1. WOW~~!

    Monday, November 23, 2009
    By johnny
    I tell you the truth: unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. - Jesus

    I know the reason why: to be innocent, pure, naive, and without doubt like little children.

    And here's a little portrait of what the child looks like:

    This video got me laughing so hard because he is simply adorable. He has never seen a lobster before, and once he saw it, the first thing that came out was "WOW~". We have to be constantly amazed by our almighty God, whose works are creative and infinite: healings, salvations, miracles, signs, or just beautiful stars in the sky. We just cannot take God's creation for granted but rather be constantly in awe and the longing of the secrets of God to be revealed. Prepare ourselves to say "WOW" every time God shows up! How much more is there to You?? I want to know.... um... Can I touch it?

    Thanks Daddy, love ya!

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  2. AX-Synth

    Saturday, November 21, 2009
    By johnny

    Life without air is like Johnny without AX-Synth.
    The moment I saw her, I knew she's the one for me.
    So pure, so beautiful, spotless.
    The sound within her calls out for me.

    Anyhow, I'm now officially in love with AX-Synth. Sorry Yamaha. She is something special. I think she's the one. I might even propose to her once I have her in my arms.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! I'll wait for some Santa Claus to put one in my stockings!

    Ask, and you will seek. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.
    I like that promise. Lord, I would like a brand new Roland AX-Synth soon... =)

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  3. The Best Satisfies

    Thursday, November 19, 2009
    By johnny

    Something Bill Johnson once shared popped into my head:

    If you have the best, there is no second best.

    It's kinda like, "If you can win the first prize, why would you want second prize?"

    I can tell the world that I have the best prize, and His name is Jesus. The flower loses its beauty, the mountain loses its glory, the canyon loses its splendor when compared to this God-man. We all can have the best, and we do not have to go for anything less than best. Nothing in the world can be compared to His glory, splendor, and beauty -- even the sun seems to have a lesser glow.

    He is the best Father.
    The best Teacher.
    The best Healer.
    The best Prophet.
    The best Preacher.
    The best Counselor.
    The best Friend.
    The best Lover.

    So, tell me now, if we can easily have the best, why do we always go for second best?
    Second best does not quench the thirst. It does not satisfy. The BEST satisfies.

    Take this as an invitation of Jesus, the best this world's got, and He is desperate to be the best of your life. He paid the price so that He can be with you. And don't ever, EVER think that you do not deserve the best.

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  4. IHOP plug + Identity

    Friday, November 13, 2009
    By johnny
    First of all, y'all need to go to www.ihop.org/watch to see what the Holy Spirit has been doing @ International House of Prayer in Kansas City! The Spirit just took over the entire house and healing, deliverance, laughter, tears just broke out like no tomorrow! GO THERE or WATCH LIVE! I got really filled by just hearing about the cool stuff God's doing there! Lord, I pray for an increase of Your glory upon IHOP and Kansas City and all over the world through web streaming! Praise God for internet!

    Due to a move of the Holy Spirit, IHOP–KC is holding extended meetings from 6:00pm–midnight (CST) at the FSM building. Click on the player below to join us via the free, live webstream during these times. If you would like access to the prayer room 24/7, please subscribe to our Prayer Room webstream here.


    I still need to get closer to the Word and His Word. The more I come to Him and to the Word, the more energy I would gain, the more peace I would have, the more revelation I would receive, the more knowledge of Jesus I would gain.

    Ever watched the movie "Fight Club" by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt? If you have not, you should definitely watch it; however, I'm going to spoil a bit of the movie for you. It turned out that Brad was an imaginary friend in the end. There. I just gave you in the ending of the movie. But you still need to go watch it.

    It is definitely harder to make imaginary friends, especially with a sound mind. I'm not saying that God is an imaginary being; He just cannot be seen through our natural eyes. However, the same principals used to build friendships in the world works pretty much the same with Jesus: you meet Him, know more about who He is by spending more time with Him and His Words to an extent that you know He would back you up because He has become your Best Friend.

    Paul wrote to the church of Corinth in 2 Cor. 1:
    For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

    I think that is just about the coolest promise from God. We are reconnected with the Father through Jesus. In other words, since all God's promises have been made "Yes" in Jesus, then it is through Jesus that God's promises are now made available to those who believe. Therefore, without Jesus backing us up, there is no way for us to receive the "Yes" part of God's promises because Jesus is the Way to the Father, His promises, His love, His mercy, His righteousness, and His glory. That is why God make us stand firm in Jesus Christ.

    Lastly, we need to know that 1) We are anointed by God. 2) On us is God's Seal of Ownership. and 3) In our hearts is the Holy Spirit, a deposit that guarantees God's promises to be fulfilled.

    That is the true identity of a Christian! We have authority and the power of God through Jesus Christ, and we should not be afraid of taking up that staff and start advancing His Kingdom -- that is what we are called to do! We have a REAL invisible friend be our side -- He shows us that He is real through words, revelations, dreams, people, circumstances, healing, signs and wonders! Let's keep pursuing the best friendship ever so that we can stand firm of who we are!



    ps. The sunset sky was beautiful today.

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  5. Treasure Huntin'

    Friday, November 6, 2009
    By johnny
    Q: What can you do on Halloween night?
    A: Go and pray for people! =D

    12 of us were split into three groups.

    Enoch, Alice, Kay (who turned 16), and I encountered this dude, JAMES, with a sling over his shoulder. He, a high school sophomore @ St. Francis High School, injured his left collar bone playing football. Alice prayed for him first. After the prayer, the pain was lessened by a little. So I shared a testimony to encourage him and told him that Jesus was healing him so let's pray again! After the second prayer, the PAIN WAS GONE and he took off his sling to start move around his left arm and held it way up high -- and it hurt just a little bit. So we only had one choice -- pray AGAIN! And surely enough, Jesus took away all his pain, and that guy left with sling in his hand, smiling and thanking Jesus for healing him from pain!

    We had many things on our list, and mine was "BLACK BASEBALL CAP with a P on it". We went into the only hat store in the mall, which definitely would have some black caps with P's! As we entered in, this friendly salesperson approached us. I told him, "We're actually doing a treasure hunt and we're looking for someone who wears a black cap that has a P on it." He then lowered his head, and lo' and behold -- the BLACK CAP with a yellow P is on this guy's head! His name is Ben, and he's 21. So I told him that he was our treasure and God wanted to tell him something (which I did not know at the moment...). But then I started to tell him that God is pleased with his faithfulness, and he is faithful at what he does, and God would provide him because he remains faithful. For real, I did not know what I was talking about, and I felt like I was just repeating the same thing over and over.

    So I asked him if any of the things I said make sense, and he said, "Yeah it made total sense!" We were all rejoicing and praising God; even the more, he told us that he is the YOUTH LEADER of his church and he needs God's provision and favor in this season of stepping up into his calling! We felt really connected with this guy and we all prayed and prophesied over him, and invited him to join us when we go out and do s'more treasure hunting!

    ohhh just one more thing... he actually is an alumni of St. Francis High School, the school which JAMES, the guy who got healed, currently attends! Hmm.. maybe God's doing something over there! Come on! Jesus showing up on Halloween night! Too cool!



    ps. by the way, Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT is THE BOMB. Makes me wanna dance and sing during the whole movie. I am truly inspired by this musical legend.
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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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