1. Good Day After All

    Thursday, January 31, 2008
    By johnny
    Woke up. Had this huge headache. Huge one.
    Posted my last post about that awesome kid.
    Still not prepared for my math midterm.
    Got some breakfast, and then went to class at 12.
    Came back at 1, took a good & long shower.
    Felt better after the shower.
    But my head was still aching.
    Started to do some math.
    Went to lunch. Chicken alfredo pizza. nnnice.
    Chocolate milk + Oreo Cheesecake that is quite okay.

    Anyhow, the math studying wasn't that successful due to the headache and all, but I managed to do some practice questions. But I spend like an hour on Lynda.com watching tutorials for Garage Band lol. I might pay $25 just to learn it well and do some recording sometime soon!

    So at around 7 I called up Brian and checked up on him and told him that I was having a headache and I've been praying. And he prayed for me over the phone. I had to study more for the exam(at 8pm) so we didn't talk for long. Anyhow, at around 7:40 I finished studying and got a text from Brain. He's really cool and he loves to pray. Anyhow, after reading his text I realized that my head wasn't hurting since I started to study! Praise God!

    The test went alright, I didn't know how to do one problem. Moreover, it was a hard test! Oh Lord I still praise You!

    Then I called Jeff up and asked him how he was feeling, and he said he was feeling just fine. So I told him to come over to Large Group tonight and he sure did! The message today was about Matthew 25--sheep and goat--about how love can change everything! Two people accepted Jesus tonight!!! After that I saw Austin and found out that he's been feeling sick today. So I prayed for him, and prayed for him, and prayed for him. And then I asked Casey to pray for him while I pray for Casey. And guess what? Austin was healed from headache and back pain! Come on! Give God some praise yo!

    So Jeff and I walked back to Revelle and I prayed for him--he's been feeling sick for the past couple days. And after the prayer his stuffy nose opened up! And he just had a little bit of dry/sore throat! God I just pray that through tonight's sleep You will heal Jeff and restore his energy! He told me that before he got to LG, he tried to sing in the shower but he couldn't really sing, and he was surprised that he was belling out during worship! I told him that worship can also bring down God's healing power along with His presence!

    Anyhow, this is my prayer for today:
    God I still long for Your heart in me completely for my heart is weak and small. I want to love my roommates, my suitemates, my classmates, my professors, my friends, and every face I encounter on and off campus! I want to love them like You do! Thank You Jesus, I love You!

    Today I felt like this headache was Satan's attack. That thing wanted me to stop praying and praising God! And before Large Group I didn't really pray or praise God and I felt a bit guilty, dunno why. Maybe because I knew I should praise Him when I can't even get my mind straight? But God still loves me that He healed me =) Thank You Jesus. You are an awesome God indeed. You're always there with me--no matter what I do, You're there!

    Some verses I want to share, for they are really linked together:
    For You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.
    -Psalm 9:10-

    For he who avenges blood remembers;
    he does not ignore the cry of the afflicted.
    -Psalm 9:12- (Abortion/War/Disease)

    [Satan] says to himself, "Nothing will shake me;
    I'll always be happy and never have trouble."
    From ambush he murders the innocent,
    watching in secret for his victims.
    He says to himself, "God has forgotten;
    He covers His face and never sees."
    -Psalm 10:6, 8, 11- (Humanism/Principality)

    The wicked set their arrows
    to shoot at
    the upright in heart.
    When the foundations are being
    destroyed, what can
    the righteous do?
    -Psalm 11:2~3-
    (We are the #1 target of Satan)

    Just finished half a bag of Lay's Barbeque chips. Soooooo good!
    Praise the Lord for potato chip!
    Totally excited for Snake Head tomorrow.


    ps. Please pray for UC Riverside for Sarah's going to talk to the deans about starting Love Tent over on the campus too! Just pray that she will stand firm and be faithful in what God has and will prepare. Pray that the deans would allow a Love Tent on campus for worship and prayers. Just love on God! Amen.
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  2. Go! Go! Go!

    Wednesday, January 30, 2008
    By johnny

    This is a boy in Taiwan at a baseball game:

    Once again this video brightened up my day.
    I love this kid.
    He's pouring out his heart to cheer his team on!
    God's just like that kid.
    He's cheering us on when we're at bat.
    Hahahah XD that kid's pissed about 30 sec into the
    video because the player got striked out!
    But God's still so faithful in us that he still cheers us on!
    God doesn't care what others think.
    He wants to do everything to cheer us on,
    even by doing the funniest dance in the world!

    One more thing:
    Shouldn't we do the same for Him?

    Love ya Jesus
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  3. Day of Prayer

    10 - 12am: Snake Head
    It was great as usual. There were seven of us there! I just love all of them: Eddie, Robbie, Gordon, Victor, Maritha, and Daniel. Eddie shared with us that our little stand on this head is bringing impacts. He talked about UCSD to a group of 100 young men at The Rock Church, and all of them broke down into tears after hearing Eddie spoke about the snake head and all the testimonies on campus. So at some point, all of them are coming to the snake head and pray!
    Another cool thing is that signs and wonders broke out in San Diego State University! This guy Micah healed 4 people in one day through the power of the Holy Spirit! He healed this lady who has had back pain for two years and after a prayer, she broke down into tears because all the pain was gone! God's doing amazing things in San Diego. How about your city? Are you ready to take down your city for God?

    So the vision of yellow sunflower came to my mind after a bee rested on my shirt for a sec. I felt like we are not just random flowers, but sunflowers. I read a little bit about sunflower in Wikipedia(words in brown):
    Sunflowers in the bud stage exhibit heliotropism. At sunrise, the faces of most sunflowers are turned towards the east. Over the course of the day, they move to track the sun from east to west, while at night they return to an eastward orientation. This motion is performed by motor cells in the pulvinus, a flexible segment of the stem just below the bud. As the bud stage ends, the stem stiffens and the blooming stage is reached.
    Bud stage means the stage before the blooming stage. Woah. I feel like we are right now in the bud stage, with all faces turned toward not the sun, but the Son! Our consistent prayer is like the heliotropism, and we are just holding on there for that right moment to bloom. And when the stem is stiff, the flower is harder to be moved by any mean! When the blooming stage arrives, I can just imagine fields of sunflowers facing the same direction with roots not in the soil, but in the Rock. And I love this line:
    The wild sunflower typically does not turn toward the sun; its flowering heads may face many directions when mature.

    Woah. I'm still blown away at this vision. If those wild sunflowers don't turn toward the sun, when it blooms, it will not face the right direction! God would You turn those wild ones back to You! I want to be a yellow sunflower that blooms with pride and confident in You and You alone! This vision was given to me by Brian Cheung in one of my older posts sometime back in December! Thank You Jesus for revealing the meaning behind it!

    So after snake head they headed to Price Center(the main student center of UCSD), and I left to study for my 12:30 class' quiz. As I was studying, I saw this girl on wheelchair. I realized that she's in my class for I remember seeing her in the front on a wheelchair.
    So here comes the inner man talk: Should I go? Yes, I should. I've got nothing to lose, and I might just make a new friend!
    Praise God for the struggle stopped in just one minute, so I courageously walked up and said hi and told her that I've seen her in class and all. I asked her what happened to her feet, and she told me that she had extra bones in both of her feet from dancing. She's had two surgeries already and they really do hurt. She can walk alright, yet the pain's a bit too severe that it's better for her to commute on a wheelchair. So I basically asked her whether I could pray for her feet and she was cool with it. She really did appreciate my prayers and then she told me that she has arthritis also and that was the main cause of the injury. She has stopped dancing for four years now, and I could see that she still has a passion for dance. So I told her that I've heard many stories how God healed arthritis, and I believe that God wants to heal her. So I prayed for her again and she really appreciated that too. I will see her on Thursday and I will pray for her again and this time, I will ask her to put some pressure on her feet and see how they feel. But anyways, all glory and praise to God! Her name's Brittany, by the way. Please do keep her in your prayer because I believe that God's going to take the pain away and when she goes for a check-up next Tuesday, the doctor would tell her that she's completely healed!

    12:30 - 1:50: Class
    I aced my quiz without studying for it! Thank You Jesus!

    2 - 3:30: Price Center
    I went to Price Center and joined YOPP to attend their table over there. We reserved Price Center from 12 - 3 just for YOPP. With AMPLIFICATION! Basically whoever's there at PC could hear Eddie preaching, through the amp, the Word straight at their faces. Eddie's such a faithful man and his way of evangelism is simple radical. No compromise. God is real and Jesus is alive and the Bible is true and written divinely. He's basically out there saying all the crazy things like he's been yelled at and pointed with a knife and been told "I wish you were dead" on campus. My heart was so stirred up. Then there appeared this guy, Kyle, who went up and took the mic from Eddie and started an argument with him, with many f & s words. I totally believe that that guy's mind and mouth was controlled by Satan himself. He was bashing Eddie and all of us, saying all these ridiculous stuff that didn't make sense at all. And the argument totally got the entire Price Center's attention! It was totally divine! Anyhow, some people cheered Kyle up when he was bashing how crazy it is that there's a God. However, silence broke out after Eddie replied Kyle's comment with love instead of anger. A girl there then started to yell at Kyle, "your belief doesn't make any sense!" It was really funny that Kyle thought that girl was on his side for a second! Anyhow, God was so there. So many people came over to the table and encouraged us. I really do hope that our action would get those luke-warm Christians a zap in their spirits that they would not be ashamed of the Gospel and the Absolute Truth. Kyle looked at Gordon and asked where the adults are, and Gordon replied, "I'm an adult and I'm 31. And I'm never gonna die!" That totally made Kyle speechless. God You're so good. The spiritual atmosphere at PC today was totally shifted.

    3:40 - 4:40: Snake Head Again
    Jon's my prayer partner. After PC we went to the snake head and we started to pray. My heart was so strong that I really didn't care what others think of us anymore--and I just realized that! Come on! Jon told me that when he was walking with Eddie loading the stuff back into the car, they two bumped into Kyle again! This time he seemed more reasonable and approachable. They chatted a little bit, and Kyle told them about why he does not believe in God for he lived in Africa for some time. We all think that unbelief has to do with the famine and the plague over there in the Africa region. Anyhow, we prayed and and prophesied over Kyle's life. I was laughing, cuz I prayed that the next time Kyle speaks at PC, he'll be proclaiming Jesus is Lord! Haha. I can't stop the joy within me. We also prayed that Eddie's words would ring inside of those people at PC and their hearts would be stirred up!
    We switched our focus to the Florida primary that happened tonight. We basically prayed for God to speak to the candidates and raise up the one that is pro-life and walking in the Light. We basically prayed for the next US President, whoever that might be. Anyhow, McCain and Clinton won the Florida primary. God I just ask You to give the candidates dreams and visions straight from You so that they will change their stand on issues on abortion, homosexuality, and immigration! God I ask You to appoint the one that will lead this country in Your will! Then we prayed for 24/7 house of prayer to be firmly established on campus. We are just small people with a big God and big dreams! We simply prayed that God would put the burden of prayer in many believers' hearts, and this house of prayer would stand firm in Christ!

    At around 4:30 there were around 100 black birds yapping and flying to the north. I don't know whether it had some significance with our prayers or whether God was trying to tell me something, but I still don't quite get it besides the fact that birds migrates to the north in Spring. But it's still winter! God would you show me the meaning behind it!
    It was a pleasure praying with a brother who also has a burden in prayer!

    5 - 6:15: Library with Brian and Victor
    So I called Brian up for I knew that he didn't feel well. He happened to be studying in the library. I went to him and offered him a prayer for his head was hurting and so was his stomach. After the prayer the pain seemed to lessen just a bit, so I offered him another prayer. And then Victor came, and he was totally up for prayers. And Victor and I ended up praying for Brian for like seven times! Then Brian felt so much better and energized! Praise God! I told him that he shouldn't pull all-nighters anytime soon and should get some sleep and drink lots of water. So I left to get some dinner since I fasted lunch. Got some really chicken strips and seasoned fries(yum), and I was on my way back to Revelle.

    6:15 - 11: YOPP
    Jeff Wong came and picked me up for YOPP was at Robbie's apt today. Jeff's working for Motorola as an engineer since Jan 7th. Robbie lives like 3 minutes away from school and his apt was really nice. I really do hope to move out from campus next year, and his neighborhood seemed really nice and the apt's are nicely built too!

    Today Eddie basically shared many of his testimonies when he was young and basically here are some points to tonight's meeting:
    - Hypocrisy is the yeast of Pharisee.
    - We gotta use this as our weekly schedule: 6 days of war, 1 day of rest in God. David should have gone to war, yet he ended up commiting adultry. Same for us, we need to be alert at all times so we don't leave a hold for Satan to enter.
    - The number 1 target of Satan is born-again Christians. Not the wild sunflowers. We are his target. We are on the "wanted" posters all over the city of Hell. Hear this: Satan wants us to fall into temptation so that the world would see our sin and turn away from God! This truth hasn't dawn on me until tonight. We are the #1 TARGET! We really do need to consecrate ourselves and not fell into Devil's trap! Lord please help us and wash us!

    So that was my day of LOTS OF PRAYER.
    Never have I prayed so much in a day.
    I like it. =) You are faithful.
    Thank You Jesus. I love You. Forever.


    ps. woah. this post took me 2 hours!
    pps. i've got a math midterm tomorrow!
    ppps. i haven't studied for that yet! Woohoo!
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  4. CPK's Encounter + More!

    Tuesday, January 29, 2008
    By johnny
    Over the train ride Jeff and I read through the book Horton Hear's A Who! by Dr. Seuss and I shared with him a bit about the conference and about Lou Engle. He seemed interested yet he's never thought about the issue of abortion in the United States until today! I really do encourage everyone to read Horton Hear's a Who, the pro-life message is written all over Dr. Seuss' clever rhymes! I'll put this book at Impact library this coming weekend and do a little presentation about it, if I can.

    A person's a person, no matter how small!

    Still I was feeling quite weak today. Had two classes after coming back from LA with Jeff on Amtrak train. They were both just fine, quite dry. Anyhow, I reorganized my desk and read more blogs.

    At around 7 tonight I hung out with Jeff again. Didn't want to stay on campus, we went to California Pizza Kitchen. I ordered the "California Club" pizza(which is super-fantastic! Got bacon, chicken, lettuce, tomotoes, and AVACADO!), and Jeff ordeered the fetuccini pasta. As we were waiting, Jeff asked me a question. It goes something like this:

    "What should I give to you?"
    I was stunned for a while, then he continued.
    "I mean, what should I give back to you?"

    My stirring heart began to calm.

    I told him that I really don't want anything in return besides to see him growing in faith and having an intimate relationship with Jesus. So I told him why I chose him to pour out my heart. I also told him about how Mark Hendrickson, in October, suggested me to find someone I can mentor and pour my heart upon. I searched yet I did not think I found any--until I met Jeff. I basically told him that I want to give him whatever I have(freely receive, freely give) so that in the future he can give whatever he has to somebody else. God was right there moving in our conversation!

    "I usually forget how I met my friends, but I will never forget how we met, man. It was just so random."
    "Yeah. God's a creative God. He give each person different encounters!"

    Peace came into my heart.

    We then talked about parents and how we should start saying "I love you" to them. Words are powerful, especially in Asian families. I told him that not only the "actions" are important, but the "words" that comes out from our mouths have power that actions cannot produce.

    Change in topic: Actually this morning on our way back to school he told me that one of his friends back in Arcadia had an car accident this past Saturday. He was hit by a NOOB driver who had just got his driving PERMIT that day! Fortunately that no one was injured. Anyhow, so his friend happened to call him as we were eating. When Jeff was talking with him on the phone, I was praying to God that Jeff would tell his friend that he would pray for him! However, Jeff didn't. After he finished the call, I asked him how his friend was doing and all that jazz. He told me that his friend is agnostic and doesn't believe in God. However Jeff has a heart for his friend but did not know how to approach. And then he told me this:

    "Yesterday I told him that I would pray for him."
    I was like.....WWWWWWWHHHHATT!!!
    Jesus. You are so good.
    So I told him, "Do you know that when you were talking to him over the phone, I was praying to God that you would tell him that you'll pray for him????"

    Just wait, here comes the best part from Jeff:
    "I also told him that I would pray for that guy who hit him. And he was like, 'since when you're into that? And why are you praying for that guy? He hit me!' So I told him that 'You never know whether that guy's injured or not.'"
    COME ON!!!!!!
    I was blown away by his pure heart!
    "Man, I can't tell you how much I'm encouraged by you right now. And what you did was totally wonderful. That's the way to approach man! You're on the right track! It's like the oppsite of the "I love you" thing in Asian families--besides words we need to put forth actions! And by getting your friend thinking about WHY you're also praying for that kid, God's moving inside of your friend!"

    Thank You Jesus.
    You must have felt the same way too!!!

    Then we talked more about prayer and worship. I asked him to say grace, so he did it out loud! He's just so courageous even though he's totally new to prayers! I told him about how he can pray anywhere at any hour of the day in any position as long as his heart and mind is focused on God.

    If God says yes, you go.
    If God says no, you follow.
    If God says wait, you pray more.

    I told him that and how important prayers are. And God loves specific prayers! I told him that prayer is our reaching up to God, and Love is God's reaching down to connect with the prayer in order to make a connection. That's some good word right there, Johnny. That was totally God.

    Anyhow, we talked a lot and he really understood what I was talking about! We talked about searching gifts and anointings, going to a church that he feels like home and can grow in faith, and Impact's 3x6 vision.

    "I really like Impact. I mean REALLY."

    God I just pray that he would grow in faith and discover Your purpose for him! Thank You Jesus! So we talked about A LOT of stuff indeed. I haven't felt so peaceful and calm since the conference. I once again experienced how God really loves to hang out among His children when they hang out!

    Jeff has been coughing and feeling a bit dizzy during dinner, so I told him that he can totally pray for himself. He was surprised, "wait. I can pray for myself? I feel selfish though." woah. God You really put an innocent spirit inside of Jeff(a good spirit, of course)! So I told him that many of the prayers recorded in the Bible are personal prayers. I told him about King David and how all the Psalms he wrote(I think) were personal prayers to God. And how in God's kingdom there's no sickness or pain. So I basically told Jeff to pray for himself RIGHT NOW. He prayed without saying it out loud this time, but I knew that God's right there laying His hand on him! And after his prayer I asked him how he felt, he was like..."it felt a lot better!" I was like.....wwwwoah! Nice! And then I asked him again, "How about now?" And he was like, "I feel the pain going away!" Come on! Divine encounter in CPK!

    So after dinner we went to Starbucks(yeahyea!) and talked about more stuff. On our way there I offered him a prayer of healing for he was still coughing a bit. I laid my hand on him and simply thanking Jesus over and over again and asked Him to take away the pain. He felt much better! Give Him some praise!

    So after the coffee we went to Blockbuster just to check out what's new. After that we went to the bus stop. This girl was sitting there and next to her was the Oxford Annotated Bible.

    "I have that huge book too. I used it for my Biblical Interpretation class back in high school," I said.
    We found out her name's Narisa. She has the Bible as one of the textbooks for her writing course. She's assigned to write a paper on the book of Job. I shared with her what I truly believe in. I told her what Kris Vallotton said--that I hate religion because it creates conflicts and wars, I believe in a relationship with Jesus Christ. She told us that she's agnostic, and her dad's Jewish and her mom's Buddhist. Woah. Anyhow, that was basically it because we arrived on campus but I hope her heart would be stirred up over this short conversation. We're facebook friends now and I just pray that through reading the Bible that she would want to know God more!

    That's about it. Jesus You're so good.
    I just want to love You!

    Time for bed. My heart isn't aching now.
    Thank You Spirit for hanging out with me =)

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  5. Unexpected Weakness

    Monday, January 28, 2008
    By johnny
    I was totally fine this morning. Alone at Starbucks having my vanilla latte and reading over the notes I took during the conference. I actually met this guy Bernett, he's around 30ish, from Hong Kong. I talked to him simply because I saw him reading his bible--the huge one with a huge case that says "God's Words" in the cover of the case. I basically offered him a prayer and we chatted a little about life in general. He told me that he has a 15-month-old daughter whose name is Angel. He goes to Temple City Chinese Baptist Church(I think, but it's a baptist church in Temple City). It was great. We exchanged numbers and I ope to call him up sometime in the future to hang out again.

    After getting to church and practicing with Annie for today's worship and after saying hi to some people, my heart was stirred up. Or my heart felt weak. Either one. Or many both. During worship my spirit was stirred up as I sang King of Glory and For Who You Are. Jesus You're glorious and powerful. I adore You God. Come and live with me.

    The worship at Harvest Rock was spirit-filled, yet I felt extremely exhausted and tired. So I was really into the worship. After sitting down and fell asleep for a bit, I woke up and started to give God praise even though I was really tired and all. I really didn't know why I was so tired because on my way to HRC my energy level was still pretty darn high. Oh well, guess this is called the "sudden crash of the spirit." I was really frustrated over this so I kept on asking God to come inside of me even though my whole body was just about to shut down. And actually I stayed awake over Chuck Pierce's message. I would've shown more enthusiasm if I wasn't that tired and all. And that was one of the reasons that I gave up waiting in the line receiving the mantle. My spirit is willing but my mind and the physical condition says no. Lord come to my rescue!

    Thanks Jack and Annie for just being there at my aid. The food totally resurrected me for a bit. I realy do pray to God to start reveal more and take me to a new level of expectation of miracles and wonders and callings.

    I still feel quite a bit weak but I really don't care about it now for I know that He still rejoices over me even when I'm so delicate and weak like a stranded sheep in an open field, could be eaten at any time. I was reading many people's blogs and the words started to boost up my spirit man, and I felt encouraged once again. God I really do need encouragement daily! I want to see myself through Your eyes!

    Wanna share one thing from today's reading:
    Even though I've read this story of the demon possessed men healed by Jesus in Matthew 8, I am still captured by the fact that this event actually got the villagers all worked up! After this news was spread throughout the region, here's what happened:

    The whole town went out to meet Jesus.
    And when they saw Him,
    they pleaded with Him to leave their region.
    -Matthew 8:34-

    Isn't that simply unreasonable? If I were Jesus, I would be completely confused. Why are you kicking me out? Didn't I just healed these two sick and angry guys whom all of you have known of for so many years? And now you're asking me to leave because I've performed a supernatural miracle?

    They don't see it.
    The eyes of their hearts are not opened.
    The concept of divine healing hasn't come to their minds.
    They are not willing, rather they are resisting.

    Aren't we like those town people sometimes? God really has done something incredibly significant in our lives, yet we didn't see it through the eyes of faith; therefore we miss out a chance that God's given to us. God I want to see it. Whatever that "it" is, I want to see, touch, smell, hear, taste, and experience it! Would You put an alerted spirit within me so that my heart is still guarded when I'm weak! I don't want to misunderstand the works that You've done, especially the purpose of Your works.

    I love You Jesus.
    Thank You that my strength will be restored after tonight's sleep.

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  6. Tearing Up

    Sunday, January 27, 2008
    By johnny
    Never have I teared up so many times at a conference. Yet I did for the past two days during Jesse, Lou, Gabe, and Shara's messages. This conference is so different than all the others that I've attended because the speakers not only equip us with their knowledge and experiences, they also paid honor to one another: especially the younger generation paying honor to the older ones. During Gabe's message, all the younger speakers washed the older speakers' feet right there on the stage. As I was praying and praising God for the unity between generations for all generations are part of the revival. Tears started to well up. Same thing happened when we were watching a part from the movie Blood Diamond about the father's love.

    And again I was tearing up when Shara invited the speakers and paid honor to them and prophesy over them. I loved the scene. And I bet God was tearing up as He watched our united heart abounding in love for one another.

    For the fourth time I've listened to Banning's message on 1 Samuel 14. I can't get enough of it even though I've heard it so many times. I love his message. It just boosted and refreshed my spirit once again. And this time he also talked about encouragement besides the dreamers. I would definitely listen to his message a fifth time in the future. I want to be an astronaut, Jesus! I'm going to start dreaming for my school and believe that I also don't live in reality!

    The first thing that popped into my mind is Impact's new location. I still remember one day I was daydreaming, and suddenly this image came to my mind--thousands of people were at this huge stadium, and I was on the stage leading worship. God if that's what I dreamed about, I'm going to start do something about it. Just like Lou--he found his lifetime calling and did something about his destiny. God would You once again show me the way and use others to encourage and prophesy over me as confirmations over my destiny.

    Anyhow, this conference totally blew me away and tears became my good friend during the conference. I really want to see tears become friends of many, for they are "windows to your heart", as Banning pointed out. If you want to know what do you have passion for, start looking for things that would bring tears to you.
    Thank You Jesus for this wonderful weekend (so far) and I really enjoyed this Prophetic House of Prayer conference more than I can ever imagine. Right now I pray for July 3rd at the Colosium for The Call LA. Would You prepare that date and revenue for us! God bring revival to Southern California!

    I really can't wait for His coming.
    So I'm going to do something about it.

    You are holy Oh so holy
    You are holy Lord of all

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  7. Stirred Up

    Saturday, January 26, 2008
    By johnny
    I really don't know what to say.

    This might be the shortest post because I really cannot form words for what my heart's stirring up for. I needa pray more about what I felt about today's conference, especially Lou's message. I got most of it, probably I've some questions about the awakening of Latino peoples here in California. And Cindy Jacob's prophecy upon California hit me also. I'm stirred for so many different reasons that I'm just a bit confused here.

    I need to ask God for a more specific revelation, and definitely I'll be asking Eddie about some of my questions that's beginning to form in my heart. We chatted a bit before he went to bed, and I was really encouraged by his heart that longs to see. And he saw Lou's vision in his heart and started JHOP-SD. 3 years ago. Woah. Jesus, thank You. I really do believe that prayer houses are extremely crucial to the revival and reformation of California. Even though I'm attracted to prayers, I know that my position is still a worshiper.

    God I ask that would You confirm my calling as a prophetic worshiper! Would You start speaking to me through Your words, speakers, and people around me to encourage and edify me and help me walk toward my destiny! Put a yearning in my heart!

    That's about it for today. The conference has been great. Deep messages. I really enjoy it because they get me thinking a lot even though I don't fully get them, but I want to.

    Thank You Jesus, just let me SEE.
    I want to see it in my heart.
    Let me enter into a new realm!

    Love You.
    Very excited about tomorrow.

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  8. A Day Full of Prayers

    Friday, January 25, 2008
    By johnny
    Around 10:10 I went up to the snake head and saw Eddie there. Praying. Then Gordon came, the Robbie, then Maritha, then Steven. 6 of us there. Crushing its head with silent prayers.

    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.
    God, end abortion and send revival to America.

    So at around 12 we set up a table on Library Walk to promote the Love Tent and Bound 4 Life. I just pray that those believers would come when they get the flyers and the news about Love Tent! I got a LIFE band and a package of Horton Hear's A Who!, Red Tape, a Sharpie, and a LIFE band. I want to give this package to a college student in my church who have a heart to end abortion in America and see it come to reality. I'm praying for that.

    During the afternoon I felt really crappy, and then after dinner I went to 24/7 Prayer meeting. During the first hour, we were simply worshipping. Yet I did not feel the Holy Spirit as strong as I did many times before. And I was totally tired and ready to fall asleep at any moment. Then we stopped worshipping and started sharing what's on our hearts. We ended up pairing up into groups of two as prayer partners--to support and encourage one another, and to pray in unity. I'm paired up with this awesome guitar player Jon, who picked up the guitar and we started to worship God again after the sharing. BAM! The Holy Spirit just filled me up right away. I knew it was because our hearts are together, yearning for Him! My entire body was so heated up! My entire person felt like I was put in an oven! I was totally praising God =) I love You Holy Spirit! Anyhow, I left the meeting early for Eddie and Steven are driving me back to Arcadia and crash at mi casa.

    Eddie's really cool guy and I can totally tell you that he's a faithful servant of God. I basically shared with him my story and how I got to UCSD--all that jazz--to him, and I aso told him the visions and the calling that God has given me for this school. I really do look forward to hanging out with him more! May God keep on use this willing and convicted heart for San Diego! Thank You Jesus. You are so good =)

    So here I am, in my room, listening to Heart Songs. Yesterday I finally added John Hendrickson as my facebook friend! I'm excited to meet this totally cool guy some day!

    It was a good day of prayer.
    Love ya Jesus.
    I'm excited for the conference tomorrow!

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  9. Paper + Prayer + Silver Apple + Love Tent + Joshua + David

    Thursday, January 24, 2008
    By johnny

    Seems like a lot, so I'll make this chapter short for ya faithful readers today. Short yet loaded with stuff. Stuff. Stuff it in! (I'm joking about making this short. It's actually one of the longest posts since there are many pictures!)

    I woke up at around 8:40 and started to write my draft for my English class. It wasn't bad I guess since it was just a draft. I was making good progress nevertheless. The paper wasn't due until 4pm. So by 10am I finished writing a page.

    This morning from 10-12, 5 of us(from 24/7 & YOPP) gathered on Library Walk and prayed for about 50 minutes and asked God for visions, signs, revelations, and pictures. Victor left for his 11 o'clock class so 4 of us(Ramondo, Hatty, Linda, and I) prayed again and then I took off with Ramondo. We didn't know where to go so we walked toward the Library. On our way were many tables, and one of them has stickers all over the table--"Mike Huckabee for President 2008". We walked past that table and then I felt an urge to head back and pray for the only guy at the table. We talked with him and he kinda refused my prayer offering by saying, "You can pray that Huckabee wins." Both of us told him that we've been praying for Huckabee. That guy did not seem to be a believer of Jesus, yet he supports Huckabee. God right now I ask that he will see that he's not just supporting Huckabee, but he is supporting Your kingdom to come! Would You awaken that guy and change him radically with Your love!
    Right after that I received a call from Micheal, my roommate, telling me that the paper was actually due @ 12 because he went to his 10am section and his TA told him that. I was skeptical of his words yet he wouldn't be lying to me about this. So finally I realized that because his section is earlier than the lecture, his TA extended the due time for just Micheal's section. Phew. I was a bit nervous since we had to write up a 3-page draft! Thank You Jesus! So I left Ramondo reluctantly. I wanted to pray for people. However I finished writing the draft at around 1pm, had lunch, and went to the bookstore to buy some stuff for my gorgeous--15'4" beauty.

    Finally, after turning my paper in during section today, I opened the magic box. It felt totally wonderful. I was so excited and so were my roommates, who were taking pictures and videos of me opening that black box!

    Took me 30 minutes to photoshop this out. Thought it's pretty cool. It's gonna be my wallpaper of my gorgeous Macbook Pro for quite a while! Anyhow. I'm planning to laser engrave it, yet I need to find a design for it first! (.....um....Jack?) Later on tonight I used this silver baby to watch the movie SUNSHINE. I rented it from Blockbuster, it's a thriller and a well-made intense movie indeed. The movie's about human's last hope, Icarus II, a ship that carries a bomb that has the mass of the Manhatten Island, heading into the dying Sun to blow that bomb up. To reignite the sun. To restore humanity. To save the earth.
    At the distance of 50 million miles from the sun, the vision of a normal person would impair if, for more than 30 seconds, staring at the sun(with sunglasses) at only 3.1% of its full beam.
    Isn't that just incredible how God has created this Sun so perfectly that we are able to live and breathe perfectly just around 93 million miles away from the enormous fireball. God You are so good at measuring while You were creating the earth, sun, and moon! I love it!


    Click on the picture to go to the Love Tent's website. Please keep this event in your prayers. We want to see this school immersed and saturated in His love! And so far I've signed up for 4 slots leading worship, so we'll see how that'll work out. God would You bring unity among believers through the Love Tent here at UCSD! Lavish us with Your unfailing love! We're hoping to raise $7,000 to have 1,000 tshirts given out for free. Just to spread the love. We don't know where the money's coming from, so please keep this in your prayers also.

    I see it. The unity that I've been praying for since the end of September might just arrive on Valentine's day as we give our hearts to the Bridegroom. Only You can satisfy my heart, my God. I love You and You alone. No one else. Just You.

    So yesterday I didn't share about my daily reading, but here are a couple great verses in Joshua that I just want to put it out:
    ...a huge army, as numerous as the sand on the seashore.
    All these kings joined forces...to fight against Israel.
    The Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them,
    because by this time tomorrow I will hand all of them
    over to Israel, slain.
    -Joshua 11:4~6-

    I see this as God's promise for the soldiers here at UCSD. No matter how huge the enemy is--a 560-ft snake--He's still going to hand it over to His righteous children, SLAIN. Isn't He great? And I just realized one thing: there will be no peace until God's promise is fulfilled! Come on! The land had rest from war(Joshua 14:15) right when the Israelites obtained and entered into the promised land! We need to realize that we have to be strong and courageous like Joshua in order to win battles after battles! Until His promise fulfills, until the land has rest from war.

    DAVID - Psalm 6~8
    Psalm 6
    A cry for mercy from David.
    A song of sackcloths.
    My soul is in anguish.
    How long, O Lord, how long?
    -verse 3-

    Psalm 8
    A song of praise from David.
    I can just imagine him dancing around!
    How majestic is Your name in all the earth!
    What is man that You are mindful of him?
    -verse 1 & 4-

    Psalm 7
    Tonight's main focus.
    For it really spoke to me and connected to Joshua.

    Awake, my God; decree justice.
    Let the assembled gather around You.
    O righteous God,
    who searches minds and hearts,
    brings to an end the violence of the wicked
    and make the righteous secure.
    -verse 6, 7, 9-

    Doesn't Psalm 7 sound just like what I've been talking about--Justice, Unity, and Violent Revolution! God You just keep on confirming me with the visions that I've been associating with and receiving. How awesome, how great, how inconceivable! O righteous God, come and take over UCSD--every building, every plant, and every soul!

    That's about it today. I got an email from Garrett asking for intercession for he will be sharing a vision he received in his dreams with a boy he just met in Chile! May God work His miracles within that boy and through Garrett! Thank You Jesus!

    That's enough for tonight. Loaded with pictures =)

    Your love is tangible.

    ps. God I give You praise for You have dealt with X. I ask for boldness and more of Your love within X that X would be completely devoted into You =) You're a good God!

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  10. Praise You Under Any Circumstance

    Wednesday, January 23, 2008
    By johnny
    Sam still had the chemotherapy today yet he's been feeling completely fantastic--without any side effects of the therapy still! God I praise You still and I will keep on praying until Sam is completely healed by Your hands. He will get his blood test back sometime soon and he'll let me know the results. Jesus I declare a stunning result from the therapists because You shine Your victory over the result! Come on!

    God would You hear my prayers for this certain person(Let's call the person X) that's been on my heart. I've treating X as my sheep, yet X lives really far away. God would You work Your miracles inside of X so that X's life would be transformed completely and X would feel Your love for her so that X does not have to go look for love anymore because X has found Your love. God hear my prayer for I really don't know what to do but to tear my robe for X and put on sackcloth and spread dust over my head! God, hear my cry for X!

    This afternoon when I was crying out to God for X,
    God gave me a verse:
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
    and lean not on your own understanding.
    -Proverbs 3:5-

    I've never felt something like this before. Is this an attack, my God? I don't know. The only thing I know is that my heart was aching for X because I do not want to see X's heart broken because of men again! I want X to come and know You first because You never fail! I needa talk to you, Jack, because I'm ceratin that you've gone through what I'm feeling right now. Even though I already know what you would tell me, still I want to share this burden with you.

    Anyhow, YOPP was great tonight.
    Love Tent now has a website: TheLoveTent.com
    Here are a couple highlights:
    - Jesus never plays on the offensive side.
    - The snake creates a great opportunity to share the Gospel!
    - We are all professors--professing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    - You can't have the spirit of takeover unless you're taken over by God.
    - The revolution to come on this campus is going to be a violent one.

    Here's Robbie's testimony in his biology class. He was the only one raising his hand when the professor asked the students "Who does not believe in evolution?" so they had an 10-minute debate/argument. And after class he went up to the prof and talked more. After that there came over a fellow student.
    "Dude that was intense," said that guy.
    "So are you a Christian too?"
    Here's the boom:
    "Yeah. Apparently not a very good one."
    Jesus. Come on! Start using us to reignite the desire in the believers' cold hearts! God I thank You for Robbie. He has definitely sparked many fires.

    God thank You for giving me so much that I can ever imagine.
    Come and saturate me with Your love.
    Only You can satisfy. No man can.


    ps. Had a 1-hr talk with Brian over the phone. It was great I shared with him about my life lately(basically the blogs lately). We prayed for each other and I was totally blessed to have a brother to pray with. Thank You Jesus for Brian!

    pss. Haven't opened the box of my Macbook Pro yet. I'm not going to open it until I finish writing my draft!

    psss. Sarah's name was mentioned @ YOPP =)...lol...she comented on Love Tent's facebook group and wants to start a Love Tent on UCR also! And what I was totally amazed what that the new chancellor is a believer of Jesus Christ! Oh Jesus, You're doing amazing work! That's what I'm going to pray for my chancellor here at UCSD. Let her be completely changed by You and start changing school policies to Your laws!

    pssss. I just realized that I did not publish a post back in August about Jesus Culture Redding. It's now posted if you're interested.
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  11. New Look

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008
    By johnny
    A cleaner look. I like it quite a lot.
    This is the 50th post on my blog!

    Annie, I've found a great template for you!

    I was going to use a really YELLOW template,
    but it failed me.
    Oh well. Life is not just about yellow =)

    Nice layout, Johnny.


    ----5pm update----

    I've got it. Finally! Thank you dad I love you!

    More will be posted in tomorrow's post. Stay tuned.
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  12. God's Covenant + Approval

    Thank You Jesus that I found my wallet!

    I am especially inspired and pumped up by Jennifer's post today. Go check it out if you haven't. Now is the time to equip the children to walk in faith and power of the Holy Spirit! NOW! I felt the burden a week and half ago. That night I posted something about sowing into the nexgeneration for there needs to be a fire passed on from generation to generation. That's Jack's cry too! Here's the post.

    I just finished reading Genesis 8-11.
    Two words to conclude: God's Covenant (with us).

    Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth...This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come.
    -Genesis 9:11~12-

    How crazy is that?
    God's making an EVERLASTING covenant with me and you!
    Yeah. How simple.

    God You've given us the entire world--from the fish in the oceans to the soaring eagles--and You really think that we're gonna rule this world well once again after the big water thingy? How much faith must You have in us! Thank You for not breaking that everlasting promise. I think it's a really good promise indeed =)

    Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.
    -Genesis 9:14~15-

    "Ooooooh! I see a rainbow!!!"

    Exclaimed Jeff over the phone today after the rain.
    "The last time I saw a rainbow when I was in fifth grade!" he then said. I immediately thought about God's covenant with us and how rainbow is a reminder for us that He's keeping that promise! And how amazingly tonight's reading is about the rainbow! God You are so good!

    However, people are people--dumb.
    Building this tower that's ten times taller than Taipei 101.
    Wanting to become God.

    If as one people speaking the same language
    they have begun to do this,
    then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
    -Genesis 11:6-

    No matter what those people were trying to do, God approved of their capability of succeeding in ANYTHING! Let us all speak the SAME LANGUAGE, think the SAME, and act the SAME toward the SAME goal! Then nothing can stop us! Nothing is impossible while UNITY is presented! Even God said it! Come on, faithful warriors! It's time to gather together as one troop and finish the fight(didn't mean to use the HALO 3 tagline lol)!

    You know what I mean:
    1. Start praying for unity among believers
    2. Start praying for visions
    3. Start putting on those shields and weapons
    4. Finish the fight

    Let's have the determination those people had in chapter 11 of Babel and use it toward the building of His kingdom on earth! Wake up! Don't be scattered! Speak the same and think the same!


    ps. Sam's going to the chemotherapist tomorrow(today actually). God right now I pray for Sam in faith. I know that You've healed him and I rejoice in Your faithfulness and promise. I once again ask for a surprisingly positive result to an extent that he does not have to do the therapy tomorrow AT ALL! You see our shirts torn and sackcloth worn. Would You come in power and bring down Your flood over Your beloved son Samuel Beach Wood right now! Jesus I praise You for what You've done and what You're doing. In Your kingdom, all sickness is casted away. I thank You that Sam's feeling very well and he's up and running as usual! Bring RESTORATION!!!!

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  13. Testimony of the Year--Must Read!

    Monday, January 21, 2008
    By johnny
    First of all, the video in my last blog is working now. I've fixed it.

    Here's the entire MSN conversation I just had with my junior high school friend who is right now in Vancouver. He was in a car accident. He drove too fast and the car went out of control and he spun and skidded. The butt of his car was totally crashed. He was not hurt in any way.

    He is not a believer of any belief. And he's been lost since he decided to look for jobs in Vancouver and not going to college. My heart started to pound. Jesus. You saved his life! He could have crashed head-on yet he gained control of the car and managed to crash the but not the head.

    I called him up right away on Skype and we talked a little bit. And after we hung up I couldn't help but start sharing with him on MSN. Blue is me, and Green is him. Black is my comments. Red is the MOST IMPORTANT thing.

    Here's the convo:
    I really do thank God that you're alright man. I'll keep you in my prayers dude.
    yea u too
    You know, I think it was really a miracle that you're still alright
    i know i should thank god ~~~but......i hope god can fix my car for free
    My heart is still pounding
    for real dude
    i have some good friends who had serious accidents too
    when i rememeber that~~~is kind scare
    oh~~thats too bad

    and afterwards they were really amazed at how they were not even injured
    Mark I think God's got a purpose for you and He protected you. That's what I think.
    I paused. I didn't know what to expect.
    I asked God what I should do.
    "Wait. Just wait." He said to me so clearly.
    So I waited for him to type.
    And here's what he typed. word by word.
    maybe thats true
    u know what
    when the car accident happend
    the day i just buy a cross necklace
    and put in the car
    maybe GOD really help me

    I couldn't start bobbing back and forth. I lifted my hands up and just let the Holy Spirit consume me. He worked a miracle right there! I couldn't describe how stirred up I was inside!! It was just one of the moments that you cannot describe in words at all. JESUS!!!!!! My heart is tearing apart! God told me to wait. And during the waiting period I really forsaw a miracle straight from the Savior!
    Now I totally believe that God saved your life, man.
    He's a God who really loves everyone, you know.
    And God can just take away a person's life easily, yet He chose to love
    Here's the totally God-given part. I was speechless and all I could do is to lift up my praise to Him for He is so good. You'll feel the same way too.
    Why would you get a cross necklace?
    I was actually going to ask him another question, yet somehow I erased that question and replaced it with my curiosity. I wanted to know why he got the necklace. I felt like God was urging me to ask him that question. And really He was! His response blew me away. Simply four words.
    i dont know why
    the day i just go to a store with friend
    she want to buy something for a friend
    and i just looking around
    then i see a cross necklace
    and i think is very cool one~~~so yeaa i just buy it

    Are you feeling what I'm feeling? If you are, dear blog readers, then I'm guess that you're right now praising God like never before just like I am right now. I can't shout or scream because it's 3 in the morning, but my heart was yelling out HALLELUJAH! Are you being filled by the Spirit as you're reading my blog? Because I am right now ceaselessly bobbing back and forth as I'm typing this. I'm so in awe of Him! And here's one more thing that God wanted me to tell him:
    You know what does the cross stand for in Christianity?
    ar i dont really know
    The Cross stands for "salvation"--which means act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction
    oh really~~~i just knew that
    COME ON!!!!! Just lift up your voice and give God a big shout right now. Right nnnoow!!!!! Don't hesitate. That's the first definition straight from Dictionary.com! Just start being filled by the Holy Spirit! In awe of His vastness and His plan for each one of us and how He uses different events to turn His children back to Him! Jesus I right now declare Your salvation over my friend that he would want to know you right now and would You keep on protecting him from the enemy who are trying to drag him away from You oh Lord!
    and I hope that you will start thinking that God really has a purpose in your life and He loves you. And I know that you believe that somehow God was involved in this accident.
    yea god really help me for somehow
    I hope that you would start really appreciate your life man. Because I truly believe that there is a purpose for you to live.
    Anyhow man, I'll keep you in my prayer that God will keep on protecting you like He did during the accident, and you won't have any physical injuries.
    I hope that we can have a good talk next weekend if you have time dude

    I still haven't done my daily reading yet.
    Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
    My God!
    my car is fixing cant drive her like for 2 weeks
    i think that's good
    and keep that cross with you
    i will keep it. it is on my neck
    I'm so stirred up. I can't go to sleep. How can I go to sleep when I just witnessed one of the biggest testimonies in the entire history? Pray. Yeah. God remind him daily of that cross and what it stands for--Your protection from harm and disaster and Your promise of love and salvation.
    I hope that you would start really appreciate your life man. Because I truly believe that there is a purpose for you to live. Anyhow man, I'll keep you in my prayer that God will keep on protecting you like He did during the accident, and you won't have any physical injuries. I really want to help you to find that purpose man. to find the purpose of your life. I don't suppose you want to stay in Vancouver forever looking for jobs and all. There's a greater purpose to life dude, and I think you are definitely starting to realize that after the accident. cuz I've found my purpose and I hope you'll find yours too.
    And that was my final words for him and he's totally up for a phone call chat sometime this coming weekend. God would you start moving inside of him and stir his heart up. Let people who believe in you start to influence him. I declare Your victory over my good friend! I just want to praise You right now! Only You can make my heart stir. Lord I ask that You will make this phone chat possible and he will accept You ask his personal Savior--forever.

    My purpose is so clear now, Jesus.
    I love You for who You are, my King.
    God You never stop working Your miracles all around the world!

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  14. What's Your Conviction?

    Sunday, January 20, 2008
    By johnny
    Today I actually called up Ken Anderson, my goespel choir director. He was sick last week so the class got cancelled. I called and prayed for him. I can feel that he wants to just praise that Lord for he's been at UCSD for 18 years leading Gospel choir and hoping that many would be fascinated by this God that they're singing about. I also told him that I had to drop out from choir even though I really wanted to do it. Yet now I've found YOPP.

    Doctrine of the Shedding of Innocent Blood-
    Lou Engle had this 42-min message during TheCall KC.

    Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America!

    This is the prayer of Bound 4 Life.

    Let us start praying for our nation on a daily basis and ask God to appoint a leader that would bring the principality of the world to an end and bring Your value and Your will into the laws once again!

    If you can vote, PRAY & VOTE! And if you can't vote, PRAY!

    I guess that's all I've got tonight. I feel convicted.
    What about you, blog readers?
    What's your conviction?

    Jesus I love You.

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  15. Fun! Finally!

    Saturday, January 19, 2008
    By johnny
    ASCII Generator
    Pretty cool website that has different fonts.
    Just type in the words and choose a font, and voila!
    And here's a crazy marble binary adding machine:

    Have fun =)
    Thought I should put in something fun here...lol

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  16. Just Pray. Get Praying.

    It was a good morning.
    I went to a piano room at 10am and locked myself in and just worship God for one hour straight. And I had my iPod recorded the entire hour of worship and prayer. Got some songs from that and I'll definitely write them down sometime soon I hope. Today's worship was really different from the ones before. I really felt a new spirit that's leading me into new songs--I was playing chord progressions and singing melodies that I've never sang before! Come on! I just felt God really love this school and He's got so much more in store, and all we need to do is ask!

    At 4 Jeff drove me back and also 2 of his suitemates to OC. They are both Vietnamese and really awesome people. I hope that I can hang out with them more and share Jesus with them!

    Then Britt called. I started to talk to her.
    Finally at around 7:30 I got to church.
    Jeff left for a dinner meeting. Yet he's coming this Sun.

    Britt is one of the leaders of Breakaway, the Christian fellowship at Northfield Mount Hermon school from which I graduated. She needed a lot of encouragement and direction-pointing, and I talked to her for like an hour and twenty minutes about how she can just go and start an intimate relationship with Jesus while she stands at her leadership position. She yearns for a relationship yet she really does not know where to start. She's got a heart of compassion. She wants to see justice in this world. And I told her so many things--issues like politics, gay/lesbian, even to end-time. I just wanted to pour whatever I have unto her, and God would You start some changes in her life radically! I just pray that she would start praying for You to take control in faith rather than what she knows/sees. And God You see a willing heart who's seeking Your justice to cover all over this corrupted nation/world! Britt is the one who founded Wipe A Tear: Rwanda, and since then I have not doubt that she has a heart for the sick/poor/lame/blind/needy people in the world. I thank You Jesus for Britt and won't You start moving in her life as she's struggling with her position, goal, and destiny. Once more I pray that You will keep on providing Breakaway in all aspects. This fellowship is all for You, Father! And I also pray that the leaders would find other times gather together and pray to strengthen each other's faith in You. Be their guide. Thank You God. I love You!

    I love you all, leaders of Breakaway. And all I can do right now is to keep you in my prayers night and day. I believe God's got His plan all laid out, and we just gotta receive it through faith. If you need any prayer support, I would ask you to find each other first and pray and then call me up =) I know you all can do it. I have faith in you!

    One thing that struck me tonight was how willing these young people were at our neighboring church! God I ask that You raise them up as future leaders and people of influence. When I was praying for many of them, I saw their hearts burning for Jesus. God would you come and live inside of their hearts and don't leave them! For they want to have a breakthrough in their relationships with You! They are not satisfied with what's going on right now. Take them to another level! Break through the ceiling!

    After that we went to Jazz Cat(a restaurant), and when we sat down, some of us suggested that we should pray for some people at the table next to us for they seemed to be leaving. So Jennifer and I finally took that step of faith and followed this group of people outside and stopped them. She was talking to a girl while I picked this guy. I basically told him that I wanted to pray for him. And he was open to prayers even though he's agnostic. He name is Tim, from Pasadena. And amazingly it was his 24th birthday today! So I prayed a prayer of blessing over him and that was pretty much it. He really appreciated my prayer and right now Lord I just pray that he would come to know You and believe in You and follow You!

    A short sharing about tonight's reading...cuz it's 3:30 now.
    The first thing that struck me hard is Isaiah chapter 7. If you were at the last Sunday service or at the event tonight, you would be amazed too because this Holy Spirit is terribly real! Isaiah was, crazily, born in the time of king Ahaz, father of king Hezekiah (go check out 2 Kings chapter 18). And here's what God told Ahaz after he rejected to seek God for advice: that Ahaz will be defeated by Assyria for God would use Assyria as an instrument against all nations against Him. And Isaiah's prophecy came true in 2 Kings 18!! Man.....that was really good stuff. I love You Holy Spirit. Bring it on! Anyhow, chater 7 also talks about the first coming of Jesus, and so is chapter 9. Go check it out.

    And chater 10 is about God's judgement on Assyria. The king of Assyria began to put all the gold and silver praises upon himself. He gained so much pride that he made himself like a god! Just like today's society--that we often use our own knowledge and hard work to gain reputation and population. And even we like to boast about how we received a free lunch--and not giving God the praises and thanks. That's why Assyria was destroyed. One word: pride.

    He will reigh on David's throne and over his kingdom,
    establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
    The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.
    -Isaish 9:7-

    Pray & Vote!
    God, bring down Your jusitce and righteousness!
    Let's use our right to vote according to His will!

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  17. Robe Tearing

    Friday, January 18, 2008
    By johnny
    I was at the snake path.
    Then came Robbie and Eddie.
    We stood on its head.
    Crushing it.
    Praying in silence.
    Bobbing back and forth.
    For 1.5 hours.

    There came a group of tourists. Around 30~50 yrs old.
    "Are you guarding the snake?"
    said the tour guide. A 50-year-old lady.
    "We're crushing it," responded Eddie.
    "..............................good luck."
    "We don't need luck. We've got a big God."

    Then she started to talk about the snake and how it came about. And I was just praying that God would take control of what she's speaking.
    "This is the snake head....."
    God would You stop her from talking about the evil one!
    "....this is the serpent of knowledge...."
    Immediately I tought about Humanism. Yes. The snake wants men to think that THEY created knowledge and THEY own the knowledge. Or, should I say, the serpent of deceiving acts.

    After the group went on, Eddie turned, stunned.
    "Did you hear that she was choked up?"
    Both Robbie and I missed out. But I believe that it was God.
    And so did Eddie. "I was praying to God to shut her up!"
    I was in awe. She did. He did it.
    God really stopped her from talking more about the serpent!
    I felt like she was going to say more, but she ended up didn't!
    That was something notable today.
    God You really love this school so much!

    Before we started praying Eddie told me about how they've been praying on the snake head for over a year now, and this year they started to preach in front of the library. JHOP, Justice House of Prayer, has been praying for UCSD since its beginning and these couple years God's been tranforming the spiritual atmosphere on campus. Robbie also told me how this snake represents the evil one, and how it weaved through the garden of Eden, and its head and tongue is pointing at the tree of knowledge of good and evil--Geisel Library. Go read tusday's post and you'll see the photo of the path.

    "Just 10 righteous men who's willing to start preaching the Word," said Eddie this morning, "the school will need to take some action about it. We'll just go to every Free Speech Zone and preach and wherever the students go they would hear the message of Jesus Christ."

    I really do agree with his vision for this school. He's so determined that he will not leave San Diego until he see this school comepletely saved by God. He has so many dreams for this land. In the end, at around 11:30, Maritha joined us while Eddie took off at 11. So Robbie asked me what did I receive from God during that time, yet I really couldn't say much about it besides I see this cartoonish picture of a dead snake with "X" on its eye. I thought it was quite funny. Anyhow, Robbie, Maritha, and I prayed for this nation, especially for Mike Huckabee. He's the only presidential candidate that holds up his belief and has a plan to put his belief into action and turn this nation back to Christ. God would You choose this righteous man who stands for you as a king over this nation. Would You appoint the one for the job Yourself! We'll keep on praying!

    Jesus I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.

    For 7 times we prayed this prayer before we ended.
    They've been praying that ever since they received the 7-time vision. Everytime I prayed that prayer, I felt stronger inside.
    I wanted the conviction.

    So that was until 11:50am.


    I turned off my cellphone and any time devices for 6 hours starting 12pm today for a paper. It was a bit lame, but I managed to live without cellphone, watches, clocks, and computers for 6 hours straight. I went to 2 classes and they were quite alright. I also did some math for tomorrow's quiz!

    At 7, after dinner, I went to 24/7 prayer meeting. Brian, Jon(a great guitarist), Grace, Maritha, Linda, and Brian(who played djembe like crazy!). For one hour we were worshipping, praying, and interceding for this school and this nation. We decided to start a 6-hour prayer run every day from 6am - 12pm. I'm taking the 10-11 shift. God send down Your fire!

    At 8:30 we went to Korean Campus Ministrie's gathering and asked all the citizens there to register to vote. We want to see the Christian community to take the opportunity to choose the next leader of America. PRAY & VOTE. Join the facebook group and start praying that God's hand would move in this year's Primary election in California!

    After that Linda's back started to hurt really badly and we began to pray for her. For 4 times we prayed for her because we all believed that God's the Healer, and in Him there's no sickness/pain! So after 4 faithful prayers, Linda's back was healed!!! Praise God =)

    Afterwards I went back to Revelle plaza.
    There in the cold I read Job chapter 3 & 4.
    Chapter 3 is all about Job's cry and sorrow and regret.
    Just reading that made me feel sad, and confused because I thought Job should be the faithful and righteous one! Then chapter 4 was about one of Job's friends who came and cry with Him: Eliphaz the Temanite. Eliphaz started to remind Job who God is and how Job shouldn't feel down, for God's got more in store for him after this persecution! And that's my sharing about today's reading. Because before I read chapter 3 I was looking at the end of chapter 2.

    And that's what I'm really going to share: Job chapter 2

    At 6:17 tonight, Sam called. I was overjoyed.
    He got my totally-belated Christmas card and called to say thanks and check up on me. We chatted about stuff and about music and all. He told me that he's feeling really great lately and there's really no physical problem with him at all. I was praising God inside! He's going to have his next therapy on this coming Tuesday. I told him that this Sunday Impact's going to pray for him once again, and that God will heal him completely and he will not need any medication! He really appreciated our friendship and I do too. God I pray for Sam right now that You would take control of his physical condition and bring restoration to all area of his life.

    Here's Job--so sick that his friends could not recognize him.
    And what did his three friends do?

    They began to weep aloud, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads. Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.
    -Job 2:12~13-

    I felt like I was Job's friends--Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. And Sam was Job. Oh God I would do the same thing for my brother! I would tear my shirts and weep and sat there in silence with him! I am desperate to see a complete healing O God! Bring restoration! You are a faithful God!

    Bring Restoration

    You bring restoration
    You bring restoration
    You bring restoration
    To my soul

    You've taken my pain
    You've called me by a new name
    You've taken my shame
    And in it's place
    You give me joy

    You take my mourning, turn it into dancing
    You take my weeping, turn it into laughing
    You take my mourning, turn it into dancing
    You take my sadness, turn it into joy

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
    You make all things new
    All things new

    -Clay Edwards

    We gotta sing this song. I love it.
    So that was that tonight.

    A wonderful day full of His presence everywhere.
    I love You Jesus. Bring revival to America!


    ps. I bought a bible for Jeff last week already because I knew he was ready. I'm going to give it to him this Sunday when he goes to Imapct! Woo!

    pps. I finally got in touch with one of my middle school classmates in FIVE YEARS!! He just arrived in Seattle for community college all the way from AUSTRALIA! We had a good talk on Skype, and I'm sure we'll spend more time talking and chatting. I'm determined to bring Jesus into his life! Come on!!
    Continue reading »


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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