1. I Don't (Just) Believe In Jesus

    Friday, January 28, 2011
    By johnny
    I trust in Him.

    You believe that there is one God. Good!
    Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
    -James 2:19-

    My life is completely changed because I don't know where I would be without God here in my life. Now I have unending peace, joy, hope, and love that are more than enough! Every time I think about what God has done in my life, tears run down my face. I pray that everyone would come to know this love that truly satisfies, even though it might sound silly, but this love is much more real than reality shows, romantic movies, or online dating.

    All He requires of us is a leap of faith.

    I trust in my family members because I know that they love me with all their heart and the things they promised is for my good. Same goes for Jesus!

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  2. Crash Testing

    Thursday, January 27, 2011
    By johnny
    The Lord tests the righteous...
    -Psalms 11:5-

    These words spoke to me today as I read Psalms 11, a short song by David on trusting in God's righteousness. I saw a vision: in order to test the strength and the safety features of a car that meets the government's standard, the car manufacturer has to go through "crash testing". You know the drill.

    Same for the people who are called to be righteous. And if God does not put us through tests, how can we know how "up to God's standard" we are? And as I was typing the previous sentence, Fling Wide came on my iTunes shuffle. I guess the Spirit is agreeing with my heart!

    So, let's keep going, step by step, through the fire, through the flame, and come out victoriously tested and tried.

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  3. Lakers' Dream

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011
    By johnny
    I see Derek Fisher in my dream, and the game is about to start. Our eyes meet and I start to talk to him and actually offer him prayer. After the prayer, he asks me to walk with him, and he introduces me to Kobe Bryant and we both start to pray over Kobe before the game starts. Pretty sweet dream. My first dream about real sports heroes of mine. I need more of this kind of dream...

    I wonder what this means.

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  4. The Seeds

    Sunday, January 16, 2011
    By johnny

    The Seeds had its first meeting of six people, two of which are new friends. We all shared our various thoughts on the word "seed":

    - a plant
    - fruits
    - flowers
    - good soil
    - ....seed?

    My hope is to see us becoming seeds, buried ourselves for the sake of future seeds. Sow Faithfully + Grow Fruitfully are our visions, and even though I really do not know where to go, I will have to simply rely on the ONE who waters me and nourishes me with love and care so that I will bear fruits thirty, sixty, even a hundred fold. Lord, give to us TEN mustard seeds planted in good soil with love and care, we can be fruitful and multiply as we walk in Your promises! Thank You for today, and to You I lift up the two friends who will decide follow You one day. They are Yours, God, and let Your love forever satisfy the deepest longing of their hearts.

    It's a new season.
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  5. New Season!

    Thursday, January 6, 2011
    By johnny

    When we ask the Lord for an apple, He gives us an apple seed. God's more of a farmer than a supermarket. In this new season, I believe it's time to plant a seed that will grow fruits in due time, however long it will take. "I still want to lead a cell group." I said to Jack when we talked about the split between Alice and I in this new season to start our own groups. As much as I want to start a group that focuses on musicality and worship, somehow my heart is screaming out for cell groups. I don't think I'm a good cell group leader, but for the past 1.5years of doing it, you could say I'm a little bit better at leading.

    Ever since the start of my walk with Jesus seven years ago, the thought of being a cell group leader never went across my mind at all, I really didn't know how to lead one or even want to lead one because I believed that wasn't "my calling". Well, about 1.5 years ago I went to WAVE and got a call from Jack, telling me that I'm leading it.

    Yup, not a comfortable feeling. Well, obedience obedience obedience. The maturity process has been slow but noticeable, at least to me. I can't agree more that being a cell leader is one of the best way to grow spiritually because i had to pretty much do everything since there's no co-leader in the beginning stage: calling people up, praying, worship, and sharing... they were all quite challenging in their own little ways. Frustration, anxiety, and stress are always knocking on my door, trying to get it. Sometimes I would give in and not close the door, but sometimes I really learned how to shut them out as I drew my eyes on the One who gives good gifts, love, peace, hope, and strength. A lot of our weekly meetings were very dry and without directions, yet some were filled with God's presence and love.

    My desire for this new season is to see more potential leaders find their place in God's Kingdom and that they will raise up even more leaders in the future, so on and so forth. Not only that, I want to see my boldness to be increased in a higher level that I really can go crazy because I'm so madly in love with this man called Christ Jesus. I need to share the REAL gospel to more people and see more souls heading to their real home in Heaven. "If I know God's love and doesn't share it, then their blood will be in my hands", said Paul in the most straightforward way. That verse really speaks to my heart: this is the work that I will never stop doing because I'll get some sweet eternal rewards. I don't want to share God's love not only for the reward set before me, but also see souls completely transformed by God's grace and love that brings them to their knees.

    I don't know what this new season looks like, but I know I have to seek and love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, that everything else will be added unto me. Basics basics basics is so crucial in the season of change. A part of me doesn't like change, but I knew that changes are necessity to growth and maturity. I am excited for the unknown lie before me, and I'm just going to take one step at a time with the Lord, and eventually I will know His good plan for me.

    Evangelism & Edification => Encounter & Disciple.

    What will the Next Wave look like? Well, just wait and see.
    I will nurture the apple seed and be faithful with what's been given to me.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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