1. Where My Help Comes From

    Monday, June 30, 2008
    By johnny

    Spirit is willing but the body is weak.

    Once again I need to learn that lesson.

    I want to cling to You and never let go.

    Don't let me lose my way, Jesus.

    I want to stand firm and be blameless and righteous

    on that day.

    I wanna be found faithful
    I wanna be found steady
    I wanna be found faithful until the end.

    I lift up my eyes to the hills
    Where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord
    The Maker of heaven and earth

    While I was gliding in the air, enjoying the sunrise at the beach, and soaking in the creek, I was once again amazed by His creation and how we can enjoy what He's created--the earth! And He will let us enjoy Heaven for eternity! You are so magnificent and holy, Lord!


    ps. Paragliding was a great experience. Everyone should try it out once in a lifetime!
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  2. I Want To Be...

    Sunday, June 29, 2008
    By johnny

    I will never forget Banning's word from last year's Jesus Culture. We need to dream big again! Yes, on the first day @ Yi Lan with many many family friends (17 of us total!), we went on a ferry, got to cruise by the famous Turtle Mountain Island right off the shore of Yi Lan, and hoping to see some dolphins or whales.

    Too bad, the Lord only brought us some beautiful sky and cloud, and also some skipjacks (flying fish) passing by. Those were pretty spectacular--the fish jumps off the surface and flies for about 50 meters in the air before it dives back in! Nonetheless, it was pretty darn cool.

    Got myself all wet from head to toe because during the second half of the ferry ride, we had to sail into a storm in order to get back to shore. I was out there while most of the people went inside to hide from the rain. I gotta say, God is such an amazing Creator! I even sang "Still" in that storm (I know...at such a moment, right?...I just had to, ya know.).

    I'll be updating some pictures of my 2nd week in Taiwan.
    I love this land, and I praise the Lord for Taiwan!

    Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters!

    -Genesis 1:2-


    Got bitten by thousands of fish today! Pretty cool, but it was sooooooooo itchy! This was really a once in a lifetime deal. Never have I got "eaten" by fish. Basically what they eat from our feet is the outer layer--the dead skin. It always has been ME who's EATING the FISH. Y'all should come to Taiwan and give it a try. Really fun stuff and you will never ever forget =)

    God's funny. I love that.

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  3. This World...

    Saturday, June 28, 2008
    By johnny
    Got on the bus and saw this man with crutches.

    He has polio since age of 2 after a crazy fever back in the 1960s. He has to use crutches since he has memory. When I heard that, my heart was broken. He kept on tell me how his condition does not allow him to travel far away nor get him a decent job with good pay. He told me that I really need to be grateful that I am so alive and well.

    I, then, asked him "the question". And guess what? He has been to church before and had many people prayed for him! He told me that so many people have prayed for him back at church, but the prayers did not really work. I then encouraged him that I have faith to see him be so blessed today, for he was actually heading to a job interview!

    The thing is, I wanted to pray for him, but I had to get off the bus!!! So I told him that I will be praying for him and he will experience God's favor and love and blesings when he starts to declare and have faith!

    He has lived all his life on crutches.
    Jesus showed me yet another level of His heart.
    My heart was tenderized.
    This entire world needs the Lord so much.
    I wish I did not get off the bus and kept on riding with him and praying for him and chatting with him and sharing testimonies with him.
    But I know what I did is not in vain.
    The Lord listens tentatively to our desperate cries.

    You have been a refuge for the poor,
    a refuge for the needy in his distress,
    a shelter from the storm
    and a shade from the heat.
    -Isaiah 25:4-

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  4. 我可以為你禱告嗎? - CIPFY?

    Friday, June 27, 2008
    By johnny

    Can I Pray For You?

    My mom has been asking me to pray for my GMa's health and also my GPa's sister's husband-- whom I am so grateful for. My mom side's family really took care of me a lot when I was small! And I am so blessed to see them still up and running and happy. However, over the past 5 years, two of my GPa's older brothers passed away. Lord have mercy upon them for they had never heard the Good News!

    Today, I prayed for a auntie who came to Visual Tech to be examined and she got a pair of glasses. Before she left with her family, my mom suddenly mentioned me and prayer! Found out that she has been having this weird pain around her ears (not inner ears, but the ear bones) when she sleeps. And no doctor can diagnose where the pain comes from. So I shared CHAD's testimony (I love that testimony), and all the coworkers of my parents were listening too and were so shocked and amazed by this testimony! Jesus I just praise You for opening doors!

    I actually shared a 30 second Gospel to Mr. YA (his nickname), who is one of the two supervisors of Visual Tech, and he shared a little bit with me about what he believes in. He's really open, and I hope to share with him more! Btw, his wife just had a boy two weeks ago! I also shared with Serena, the supervisor of MPD(My Personal Design), my parent's other optical shop. She's only 24 and she's a great worker with an awesome attitude! My parents have been so happy that they've got these faithful workers and friends! I gotta keep on pressing in and praying for them! I believe blessing and favor is falling upon my parent's workplace!

    Update on the Hendrickson Family:
    Their plane got delayed for a day. Nonetheless I think they arrived safely and right now in Tainan. They will come to Taipei for 5 days and get their eyes checked too! Keep them in your prayers!

    Moreover, I'm signing up for ONETHING Taiwan! August 20~22. Pray for this conference too! I believe more and more lovesick brides will be awaken through this conference!

    Did I mention God is so faithful and good?


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  5. Blow My Mind

    Thursday, June 26, 2008
    By johnny
    It's all about Jesus. He is so amazing.
    Every time I read the news about Lakeland,
    my heart melts and tears blur my sight.
    I want to go to Lakeland again.
    The glory of God is resting upon that city!
    And it's never going to leave!
    Oh how I want You to do the same thing in Taiwan, Lord!
    If no one goes, I will go! If no one speaks, I will speak!
    If no one acts, I will act! If no one prays, I will pray!

    Read this letter below. It is long, yet historic:

    June 23, 2008
    C. Peter Wagner

    A warm welcome to those of you who are present in this tent and to you who are watching through GOD TV. You are about to witness an event which could well have historic implications not only for the Lakeland Outpouring but also for our nation and for many other nations of the world. Prophets have been telling us for years that God is about to launch an extraordinary spiritual awakening with signs and wonders, and for over two months Todd Bentley has been leading one of the more obvious fulfillments of those prophecies. This is an exciting place to be right now!

    My name is Peter Wagner and I am President of Global Harvest Ministries based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have served the body of Christ in apostolic ministry for many years, and currently I preside over the International Coalition of Apostles which brings together over 500 recognized apostles.

    I have the honor of being assigned to preside over this momentous occasion, and I am humbled as I approach the task with an enormous sense of awe.

    Holy Spirit, I invite Your presence,
    Your power, and Your direction

    This is a ceremony celebrating the formal apostolic alignment of Todd Bentley. My first desire is to lay a biblical foundation for what we are about to do.

    I will begin with a scripture that has been a central text for those of us who are in the stream of the contemporary apostolic/prophetic movement, Ephesians 4:11-12:

    And He Himself [Jesus at His ascension] gave some
    To be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists
    And some pastors and teachers,
    For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.

    The word “equipping” is a translation of the Greek katartizo which literally means “aligning,” as in setting a broken bone or a chiropractic adjustment. It means putting things in order so that the body functions as it was designed to function. This is one of the responsibilities of apostles such as those whom you see on the platform, and that is the reason we are present tonight. For example, Paul wrote to Titus, “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking” (Titus 1:5).

    Speaking of Paul and Titus, their relationship is a biblical prototype of apostolic alignment. The same would apply to Paul and Timothy. The apostolic alignment of Timothy and Titus with Paul was a principal factor in allowing God to develop and fulfill His complete destiny in both of their lives.

    But Paul himself was also apostolically aligned. Soon after he was called to join Barnabas and his colleagues in Antioch for the then controversial ministry of planting churches among Gentiles, he traveled to Jerusalem to bring a gift for famine relief and also to align with some of the apostles. I want to use the experience that Paul had on that occasion as the text for the protocol for tonight’s alignment and commissioning of Todd Bentley. It is found in Galatians 2:9 which tells the story of one of Paul’s visits to Jerusalem:

    And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars,
    Perceived the grace that had been given to me,
    They gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship,
    That we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised.

    Todd is following Paul’s example by inviting to the platform three apostolic pillars of today’s church: Ché Ahn of Pasadena, California, Bill Johnson of Redding, California, and John Arnott of Toronto, Canada, Todd’s native land. They represent an apostolic network called Revival Alliance.

    Notice that the apostles in Jerusalem “perceived the grace that God had given to Paul.” “The word “grace” is charis, the root of charisma, meaning “spiritual gift or gifts.” In Paul’s case it was the gift mix necessary to carry the gospel to the Gentiles. In Todd’s case it is the gift mix necessary to lead the Lakeland Outpouring.

    I have a question for the three apostles: Do you perceive the grace of God given to Todd Bentley as an evangelist to lead the Lakeland Outpouring? [Answer: “I do.”]

    I have a question for Todd Bentley: Do you recognize the apostolic authority of these three men in your life and ministry, and do you desire to establish an apostolic alignment with them and with Revival Alliance? [Answer: “I do.”]

    With this affirmation we will move to a formal commissioning, equivalent to “offering the right hand of fellowship” as the three apostles did to Paul in Jerusalem.

    This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world. With this in mind, I take the apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree to Todd Bentley:
    • Your power will increase.
    • Your authority will increase.
    • Your favor will increase.
    • Your influence will increase.
    • Your revelation will increase.

    I also decree that:
    • A new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry.
    • A new life force will penetrate this move of God.
    • A government will be established to set things in their proper order.
    • God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error.
    • New relationships will surface to open gates for the future.


    Che Ahn: It’s a miracle that all of these distinguished apostles would all be able to make it all together… with our international commitments, that’s a miracle in itself.

    Bob Jones prophesied that this Outpouring (and you Todd) would go to a whole different level on June 22 and this is the 23d.

    Isaiah 22:22: God is giving the keys of David. He is opening doors that no man can close.

    I also think it is significant we have 3 generations coming together. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You know, Todd, we're old enough to be your dad and Peter Wagner is old enough to be your grandfather!

    Recognizing that God has chosen you and appointed you to bear much and lasting fruit in this Lakeland revival, and revival around the world; recognizing that He has called you as an Ephesians 4 evangelist and a revivalist, moving in signs and wonders; knowing that you have walked in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing Jesus in every way; bearing fruit in every good work; and growing in the intimacy and knowledge of God, we as your brothers and your friends who have a deep love for you, Shonnah, your whole family, just esteem you.

    We are here to support you. We are here to commission you in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit -- with special oil from Chuck Pierce. It's called "revival oil." Chuck could not make it but he sent this Fed Ex for you (he's in Africa).

    So, we anoint you, and commission you in Jesus Name. (Todd falls under the power of God… the three apostles lay hands on him on the floor)

    John Arnott: We bless you today, Todd Bentley. You're a friend. You're a man of God. You're a man of prayer. You're a man of the Spirit. You love the anointing. I would say that it's not just the Lakeland Revival, but the whole world goes into revival. And your leading an amazing charge. Multitudes are getting in behind you and saying, "Come on. I'm going to go with you." And so we bless all of that.

    Thank you, Holy Spirit, for raising up this young man to lead such a mighty charge around the world, and to partner with God TV and all that has happened here in the last several months now. We bless it in the Name of Jesus. We stand with you and we encourage you, and we honor you.

    Bill Johnson: When David wanted Uriah killed, he sent him into battle and then withdrew from him. As a company of people, we refuse to do that. Many revivals throughout history have been cut short of their intention of God's destiny and attention over individuals because of jealousies and fears that get stirred up in the people of God, and we refuse to do that. We shape the course of history by partnering with you, giving honor where it's due.

    You welcome the glory as well as anybody I have ever seen in my life. I long to learn from you in that and I bless you. I pray with the rest of these that the measure of the glory would increase. That Moses would no longer be considered the high water mark when the glory shone from his face, but instead, the revelation of the goodness of God would change the face of the church, and that He would use your voice, He would use your grace, your anointing to alter the face of the church before this world. That the goodness of the Lord would be seen once again. I pray this over you in Jesus' Name.

    Transcribed by Rhonda Boyer
    Edited by Pastor Stephen Strader

    Jesus, You messed me up again.
    I want nothing more than to be with You.

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  6. Heart Change

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008
    By johnny
    God changed Saul's heart,
    and all these signs were fulfilled that day.

    Lord, change my heart first! I want to see all Your will and signs be fulfilled on earth! You picked and anointed Saul as king, surely You can do anything that seems so impossible!

    I want more and more and more.
    I want to be so faithful in the small things and also the bigs.
    His faithfulness is what I need.
    He is all I long for.

    After reading Joy's testimony, I am so encouraged!
    Moreover, today my godmother shared a testimony about how God prepared for her and promoted her. I was so encouraged by her testimony also. Thank You Jesus for all these encouraging people around me!! I believe I can be a positive influence to my family and friends because You are in me!

    Going to call EVERYONE on my list: including churches and middle school friends. Please pray for me as I organize a reunion sometime mid July. Also pray for the t-shirts. I hope that LLC is going to sell them and Elim also. We gotta get this movement out to the world!!!! Jesus is ALIVE!

    Time for bed!
    Love You Daddy!

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  7. Light and Easy

    Tuesday, June 24, 2008
    By johnny

    Isn't this what I love to see?
    Isn't praying for people the thing I love?

    Then why can't I do it here like I did back in the U.S.?
    What's so hard about praying for the sick?
    What's so hard about sharing testimonies?
    What's so hard preaching the Gospel of Jesus?

    I don't want to be compelled NOT to preach, EVER.

    Gotta practice some PROCLAMATION:

    God, bring it on! I don't think I'll ever be ready!
    But I know as long as I gaze upon You, I'll be just fine.

    Matthew 11:30 -- His yoke is easy. His burden is light.
    I want that kind of burden. You are my strong Tower.

    I'm believing for miracles, signs, and wonders to break out here in Taipei. Grant me the heart to love those who I will encounter. It's time to wash some feet and break some chains.

    Pray for me, my loved ones. I want to shake and bake.

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  8. Sacrifice

    Monday, June 23, 2008
    By johnny
    What a word.

    sacrifice - n.
    an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure.

    In other words, pain is very involved with sacrifice. I would not say they are good friends, but I can be assure that they have to be cuffed together.

    Peter's one radical dude.
    Hard to believe he wrote this:

    [Suffering for being a Christian] Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.

    Are we suffering for being Christians? Taking up the cross every day is an act of sacrifice to the Lord. Fasting and prayer are acts of sacrifice to Him too. I'll learn to love saying this, but right now I think it's reasonable to say that more suffering is coming my way! And then through SHIKA BABA (holding on to the Father) I get to tell that mountain to self-destroy.

    Go check out the underground church video in Jack's blog.
    That's called suffering for the cause of Christ.
    We are suffering too, but in a different level.
    I want to suffer for the sake of Christ!!!
    (I know it's really dangerous to say it, but I want to!)

    Peter, you are insane. Insanely radical!
    Lord I want the joy in the suffering!
    Jesus You are faithful until the end, and I love You.


    ps. somehow I became the coordinator of my middle school reunion...hopefully I can gather as many good ol' friends as possible!!!
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  9. I Am Compelled

    Sunday, June 22, 2008
    By johnny
    To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!
    - Apostle Paul

    His Word is in my heart like a fire
    shut up in my bones.
    I am weary of holding it in;
    as a matter of fact, I can not!
    -Prophet Jeremiah

    Lord, I don't care how crappy my Mandarin preaching is, I want to be compelled to preach! Use me like You used Jeremiah and Paul and Kathryn Kuhlman! I know I have the authority to preach the Gospel in this world. Indeed, there's no need of the Gospel in heaven. Therefore I want to profess Gospel preaching and see lives changed radically, starting from my own family.

    I want to once again feel that unbearable desire to share testimonies and Your amazing love. Every time I do it, You just boost me up with another dose of Your presence! Jesus, I know that You are coming very soon, and that's why I want to be so compelled to preach even more.

    God I want to profess in the two things that I cannot do in heaven: confession and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are the two things that can only be done on earth--to see lives changed and saved by Your amazing grace.

    This summer I feel like something radical is going to happen soon to my faith and be shaken and baken (yup I just made that up. it's a nice word). Today I felt a tiny piece of Jesus' heart as I was talking to my parents. I really would do anything, ANYTHING to see them radically changed and saved. I really don't care what it takes, I want them to be completely transformed with sins all washed away! Lord, hear my cry and answer me!

    I want to love You with all I am and all I have.
    June 22~July 22. I'm anticipating.


    ps. Had a great time today with some family friends! I wrote lots of prayer requests on the TianDun (hot paper air balloon)!! I'll put some picture up tomorrow on facebook.

    pps. Worshiped in front of piano for 30 min before going to Citiy Revival Church service. When I entered the place during worship, immediately I felt Him so tangibly. I started to cry because He is so faithful. That little room is where His Spirit stays. Tabernacle Of David (their Night & Day Prayer Room) is also at the same location! Praise You Lord for these faithful Taiwan people! Woohoo!
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  10. More of Him!

    Saturday, June 21, 2008
    By johnny
    I really enjoy hanging with my parents and loving them.

    No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived
    what God has prepared for those who love him!
    -1 Cor 2:9-

    This is a verse that is essential to me right now.
    I really want to know more about His plan for me here!
    I want to follow the Holy Spirit in all I do!

    I think He really wants me to love my parents even more.
    Yes, Lord, I will. I want to see them completely transformed
    by Your love!

    Love You Jesus~

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  11. In Jesus' Name!

    Friday, June 20, 2008
    By johnny

    Cast out all the dead rats, termites, and flies from home!

    The home in Taiwan is so old that there are rats and termites. My dad tried to catch a rat with the sticky board, but the rat escaped from the stick and ran away, with sticky footprints. As of termites: we live in a 4-story, 40 year-old building, and termites were discovered first on one side of third floor about six or seven years ago, then more were discovered on the 2nd floor soon after the 4th floor incident. And finally they came to another side of the 3rd floor. Crazy stuff. I'm sleeping on the couch tonight and maybe for the next couple nights.

    We believe there is a dead rat somewhere in the ceiling because there are so many frigging flies!! In just half an hours my dad killed like 25 flies! What's going on here?!

    I've been having allergy today because of the dust.
    Really am not enjoying the air at home.
    Hands are itchy...eyes are heavy...all allergies leave!!

    Lord, won't You let me love You more!
    I want to have wisdom an
    d revelation from You!


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  12. So Sleepy

    Thursday, June 19, 2008
    By johnny
    Had a really long day.

    Woke up at 4:30 am, felt back asleep until 5am, woke up.
    Stopped by the hospital for my GMa.
    It's for sure that she'll have gall bladder removal soon.
    I still believe for a miracle upon my GMa!
    Lord I want to be more like You!

    Awesome lunch, and then went to get a hair cut.
    Roamed around Eslite BkStore with mom for about two hours or so. It is HUGE! I'll pay another visit next week or so. Taipei is going berserk in shopping and fashion and all that jazz!

    I am still so jetlagged. Cannot keep my eyes open since 7pm. Never have I felt so physically tired in the past three days. Lord help me to stay in healthy and good shape!


    ps. SO SLEEPY!!!!!
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  13. First Full Day

    Wednesday, June 18, 2008
    By johnny
    Went to hospital to check up on GMa. She has LOTS OF STONES in her Gall Bladder. It's not really good and she'll, very possibly, have Gall Bladder removed. She also has Gastric Ulcer and Fever. Please keep her in all your prayers. I got to share some of my testimonies with her about city invasion and she let me pray for her =)

    Stayed until 4pm with GMa. Read over Psalms 37 and prayed that over my GMa as she was resting. I believe the Lord will save her and rescue her from pain and fever! I love them even the more because I haven't seen them for FIVE YEARS! I also got to see both my aunties (mom's younger sisters). They are still really awesome and healthy. Thank You Lord.

    Went unto MRT(the subway in Taiwan) first time in five years. Got some awesome memories and all that. And I walked on the same road from the station to my dad's office, and I was completely stunned at how much it's changed since I left! So many new buildings and stores! Anyhow, went to My Personal Design--the new optical shop of my dad--and had my eyes checked and picked out some frames. I'm excited to wear them.

    First time @ TAIPEI 101! That's a really huge shopping center!

    All in all, the food in US cannot be compared with the food in Taiwan, don't even mention the price! I love eating food here!

    Please keep on praying for my Grandma!
    I'm believing for a miracle!

    The days of the blameless are known to the LORD,
    and their inheritance will endure forever.
    -Psalm 37:18-

    Love that verse.
    Love You Jesus!

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  14. 200!

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008
    By johnny
    Can't believe I'm writing my 200th post in Taiwan!

    The flight was rather pleasant and the food was really impressive also! I'll post some food pictures. Thank You Jesus! Thanks Dad!

    I was so excited to see all these buildings and stores around home and memories just kept on popping back! I'm looking forward to the next 10 weeks!

    Please pray for my mom's mom who is right now at the hospital and waiting to be checked up tomorrow. There's something wrong with her liver (or some intestine). Pray that nothing wrong is going on and the Lord would grant her a great body. My grandpa is also getting a checkup. He's always in perfect physical condition and I just pray that the check up will be perfect.

    Thank You Jesus! I want to encounter You in Taiwan =)
    You never change!

    Read some good word on the flight today:
    Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.
    -Matthew 21:21-

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  15. Five Years of Waiting...

    Monday, June 16, 2008
    By johnny

    August 19, 2003 ~ June 16, 2008

    Never been into Taipei 101. Pumped.

    Am I ready?

    Lord, I know there's a greater purpose for me to go back.

    Taiwan!!! I AM COMING!!!

    Get ready to be rocked and turned upside down.

    Pray for me, soldiers!

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  16. I Am Blessed

    Sunday, June 15, 2008
    By johnny
    to have known Jeff.

    And I really just want to praise the Lord.

    Certainly an answered prayer.

    Jesus, this sheep is awesome, isn't he?

    Now I feel more of Your heart as a father and a friend.

    During the one-hour talk just now, my heart was so stirred by You, Lord, and how You used many people around him to bring him to a realization that he is being cuffed up.

    And Lord, I believe You are a chain-breaker.
    You are the God who sets the captives free.

    There are too many things to say about Jeff, but he's an awesome person created by our awesome God! I am really looking forward to living with him for the next year.

    Jeff, I'm proud of you dude.
    And Jesus' extra more proud of you. He loves you a lot.
    And you don't ever have to worry again.


    ps. Here are the pictures from Universal Trip!
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  17. 10 percent...

    Friday, June 13, 2008
    By johnny
    that's my mac's battery life as of now.

    i forgot my charger at church....dummie.

    I'll post some awesome picture from universal tomorrow.
    Pretty rad. Simposons Ride was pretty awesome!

    God is good all the time!!!

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  18. Pray Pray Pray!

    I really love prayer room time.

    Haven't prayed like that for a while.

    Miss it a lot really.

    I love coming before Him and speak His Words back to Him. And Jack's little sharing about Jezebel was really refreshing. There is really a crazily strong spirit of Jezebel in this nation. Not necessary witchcraft, but just idol worship in general.

    This afternoon I found out that there's a facebook event created to support LGBT marriage in California, and the event is about people calling to leave messages about their support of this act. There are almost 6,000 people attending that event. And my heart was broken.

    God, have mercy upon this state.
    I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of California.
    Oh that You will rend the heavens
    And come down

    You are a good Father. I love You so much.

    No one whose hope is in the Lord
    will ever be put to shame.
    -Psalms 25:3-


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  19. Last Day...

    Thursday, June 12, 2008
    By johnny
    I am officially done with my freshman year!
    Some highlights of today:

    1. Bought 5 tickets to Universal Studios! I can't wait for this Friday, goin' there with 4 real rad dudes: SecretChambers, AkihikoSan, Jorje, and Samu. We'll have a blast. Taking the METRO (saving the earth little by little!). It'll probably take us an hour, but I think it'll be fun, despite the fire last week.

    2. Took my last final test: Wrote about my perspective on computing an art and this class overall. It wasn't hard at all and right now I just need God's supernatural A!

    3. I finally spent the rest of my dining dollars.
    I have 66 cents left!

    4. I prayed for 4.5 people today:
    A Jewish girl who twisted her ankle (I then shared with her about Jesus and how God's blessings are definitely falling on the Jews and then Gentiles, and she was really encouraged and interested. I just pray that she will get to know Jesus and have questions about Jesus!)

    This graduate student (who is graduating this coming weekend and moving to Wahisngton DC with his wife) torn his ACL and had a surgery on his right knee. He's a believer and was really glad that I went up and talked to him. However he was hurrying to a final exam as a proctor. So I was kinda sad that I couldn't pray for him, but the Lord is definitely healing that guy! Lord I ask that you will give him more blessing and favor as he goes to DC for work! This is the 0.5 person!

    Saw this guy walking by with a arm thingy (how do you call that?). Found out that he broke his collar bone and left shoulder. He doesn't have any belief but he left me pray for healing upon his injury! Even though he wasn't healed that very instant, he was encouraged and intrigued by the testimony I shared with him. Lord, would You touch him in a personal way!

    Saw David Chang (the guy who has the same birthday as I do) and he shared with me that he's going to see his programming prof to discuss some academic dishonesty stuff because another student did a similar project as his. So I prayed with him because I took off. It was the Lord's set-up totally. "I always saw you at the worst moment. Last time I had a problem, and today I've got another problem...haha," he said. But I really believed that it was the Lord =) He'll take care of everything!

    Literally 30 seconds before Jeff and I left the campus, Brian Cheung (graduating this Sunday!! NOT FAIR!!! can't leave me like this Brian!) gave me a ring and asked me where I was! So we met up with him. And then I called some other people to say byzz and all that, and then Grace called back and was like..."JOHNNY STAY WHERE YOU ARE! YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE YET!" Haha....she was with Maritha (who's graduating too...oh no~!!!!) and they were about to go off campus, so they stopped by to say all the see-ya-laterzz. I prayed with Brian and both Brian & Maritha prayed for me. They are really awesome, and those 5-years of prayers are definitely not in vain!! I hope to see Brian sometime late summer, and I will see Maritha again in Taiwan!

    5. Back home, unpacking, and goin' to ZZzzZzzzzzzzZz...

    Lord really did answer my prayer in just a night! He knows how much I love praying for people, and he totally provided me these amazing people today! Jesus I love You so much. You are so good. Daddy I want You more than anything!

    For My yoke is easy and my burden is light!
    -Matthew 11:30-

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  20. If there's ever a story...

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008
    By johnny
    ...to tell and to share, that would be the testimonies of Jesus Christ. I really haven't been talking to Him much lately or exercising my spiritual muscles or even going after random person and ask whether I can pray for him/her.

    Johnny, what's wrong?

    Lord, I don't ever want to leave You.
    I'd leave every other lover just to love You more.
    Stir up the hunger in my heart and thirst in my soul.

    Make me a living testimony of Christ.
    Daddy. I need You right now.

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  21. Short Stuff

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008
    By johnny
    Alright. Tomorrow is the big day.
    Actually it should be today.
    Need loads of prayer and favor and supernatural grace!
    I can't believe I studied for CogSci for the entire day
    besides all the facebooking, IMing, and EMailing...haha.

    But one thing I didn't forget today: God loves me!
    He loves iPhone 3G too =)
    I want to get one, but 2-year contract is required...
    Guess I'll just wait for the new MacBook family then!

    Hit the sack. Hit the tests for 6.5 hrs. Hit the sack again.
    Sounds like a good plan.

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  22. iPhone 3G - July 11

    Monday, June 9, 2008
    By johnny

    The long-expected new iPhone was introduced earlier today.
    8GB version is only $199 -- much cheaper.
    The white case only comes with 16GB ($299).
    Two big things: higher speed internet & GPS device.
    Hmm.....should I get one?
    I want to get one for my dad, but it's not out in Taiwan!


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  23. Radical Jam

    ...true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. -John 4-

    There's no negotiation with the Lord when it comes to worship. MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth. Lord I come before You with my heart broken and ask You to take away the dirt and fill the spot with Your Spirit. I want to be able to come before You blameless, holy, and righteous--which I know is also possible through repentance. Once again Lord I burn those filthy dirt and junk up to You, for this is the day You have made, and all things are new again. Lord I come before stripped to the bone, with nothing to hide. Lead me not into temptation. Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

    Jesus I love You. Thank You for letting me focused on work.
    Please remind me constantly of my duties.
    I want to glorify You in school work.
    I believe Your favor is upon me and I am blessed!


    ps. Radical Jam is the most amazing band in the world! And I'm saying this because I know and I see the power that is being built and unity that is being sought after which will cause the heavens to rend and the earth to quake. And our worship will be yet another step closer to the worship in heaven! If His Kingdom is here, then our worship here on earth is THE SAME AS IN HEAVEN! I love you all with all my heart. Even though I don't usually say that on my lips, I really do. I really respect and honor each one of you and the importance of your positions in RJ. And our mission is this: RADICALLY WORSHIP, SEEK, and LOVE JESUS IN ONE ACCORD.

    Sometimes we all get frustrated because we can feel that
    the "vibe" is not there yet or it's not quite together, but I can assure you 300% that God's going to show up because His people are singing His praise and shouting His Name--How would a Father not come when His kids are crying, ya?

    I have to admit that it is hard for me to critique our wo
    rship, but thank the Lord for Annie who's oh-so-motherly leading and pulling and guiding us to be on the right track because after all, we have a job assigned--both from the Lord and Impact. And we are, as a team still in its premature stage, growing in a good soil, being watered on a constant basis, and being exposed to the sun regularly. Sometime I feel like, "God, why don't I feel unity? Why don't I feel Your presence?" I actually asked Him this afternoon when we were singing Stir Up the Flame. And once again He reminded me of what Jack said, "if you ask for unity, would God just BAM and give you unity, or would He create opportunities for you to be closer and united?"

    I come before all of you-- Annie, Andy, George, J, Sarah, Kay, Eric, and Abby-- and ask for your forgiveness of all that I've sinned against you, whether they were subtle or obvious. I don't want
    to be up there playing with uncleaned hands, mind, and heart. Again I repent before my beloved brothers and sisters and the Lord for my pride--and pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18). And I also need to learn more about patience and love. And being in a band really has taught me a lot about team work; right now we all gotta learn more I think is how to maximize our potential yet work together as a solid group, creating one sound.

    This morning when we did that spontaneous song, I really felt like we're coming close to finding our own sound! Keep digging and exploring the world of notes and chords, and I have faith to say that we will find our position in style and our own "sound" by the end
    of this year.

    All in all, I love you all very much. It's a privilege and honor to work with y'all because y'all are going after what I'm going after: Jesus. And that's gonna be awesome. Let's keep on giving our best to God, which also means to discuss and critique and reposition and adjust volumes-- cuz I believe we are going after PERFECTION, and show God what we've received from Him with our best ability! It's not really about how talented we are per say, but I know y'all believe that God deserves the perfect praise because He is perfect and He's made us perfect just like Him!

    I guess that's enough for now. Time for bed!

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  24. WHAWHAWHA!!!!!!!

    Sunday, June 8, 2008
    By johnny

    The crazy Z-Test, T-Test, F-Test are kicking the door and hoping that I would let them come in. I guess they climbed in through the window! I better let them in through the garage door because there are too many of them! I still need two more pages of note for my final which I really really really need to get an A on. This is my only shot and I am going to do my best and dedicate my life to this little statistic thingymajig for the next three days. Lord I need You so! Please keep me so focused on school work and not to worry about all other junk of the world right now. I need to focus, focus, FOCUS!!! And God I know You would help me through the next four days. I will shout HALLELUJAH!!!! Your love never ends, quits, stops chasing my soul. You are a beautiful God. Lord I ask for supernatural focus, efficiency, and memory in the next four days. I know You have faith in me, and let me have faith in myself too! I can do this!

    Thanks J for being my study partner today. I really have faith in your future career in hotel management man. Keep dreaming and rolling! I really did accomplish quite a bit, so that went well. I still need to study for two entire days for this test which counts as 40% of my final grade! Lord thank You for today. I ask for mercy, grace, and favor over those who will be studying for finals. You want us to be models and epitomes of others, and we will strive to reach to the goal. And we just believe that You will make us famous =)

    I just want to hear Your voice
    and follow Your Spirit
    in whatever I say, see, touch, smell, think.

    Before crossing Jordan,
    Consecration comes.

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  25. A Short One

    Saturday, June 7, 2008
    By johnny
    I read once again my journal written in October.

    That really softened my heart and brought me back to those encounters with the Lord: from the smallest things to big stuff. Thank You Jesus. I love what You've done in my life. You make my heart sing.

    An interesting dream I had some three weeks ago:

    I was asking a salesperson which computer is good at Apple store, and she(the salesperson) said she could not tell me which computer is good or not; however, all the benefits of every computer sold in the store was on a sheet of paper.
    I remember reading that paper and there are many benefits for each computer, and most of them have iPhoto/iLife installed. I saw a package that's different from the rest, and right then I knew that computer was for me.
    In the end, I saw Eddie in the dream, and he was sitting in front of an iMac.

    Thoughts? I think it might have something to do with ministry?? Or maybe not?

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  26. RAW and PURE worship

    Friday, June 6, 2008
    By johnny
    Got real tanned today out there on Library Walk for almost two hours just worship Him. I told Gordon, Grace, and Eddie that I've never felt this feeling before--that I am, for the first time, using worship as a weapon in the spiritual realm! And it's not the time to fool around; it was real and raw worship right in the middle of UCSD.

    In the beginning I felt like being in the enemy's camp and declaring victory--that was the different feeling I felt. I've always led worship at Impact--praise the Lord and boost up our faith in our home base. And today, God really did set me up to wear that armor and be in the front line of the entire army, on a horse, dashing right at the vast army of the enemy. So vulnerable, yet so pure. Pure worship that's right from the heart is very noticeable (that's a good word right there). It is very much so to the unbelievers and, of course, to the enemy. YOPP has been out there standing at the gap between the living and the dead, praying to the Lord to have mercy and stop the plague, and worshiping Him in spirit and in truth.

    Here's the thing: I kept on having the mindset of being in the battlefront fighting with all I've got until I got a revelation from the Lord that HE HAS WON THE VICTORY 2000 YEARS AGO. And what was I doing in the battlefront? Oh right, there was NO enemy there! I felt such a freedom in worship that people passing by were being tentative to this worship because we CANNOT HELP but to be drawn toward God's presence--that's what we're made for! And if the victory is won, then when God's army comes, the enemy's troop has to scatter; when the light comes, darkness has to flee--there was no second option but to disappear.

    After typing this paragraph, I remembered that Tony from New Life Irvine prayed for me once about playing Lord's music to fight against satan's music. It's actually in Alice's comment on that post back in December. Pretty awesome. Lord thank You. I receive what you have for me and today on Library Walk and I take it as a confirmation of the words I got back in December @ Impact.

    Gordon was awesome on bass. He's really bringing out his lovesick-ness(that's good word too) for Christ through those notes. It was the first time I worshiped with Gordon playing instruments on campus! And Grace was, as always, so anointed with her voice--harmonizing or singing new songs--it was a privilege and honor to have worshiped with her. Eddie amplified his mandolin-playing, and as soon as he started to play I felt something moving in the spirit that was causing all instruments to communicate through notes and the worshipers communicate in hearts and spirits. And the rest of YOPP & JHOP were there standing in the gap and worshiping the Lord in one accord. How blessed I am to have known all these crazy sons and daughters of God! There wasn't thunder or glory cloud or electric shock or shaking. There was the bride of Christ preparing for the wedding ceremony that is to come.

    God desires to set people free.
    And today freedom was released over UCSD through our little stand of worship that was not little at all because it shook the heavens, and God came down.

    Maritha told me that she talked to this guy taking picture of us worshiping, and she found out that he's Catholic however he has never felt the love of God. However, he told Maritha that listening to our worship he really felt the love of Christ! Pretty rad eh!

    The LORD reigns, let the nations tremble
    He sits enthroned between the cherubim
    Let the earth shake
    -Psalms 99:1-

    with forearms tanned (ahhhhh!!),
    I love Jesus!


    ps. I like these two adjectives: RAW and PURE. That's what I want to chase after in worship. And I've only tasted a little of both!

    ps. Thanks Grace for your Roland FP-4! I really want to get a keyboard too, then we can do crazy two-piano worship!!! I really can't explain how much crazier it's going to be during next school year! I believe prayers are also needed during summer session, and Lord I just pray that there will be students who are on campus praying for UCSD and worship You in public throughout the summer!
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  27. Woohoo!

    Thursday, June 5, 2008
    By johnny
    Pulled an all nighter Monday night, and then last night I went to bed at 5am, finishing the paper. Lord, thank You for giving me a healthy body still after these two stressful yet great days. I couldn't have done that without You. Right now I just pray that You would bless my grade this quarter and I believe You will. After hearing Gordon's testimony, I was so encouraged and right now I declare You, my God, is way more important than my school work, and You have the ability to aid me as I study! I'm still alive!

    Please pray for LOVE Campaign. They will be worshiping, praying, and preaching at PC from 12:30~1:30. And then YOPP is going to worship from 1:30~3. I will be playing keys. Pray for an open heaven and open hearts. Pray even for salvations!

    Thank you all for praying for me.
    I still have five more days to go.
    Pray that I will be discipline and block out times to study.

    Thank You Jesus! I love Ya Papa.

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  28. That's A Good Word Right There

    Wednesday, June 4, 2008
    By johnny
    The Obedience of Faith --

    Workmanship & Poem have the same root.
    We are God's workmanship, we are His poem.
    God's writing a book a faith, and we are the book.
    He's the author, and we are the pages.
    And His book is about faith.

    Example: Noah & Abraham & Moses.

    Before we were born, He already laid out everything we're supposed to be doing. He prepared our works beforehand.

    God does not create a man and put a dream in him.
    God had a dream, and He wraps a man around the dream.
    - Lou Engle

    How can we screw it up? We are made for doing good work because He's already planned it!

    We are saved by grace.
    When we come into the Kingdom, grace is the operational power of God
    And when we receive grace, there are different colors of grace that leads to different gifts. (Romans 12)
    Grace gives us gifts, and each one has different gifts depend on the grace given to us.

    Grace enables you, and anointing makes way for you.
    The obidience of faith brings down the anointing.

    Grace gives you Ability
    Anointing gives you Purpose
    Calling gives you Identity

    Don't matter how gifted we are, we still need to move by faith. We need to see what can't be seen. We need to employ our gifts.
    It takes faith to employ the gifts!

    The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. = The silence of Abel's gift is deafening to God.

    If we die before we fulfill our gifts, then that destiny supposed to affect someone's life. If we move out in faith and do what we're called to do, we won't be the one pay for it: what we do today will echo eternity.

    Faith is a no-brainer.

    I can listen to Kris all day.
    That's good word right there, here, and everywhere!


    ps. Actually didn't worship today. Will do that on Thurs! Today at YOPP we all prayed and prophesied over Robbie and Maritha. Robbie is going on a mission trip to Nepal and turn the government upside down, and Maritha is going to a Bible school and shake that religious spirit down and break that wall of rigidity! I so believe that they are going change this world because they've got the Holy Spirit =) I love them. They have been sowing seeds, and right now Grace, Jon, Helena, and I get to take the baton and keep on running and watering the seed sown. I'm so blessed to have known them. Thank You Jesus.
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  29. Two Songs

    Tuesday, June 3, 2008
    By johnny
    Actually, it's 1.75 songs.

    Spent about an hour in front of the piano and finish the other half of this song I came up during prayer room sometime last summer I think! I was just singing this "Hey Ya" melody, and then this unfinished song came to my mind, and BINGO! Lord totally set that up =)

    And then I had an urge to sing Psalm 23, so I jot the chords and the melody down. Right now I've got the verses done, hopefully the chorus will come as smoothly as the previous song.

    I'm pretty excited to lead worship open-air for the first time. The only other time I've ever led worship on campus was during Love Tent back in Feb. Tomorrow's going to be on Library Walk, and I so believe that the Lord's going to show up in a different fashion (or maybe the same!). I pray for spirit of unity to grow and work within those who will be playing guitar, djembe, bass, singing, praying, and painting! Let Your Kingdom come and Your Glory fall upon UCSD =)

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    Monday, June 2, 2008
    By johnny
    From the desk of Steve Shultz TODAY:

    We just received this time-sensitive word from Chuck Pierce and wanted to get it out to our readers ASAP. Chuck speaks about staying humble this week and, to those who listen to this word and take heed:

    "Do not keep your head raised above others at all times this week, for I am a God that will cause you to miss a certain blow, if you will stay before Me and at the right moment bend your knees, I will save you from experiencing a hit from the enemy this week."

    You can see why we wanted to get this word to you right away. Also, if you read this even much later than the week it was published, know that God sees when you read it and I believe He will honor your humility when you bend your knees to Him, even if it's on a different week.

    I think this word is for me.

    Tomorrow I'll be leading worship for the first time this year one campus. I've mentioned the reason why I haven't done any open air worship: 1) I don't own a keyboard and 2) I love worship freely without playing instruments. I don't know whether that's pride, and I hope it's not. If it is, I'm sorry Lord, would You take away the pride inside of me and give me humility and bent knee tomorrow as I worship You tomorrow on Library Walk. I hate the enemy's doing, and that's the last thing I want this week with all the work and stress!

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    Ten more days until the end of my first year of college.
    Man I still don't get this space & time thing.
    Lord I really look forward to eternity =)

    Lord I really need Your supernatural provision in my academic life. I want to glorify You in my school work. Joy had a good point tonight. Hit right on the target: campus revival also means in good academic standing. Lord I am so weak, and I really suck at time management still.

    Greater things have yet to come
    Greater things are still to be done

    Right now all I can yell out is.....


    Can't remember the last time I said it.
    Lovin' this feelin'. Hallelujah!
    Praise the Lord!

    Johnny the Mountain Mover
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  32. June = Summer!

    Sunday, June 1, 2008
    By johnny
    52 of my facebook friends have their birthdays in June. Which means 1.733333 of my friends have birthday every day in June!


    Some family & friends:
    June 1 - My mom's dad (GPa)
    June 4 - Annie Sista
    June 7 - Jacker
    June 10 - JH
    June 12 - Dad
    June 18 - J Sunshine
    June 22 - Sala
    June 28 - Jennifer & Grace

    Summer has begun.
    And I'm two and half weeks from Taiwan...crazy stuff!

    Things to do:
    2. Email Mark Hendrickson & David Wivell
    3. Write Thank-You card to Mike Lo & Family
    4. Lay out schedule for Taiwan

    I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.
    -Phillipians 4:12~13-

    This is what I gotta learn. Big time. Especially now.
    Prayers are needed mucho in all area of life.

    Campus meeting: Eric, Joy, Jennifer, and myself.
    We worshiped for like an hour and started to talk about the hate preachers on campuses and how we should approach them. Joy's take on this is that she thinks that it's the enemy's work that hate is being preached. However I also see some truth in the words, even though it's mostly hate. I feel like those preachers are like John the Baptist: preaching the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven and Repentance; nonetheless, I definitely believe that there are more effective ways to evangelize than hate preaching such as open air worship or love preaching. Jesus tells us that LOVE is the most important thing, then I believe we need to preach love more than we preach about the doom and gloom.

    We also prayed for this meeting because I really want to see it bloom starting next school year. I know we've only met for three times over the past two/three months, but I have big dreams for this meeting. And I believe there's a great blessing and favor that's coming. And over the summer I really do need to find a specific direction for this meeting. Please keep Campus Revival meetings in your prayers too. There will be a fun summer assignment which will be announced on Saturday June 14! Don't be scared! It's not going to be boring pr hard at all! It's a really practical assignment throughout the entire summer from June to August.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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