1. Onething 08 Podcast #3

    Sunday, November 30, 2008
    By johnny
    Just watched a new tri-weekly podcast by Mike Bickle, Brian Kim, and Lou Engle emphasizing the importance of this year's onething conference.

    You have to watch it if you haven't already. Here's the first podcast:

    To watch the latest podcasts, go to OneThing 08 Homepage. I strongly urge you to watch it.

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  2. Spoken Through

    Saturday, November 29, 2008
    By johnny
    Tonight as we were going around in the circle sharing what we did for Thanksgiving or just a summary of this year that we are thankful for.

    Gosh nothing comes to my mind at all! And I was so relieved that somehow my turn got skipped (phew). And when the sharing of that seemed to end, someone realized that I did not share (uh oh)!

    And what came out of my mouth took me by surprise. I was thinking so hard to at least squeeze something out, but rather the Holy Spirit just spoke right through me.

    I shared about how God has given me a burden to pray for this nation and the state of California. I was never interested in politics before 2008, but when I was introduced to the issue such as abortion, my heart was broken for the 50 million lives taken away from my generation. My heart started to contend. I do not want to pray prayers that take no faith. God has given me a hard to intercede for this nation and I will keep doing it.

    Yeah I said something close to that. And I could not believe what I said! I was, for a couple second, shocked. Then I thanked the Lord. He once again reminded me of His heart for this nation.

    I just love it when He speaks through me.
    Jehovah Sneaky =)

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  3. Raindrop Symphony

    Friday, November 28, 2008
    By johnny

    Open my ears to the sound of rain.

    As the rain falls faster and
    The wind grows stronger
    I am listening
    To that still small voice
    Telling me...

    Do not be afraid
    I will pour out my spirit on all men
    My glory shall cover the earth

    Heavier than the rain
    Stronger than the wind
    Beyond imagination
    Is my love for you

    What is that I am hearing
    Louder than the thunder?
    Is it not the voice of my beloved
    Calling out to me?

    What is that I am seeing
    Brighter than the lightning?
    Is it not the gaze of my beloved
    Fixed on me?

    Take me in
    Saturate me with Your love
    Overwhelm me with Your presence
    Consume me with Your fire (zealous flame)

    No rain can cease this fire that
    Burns from the inside out
    No water can quench this love

    Like a tree nourished by the rain
    So my love for You shall be

    Though I am sold to sin
    You will buy me back
    On the glorious day of Your return

    This raindrop symphony is
    Your composition of love
    Written in tears for me

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  4. 3 Action Movie Reviews

    Thursday, November 27, 2008
    By johnny

    These three characters have many things in common:
    - They are professional killers (the dog thinks so anyways).
    - They get injured but never die.
    - Their goal is to rescue someone.
    - They know more kung-fu than the Furious Five and Po combined.
    - Hero of the movie.

    Well, if I were to give these three movies a letter grade:


    I mean, it's a Jason Staltham movie. Period. Lots of driving, fighting, and shooting. But the story plot just blows, big time, even worse than the previous ones. It's a good movie to watch if you just want to be entertained by the action. All the impossible, against-gravity actions are all packed in this 100 minute movie!


    I guess I was expecting more from a James Bond movie, but on ther other hand, this movie goes back to back with the last one, Casino Royale. I really liked Casino Royale and its storyline, but this new Bond movie just seems a tad too short in its story even though the action really speaks. It gets a little dry in the middle. I'd give a B+/A- for the action part (could definitely use more action), but once again, my over-expectation brings my rating down. Lastly, James Bond did not say his name: "Bond, James Bond." BOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    BOLT: A-

    So far none of the Disney animation has disappointed me. I was not planning to watch Bolt because I thought it is just another lame movie on dogs. I even watched the preview and kinda jeered at the idea. Oh well, I went in mostly for the 3D effect because the special 3D glasses was required! I have to say it was one of those eye-opening experience! I really love this movie--its storyline, characters, and especially the humor! This movie is amazingly funny that I just have to give this animated-and-funny version of Truman show a great A-! It's worth your dollars, and watch it in 3D.

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  5. DREAM!!!! DREAM!!!!!! DREAM!!!!!! DREAM!!!!!!!

    Wednesday, November 26, 2008
    By johnny

    Man I love dreaming....as long as the dream gets interpreted!
    Inputs and comments are strongly urged! I want to know what it means!

    Here's the dream:

    I am eating with Andy and another girl from impact (I don't remember who), but there is also another girl named Karen (not her real name). Karen orders a drink (a banana smoothie? it is vanilla/lightyellowish colored) while Andy and the other girl order CARROT JUICE. For some reason Karen leaves before her drink comes. And when the drinks come, the girl gets her carrot juice, but Andy actually gets what Karen ordered instead of his carrot juice. He tries to get the waiter to come over but it didn't work. Now I remember that Karen has been living in a homosexual lifestyle.


    I am now in the driver's seat of a BLUE(I think so) VolksWagon beatle, and there is another beatle. both parked in a outdoor parking lot like @ a big mall plaza or something. And I realize that my car needs to be repainted for some reason so I can't leave the parking lot with the other car. I have no idea where we are going.
    As the other car leaves, it actually gets into the reverse gear and it bumps into my and pushed my car out of my current parking space, TWICE that car did the same thing to me(bumps into me and pushes). We all know each other pretty well, people in both cars (people from Impact I believe). However my grandparents are in my car for some odd reason.

    So I drive to another parking space and park, but somehow I decide to get out of the parking lot, but then I realize that there are so many cars coming and going that I can hardly get out of my parking space and merge with the outgoing traffic.

    And then somehow I get out of the car to check out the traffic, and suddenly a school-bus-like car stops right in front of me with its side door opened towards me. And I see these kids...probably from 7~12 years old. They do not have hair (shaved bald), and they have skin disease like a dog would. A rough view. I actually go on the bus and started to talk to the kids.

    The bus takes off. The "warrant" of these kids is in the front of the bus announcing: "when we get to the camp, you cannot run, there will be electrical fences that have spikes....." something like that. Then I know that I have to get out of the bus. When I open the side door, I see all these spiked fence alongside the road, and I am being very careful at where I would land after jumping off the bus.

    I jump off without injury and start running back toward my car. Right before I get out of the bus, I hear someone saying..."It's been an hour already...can he get back?" something like that....so I assume that I've been on the bus for an hour....but actually it was only less than 3 minutes?

    That's about it. I woke up during my run back to my car.

    Morning of Nov. 25, 2008.

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  6. Turn Your Cheek + OneThing

    Monday, November 24, 2008
    By johnny
    Two videos I'd like to share:

    1) Christine Clouds on Bill O'Reilly show talking about what happened down @ Castro district two Fridays ago on the 14th where she got beaten to the ground.

    2) Got an email from IHOP, specifically from Mike Bickle, that really stirred up my heart and determination to want to go to OneThing/IHOP this winter. Something different and heavey is shifting in the spiritual atmosphere.

    In addition to the videos, I strongly encourage everyone to tune into OneThing08 every MON, WED, and FRI leading up to this year's OneThing Conference. I will be posting the videos on my posts and share some.

    Spent some quality time reading blog posts of various believers and got encouraged and taught. So happy that I'm living in the best time of the history. We're one day closer to the end, that's for sure.

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  7. CAPE No. 7

    Sunday, November 23, 2008
    By johnny

    Well, this is one of those days which I have not idea what to blog. I should not be worried about things but I tend to do so. And, of course, Jesus would remind me HIS standard of worrying.

    I know He is going to show up. Big time.

    I want to get away from everything for even just a couple days.


    ps. I watched this Taiwanese movie called CAPE No. 7. It's just an overall beautiful movie with an amazing plot and a group of actors. It digs deep into the Taiwanese culture and history through music writing and relationship building. A very meaningful movie indeed. For a really long time Taiwan hasn't had a movie made like Cape No. 7. So far it has been gaining international recognition and shown at multiple movie festivals. Real awesome. Decent music and a truthful story at this beautiful island called Taiwan in south-east Asia. Sweet.
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  8. Nothing Happened + CHUCK NORRIS.

    Saturday, November 22, 2008
    By johnny
    Everyone should read what CHUCK NORRIS has to say about the recent riots against Prop 8. Profound and right on the money. He is a man standing up for righteousness.

    "When you go home, you say,
    'Mom I stepped on a snake and nothing happened!'"

    said a tour guide to a little girl in the crowd of 30 while walking on its head. I was right there.

    I thought his words were fairly interesting. He then went on and kinda finish the "snake-path talk" to his crowd of elementary kids who had completely no idea of what the guy just told them -- a blatant depiction of Genesis 3 -- which includes the crushing of the head of the snake. I'm glad that I'm a part of the Genesis 3 fulfillment when I'm on top of its head!

    Got back today and actually wrote a song. I'm so grateful.

    I have nothing to give to You
    But this alabaster jar
    Poured at Your feet
    I have nothing to bring to You
    But my heart and my soul
    They belong to You

    Oh I love You, I adore You
    With this beautiful worship
    That's enough, that's enough
    You are here, and that's enough

    I am nothing apart from You

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  9. So Good, So So Good

    Friday, November 21, 2008
    By johnny
    You have turned my mourning into dancing.
    You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.
    -Psalms 30:11-

    At around 10:30 am, after taking a good morning shower, I decided that I should just worship! So I blasted one of my playlists and started my amazing dose of the Holy Ghost. I was singing, dancing, spinning around, clapping, laughing, smiling, praising, worshiping my God right here in my apartment - just me and Jesus. And I got so captured by the atmosphere that I could not stop smiling or laughing because the joy of the Lord was all over me!

    So I decided I need to keep the dose going. I plugged my headphones into my iPod, and during the 20~25 minute walk to school I was oh so rejoicing over my good Creator God! Just thinking about Him makes me so joyful and happy!

    Went up to the snake, still taking the big dose of joy. I was up there bobbing back and forth and walking in circles and smiling and doing some air-drums. So the first person passing by looked at me and I just smiled back, like REALLY smiled back, and that person smiled at me too! It was such an awesome feeling!

    And right after that person left, I saw a white thing floating around and falling down. Immediately I knew that it was a feather! I could well be a bird's feather, but rarely have I seen white birds flying around the library; moreover, the place I was standing was open-air! I was just so rejoiced by the fact that there was a FEATHER! I don't care whether it's of a bird or an angel, it's a gift from the Lord to me!

    Basically for the next hour I smiled and greeted EVERYONE who had an eye-contact with me or just looked at my Bible on the floor. It was a great day, and Jesus was there with me, I could feel the joy of the Holy Spirit so tangebly!

    For 3 hours I was just soaked in the joy....not to the point as getting totally wasted, but to the point when I know that my cup is overflowing, that I cannot contain but have to share it.

    And all 3 hours was Hillsong worship which I KNOW EVERY SONG BY HEART and ALL THE LYRICS! It was exceptional amazing!!!! That playlist was full of my favorite Hillsong songs, and they are mostly praise songs, which is probably why I got bombed by the joy of the Lord! He is just so good to me!

    This verse will be my prayer and declaration for this school, state, and nation.

    For the Lord will comfort Zion
    He will comfort all her waste places
    He will make her wilderness like Eden
    And her desert like the garden of the Lord
    Joy and gladness will be found in it
    Thanks giving and the voice of melody.
    -Isaiah 51:3-

    Is He good or WHAT?

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  10. Two More Things

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008
    By johnny
    First of all, if you haven't read the previous entry, please do and watch the YouTube videos posted. And if you really care about this issue, READ IT THROUGH.

    Here's the OFFICIAL JHOPSF statement regarding to the event:

    Statement concerning Friday November 14, 2008 in the Castro District of San Francisco

    Last Friday night our team of thirteen people, mostly ranging from eighteen to twenty-two years old, left the house around 5:30pm to head to the Castro District as we have done for the majority of Friday nights for the past three years. Over the course of the week we had actually been out in the Castro every night, singing and worshiping in the neighborhood. This night we arrived at Castro and 18th Street, with one guitar to simply worship and bring the presence of God to the Castro District. We understood that since Proposition 8 had passed it would seem instigating to talk with people, so we decided to only play the guitar and sing rather than to engage with anyone on the streets.

    Our intention was not to stir up anger, but to worship Jesus on the streets the way we had worshiped there for the past three years. As we were worshiping a man approached us and began yelling “You are haters! Get out of here!” A girl on our team simply told him “We are only here to worship God. We love you.” This man became angrier and was screaming at her using profanity and obscene language. When he noticed that we were standing in front of a memorial that had been dedicated to an AIDS/HIV activist he became even more enraged. We had stood on that particular street corner numerous times when there had been a memorial and it had never been an issue before this night. She continued to answer him “We are only here to worship God. We love you and Jesus loves you,” and eventually he left the street corner. A police officer then came and asked us how long we would be out there. We told him until nine o clock and he said “ok” and left.

    Our team continued to sing as a young man approached us. He stood near by until another man joined him. He was wearing a headdress, which led us to believe that he was affiliated with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This man in the headdress began to surround us with a cloth and shoving us to encircle us fully with the cloth. He wanted to do this so that people on the outside could not see us. While this was happening the other man instigated to people walking by that we were the “Yes on 8 people”. When in reality, we were only doing what we had always done at the Castro since before proposition 8 was even in sight. This was not a proposition 8 event.

    At this point our team was standing in a circle holding hands singing “Amazing Grace.”

    While they were holding the cloth around us someone from the crowd threw hot coffee over the cloth and it hit our team, including splashing two of our girls in the face and one on her head going down her back. At first the girls thought it was boiling water until they smelled that it was coffee. During the event people lunging through the crowd to get at us hit a couple of our girls in the face. We also had alcohol and soda thrown on some of those on our team.

    Then a man picked up one of our Bibles and started to walk away with it. A girl from our team walked out of the circle after him and said, “Excuse me that is our Bible. Could I have that back please?” He turned to her and said “no” then hit her on the head with the Bible knocking her to the ground, then began kicking her legs. A man from the crowd pulled him off of her. A police officer then came and detained the man who hit her. One officer asked the girl on our team if she would like to press charges. She said “No. Tell him I forgive him.”

    A couple of the people who were holding the cloth around our team walk up to her and said “We are sorry that happened to you.” and “He is not with us.” referring to the man that hit her. Then the man who had been responsible for making the crowd think we were there concerning Proposition 8 said to her “I’m glad to see that you’re feeling better, but let that be a lesson to you not to come here.”

    At different points throughout the night one girl on our team had her camera and was able to film some of what was happening.

    The crowd around began to grow as people started to scream “Shame on you! Shame on you!” over and over. They were yelling all kinds of obscenities and cursing us. That is when one of the young men who was with us called the police department to let them know what was happening. It was difficult to say how many people were surrounding us due to the chaos of the situation. We were trying to focus on worshiping rather than the masses, but we would guess anywhere from 200 to 500 people. One of the girls then stepped out to see how the girl who got hit was doing. And as she rejoined the team singing, she overheard a few men saying things like “we should grab them.” As well as “yeah we should grab their butts.” At that point we realized that it was climaxing into a really hostile situation.

    Then it seemed like out of nowhere hundreds of whistles were being blown in our ears. Around that time someone removed the cloth which enabled the crowd to enclose around us turning the situation into what resembled a mob frenzy. The people in the crowd were shoving us against the wall blowing the whistles in our ears so close that we could feel the spit from the whistles hitting our faces. Around that time we began to sing “Oh the Blood of Jesus.” Things grew more intense and the crowd came in closer around us shoving and pushing us. Some men from the crowd began grabbing a few of the young men on our team inappropriately, sexually assaulting them and trying to take down the pants of one of them. When that began the young men with us quickly pulled all the girls into the middle so that no one could get to them.

    The intensity of the mob around us grew until finally the police had to shove the crowd off of us and they made a wall between the crowd and our group. There was one moment when a man from the crowd around us pointed out Roger, the leader of our team, and said, “I’m going to kill you!” An officer overheard and said to him “What did you say!?” The man said “nothing.” And the officer replied, “I heard what you said.” Then one officer said to Roger “Do you want to leave?” and he replied, “We would like to stay” because we knew we had the freedom to be there. A few minutes later as the crowd was growing quickly the officer said to Roger “I am sorry, but we need to get you out of here because we fear for your life, you no longer have a choice.” Roger turned to our team and explained that we were going to honor the police and follow them. The officer came back, asked us where we were parked and told us we would be moving out in five minutes. At that point there was somewhere between 15 and 25 police officers. They surrounded our team and escorted us to 20th and Eureka Street where our van was parked. As they were escorting us to our van the crowd followed our team and continued to scream and threaten us. They even threatened to follow us all the way home. As we were being escorted out a man with a news camera showed up and began filming us. (Later we found the footage on KTVU, a local news station in the Bay Area) They had reported that we were doing a religious march regarding Proposition 8, when in all actuality we were being escorted out of the Castro. Realizing the hostility of the people who were still following us, and their threats to “follow us all the way home” we covered our license plate with post-it notes that a guy on our team had in his wallet. We did this so that they could not identify our vehicle later. We then loaded our entire team into the van and drove home. The time when we left was 8:30.

    In closing, though this event was one of the scariest moments in our individual lives, because of those who have died in America to purchase freedom, we felt in this situation we were to stand firm and not be intimidated out of our rights. Furthermore our faith in Christ calls us to be willing to die for the sake of the gospel, and we are not to sacrifice for the sake of comfort or a false peace. Though the American church has not often been tested in this, these days seem to be upon us. We love the LGBT community and we do not believe that everyone in this community is filled with hate or anger. What happened on Friday night was different than what we have ever encountered. We forgive those who assaulted us physically and sexually. We forgive the anger and threats of violence against us. Our desire has always been to be a bridge to bring the love of Jesus.

    Thank you,
    JHOPSF team.

    Here's a video tonight @ 11pm on FOX NEWS. Bill O'Reilly interviews Kirk Cameron on the issue that happened Friday night.

    I'm so encouraged by their perseverance. I am inspired and honored to run with them.

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    Tuesday, November 18, 2008
    By johnny


    November 14, 2008
    I went to the Castro (the homosexual district of San Francisco) like we usually do on Friday nights.

    Normally, we sit on 18th and Castro, and someone plays the guitar, and we all worship God. Sometimes a person will yell at us, or maybe a few. Sometimes people will ignore us. Sometimes people will let us pray with them.

    This time was not a normal night. It was the first time we'd been back in the Castro to do our normal outreach since California Proposition 8, which defined marriage as "one man with one woman" was passed. We played the guitar and sang together and worshiped the Lord. After just singing and worshiping God for a while, Roger decided that we should all hold hands in a circle and continue singing. So we did.

    Someone (Actually a person who came up and hugged and kissed some of us who he knew from the past) convinced some people that we were there to protest against the no on 8 campaign. Then some guy who was dressed up like one of the sisters (The sisters of perpetual indulgence is a group of men who dress up like nuns and call themselves the spiritual authority of the Castro.) took a curtain-type thing (Which I think they use to curse people) and wrapped it around us.

    Then a crowd started gathering. We began to sing "Amazing Grace", and basically sang that song the whole night. (At some points we also sang "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus" and "Oh the Blood of Jesus".) At first, they just shouted at us, using crude, rude, and foul language and calling us names like "haters" and "bigots". Since it was a long night, I can't even begin to remember all of the things that were shouted and/or chanted at us. Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us. Then, a group of guys surrounded us with whistles, and blasted them inches away from our ears continually. Then, they started getting violent and started shoving us. At one point a man tried to steal one of our Bibles. Chrisdene noticed, so she walked up to him and said "Hey, that's not yours, can you please give it back?". He responded by hitting her on the head with the Bible, shoving her to the ground, and kicking her. I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said "No, tell him I forgive him." Afterward, she didn't rejoin us in the circle, but she made friends with one of the people in the crowd, and really connected heart to heart.

    Roger got death threats. As the leader of our group, people looked him in the eyes and said "I am going to kill you.", and they were serious. A cop heard one of them, and confronted him. (This part is kinda graphic, so you should skip the paragraph if you don't want to be offended.) It wasn't long before the violence turned to perversion. They were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants - basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them. Soon after, the cops came and stood between us and the mob.

    When it was getting more heated, the cops were like "You guys should leave." and Roger said "We want to stay." Someone tried to steal my backpack, but I tapped a cop on the shoulder, and said "Hey, that's my bag." and he got it from him and gave it to me. Others weren't so lucky. Probably half our team got their jackets stolen. Eventually, as the crowd was getting more and more uncontrollable, the cops were afraid for our lives, so they escorted us to our van. (The cops were very nice to us from start to finish.) Our van was parked pretty far because it was hard to find parking that day. As the cops escorted us, the mob followed us, until the cops formed a line, and held off the people so we could drive away. We took the long way home, just in case anyone tried to follow us. When we got home, we prayed and sang more, and then prayed over each-other.

    Please know my heart. All of what we do is for the Love of Jesus Christ, and the love for those in the Castro. The Bible says to love God, and then love people. We can only love because He loved us first. We can't hate the people because they are just broken and blinded by the spirit of this age. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities and Powers. It's not a political thing, we just love the people. This is the raw footage of the walk from 18th and Castro Street to our car. It was only the very tail end of the night and says that we were all about prop8... when in reality we had nothing to do with prop 8 this night.


    The Love of Christ which surpasses all understanding is what we need for the spirit of this age. Thank you, brothers and sisters of San Fran who demonstrated the love of Christ.

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  12. A Moral Revolution

    Anyone can give away something expensive,
    but only those who understand sacrifice
    can give away something valuable.
    -Kris Vallotton, in his latest book.

    I forgot to share the awesome thing yesterday as I promised!
    Here it is -- Kris Vallotton's latest book:


    Here's the deal: I'm not much of a reader, but I cannot put this book down! I've read two chapters so far and I teared up once! Kris' story "The Parable of the Ring" let me see what it means to fight for something that's of worth and to taste the triumph once you've won the trophy of purity. This book is for everyone, whether you are single, in a relationship, married, divorced, or in any kind of struggle with your sexual orientation. It talks about how ever since the sexual revolution back in the 60's & 70's, religion started to relegate, or even denounce sex as a sin in general. This book would be the catalyst for a sexual reformation.

    Let me end my fairly short post (because I want you to get the book and start reading it!) with my favorite quote from the book:

    True love germinates in the soil of sacrifice,
    sprouts in the garden of surrender,
    and matures in a matrimony of servanthood.
    Love isn't love until it has cost you something to give it away.

    I truly encourage EVERYONE to read this book.
    Click HERE to buy it @ AMAZON!

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  13. Fire Fall Down

    Monday, November 17, 2008
    By johnny
    Sun turning red.
    This is by 210 freeway. Devastating.
    This is a picture of the smoke from the wildfire, viewed from above SoCal.

    I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth,
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
    -Joel 2:30-

    Man I hope this is not part of what Joel prophesied, I certainly don't think this is anything CLOSE to what is about to come. Maybe. What's your take on this?

    It's mid November and we have wildfire here in Southern California.

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  14. March & Fire

    Sunday, November 16, 2008
    By johnny
    An estimate of 20,000 march against prop 8 in downtown San Diego today. Eddie and some people were worshiping there but they had to leave due to the amount of people protesting. The smoke caused by the fire down in Anaheim/Brea area was so thick that the southern sky of San Gabriel Valley looked quite scary today while the northern sky got really clear and the mountains were gorgeous.

    I found a profound facebook note written by a great friend, April Brown, and here a part of it:
    Friends, we need to be able to stand, beyond what was accomplished recently! We must stand in the face of even greater opposition. It wasn't a ballot initiative that I was after this year- it's the soul of California and the soul of our nation. There remains fierce contention for it right now. It's the heart that God is after. If we don't turn hearts to Christ we lose everything. Eternity is real. God desires this nation. Will we continue to stand? We have to be through playing defense. This is the time for offense!

    God has not been and never will be on the defensive side because that's simply not His nature! Then why should we play by the world's rule if we are not of this world? These protesters might just hit the churches tomorrow all across California, who knows?

    What would you do? This nation is at stake, and we gotta step forth instead of back up. Churches, stop playing games with each other and get together for the time of His coming is near! WAKE UP!


    ps. I want to share something real awesome, but that'll be for tomorrow!
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  15. Words of Jeremiah

    Saturday, November 15, 2008
    By johnny
    Reading Jeremiah is a pain.
    Because what I read is about the destruction of God's people who refused to turn back to Him from their wicked ways.
    And that's the last thing I want to see happen in this nation, this state, this city.

    But if I say, "I will not mention him
    or speak any more in his name,"
    his word is in my heart like a fire,
    a fire shut up in my bones.
    I am weary of holding it in;
    indeed, I cannot.

    We all need to start proclaiming this verse
    that His word is a fire shut up in my bones.
    God, cease the flood!

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  16. Intensify

    Friday, November 14, 2008
    By johnny

    It got really intense when dozens of people gathered around our little table and started to yell at us, cuss at us, and laugh at us. Many started to dispute and try to prove that Jesus is not the only perfect way. The atmosphere was so tense that it is very hard to describe with words.
    But what we believe is that we gotta keep on preaching the message of love, which is not taught anywhere by this university, and NO ONE can define what love really means. What a broken generation!

    A NO on 8 rally is going on tomorrow. It will be quite interesting for sure, and Lord I pray that You would extend Your hands of mercy upon these people, for they know not what they do. I bet Your heart aches a thousand times more than mine for these lost and broken ones.

    Keep pressing in. Something needs to explode.
    We need God's winds of change!
    And what we should have prepared for this early morning's earthquake drill should be "What do you do when Jesus comes." Because when He comes, earth would quake and heaven would shake. Come like a rushing wind and pour out Your spirit on all flesh upon UCSD, God!

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  17. What's Wrong With Me?

    Thursday, November 13, 2008
    By johnny
    Never have I felt so weird because I realized that my way of communicating with others often ticks others off. And that's the last thing I want others to feel, whether they've known me for years or the first time. Lord, would you remove any arrogance, self-righteousness, and pride in my communication, whether there is any or not. I desire to change the way I communicate with others and to be a person who does not offend anyone but the enemy. Jeff is a true friend and I totally appreciate his honesty and respect for me by telling me what I have done that just does not work.

    I think I've taken love for granted.
    Even Yours, Jesus.
    What's wrong with me?
    I rather not speak at all if the words are not edifying and encouraging.
    Jesus, I need You. I come before You on my knees and ask for Your forgiveness if I have ever spoken wrongly toward my friends and family or even my attitude offended them. I need to get away from everything and go to You first. It's been a stressful week and I just haven't been setting some time apart to worship.
    I haven't felt so broken for years.

    Yet You still love me.

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  18. Happy Birthday, Dr. Sun.

    Wednesday, November 12, 2008
    By johnny
    His started a revolution 97 years ago in the name of Jesus.
    And now I'm proud to be a citizen of Republic of China.
    Taiwan is created as a Christian nation since the beginning.
    A whole new revolution is coming....


    ps. Y'all should read the UH OH HOT DOG post.
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  19. Call Forth Your Destiny

    I love the moral behind these two movies. Both talk about destiny. Po the panda is destined to be the Dragon Warrior who would defeat the most dangerous menace Tai Lung and bring peace to the valley and to the Master Shifu even though he's full of fat and fur and stupidity. Speed, a boy growing up wanting to be like his big bro Rex driving 800 mph, is destined to be a racer. He would never have thought that he could bring down the smuggling and the bribing behind all major races with the only thing he is good at: racing.

    Many times I'd think myself as Po and said to myself, "I suck more than anyone in the history of sucking." Or I'd be like Speed, telling myself to quit the only thing I believe in for all my life because someone tells me that racing is nothing but business and bribes.

    Sometimes I just need that Master Shifu or a brother Rex who would speak destiny into my life. Actually just this morning I was listening to one of Bill Johnson's sermon, and here's a testimony he shared:

    A guy who claims that he is gay, and one of his coworkers working at the same supermarket bscially said to him, "You're not gay." And he would get so upset with her and wanted to argue with her, but all she said was, "I just know from the bottom of my heart that you're not gay!" He stopped talking to her for weeks. And then one day he just came up to her and said, "You're right, I'm not gay." Then he got completely saved and set free in the name of Jesus!

    When Po said, "nonononono.....you've got the wrong guy here. ME? The Dragon Warrior? HA! Look at the size of this ball (holds his belly and shakes it)! I can't even see my toes!" Master Shifu would tell him, "It is your destiny and you MUST accept it."

    Friends, what is YOUR destiny?

    What is YOUR calling in this life, if you've only had one life to go through this super mario world? Would you go and learn all the kung-fu skills and get as many mushrooms as you can in order to get the highest prize? There is a destiny for each one of us living in this world which we called Earth. And that is to be with Him and know what is on His heart for His people, and grab that calling and start running because we are the warriors who are meant to defeat the most furious enemy.

    Remember, "Words create worlds." It's when we speak the destiny out of someone and proclaim victory over him/her that the person would be in God's will!

    Thank You Jesus for this revelation and the links between these two movies and Bill's message. You are a God who truly loves us and desires us to draw near to You and to know the secrets of Your heart, too. I love You, Jesus, very very much. I might be the suckiest sucker in the history of sucking, I'm still the rose and the lily to You.

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  20. Grace & Protection

    Monday, November 10, 2008
    By johnny
    It could have looked like this....but it didn't. Phew.

    This was my first time driving all the way down to San Diego from LA! Did I mention I was driving with 3 flat tires (two of them had tire pressure under 10 pounds!) and one that was near-flat going 80 mph on average. It's really God's grace and protection right there! The weather was really chilly so the tire was not heating up and blowing out.

    I guess it was not my time (and Enoch's, Aaron's and Peter's) to go to heaven just yet =)
    And because of these flat tires I used up quite a lot of gas to get down here--almost 6 gallons!
    I truly apologize to that beautiful Acura. I promise you that I will take good care of you.
    I promise.

    Thank You Jesus.

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  21. What Is Life, Anyway?

    Sunday, November 9, 2008
    By johnny

    Someone left a comment on Crystal Kang's note on the issue of Partial Birth Abortion on facebook. This guy asked, "What is life, anyway?"

    That sure made my heart ache for a sec.

    ...when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.
    - Apostle Paul

    Love is patient, love in kind.....all that jazz.
    Here's the deal: people are going after "love is kind" but they do not see the following words: "love does not delight in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth". God does not contradict Himself. He simply CANNOT lie even if He wants to; He does not even have the DESIRE to do anything bad.

    "Love your neighbors as yourselves" comes after "Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." Loving Christ comes before loving men.

    What is life, anyway?

    If you have nothing worth dying for,
    then you have nothing worth living for.

    That's my two cents.

    Lord, send forth an awakening and restore senses back to Your body!

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  22. Heart of Our Father

    Saturday, November 8, 2008
    By johnny
    A beautifully written entry by Jason Vallotton.

    We as the body of Christ are called to stand. In the mist of defeat we stand. In victory we stand. In conflict we stand. We carry the standard for our nation. It is we who set the bar. We have been mandated to represent the father’s heart to the whole earth. So much of who Christ is to the world is manifest through our words and actions. We have an opportunity in every situation to demonstrate the love of God in everything that we do…

    So often, we let the circumstances of life decide what we will represent to the world. I can’t tell you how many times in the last few days I have heard someone say “Obamma is the Antichrist” or “ things are going to be bad.” Every time I hear these words, pain shoots through my heart. It is the Church, the BODY of CHRIST who has been sent to BUILD up the WORLD. Romans 2:4 says “ the goodness of God LEADS us to REPENTANCE!!!” As ambassador’s of Christ, how can we tear down the leaders of our nation and expect the kindness of God to invade their life? When we curse the leaders of our nation with our words, we are destroying the very thing we have been charged to build up. If you truly believe that your words create, then every curse that is spoken out of your mouth has a destructive effect in the world we are working so hard to preserve.

    Change happens when we represent the Father heart of God everywhere we go. In order to be in places of influence and power, we must put on the mind of Christ and let compassion rule our tongue and actions.

    Take a look at Daniel in the Bible. When trapped in an evil empire, ruled by a wicked king, Daniel put on compassion like a cloak and served Nebuchadnezzar with the heart of Jesus. Nebuchadnezzar received a dream from the Lord telling him that he was going to be torn down to nothing. Nebuchadnezzar did not understand the meaning of the dream so he called Daniel in to interpret it for him. Upon hearing the dream, Daniel became terribly troubled and replied, “My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! Daniel was heartbroken at the word of the Lord because of his deep love for Nebuchadnezzar (the wicked king). What troubles me is that most of the church would think this is the time for great rejoicing– God has judged Nebuchadnezzar! We would be saying, “This is what he deserves, he got what was coming”.

    Have you ever had to discipline your children? Have you looked them in the eyes and let them know how their actions have torn deep into your heart? I can’t imagine their brothers and sisters saying, “This is what you deserve, that’s what you get”. This is what we are doing every time we rejoice in someone’s pain. God says to mourn with those who mourn, to weep with those who weep. It does not say to weep with those who did nothing wrong, He says to mourn with THOSE who mourn. Why? When we take time to mourn with those who mourn, we will also take the time to love them into health and restoration. When you love someone in their hardest season of life, you have now sewn seeds towards the prosperity of their soul.

    Daniel’s heart for his king planted seeds of love into his life and because of this, Nebuchadnezzar surrendered himself over to the love of God. I will say it again, change happens when we represent the Father heart of God everywhere we go… If you believe that Obama needs God, then shine the love of God his way.

    It is not our job to send destruction with our words, to hate those in leadership, or to curse Gods children. We do not overcome hate with hate. There is no fear in love and no peace in accusation. We have been hand selected, placed here to shine our light into the darkness, making it whole. The love of God is the only thing that breaks down the walls of death and destruction; it is the only tool that wins over the heart of a wicked king…

    We are salt and light. We must learn how to guard our hearts and mind, for we know that salt and light belong in the dark and hard places of the world. The power that we draw from in these trying times comes out of our love, compassion, and honor for those we are preserving. When we fail to love, respect, and honor those who God has called us to, we violate our authority and misrepresent the Father, ultimately tearing down the very thing we are called to preserve. Put on the full armor of God. Guard your heart and mind with his truth. Wrap yourself in pure love and shine to the world the heart of our Father…

    Jason Vallotton

    Lord, help us to have Your heart for this nation. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours. We want to pur on Your full armor and consecrate ourselves for the days to come. We turn our focus on You.

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  23. Rejected Silver + Origins

    Friday, November 7, 2008
    By johnny
    During my time on the snake I kept on praying in tongues and asking God to save His people. I turned to Jeremiah 6, which talks about God's judgment upon His people when they deny Him. What strikes me the most would be the last verse:

    They are called rejected silver because the Lord has rejected them.

    God, I want to see this nation be called the Purified Gold instead of Rejected Silver! My heart is still aching for the unborn babies.

    Had a great Origins meeting. Holy Spirit was real strong when we worshiped! He was oh so tangible and when Brian prayed for me, I felt such the immense presence of God in that room! Afterward Brian shared with me his story that when he was 21, he went to Morocco on a mission trip. He almost got caught by police carrying machine guns when he passed out Bibles to people on the streets! He even got into a trance, and during that period he was interpreting in the language of Hebrew and sharing Jesus with this Arabian dude on the train! Think about it, he was only 21 back then and his life was in jeopardy. He had only one hope--God. And miraculously God would just send angels or He would just show up and speak to him! No joke!

    I am very excited for ORIGINS and the times to come. Something is shaking....

    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.
    God, encounter Obama in dreams and visions so that he would know what is on Your heart for the nation, end abortion, and send revival to America.

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  24. Ending of a Battle, Beginning of a War

    Thursday, November 6, 2008
    By johnny
    I do not know to where Obama is taking this country.

    But one thing I am certain--that the shedding of innocent blood will not stop in this nation and God still has mercy for this unfaithful nation. People do not think abortion as an issue, but they think ANIMALS are more important than TEENAGE GIRLS and BABIES!

    I do not know how to share my heart today. Don't give up praying.

    Praise God for the passing of Proposition 8! This may seems like the end of a battle; however, it's the beginning of a war. We gotta keep pressing in and facedown even more to see more of Him in this school, state, and country!

    You can see photos here from Tuesday's LIFE siege @ Price Center.

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  25. LIFE SIEGE UCSD + Reflection on Obama

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008
    By johnny
    We stood on behalf of the 50 million babies aborted in America.
    Pleading with God and ask Him to end abortion and send revival.
    It was a stand for justice and righteousness.
    Heaven broke loose and He shall pour out His Spirit on all flesh.
    We were raging war in the spirit. Angels were fighting demons.

    I believe God can use Obama to turn this nation back to Him, who knows? All I know now is that we need to pray for his born-again salvation and he would follow God's way and not his own ways. Lord, I ask that You would guide Barack Obama and the leaders in the government as he transitions from a senate to a president of this country. Lord, would You pour out Your spirit and love upon him also so that he would come to know You in a deeper level. Lord, America is Your land and we are Your people. I am proud to be an American not because who won or who lost, but because this country is so a blessing to the entire world, and its foundation is built upon Your words, God.

    The first African-American president of the United States of America. A racial breakthrough is clearly shown in this beautiful country, and today, history is clearly made. I'd say this is really something. Yes I voted for McCain because his views are closer to mine, but Obama's victory sure, in a sense, brought the nation together as "one people". Even though I really dispite his view on abortion, I respect him and intercede for him because God loves him the same way He loves every one else.

    God, I believe there is still mercy for this nation because of Your righteous men and women standing in the gap between this nation and Your wrath. Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America!

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  26. Burdened Day

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008
    By johnny
    Saw Ramondo & Brian on campus.
    They drove down from the Bay area with friends for The Call!

    People were rallying others to vote NO on Prop 4. I didn't not realize there is a group called "VOICES FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD" on campus. God, have mercy!!

    Victor and I basically confronted one of the girls and got into an endless back-and-forth convo, of course. My heart was so burdened that I just had to pray. I went up on the snake for about an hour, just pleading with God to have mercy. My heart was aching like never before.

    Even now as I type, my heart is aching so severely because today, in my school's newspaper, there is a huge article on OBAMA and the writer even tells the readers WHAT TO VOTE FOR ON EVERY PROPOSITION. And of course, No on 4 & No on 8. That sure put my spirit man in tears.
    Spenser & Tim on the snake, worshiping and interceding.

    I went to class after praying on the snake, and as I passed by the snake after class I saw two guys worshiping right there! Turned out that they are both FRESHMEN and they are so passionate for Jesus. And they both went to The Call. They know about the snake even before they came for the school year because one of the former students from UCSD, Jeff, went to their church up in the Bay area. Got to pray with them and asked them to come out with YOPP tomorrow @ Price Center for worship and intercession.

    Please pray for us as we go out there and rage war in the spirit tomorrow, and many voters' hearts would be convicted in voting yes on prop 4 & prop 8. God, would You rend the heavens and come down! Have mercy upon America!

    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.
    God, end abortion and send revival to America.

    Math Homework was not fun. My brain was totally fried. And I still have two econ midterms to study! Lord, I need Your help!!

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  27. Tree Flower Vision

    Monday, November 3, 2008
    By johnny
    A tree blooming with flowers.
    However, the flowers are not of the same kind.
    They bloom in different seasons and weathers.
    However, they are all blooming together out of the same trunk and root.

    I asked the Lord what it means.
    And he showed me more.
    The different flowers are national flowers.
    The first one I recognize is the Plum Blossom of Taiwan.
    Then I saw flowers of Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, and Indonesia.

    After that, I asked the Lord why are they all from the same root?
    The trunk and root signify prayer and fasting.

    Got this vision @ The Call. It's been a long while since I last saw a vision! I gotta be real sensitive to the Spirit more!

    I checked out some of these national flowers, and what stikes me the most is Korea's national flower: Rose of Sharon (SoS 2:1)!



    ps. Shelley Paulson, the official photographer for The Call, has a flickr slideshow of some beautifully taken pictures from The Call California!
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    Sunday, November 2, 2008
    By johnny
    As California Goes, So Goes The Nation.

    Three more days.
    A Nation Will Be Changed In A Day.
    November 4th, 2008.

    There are too much to share. I brought with me great expectations built up since summer of 07. As soon as Matt Gilman started to sing HOLY, I broke down into tears. More like bawling. Never have I cried so many times in such a short period of time. I believe in that 12 hours, God's heart's deeply moved. He sees his desperate children crying out for Him to come and rescue their land and forgive their sins. When Dr. James Dobson started to share, my heart was broken yet again and I started to tear up. He is definitely one of my spiritual heroes in the 21st century, along with Lou.

    During this weekend I've met so many people that I wouldn't thought to meet at all! For example, I met Jimmy (photo above) when I went to refill my water bottle. He's a first year student @ Bethel School of Supernatural! I basically asked him to pray for me and to release what he has received upon me for signs, wonders, and miracles! He's a real awesome dude!

    And I got to meet David Brymer in person! He's just awesome over all and he just finished doing a music score for a documentary movie that's coming out sometime next year! If you are not familiar with his name, he used to be on the singing team of Misty! And on the left is Paul, whose roommate is Luke Hendrickson!

    These 40 days have been really rewarding, and I loved The Call and felt so connected with what Lou is doing in this nation. This is not a time to segregate but to unite. I was so amazed by the Catholic community and how united they are! May the Lord bless them! I'll share more about a vision I saw tomorrow.

    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.
    God, end abortion and send revival to America!

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  29. Adventure + 22 Weeks + Downtown Worship Saturation!

    Saturday, November 1, 2008
    By johnny
    Bus Ride........... 60 minutes
    Trolley Ride.... 15 minutes
    Walk................. 30 minutes
    Bus Ride........... 15 minutes
    TOTAL 120 minutes

    By car would be....20 minutes....ugh.

    Hanging out with Peter and sharing life and tiring as monkeys:

    We finally got to KEN theater after two hours of adventure and watched the screening of 22 weeks. Everyone should watch it. I hope that they'll come over to LA and do a private screening. It is such a powerful movie on abortion and how we have to stand for LIFE. Check out the website @ 22weeksthemovie.com.

    Great time hanging out with good friends -- the Hendricksons and the Clarks and some gangs from San Diego and IHOP! They are awesome! And the last picture is Ryan & Sam making fun of Eric, apparently sleeping.

    Here I come, The Call! God, Shake the HEAVENS!!!!!!

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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