My Gospel Choir got cancelled because Ken was sick. So I went to YOPP meeting to which Maritha invited me. Thank You Jesus. Young Ones Praying & Prophesying(YOPP) meets every Tuesday night, basically a cell group, an intense one indeed. Today Eddie, the leader, talked about Governmental Intercession. This heavy message blew me away. I was still a bit overwhelmed at what Eddie was talking about--how we need to realize that Humanism is the forunner of Anti-Christ, and it is taking over this campus drastically.

UCSD has this 560-ft Snake Path right on the side of Geisel Library. Created by this artist Alexis Smith. For over 20 years this path has been a landmark for this school and I believe that this path has something to deal with the snake itself. Actually this artist had a dream where people were walking on a snake path, so she designed a path like that! My Lord would You come and work Your miracles! I want to crush the enemy's head and watch its scales to fall, piece by piece. Through You that nothing is impossible and I yearn for this school to turn back to You God. And the spirit of the enemy shall not stand as long as Your Spirit is present. I will not back up God! Give me a heart of conviction and love for the 30,000 out there! I want to love them!
An interesting point: Eddie talked about how Eve is going to crush the snake's head in Gen. 3, and how in Revelation the bride is also going to step on the enemy's head and kill it. So as I was reading Joshua tonight, I was amazed how this revelation is everywhere!
Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings.
Says Joshua to his army commanders in Joshua 10:24.
I will make the nations your inheritance.
Says the Lord in Psalm 2:8-9.
To him I will give authority over the nations.
Says God again in Revelation 2:26-27.
Here's the great promise from God:
This is what the Lord will do to
all the enemies you are going to fight.
-Joshua 10:25-
That totally blew me away as I was there praying and reading the Word at Revelle plaza. And I was crying out to Him and asking Him to give me more of Him! I want to be pure and white! God I proclaim that the spirit of Anti-Christ shall not consume this campus, but, rather, Your fire will take over every student, faculty, staff, path, building, and system of UCSD. Eddie also talked about that God has won, yet we haven't. We need to start commiting and hold on to His faithfulness.
I don't know whether it makes sense, but I am so sure that His kingdom is AT HAND, yet it is not here in full. It takes a lifestyle of worship--a sacrificial lifestyle--to get His kingdom in full.
Prayer. Worship. Building on the Rock.
So that was tonight. Eddie has been sharing Jesus on UCSD campus for three years now. And right now JHOP has a prayer meeting at the snake head every Tues/Thur from 10am-12pm.
I was talking to Maritha about how I have been looking for THIS on campus and now I've found so many sodiers who are not content nor satisfied with UCSD's principality. We will crush the principality that has long been consuming this intellectual education system in the name of Christ. We need to draw a line seperating River of God and everything else in the world. More more persecution is ahead I'm sure, and vice versa more demonstration of His power and miracles will break out like never before.
A powerful moment in Joshua 7:7-13:
Joshua chickened out. Wait...the strong Joshua? Yup. The oh-so-courageous Joshua was saying IF ONLY they(the Israelites) hadn't crossed the river of Jordan! And then what he got from God was all the accounts that Israelites had done: stealing, lying, sinning against God's laws. And once again God told Him to go to what He told His people to do before they crossed the river of Jordan:
Go, consecrate the people. Tell them, "Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow; for this is what the Lord...says: That which is devoted is among you, O Israel. You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove it.
-Joshua 7:13-
Yep. We gotta pursuit the Holiness that God's talking about. Circumcise. Let the past sins roll away. Stop thinking about the "what if's" like Joshua did. We need to offer up a burning sacrifice as an act of worship to the Lord. To give up something that invites the enemy to attack our hearts.
Bring it on, snake. Your plans will be crushed.
Humanism will not prevail for there are the righteous ones.
The righteous ones will stand strong and pure.
God You are so good. And happy =)
ps. I'm very excited for Love Tent. Go check it out. I just pray that this 40-hour nonstop prayer and worship would spark a consuming fire movement of the Holy Spirit that would spread all over this campus! Come on!
pps. I had another great talk with Micheal about Christianity. And God right now I just pray for Micheal that You will touch Him with Your Father's love. Consume Him with Your love for He longs of the love of a father. And You are the only one that can satisfy. I just pray that Micheal would accept You as His savior, friend, God, and Father by the end of this quarter! I want to pour out my heart to Him for He really wants to know you!!! God I see a revival in my room!!
ppps. I've decided to drop Gospel choir to attend YOPP because this is what I want on campus--to find the few who holds the same vision and start chasing after it. Lord may You watch over all my decisions and lead me in my school work too!
wow..... i love this post.
fire burning inside of me when i read this... good stuff<3