1. King Size Bed

    Saturday, December 26, 2009
    By johnny

    What is a King Size Bed?
    Well, to some it is a $400 bed that is 76 inches in width and 80 inches in length -- made for a king, of course. My parents used to have a king size bed at home and when I was small I would have to do two somersaults to get from one end of the bed to the other.

    Well, that's one way to define King Size Bed. I would like to call it a Manger: a box or trough in a stable or barn from which horses or cattle eat. What a bed for the King of kings, the Son of God!

    I just want to give thanks once again to God the Father who gave His one and only begotten Son, Jesus, for us, that whoever believes in His Son shall not perish but have eternal life. The gospel still amazes me--tell me who on earth would, knowing beforehand, be born in a manger, and beaten up and nailed on a cross to die? I would've prevented any of these things to ever happen to me if I were to know what was going to happen in the future... unless I didn't have a choice.

    Jesus had a choice, and He knew the price He had to pay when He made that choice to become a man, become sin, and become the Savior of mankind. I believe we were always on His mind in every step He took during His 33 years on earth. Did He deserve any of this--the dirty barn? the super-uncomfortable king size bed aka the tiny manger? the scoffing from the religious people? the beating from the Roman guards? spending time with sinners? the crucifixion?

    Jesus had to make choices because He was setting an example for His people. If He had no choice, then I believe the sacrifice did not come out of love; it might still save us from hell, but He did it simply because He had no choice.

    Carols everywhere, Christmas lights and trees all lit and decorated, yet we seem to forget what Christmas is all about. I am here to give you an invitation to come and know this God who gave His Son Jesus for you and I so that our lives serve a beautiful purpose--His purpose. His promises are always true and His love is never failing. I you say yes to this invitation, then I would like to ask you to pray this prayer below:

    Dear Jesus, thank You for sacrificing Your life for me so that I can live eternally. I now come before You and believe that You are the Son of God who washed my sin away through Your death on the cross and Your resurrection. You are my Savior and I want to know You more. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

    Peace on earth, good will toward men.

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  2. Daily Devotion from Pastor Tong

    Wednesday, December 23, 2009
    By johnny

    路加福音 8 32-39

    「那裡有一大群豬在山上吃食,鬼央求耶穌,准他們進入豬裡去。耶穌准了他們,鬼就從那人出來,進入豬裡去。於是那群豬闖下山崖,投在湖裡淹死了。放豬的看見這事就逃跑了,去告訴城裡和鄉下的人...。鬼所離開的那人懇求和耶穌同在,耶穌卻打發他回去,說:『你回家去,傳說 神為你做了何等大的事。』他就去,滿城裡傳揚耶穌為他做了何等大的事。」







    I'm really blessed by today's daily devotion.

    I will translate it into English in the next post!

    If you wish to join the daily devotion mailing list, CLICK HERE =D

    Yay for Christmas!


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  3. HEALING during Final Exam!

    Saturday, December 12, 2009
    By johnny
    Yay God!

    I saw this girl with crutches during my econ final exam. Just right before the exam started I got to pray for her. She fractures/broke her bone near the pinky toe on the right foot. She got all excited because she felt tingly feelings when I was praying! I actually shared with her the testimony of Benny Meyer who got healed on Thanksgiving night of the SAME BONE! She said, "What did you do?" and I said, "I asked Jesus to heal him, and He did!" She got all hungry and very interested!
    Anyhow, it was almost time to start the exam, so she quickly stood up, and there was NO PAIN AT ALL! She was having so much pain 2 hour before the finals and she had a hard time focusing because of the pain! HALLELUJAH!

    So I emailed her and checked up. Here's her reply email:

    Hey Ting-Chun John Wang, Thank you so much for your best wishes. Yesterday
    after the final, I came home, I took off the boot, and I standed
    supporting my weight on my right foot, and it didn't pain at all, I tried
    to walk about 4 steps, and I could. I have not take off the boot, I will
    make an appointment with the specialist to see if it is completely healed,
    It will great If I am able to walk without the boot during christmas
    times. It was great to meet you yesterday. I am still surprised about the
    tingles that I felt in my foot when you prayed yesterday.

    Thank so much,
    I will let you know when I go with the bone specialist.

    Happy Holiday, Enjoy the break.
    Marcia L.

    Come on JESUS!!!!
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  4. The Blank Check - Bill Johnson

    Monday, December 7, 2009
    By johnny

    As kids, many of us dreamed about being granted one wish. Solomon got the "one wish." When God appeared to Solomon and gave him that opportunity, it forever raised the bar of our expectations in prayer. The disciples were given the same "wish," only better. Instead of one blank check, they were given an unlimited supply of blank checks. And this gift was specifically granted in the context of their friendship with God.

    Surrounding their promotion to friendship, Jesus gave His disciples this amazing list of promises. Each promise was a blank check they were to live by and use throughout their lives for the expansion of the kingdom. They are as follows:

    "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7)

    "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." (John 15:16)

    "If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." (John 14:14)

    "And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:23-24)

    In order for us to properly receive what Jesus has offered us in these verses, any robotic understanding of what it means to be a follower of God has to change. God never intended that the believer be a puppet on a string. God actually makes Himself vulnerable to the desires of His people. In fact, it can be said, "if it matters to you, it matters to Him."

    While much of the church is waiting for the next word from God, He is waiting to hear the dream of His people. He longs for us to take our role, not because He needs us, but because He loves us.

    Excerpt taken from Dreaming With God, Chapter 1, Pages 27-28

    Destiy Image Publishers

    by Bill Johnson, Senior Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA

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  5. Crown of Thorns

    Saturday, December 5, 2009
    By johnny

    The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns
    and put it on his head.
    They clothed him in a purple robe
    and went up to him again and again, saying,
    "Hail, king of the Jews!"
    And they struck him in the face.
    -John 19:2~3-

    I have been pondering on the crown of thorns Jesus wore when He was crucified, and today my good pal Alwyn, who goes to BSSM, posted on facebook that this crown had a significant purpose:

    In Genesis chapter 3, after the fruity event, God told Adam that the ground will produce thorns and thistles for him, and he will eat the plants of the field. So the ground was cursed ever since Genesis 3. Moreover, the word "thorn" appears in the Bible almost 60 times, and the word is always used as a curse or sin similar to the usage in Genesis 3.

    Jesus wore the crown of thorn to save the earth -- to reverse the curse. He came not only to die to give us eternal life, but He also saved the earth from producing thorns and thistles for men! Robe ripped, body bruised, nail pierced, Jesus reversed every curse, sickness, poverty, and death through His most brilliant and faithful act.

    Christ died for us. We should always be willing to die for Him.
    Jesus died for His friends, and so should we.
    Love our God. Love our neighbors. Love our enemies.

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  6. Holy Spirit Bombs

    Wednesday, December 2, 2009
    By johnny

    Today during Origins Large Group, as we were pressing into praying for our campus, I saw a vision of jets dropping bombs on the UCSD campus, and immediately I knew that the air forces are be the intercessors. The bombs being dropped are the prayers and worship, shifting the atmosphere, destroying the camps of the enemy all across the campus, breaking chains and bondages, and setting the captives free from physical, emotional, and spiritual injuries and sicknesses.

    And just now I saw another vision: The Navy acts as the base -- training soldiers and ship them to the shore and the air: the Army aka land force are the revivalists and the evangelists -- rescue the multitudes and reaping the ripe harvest -- but also fighting the enemy face-to-face!

    Do you know the moment you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, you are enlisted into His army? Maybe you are not equipped, but a war is happening all around you -- somehow your eyes are opened to see the world differently -- and the war you take part of is of the spirit.

    And whether you are the Air Force (intercessors) or the Navy (ministries and churches) or the Army (evangelists, musicians), you need to know one thing: the war was already won when Jesus defeated death on the cross, and the battles you fight are parts of His victorious act! Maybe you'd lose a battle or two, but that does not shake the fact that the war is won! God will never give us something that is beyond our ability when we partner up with Him, but He will test us and put us into trials so that we can be made into pure gold!

    Yes, test comes before testimony. And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev. 19:10). Whenever a testimony is shared, prophecy is released to call forth the same testimony to be repeated! I really like the way God works... very different yet so brilliant!


    ps. Just want to share something I think is Kingdom brilliant from Will Smith. He is definitely one of my favorite male actor. I believe he's a Christian. If he's not, I bet he would receive Jesus in a blink of an eye.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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