Brian is the third person who has told me that I have a pure heart. He has a pure heart too--he has nothing to hide--his love for Christ is written clearly on him.
Thanks Brian. I also told him that his words for me a month ago.
Here's what I typed on Dec.8:
"Anyhow, Brian saw a vision for me--a single blooming yellow sunflower. He told me that I am in the season of spring and many things would birth out."
Click here to see that post!
Woah. I told him that this year's the year of entering-in, and I believe that his prophecy has a strong connection with this year! I was really overjoyed by how God works Brian and how something he told me last year was actually a prophecy for 2008!
My God. I need You to make me clean. Wash me over and over and over. Thank You for Your presence/love/joy/vision tonight during the prayer meeting. Thank you for Brian may he be the faithful one. He's a man of integrity and purity. God pour down Your blessings over Brian!
I love You Jesus!!!!
Thank Your Holy Spirit for Your accompany =)
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
-Matthew 5:8-
teaming up w other UCs? how do we team up? i want to start 24/7 prayer tent too! sounds fun