1. Footprints #1 - Crushing the Snake Head

    Friday, August 12, 2011
    By johnny
    This is the place of UCSD that I'll miss the most.
    This place has always been a place of retreat, prayers, and worship for me during the past four dreadful wonderful years. Somehow standing on the head of the snake gives me more faith to believe for another level of invasion of God's Kingdom upon my life, upon the campus, and upon the nations. This is where I prayed "Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nations. God, end abortion and send revival to America" for the hundredth time. This is where I learned what it means to intercede. This is where I began to have a heart for America. This is where I met some of the greatest friends and giants in the Kingdom of God. This is where I contend and stand in the gap between this nation and God's throne of Grace and ask Him to have mercy and pour out His Spirit upon all flesh here at UCSD.

    So on August 9th (Tuesday), I spent a good 10 minute before class on the snake head, and I met this elderly man who was doing some exercises by the grassy area. Long story short, I shared with him a little bit about my schooling and how I wish to pursue more education after UCSD. In the end I simply added, "God bless you," and he was a bit offended and said, "uh...nah... it's okay. I'm not religious at all." To his surprise I replied, "It's okay, I'm not religious either, but I just love Jesus." He suddenly looked confused and asked, "Wait... what do you mean that you are not religious and you love Jesus?" So I, to my best ability, explained to him what I meant in a short sentence, "Well, I am not religious because Jesus never was religious, He actually told me to LOVE Him and LOVE people instead of pointing fingers at others." He nodded and said, "Yeah... okay. I guess I see what you mean now. Good luck with your life. Bye." I'm still not sure whether I answered his question aptly, so if you have any better way to explain that, please let me know!

    I'm going to miss all these wild rabbits all over UCSD.
    I was just about to head back to my apartment after class that I heard Him telling me to spend an hour up on the snake head. So I did. I was in desperate need of His Presence, and coming back to that familiar place of prayer and worship, I was rejoicing, dancing, praising Him as if nobody's around (thank God not a lot of people walked by when I bust out all the crazy moves). My spirit was overflowing with revelations of His love and His goodness and kindness. God, in His holiness, is so kind, and in His lordship, He is so loving.

    About 40 minutes later a young lady and a young girl walked by, and the lady (whose name is Diana) asked me what I was doing. I answered, "I'm just here praying to God and worshiping Jesus." I explained the overall message about the snake path, and their eyes were opened and jaws were dropped in unbelief in the underlying (it's actually quite obvious) message of this artwork. (Click here to read a little more about the path). So I started sharing a little bit of how my standing on the head of the snake is actually the fulfillment of the entire picture, as mentioned in Genesis 3, that we (the bride of Christ) will crush its (the snake) head. Diana started to share with me that she is really open to a lot of beliefs, and I shared with her how I came to know Jesus and how Jesus is the only way to God. Diana was really free-spirited and she was so intrigued by Jesus, so I offered to pray with them. I knew that God was up to something, so after the prayer I told her that God's heart is to bring healing to her family, physical healing especially to her parents, and Diana told me that her mom is suffering from a big ulcer on her abdominal area, and she is actually a lover of Jesus who is believing for healing too. I told her that her family is going to encounter the Lord in a greater measure!

    It got even crazier...

    After sharing with her another healing testimony, she showed me her hands--on both of her ring fingers there are rashes and redness. She said it's been hurting pretty badly for the past couples days. So we prayed. And right after the prayer, her left ring finger stopped hurting! I began to tell her that God is right here, and He is healing her right now, and let's pray again to believe for complete healing. Right after I said that, she told me that the right ring finger also stopped hurting! God was really showing up and touching Diana. It was just an open door that God had for Diana and also Cali to come to know how much He loves her! We all prayed together in the end and I encouraged Diana to go home and lay hands on her mom and pray in the name of Jesus and see God break in and break through! Yay Jesus, You showed up and Your love never fails :D

    Diana (left) and Cali (right). Holy Spirit showed up and touched them greatly!
    "If you can't get excited over the headache that's gone, you can't be trusted with an empty wheelchair. A move of a God is a move of God. And if you measure it, you would put Him in a box where He has to set a certain standard before you applaud and before you move. Any indication of the Presence is the beginning of a celebration."
    - Bill Johnson @ Jesus Culture Awakening, August 5 2011.

    I think I need to tattoo this quote onto my cornea so I can memorize it into my heart.


    ps. A new post will be up in the next day or two. :) God's been giving me beautiful revelations about Himself, and myself too.
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  2. The Way to Freedom - Part 2

    Thursday, July 14, 2011
    By johnny
    July 7 Morning - The morning session was so sweet. I had my good friend Eric Yun to play guitar and sing with me and also Jacob playing the djembe for the 3rd morning in a row. The presence of the Lord was so thick and so sweet that the speaker, Tony Kim, only spoke for probably 15 minutes, and the rest of the morning was all Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Many saw visions of heaven and Jesus showed them a glimpse of heaven. God once again reminded me the visions of the musical instruments in heaven, and He wanted me to keep dreaming with Him and bringing heaven's melody down to earth. It was so sweet. God was so sweet yet demanding because He is jealous for us. He's gotta have it all.

    July 7 Evening - Throughout this week @ ReGen, I really really wanted to encounter God in a new way and to shake off all the junk and cloth myself with Jesus. Moreover, leading all these worship sets has really put me in a place of wanting more of His Spirit because I could not give out what I do not have. After the morning session, I took a good nap in preparation of tonight's time of worship and praise. I wanted to see Jesus. I wanted to be hungry for Him. I asked the Lord to expand my hunger for more and more of Him. I wanted a fresh touch from heaven.

    As soon as the band started to play, tears flowed out from my eyes for the first time during this conference. I wanted more. I was not satisfied. I wanted Jesus. I desired more of His presence and His Spirit. During the worship time, God's presence fell like a huge and thick blanket covering the entire room, and I saw in a vision that I was running a race with my friends on a race track, and instead of competing with each other, we were supporting each other and cheering each other on to finish this good race of faith. I also saw myself riding a big wave on a surfboard.

    After worship, I went up to Kenny to give him our CDs, and I also asked him to pray for me. He started to pray that I would receive songs from heaven and that the "best worship songs come from worship". And the Lord didn't stop there. He started to give Kenny words to speak over me. So Kenny started to tell me that God wanted to tell me that I am not alone, but I would feel lonely many times. I could not stop tearing up as he kept on telling me what God wanted me to hear. He started to speak identity into me, telling me that I am so worthy, I am so loved, and that it's not about me leading people and playing keys, but simply because I am a SON. I never knew that I still struggle with my true identity in Christ until God revealed it to me through Kenny. He also told me that I would be very critical of myself and I would beat myself down because throughout my life I received a lot of negativity from my family members, and I did not want to be a disappointment to those who love me. Kenny also told me to remember two things: 1) Submit under authority and 2) Obeying God's voice and that I shouldn't be afraid of those in authority, and also of obeying to God's voice.

    Kenny sharing on Living in His Presence @ ReGen 2K11.
    Kenny told me to write on the left side of a paper a list of lies that I believe and ask God to reveal the lies. And on the right hand side, the truth from God of who I truly am. I needed to ask God to reveal who I truly am and what He thinks about me. I thought the prayer time was almost over and I was ready to go home and write these all out, but it was far from it.

    Kenny then started to tell me about my desire of wanting to find my wife. He told me that I shouldn't pursue her but rather I should pursue God and God alone, because as I draw closer to God and she draws closer to God, we will eventually meet each other IN JESUS. This was such a confirmation of the decision I made just the night before (as mentioned in Part 1) and my heart was rejoicing because God has a plan for me, and all I need to do is to follow him and pray for my wife to encounter more of Him.

    And that was only the beginning of a breakthrough. Kenny started to tell me that I am loved, worthy, and accepted. And that I am NOT UNWORTHY. I started to cry out loud, with my head buried in his shoulder.

    After a minute or two I started to cough. And as I was coughing, Kenny began to declare over me victory and that right now God's love is filling me up and pushing out of my body all the things that do not belong to Him, and that was the reason I started to cough. After a minute, the coughing turned into deep-burping that was much like my encounter during prayer time with Auntie Sharon; however, this time was even more intense because I actually puked out some type of liquid three times over the duration of deliverance. There are times when I hear voices to tell me to stop puking, but Kenny kept saying that God is not done with me yet and He wants to completely set me free. My mind knew that was and attack from the enemy, so I made a decision and proclaimed it within that I would not leave this room without being completely set free, and let God's will be done.

    I felt so free and light afterwards. My mind was still in complete shock but I knew that my spirit man was set free. Kenny told me that what came out of me was all these loneliness, unworthiness, false humility, and SEVEN GENERATIONS of IDOL WORSHIP in my family. I am the only son of the oldest son (my dad) in the household, thus all the generation blessings and curses are now passed down upon me, and God was uprooting the curses caused by my ancestors worshipping idols. Not only that, He took all the fear and the spirits mentioned before away from me. I laid on the floor in fetal position for a good ten minutes, letting my body to recover and my spirit to abide in God.

    Thoughts and Reflection:
    Even though I was set free, now I am in a completely new season of letting my mindset to be transformed. I need to understand firmly who I TRULY AM in Christ and I need to break out of all the old mindsets that were built up when I was in bondage but are now surfaced after deliverance. The journey has just begun, and I am ready to step in and climb up to another level with the Lord. I need Jesus so much more now because every step I take I realize that I need to leave behind blessings to generations to come. The decisions I make will affect my future children and their children, and God took me through a burning fire to purge me from curses, sins, so that I could come out PURE and BLAMELESS. I don't know what He has in store for me, but I believe His plans for me are to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.

    That's pretty much it. The journey has just begun. As someone who leads worship, I see the importance to know exactly who I am in Christ and that I AM WORTHY, LOVED, and ACCEPTED no matter what I DO or DON'T DO. I still need to chew on it and swallow it and chew on it over and over again until it becomes a PART of ME.

    I trust in You, my God, I trust in You.

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  3. The Way to Freedom - Part 1

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011
    By johnny
    Jeremiah 29:11 has been the theme of the past two months. God took me on an incredible journey of restoring and strengthen my confidence in my true identity in Christ.

    May 18 - Papa Mark & Mama Debbie came down to San Diego for a 2-night stay. I met up with them over lunch and did a one-hour worship/prayer set with them @ the Boiler Room in downtown SD. The worship time was so so so tender and it's been a while since I teared up and let God take my heart and break it open. Every time when I spend time with Mark & Deb, I always receive so much from the Lord because just by simply being with them, what they obtain from God would just overflow unto the people around them.

    May 20 - @ my apartment in San Diego. I received a text from Annie asking me to listen through the mix of the Love*Togo album, and somehow when I reached the last two tracks, I broke down crying like never before. For an hour I kept on replaying those two tracks and letting God work with my heart (the song is called "God is at Work" too. It is such a beautiful song!). I was a wreck but God was opening up my heart and let Him in.

    May 21 - Went to receive prayer from Auntie Sharon. The moment she started praying, river of tears started to flow out from my eyes, and after more prayers asking the Holy Spirit to come and fill me up, I started to cough uncontrollably. Then the coughs turned to burps, and I could not stop from burping, and it became so severe that at times I thought I was going to puke something out. And during those times, Auntie Sharon spoke to all the bondages and the spirits that were chaining me down and cast them out one by one by one, and that was the reason why I was burping and coughing and wanting to puke things out; and the burps were spirits leaving my body because the LOVE of God cast out ALL fear, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM. 

    For a good 30 minutes I was on the floor, being delivered from darkness as God's light exposed my heart from the inside out. I have never, ever been through a deliverance session before--I've seen people being delivered, but I never thought I would encounter such a strong pull between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. I knew that God's going to win in the end, but the process of battle was not pretty nor was it comfortable. I felt like my body was this battlefield and God was tearing down the strong towers that the enemy had built within me. After that morning prayer session, I felt like a new person, cleansed and set free. And this encounter boosted my faith to a new level because I saw God's power and His hands at work within me, and that I needed to be filled by His Spirit constantly, day in and day out. But God wasn't done with me yet.

    After a month and half.....

    Kedrick Pinex - awesome!
    July 6 - During ReGen night session, I felt the Lord telling me that he's going to do something special on the next day -- July 7. I quickly forgot about it, but I was very much looking forward to the worship night with Kenny. I was really exhausted from all these days of leading worship, but I didn't want my physical body to be blocking my spirit man to encounter God. This day was especially cool because Kedrick spoke words of knowledge from the Lord things that are just so beautiful and incredible into my sister Annie and brother-in-law Jack, and my soon-to-arrive niece Annya's lives.

    Before I went to bed, I made a decision that I was going to completely give Jesus my full attention. For the past three months or so I have been wanting to have a relationship with someone, and we have been in contact, but I knew that God wanted me to stop because she has become a distraction for me to completely have my love for Jesus, and vice versa. Annie said to me a week ago that if I really care about someone, then what I should desire is to see this girl to have more of Jesus in her life more than my wanting to be with her. So I decided to really cut down our communications and set a rule because I knew that's what God wants, no matter how hard it was going to be for us.

    I knew one thing -- I simply cannot afford to lose my relationship with Jesus, and if anything stands in the way, it has to leave. And once I realized that, the seemingly difficult decision was easy to make.

    Check out The Way to Freedom - Part 2...

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  4. Start of Ch. 23

    Thursday, May 5, 2011
    By johnny
    I started working on this post the week after my 23rd birthday. There are too many things to mention, so I only typed out what I felt led to share. I have not written such long post for a long long time... but this post is definitely worth reading because God is really amazing. Here it goes:

    Part 1: Childhood
    A mother, 6 month into pregnancy with identical twins, was hospitalized because her water broke and the pain of her womb was too great for her to work. After being bed-ridden for one full month, the doctors decided that it was time to perform c-section, hoping to save the mother and the babies who were all in critical conditions. The mother's condition was stabilized, yet the two boys, each weighted around 1,000 grams, were delivered into incubators. With tubes all over their bodies, the little boys weren't looking too good.

    A couple days later, the doctors had to transfer the babies to another hospital because they did not have the equipment keep them both alive and well. Unfortunately, the older of the two did not make it. The family was devastated. Fortunately, the other boy survived with one of his heart valves not functioning correctly; but somehow this problem disappeared.

    During his childhood, the boy had been going to the doctor almost every month due to his low immune system and his symptoms of asthma. At age 5, he was even hospitalized for a week due to the seriousness of his asthma. He enjoyed playing with toy cars and video games (Gameboy), while his sisters went to America with his dad to study and left him and his mother by themselves, he would go hang out with his cousins and his grandparents.

    Never a trouble kid, he only wanted to bring joy to his friends ever since he could remember. He was always the goofball and the clown of his class--introducing his classmates some cool, new music (such as "Mambo No. 5" back in 6th grade) he discovered at the record store, where he devoted most of his time (and money). He remembers lip syncing to Michael Jackson's music at the age of seven with his two sisters. He started learning piano alongside them, not knowing that this instrument will eventually become his favorite one.

    Part 2: Truth Discovered
    After he turned 18, three years after he accepted Jesus as his personal Savior, he realized that God had been with him ever since birth. Long story short, we found out that the death of his twin brother was caused by a nurse at the hospital instead of what my parents were told initially. How did we find out? Well, our piano teacher, around the time of my birth, heard one of her students sharing about a friend, an intern at he hospital I was born in, made an error that caused the death of a premature boy. My teacher has kept this to herself for a long 18 years, and she finally shared the truth with my family, and we went through a time of healing and forgiveness.

    I was the one who survived, and after hearing what my piano teacher said, I knew that I was destined to live because the one who died could've been me instead of my brother. And from that year on, how I view my life has been totally changed because God saved me and kept me alive. I am eternally grateful and thankful for what He has done for me. And it wasn't until I started walking with Jesus that I was reminded on many occasions throughout my childhood God spoke to me and beckoned me to come to Him--my 3rd grade music teacher invited me to the music classroom during lunchtime, so I went there and found out that they were having a small Bible study time, and I still remembered that one day I went back home and asked my mom whether I could believe in Jesus. She told me that I could decide when I grew up. =)

    Part 3: Life Transformed
    God led me through a crazy season of resting and purging last March (2010). It was one of the most painful times of my life because I literally thought my mind was going to explode. The Lord had a plan, and he took me through what looked like a wilderness to deal with the hard issue--the heart issue. I came out of the season a new man: I became so much open and vulnerable to the people around me. I used to not knowing how to express myself, but after God peeling away the coverings, I became so undone and the walls I built to keep my real self from being seen, noticed or even judged came crumbling down. I was freed from my room of insecurity and fear; God took me out of that deep dark dungeon into the bright beautiful truth. It took me a couple months to adjust my eyes to see in the light because I was in the dark, but I was free.

    A couple weeks ago, Sarah Wang shared with the leadership team what she has been experiencing during the season of rest from ministry and just simply seeking after the Lord, and after reading her testimony, my heart felt a conviction to respond, and here's what I replied on 4/18:

    "Im still in that process of reflecting on what Sarah Allis Yang (SAY) shared on 4/10 because the message touched the core of my heart. A lot of times God would speak to my spirit when I unintentionally do or say something with an underlying agenda for my own benefit. He would also remind me a lot of times how He is my sufficiency so that I don't have to please people and win favor love and care but rather just walk in that path He destined for me to walk, right by His side. He revealed to me how it's because I have to constantly have friends with me and I cannot stand a moment without interacting with people. Throughout the years I've grown to come to realize what it really means to lay down my ambitions, goals(though not many yet), and serve others with what Gods given to me. And SAY's message really took a blow on that protective wall of mine and I realize that I shouldn't be afraid of change, afraid of unfamiliarity, and afraid of failure. 

    Though I'm definitely not a perfectionist, there are just so many things in my life that I choose to avoid because I simply told myself that I may fail. But what's interesting is that by being at Impact these years I've come to learn about falling down and getting back up in the spirit, and lately God's been so gracious to open up opportunities for me to work on many music projects. And the feeling of fear came back to me during this process because I was afraid that I'd fail and how others will see me if I do. But now I'm not afraid anymore.

    Yesterday, a friend asked me what my dream is. It took me so long to think about what my ultimate dream is. I believe my biggest dream is to fulfill as many dreams of others as possible. After watching an episode of Undercover Boss, my heart was so stirred because this CEO of Baja Fresh, at the end of his undercover mission of working alongside with his employees, decided to give out huge amount of money which he earned to fulfill those employee's dreams. And that's who I aim to be--a successful man walking out Jesus' life and seeing what others needs and dreams are and give them the tools and enable and encourage them to walk down that path of unknown in pure excitement.

    And nothing more efficient to become that person than by being a cell group leader. I know I still have a long way to go but I thank you all for being such encouragers and enablers in my life. Thank the Lord for all you beautiful people walking in purity, holiness, righteousness, and humility. I'm truly a blessed man!"

    Chapter 23:
    This year is going to be a year of many decisions and transitions--with my school coming to a close in September, I want to lay out a plan for my future, yet I also want to know more importantly what God has planed for me. So many opportunities regarding to music have been handed at my doorstep that I was so grateful for the Lord and those around me who have been encouraging me and wanted to see me work toward one of my dreams: to make music that brings love, joy, peace, hope, and healing. Frankly, I still don't know what to do as a job and I have not been thinking about it as much as I should be.

    Moreover, I want to meet her--the most beautiful woman whom I will behold and be constantly in awe of how gorgeous and amazing she is. Lord, let me fall in love with her now, even though I do not even know where or who she is. Let my eyes be fixed upon You and let her eyes be fixed upon You also, and I truly believe that it is through You that we will see each other. I definitely hope to meet her as soon as possible, or according to Your perfect timing... hah.

    I trust in You, my God, I trust in You.
    Chapter 23 is going to be a sweet one.


    ps. I'm spending the next five weeks praying and hearing the Lord for directions and signs. Please keep me in your prayers that I am being rooted and grounded in the Truth and being delighted by God and enjoy His presence whenever and wherever. I believe the next month or so will be very interesting and powerful. Thank You Jesus that Your LOVE never fails. Thank You once again that You hold ALL THINGS TOGETHER and You make all things work together for the good of those who love you. I love You Lord, and I believe.
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  5. Wrecked by A Gaze

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011
    By johnny

    It's the gaze.
    I told a friend the other day that my future wife will have the most beautiful eyes in the world because it's the eyes that will win my heart and make me fall for her. People say that one gaze can mean a thousand words, and I want my gaze to be the gaze of love, hope, peace, and happiness.

    "What did Jesus look like?" I said.
    Abruptly, Colton put down his toys and looked up at me. "Jesus has markers."
    "Markers, Daddy...Jesus has markers. And he has brown hair and he has hair on his face," he said, running his tiny palm around on his chin. I guessed that he didn't yet know the word beard. "And his eyes...oh, Dad, his eyes are so pretty!"
    As he said this, Colton's face grew more dreamy and far away, as if enjoying a particularly sweet memory.
    "What about his clothes?"
    Colton snapped back into the room and smiled at me. "He had purple on." As he said this, Colton put his hand on his left shoulder, moved it across his body down to his right hip then repeated the motion. "His clothes were white, but it was purple from here to here."
    Another word he didn't know: sash.
    "Jesus was the only one in heaven who had purple on, Dad. Did you know that?"... "And he had this gold thing on his head..."
    "Like a crown?"
    "Yeah, a crown, and it had this...this diamond thing in the middle of it and it was kind of pink. And he has markers, Dad."

    "...You mean like markers that you color with?"
    Colton nodded. "Yeah, like colors. He had colors on him."
    "Like when you color a page?"
    "Well, what color are Jesus' markers?"
    "Red. Daddy. Jesus has red markers on him."
    At that moment my throat nearly closed with tears as I suddenly understood what Colton was trying to say. Quietly, carefully, I said, "Colton, where are Jesus' markers?"
    Without hesitation, he stood to his feet. He held out his right hand, palm up and pointed to the center of it with his left. Then he held out his left palm and pointed with his right hand. Finally, Colton bent over and pointed to the tops of both his feet.
    "That's where Jesus' markers are, Daddy," he said.
    I drew in a sharp breath. He saw this. He had to have.

    I'd once heard a spirit "riddle" that went like this: "What's the only thing in heaven that's the same as it was on earth?"
    The answer: the wounds in Jesus' hands and feet.
    Maybe it was true.

    - Excerpts from Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo

    Colton Burpo had a visit to heaven at the age of 4.
    And that's all I'm going to give out.

    THE gaze of Jesus got me. Tears blurred my view right after Colton described where Jesus' markers are. He is real and alive and will come back the SAME WAY he left the earth--with wounds in his hands and feet. God could've fixed the "red markers" but Jesus will come back and show the world LOVE like He showed, his doubting disciple, Thomas. I have never finished reading a book in two days, but I did with Heaven Is For Real because I was so fascinated by Colton's visit to heaven and what Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit has to say to us. I will share more in the next couple posts snippets that totally wrecked me.

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  6. 3:16

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011
    By johnny
    There are a lot of 3:16's in the Scripture that are amazing verse to chew on, and here are just some of them:

    Joshua 3:16 -- Crossing the Jordan River
    ...the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (that is, the Dead Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho.

    2 Chronicles 3:16 -- Pomegranates are Awesome
    He made interwoven chains and put them on top of the pillars. He also made a hundred pomegranates and attached them to the chains.

    Proverbs 3:16
    Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.

    Ecclesiastes 3:16
    And I saw something else under the sun: In the place of judgment—wickedness was there,in the place of justice—wickedness was there.

    Jeremiah 3:16
    In those days, when your numbers have increased greatly in the land,” declares the LORD, “people will no longer say, ‘The ark of the covenant of the LORD.’ It will never enter their minds or be remembered; it will not be missed, nor will another one be made.

    Daniel 3:16
    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.

    Joel 3:16
    The LORD will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the heavens will tremble.
    But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.

    Malachi 3:16
    Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name.

    Matthew 3:16
    When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

    Luke 3:16
    John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    Acts 3:16
    By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.

    1 Corinthians 3:16
    Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

    2 Corinthians 3:16
    But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

    Galatians 3:16
    The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ.

    Ephesians 3:16 -- One of my favorites indeed. That's why I'm putting down v16-19.
    I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    Philippians 3:16
    Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

    Colossians 3:16
    Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

    2 Thessalonians 3:16
    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

    1 Timothy 3:16
    And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
    God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit,
    Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles,
    Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.

    2 Timothy 3:16-17
    All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    1 John 3:16
    This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

    Revelation 3:!6 -- I laughed with conviction.
    So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

    Have a blessed 3:16 DAY!

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  7. Been A While

    Monday, March 14, 2011
    By johnny

    I still have race to run and faith to keep because I'm still struggling and fighting battles every day. I'm thankful for the goodness of God and His never-ending grace and mercy that I can still stand and proclaim over myself who I really am. I am loved. I am a Prince. I am a Son. I am blessed. I am highly favored. I am free. I am God's beloved one and nothing can separate that because Christ died on the cross in my place. And I am eternally grateful. I don't know when I'm going to my eternal home, but when I do, I will have to kiss the feet of Jesus.

    But now I needa walk with Him, step by step.

    May the words of my lips and the meditation of my heart
    be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord my Rock and Redeemer.

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  8. Email to Parents

    Monday, February 28, 2011
    By johnny
    剛寄完email給爸媽, 正在打最後一段請他們幫我禱告的時候...

    就先這樣吧~ 請你們為我的學業, 事業, 事工, 但是最重要的是我跟神的關係禱告. 我真的想要在做抉擇上聽到他的聲音, 有智慧地向著標竿跑, 跟隨他的腳步~ 我真的好愛耶穌喔. 我也很愛你們我也會為你們禱告的

    我打了 "我真的好愛耶穌喔." 之後, 我愣住了.
    我自己也有點驚訝, 但是當我輕聲念那八個字之後,

    I hope you will also be captured by the love of Jesus and you will have these kind of moments too when your heart is tenderized by Him and Him alone.

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    Friday, February 18, 2011
    By johnny
    is not music, songs, words, dances, paintings.

    Worship is our hearts connected with God's heart in adoration and much trembling. Songs are just one of the many many expressions of worship.

    I was asking Him, "What does it mean to worship You?"
    He told me, "You can tell me you love me but I hear your heart says otherwise. When your heart is truthful and your spirit is with mine, you are worshiping me."

    Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
    -John 4:23~24-
    Worship means to "declare worth" or "love unquestioningly and uncritically." If we worship God in the presence of His Spirit and with a truthful and non-offended heart, are are not worshiping God. God desires our hearts more than the songs we sing.

    I want to love You, Lord, with no questions asked because I want You more than I want the answers. My heart is all Yours.

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  10. Dream - Feb 2, 2011

    Thursday, February 3, 2011
    By johnny

    I was asleep in a room with windows, and Ben Woodward (or was it Edward Norton...) woke me up, telling me he and the Misty team were going to have a photoshoot right outside the room! I jumped up & panicked because i was only wearing my tshirt & shorts! And as Misty & her sister passed by and saw me, I was quite embarrassed, but I managed to find my jeans as her sister, whom i have already known previously (in the dream), walked in. I threw her a Japanese snack and at the same time she threw me those Round sized milk candies from Hokaido, and i said, "that's my favortie!" Then Misty walked in.

    I was quite excited to meet her. We shook hands and she started telling me to get into that place of intimacy so my passion wouldn't run out. Then she played a VHS tape of many different old worship songs on Psalm verses, but the video & the styles of the songs were all in cartoon & kid's tune! And I remember the last song was "恭喜發財" (Chinese New Year) song, but the song's video was showing the year of Mouse, which I told her this is the year of Rabbit, and this video was made more than 13 years ago! Somehow when I said that to Misty, we seemed to be in the video as she ignited so many Chinese firecrackers for the New Year.

    Scene switched to the top of a high tower full of people from Impact & also members of the Hendrickson family. We were looking over this beautiful small village in which we live. It looked like a place disconnected from the outer world. The village was not big, with just a hundred small houses or so. Next to me were Debbie & her brother & Grace Shan & we were singing & worshiping God. There are tight ropes hanging from where we are so others can come up. I saw Peter H. down there, and first he was talking to Grace about saving seats for us at her piano recital, but Peter would need a rope to save seats, so he curled up the bottom edge of the rope. I remember Grace said to him "remember to sleep with the rope right by your side..." After a minute, he decided to come up becuase he wanted to watch the cartoons we were watching (I guess we were watching cartoons now). He wanted to climb the rope but i pointed to his right there's a spiral stiarcase & he can just walk up here.When Peter got up from the staircase, he became John Hendrickson. And as that happened, I hear papa Mark H. Said, "Look, thats a BIG one!" I looked and saw Lydia H. blew up a super-size blue balloon and had her big smile!

    definitely one of my favorite dreams! I'll ask the Lord about it and write some thoughts on this dream in a later post.

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  11. I Don't (Just) Believe In Jesus

    Friday, January 28, 2011
    By johnny
    I trust in Him.

    You believe that there is one God. Good!
    Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
    -James 2:19-

    My life is completely changed because I don't know where I would be without God here in my life. Now I have unending peace, joy, hope, and love that are more than enough! Every time I think about what God has done in my life, tears run down my face. I pray that everyone would come to know this love that truly satisfies, even though it might sound silly, but this love is much more real than reality shows, romantic movies, or online dating.

    All He requires of us is a leap of faith.

    I trust in my family members because I know that they love me with all their heart and the things they promised is for my good. Same goes for Jesus!

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  12. Crash Testing

    Thursday, January 27, 2011
    By johnny
    The Lord tests the righteous...
    -Psalms 11:5-

    These words spoke to me today as I read Psalms 11, a short song by David on trusting in God's righteousness. I saw a vision: in order to test the strength and the safety features of a car that meets the government's standard, the car manufacturer has to go through "crash testing". You know the drill.

    Same for the people who are called to be righteous. And if God does not put us through tests, how can we know how "up to God's standard" we are? And as I was typing the previous sentence, Fling Wide came on my iTunes shuffle. I guess the Spirit is agreeing with my heart!

    So, let's keep going, step by step, through the fire, through the flame, and come out victoriously tested and tried.

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  13. Lakers' Dream

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011
    By johnny
    I see Derek Fisher in my dream, and the game is about to start. Our eyes meet and I start to talk to him and actually offer him prayer. After the prayer, he asks me to walk with him, and he introduces me to Kobe Bryant and we both start to pray over Kobe before the game starts. Pretty sweet dream. My first dream about real sports heroes of mine. I need more of this kind of dream...

    I wonder what this means.

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  14. The Seeds

    Sunday, January 16, 2011
    By johnny

    The Seeds had its first meeting of six people, two of which are new friends. We all shared our various thoughts on the word "seed":

    - a plant
    - fruits
    - flowers
    - good soil
    - ....seed?

    My hope is to see us becoming seeds, buried ourselves for the sake of future seeds. Sow Faithfully + Grow Fruitfully are our visions, and even though I really do not know where to go, I will have to simply rely on the ONE who waters me and nourishes me with love and care so that I will bear fruits thirty, sixty, even a hundred fold. Lord, give to us TEN mustard seeds planted in good soil with love and care, we can be fruitful and multiply as we walk in Your promises! Thank You for today, and to You I lift up the two friends who will decide follow You one day. They are Yours, God, and let Your love forever satisfy the deepest longing of their hearts.

    It's a new season.
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  15. New Season!

    Thursday, January 6, 2011
    By johnny

    When we ask the Lord for an apple, He gives us an apple seed. God's more of a farmer than a supermarket. In this new season, I believe it's time to plant a seed that will grow fruits in due time, however long it will take. "I still want to lead a cell group." I said to Jack when we talked about the split between Alice and I in this new season to start our own groups. As much as I want to start a group that focuses on musicality and worship, somehow my heart is screaming out for cell groups. I don't think I'm a good cell group leader, but for the past 1.5years of doing it, you could say I'm a little bit better at leading.

    Ever since the start of my walk with Jesus seven years ago, the thought of being a cell group leader never went across my mind at all, I really didn't know how to lead one or even want to lead one because I believed that wasn't "my calling". Well, about 1.5 years ago I went to WAVE and got a call from Jack, telling me that I'm leading it.

    Yup, not a comfortable feeling. Well, obedience obedience obedience. The maturity process has been slow but noticeable, at least to me. I can't agree more that being a cell leader is one of the best way to grow spiritually because i had to pretty much do everything since there's no co-leader in the beginning stage: calling people up, praying, worship, and sharing... they were all quite challenging in their own little ways. Frustration, anxiety, and stress are always knocking on my door, trying to get it. Sometimes I would give in and not close the door, but sometimes I really learned how to shut them out as I drew my eyes on the One who gives good gifts, love, peace, hope, and strength. A lot of our weekly meetings were very dry and without directions, yet some were filled with God's presence and love.

    My desire for this new season is to see more potential leaders find their place in God's Kingdom and that they will raise up even more leaders in the future, so on and so forth. Not only that, I want to see my boldness to be increased in a higher level that I really can go crazy because I'm so madly in love with this man called Christ Jesus. I need to share the REAL gospel to more people and see more souls heading to their real home in Heaven. "If I know God's love and doesn't share it, then their blood will be in my hands", said Paul in the most straightforward way. That verse really speaks to my heart: this is the work that I will never stop doing because I'll get some sweet eternal rewards. I don't want to share God's love not only for the reward set before me, but also see souls completely transformed by God's grace and love that brings them to their knees.

    I don't know what this new season looks like, but I know I have to seek and love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, that everything else will be added unto me. Basics basics basics is so crucial in the season of change. A part of me doesn't like change, but I knew that changes are necessity to growth and maturity. I am excited for the unknown lie before me, and I'm just going to take one step at a time with the Lord, and eventually I will know His good plan for me.

    Evangelism & Edification => Encounter & Disciple.

    What will the Next Wave look like? Well, just wait and see.
    I will nurture the apple seed and be faithful with what's been given to me.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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