1. Rock Bottom Revisited

    Friday, October 31, 2008
    By johnny
    Now that's what I called HEAVENLY!

    It's a private party for the public =)
    We just invite people from the streets to come in
    because Jesus loves them so much!

    Myself, Peter, Debbie, Mark, Jeff, and Otto outside Rock Bottom!

    Good music. Good friends. Good time!
    There we were @ Rock Bottom in Downtown San Diego.

    It was a great night to see people coming in for the free food and music.
    Johnny was there playing drums, and Julie Meyer was there amazing as usual, and Issac Meier was there rocking on the electric guitar!
    My heart got tugged a bit when I was talking to this man called Frederick.
    Got no home, but full of knowledge.
    May the Lord set him free from illness and past bondages!
    And for those we totally missed out tonight, here's what's on the free buffet:

    Spinach Dip & Chips
    Beef Loin
    Barbeque Chicken
    Green Beans
    Caesar Salad


    Oh right....I guess it's just a bummer for those who are fasting on meat =)
    Y'all missed out. Jesus was there =P


    ps. Here's a picture I took earlier in the afternoon worshiping and praying with some good friends outside of student center. Glorious day!

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  2. Secrets of the Heart

    Thursday, October 30, 2008
    By johnny
    These are the verses that speak to me right now:

    If we had forgotten the name of our God
    or spread out our hands to a foreign God,
    would not God have discovered it,
    since he knows the secrets of the heart?

    Rise and help us;
    redeem us because of your
    unfailing love.

    on a side note_________________________________________

    Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

    Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us , Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

    Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.' If possible, please pass this prayer on to your friends. 'If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything.'

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  3. Healing -- Fresh from the OVEN!!

    Wednesday, October 29, 2008
    By johnny
    It happened from 3:51pm - 4pm, October2 29, 2008. on Library Walk of UCSD!

    Just got out from my math midterm and saw this dude with his left wrist wrapped with band. I went up and asked what happened and basically offered a prayer. He said he fell off his top bunk just this morning and sprained his wrist. What a way to sprain your wrist!

    Anyhow, I offered a prayer and basically cover my hands around his left wrist. He closed his eyes and said amen too! After the prayer I asked him to try it out, and he was like.....wwwhat? NO WAY dude.... this is crazy!
    He told me that most of the pain is gone!!
    And he was all in shock and awe, and I was all pumped & ready for another boost.

    He let me pray for him a second time and after that he can twist his wrist to the extreme and only felt a little sting! He was overjoyed and I started to share with him how Victor & I prayed for this girl on crutches and she felt less pain on her left leg after the prayer! And of course I started to share with him how God really desires him and loves him fo who he is; moreover, He desires a relationship with him. He was really touched as he listened to me telling him the love of Jesus!

    Here's the thing: He was still so in shock and he couldn't stop turning his wrist and say "this is crazy!"

    We talked a bit more and I found out that he went to Monte Vista Christian School in the Bay area, and he became a Christian then; however, none of his family member believes in the Lord yet! I told him that he would become great in his family and God would use him to share His love to his family.

    I saw him smoking a cigarette, but amazingly throughout our entire conversation, he didn't smoke at all!

    He left in awe, I left in joy, and Jesus is lovin' it!
    Keep on pouring the healing anointing upon this land!!

    -2 Chronicles 7:14-

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  4. Man That's Low


    What if David really killed king Saul, who was taking a dump just 5 feet away from him and his 600 men? I can't really imagine that. One thing I know -- David is a man of integrity and righteousness, and if he has to fight like a man, he would, just like he did with Goliath.

    Here's the thing: he has nothing against Saul.
    Here's another thing: the sword David has is the blade that beheaded Goliath back in the good ol' days. Moreover, Saul is the anointed of the Lord! David even repented for cutting off a corner of Saul's robe -- the robe of the anointed king!

    What is David thinking? HELLO? Anybody home? I'd take Saul down right away. I sure don't care whether he's half done or he's almost done with his business!
    Oh well, Bible's got some crazy stories for sure! I mean, God used Saul's restroom break to test David's heart! That's just too funny. You certainly are Jehovah Funny!

    After Saul's done with his business (did he wipe? if yes, with what? don't even mention the smell in that cave...) and leaves the men's room, David runs out after him because he just can't bear the smell.... I mean... the conviction to get right with Saul and to restore the relationship and honor for the anointed king. David even calls Saul "My father"!

    I wonder what is on Saul's mind during David's 10-minute speech in chapter 24 verses 8-15: wait....did you just....WHAT!!! wait... there were 600 people right in there? This isn't a reality TV show you know... oh great... butt naked right there... That just cracks me up! What would George Bush think if there is a video camera installed in his very own restroom and he is being live-broadcasted across the nation? Of course that's a bit much of an exaggeration.

    But, hey! God works all things for good =)
    David & Saul become friends once again after a 5-hour-long car (maybe horse) chase scene from chapter 22 to 23! And I'm really glad that they do not shake hands after the reconciliation, if you know what I mean =)


    ps. What's wrong with me? I should be studying for my math midterm! But I can't help but share this awesome story! Lord, I need Your strength and a supernatural memorization of equations!

    pps. please pray for college campuses as the election gets closer. today there were NO on 8 people walking up and down Library Walk shouting "NO on 8". I talked to one of them, and you know how well that went. Lord have mercy!

    ppps. However, this guy, Adam, who sprained his ankle playing football on Sunday has less pain after two prayers and he was real excited! I got his facebook and I believe that he's healed completely! Praise the Lord!
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  5. The Worst Things...

    Tuesday, October 28, 2008
    By johnny
    ...came right after the Aaron's-staff-turning-into-snake miracle.

    The Plagues of...
    Gnats (what on earth is that?)
    on Livestock
    Hail (in Egypt....nnice)
    Darkness (this is a crazy one)
    on the Firstborn

    When I read through these plagues that fall upon Egypt before the Israelites left for Cannan, I cannot asking myself, "Where are the Israelites? Are they rejoicing or what?"

    I bet they were scared to death because just moments ago they were blaming Moses and Aaron on their persecution and extra workload as slaves because there is a GOD who told MOSES to come and RESCUE them! Woohoo! How great, ya?

    "I didn't recall that we want to be rescued," one of those Israelites was definitely thinking about it as the 10 plagues were ceaselessly falling upon Egypt. That makes me laugh.

    Lord, have mercy upon the land of America as we cry out, "Let my people go!" to the kings and rulers of this nation. Jesus would You extend Your arms of love and blood of grace upon this land that no plagues shall enter because You have redeemed us from them.


    I can't believe I listened to 2 Kris Vallotton's sharing in one day! They are "Love Suffers Long" & "A New Moral Revolution". Man every time I listen to his message or Bill's, I get all worked up and pumped and encouraged! I've been speaking to my inner man and get rid of my spirit of stupid and pump in some gas and raise the bar for the gauge. JOHNNY, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!

    "I know!" - inner Johnny
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  6. Mark 9, 10

    Monday, October 27, 2008
    By johnny

    I do believe; help me over come my unbelief!

    This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.

    No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us.

    God I want to see miracles and have encounters with You every day. I want be even bolder in proclaiming Your truth. You are my strength, God.

    I desire a fresh encounter. Starting now.

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  7. Body

    Sunday, October 26, 2008
    By johnny
    Quite an interesting piece of art for sure.
    But actually it's got some good stuff within
    that connects with today's entry.

    The body is a unit,
    though it is made up of many parts;
    and though all its parts are many,
    they form one body.

    We ought to start encourage each other and speak destiny into our spiritual family members. God wants us to edify each other and build each other up and honoring the spiritual gift that is upon that person! No matter they are teachers, prophets, apostles, or a janitor, they are born to be great and they have the same responsibility to be a healthy part of the body and make sure that the entire body is strong and healthy!

    If one part suffers, every part suffers with it;
    if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

    I really like the 21-day prayer/fasting thing.
    It's time to seek more of Him on a regular basis as a single unit.

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  8. Apple = No on Prop 8.

    Saturday, October 25, 2008
    By johnny
    Yeah it does not surprise me that Apple would oppose Prop 8; however I was shocked that they donated 100,000 dollars to say NO in PUBLIC. Something's wrong here.

    I mean, Apple's definitely got a spirit behind it, let's take its logo for example: it is definitely about the Garden of Eden & Adam & Eve and the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. Oh well, I really just pray that Steve Jobs would come to know the Lord. $140,000 was also given by the founders of Google to say no to 8.

    On the other hand, those who are for Prop 8 are not making much "financial" progress from a bystander's view. My opinion is that when God's involved, no money can change anything He does. And I'm going to vote YES on PROPOSITION 8 and support marriage between only a man and a woman. Because He cares.

    It's time to go back to the garden in a completely different fashion. We've got a Bridegroom who's coming back real soon. It's not about Adam & Eve anymore. It's about Jesus.

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  9. More Cooking!

    Friday, October 24, 2008
    By johnny

    Left to Right: Peter, Jeff, and Otto (Jeff's buddy who's also a 1st year)

    A night with the boys and had some good
    Miso Soup (which Jeff made! It's real good)
    Soba (always a good & low-fat choice)
    Beef Stir Fry (lots of stuff in it) &
    Pan Fried Salmon (you can never lose with that)!

    I'm still working on my Econ homework, so I'll share some words later this weekend! Got two midterms coming up on Tuesday & Wednesday! Go Johnny Go!

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  10. Samuel, Saul, Goliath, & Jonathan

    Thursday, October 23, 2008
    By johnny

    Four important men in David's early life:

    Samuel: anoints David with oil. without God's appointment for Samuel to visit Bethlehem, David would not go from zero to hero.

    Saul: loves David's music because evil spirit flees from it. however after David killed that thingering 9-foot-tall alien, Saul gets all messed up and tries to kill David many times when he was playing his Holy Spirit music.

    Goliath: his death makes David the most famous kid in the Bible. what is your personal Goliath, little David wannabes? everyone must have their own Valley of Elah within.

    Jonathan: David's best friend who saved his life from Saul, who tries to kill him. it is essential to have a spiritual companion for life to protect and to lift one another up. i think i'm still searching for my Jonathan, or maybe I've found him.

    David has always been one of my favorite heroes in the Bible. He is an anointed king, righteous warrior, fervent worshiper, and a faithful shepherd. Moreover, he has fine appearance and handsome features (16:12).

    We've talked so much about David and Goliath, but rarely we've experienced the bullseye moment with our first shot like David does. Why does David pick 5 stones when he knows that he is going to kill that monster with just one? 5 is the number of Grace, that's probably one of the reasons why there were 5 smooth stones. David's weakness is made perfect when the Lord enters into the scene. He loves to mess things up in the best way, doesn't He?

    Anyhow, it's getting late, but I still want to type for just a little while. Today I went to a huge job fair on campus and just to check out different companies out there in the "real world" and got some basic informations about them and, most importantly, gave myself an idea of what I would like to do as a career when I graduate.I want to keep on searching and poking around and see what is it that I truly love and would like to stick with for the rest of my life.

    God wants us to tell him our dreams; on the other hand, He wants to tell us His dreams for us. This mutual thing will definitely cause a reaction and, I believe, give birth to a good fruit. It would be cool to be anointed as king.... I mean, we will reign with Jesus on earth when that day comes anyways!

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  11. Exodus 4 Encounter

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008
    By johnny

    A bush talking back. That'd be rad, wouldn't it?
    But, on the other hand.....what the...a talking bush?

    And I can't believe that Moses actually stopped and have a conversation with a bush, strangly burning. Just thinking about this makes me smile. Jehovah Humorous.

    It's his destiny to led God's people out of Egypt, and God could definitely use someone else to do the same thing, but Aaron came into the picture.

    "What is that in your hand?"

    Whatever we have in our hands, God can turn it into a sign and a wonder when we believe that He is beyond our comprehension. He is the I AM.

    "I am slow of speech and tongue."

    I pretty much said the same thing to the Lord today as we had another tabling/worship time down at Library Walk. People walked up to the table and asked, "What do you mean by 'Obama is a Marxist'?" I did not know. And right then my tongue actually froze and I couldn't speak.

    "Who gave man his mouth?"

    I really need more revelation and wisdom and ask the Lord for words. I hold on to His promise.

    "Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."

    Now I just pray that I don't say what Moses said to the Lord, "Please send someone else." I want to know and learn more of His ways and thoughts. I want to be like Isaiah, crying out to the Lord, "Here I am, SEND ME."

    If He used Moses, a run-away murderer & a speech deprived man, then He can use anyone to do His will and perform His miraculous signs.

    Just like Luke said to me last night,
    "Why not?"

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  12. Get Behind Me, Satan

    Tuesday, October 21, 2008
    By johnny

    It was good to be with Jesus again.
    I really have not been checking my fuel gauge, unfortunately I know that I haven't been to any gas station lately. I do want to be fueled up on a regular basis.

    Just read Mark 7 & 8 and worshiped a bit with Ben Woodward.
    So many miracles were mentioned in these two little chapters!
    Do it again in this generation, Jesus!

    "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words
    this adulterous and sinful generation,
    the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when
    He comes in His Father's glory with the holy angels."

    - Jesus

    Yeast of Pharisee & Herod = Religious spirit & Political spirit.
    (Mark 8:15)

    This is what the church is suffering in this hour. We ought to press in and pray to God to awaken His body from sleeping and shutting up doors!

    Thank You Jesus for the good bread.
    Stir up my appetite for more of You!

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  13. Second Night

    Sunday, October 19, 2008
    By johnny

    That's what I call a happy family right there =)
    I felt like a walking dead...kinda...but that C-Up thing sure worked!
    It has 2000% of Vitamin C (Don't know how that works!)
    After taking a nice bath and chill with Luke, my headache was all gone!
    God is real good =)

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  14. First Night

    Friday, October 17, 2008
    By johnny

    It was surely a tender night. I've got tears in the end when we started to pray, "Grace, Grace." I still felt quite sick for sure and my hands are like hamburger patties after playing those djembe... =(

    Anyhow, Jesus showed up =)

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  15. Yesterday @ Price Center

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008
    By johnny
    Let me summarize what happened yesterday (Oct. 14, 2008) @ Price Center from 11am - 2pm.

    11am - 12pm
    JHOP brought all of their equipments and all the stuff over to PC and it took us a little while to set up the sound and make sure that everything works. We setup a table full of PROP 4 & PROP 8 & The Call fliers; also there were facts about humanism and also Obama's Stand on abortion. Anyhow, I was testing one of the microphones and I actually shared a healing testimony and encouraged people there to come over for prayers. As I was sharing, Jake Hamilton & people from Refuge House of Prayer got there. They came all the way from Rancho Cucamonga just to give us support and love and prayers. So Jake started to worship while many of us were spread all over the plaza praying and worshiping and asking His presence to fall immensely. During the three or fours songs, the atmosphere was really shifting and changing, even though there were some people booing in between the songs. At around 12ish, God's presence was real thick right then. And we shifted gear.

    12pm - 1pm
    The main thing that YOPP (the fellowship I'm involved in) has been pounding on is the message of LIFE -- asking the blood of Jesus to wash away our sins and the sins of America; moreover, to end abortion and send revival to this land. So from 12ish to almost 1pm, we played recordings of CNN, FOX news, and media interviews of Barack Obama regarding to the issue of abortion in the Unite States. Obama, throughout his career, has stood up for the women's right to choose.... "Obama will make safeguarding women's rights under Roe v. Wade a priority. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn that decision." - from his own campaign booklet. I got the quote from OnTheIssues.org.

    We blasted the entire Price Center with his pro-choice stand and especially his quote: "I don't want them to be punished with a baby." Over and over again we played the same interviews and we drawn more and more people to our table by the stage. Many were ticked off, and some cussed at us. And some got into deeper conversations with us. Here's the video of him saying that back in March:

    All of us were praying that truth would break in. We didn't even preach about Jesus at all but we were just pressing in and challenge what the "majority" believe in.

    1pm - 2pm
    Just about 5 minutes before 1pm, when we were still playing Obama's interviews, 2 administrators, a man and a woman, came to the stage and talked to us. Basically they were trying to shut us down from playing what we were playing for over 40 minutes. "It's about the message." the gentleman said as soon as he came over. They also used unreasonable excuses to shut us down such as: you said you are only doing singing and nothing else, so playing this is not on what you wrote to us. The ladie even said, "I don't care what you play as long as you tell us exactly what you are going to do." Wait a minute, I thought the man said it's about the message, and now she's telling us that she does not care what we play? There's your contradiction right there, UCSD.

    Wait....I thought there is such thing called FREEDOM of SPEECH? Oh...wait....I guess not on UCSD campus? Wait.... If Penn State University's ENTIRE CAMPUS is free-speech zone, then why isn't UCSD? It is, after all, a public university.

    Like Eddie said to us after they left, "it's the enemy's manifestation because God's presence is so strong." Then Eddie's eyes started to feel weird and he couldn't focus for over 20 minutes. We all prayed for him and declare victory over Eddie and the enemy shall leave in the presence of the Lord.

    So Jake started to worship in the spirit and prophesy over this campus with spontaneous worship for the rest of our time there. It was beautiful. I also got to pray for two people on crutches during that 3-hour period and both of them felt better! God really was there!! Throughout our time there, so many people came up to us and either trying to shut us down or start a debate or even a fight. We were shifting to atmosphere with praise and worship, and truth was piercing into people's hearts and minds. We can never take the defensive side, and Jesus never has and He never will. Then let's just keep on pressing in. Guess when our next time @ Price Center will be?

    NOVEMBER 4, 2008.
    Yes, the election day.

    God really set that up for us.
    Hundreds will be at price center lining up to vote and we got to war against the enemy with open-air worship and open-heaven invitation! The atmosphere shall be shifted and people would be drawn to the presence of God!
    Lord, I ask for a spirit of truth to break into people's minds as they vote that without any reason they would vote yes on PROP 4 & PROP 8 for family and for life!

    If you are on your university campus and want to preach the truth, just go and do it. I'm backing you up with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Authority on university campuses are meant to be challenged especially with speaking about the Truth. It's war down here in San Diego, what about your campus? Let me tell you, peace is not going to happen until Jesus comes, so you better find yourself in battles right now. And if you are persistent enough to read up to this sentence, I hope you are inspired by what is going on here @ UCSD. People might go to court for this. Even jail. This is a crucial time for my campus and I believe God's waiting for people to see what's really going on and to stand in the gap for His Name's sake.

    Please pray for me. I've had a sore throat for a day and I've been sneezing every 30 seconds and I've got this unstoppable running nose. I'm not feeling well and I need all the prayers I can get for healing! Lord, have victory over my physical body!

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  16. 10 Months of Waiting

    I've been waiting for this since January.....ugh.
    I have to say they are certainly beautiful.
    I think there's just one thing that bothers me with these new and hot laptops: FireWire. Yes, ladies and gents, there is NO FireWire port for MacBook & There's ONLY Firewire 800 for the 15-inch MacBook Pro!

    Oh well, I guess this coming up holiday season Apple is going to rake in s'more for sure! And I won't be one of them! FireWire is an essential part to me though......sigh.....

    I'll be waiting for the updated models with Snow Leopard.
    And we'll see.

    Btw, if ANYONE is looking into buying a MacBook, my school is selling the 2.4GHz & 160GB White Macbook for only $949 WITH A FREE PRINTER!! Anyone?

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  17. Stones Cry Out

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008
    By johnny

    And as He went, many spread their clothes on the road.
    Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying:

    ‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the LORD!’
    Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

    And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.” But He answered and said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."

    It's time to be like the disciples going crazy about praising Jesus for all the mighty works and miracles we have seen! I mean it'd be awesome to see stones to cry out too....

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  18. Stop The Plague

    Monday, October 13, 2008
    By johnny

    This pictures says it all.
    God! Overwhelm San Diego with worship.
    I believe we all have the responsibility to cry out to God
    and ask Him to overwhelm the city in which you live.

    Like Aaron shared today, I want to be a person who carries Your tangible presence whenever and wherever I go. Moreover, I want to feel You so close to me when I am in class or walking on campus just like You are when I am in the garden with You. God, thank You for today's service. Thank You for showing up in a great way today, setting us free again, restoring relationships, and taking our burdens away. Lord we receive healing and cleansing in our lives today. There is really no time to fall short.

    I was going to sharing about a plague was stopped when a man holds burning incense and stands at the gap between the living and the dead. Lord, that's who I want to be. And I will go after that as long as I live to be a plague stopper. There is a plague in America, and I believe God has chosen men who would stand at the gap between the living and the dead to see it to be uprooted. The time is now.

    We welcome You, King of all kings
    We welcome You right here
    We welcome You, King of all kings
    We welcome You right now

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  19. After Fireproof

    Sunday, October 12, 2008
    By johnny
    But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
    in that while we were still sinners,
    Christ died for us.
    -Romans 5:8-

    I believe God wants to save Hollywood with movies from Heaven.
    He's got a plan. After Bella, this movie Fireproof is a "surprise hit" in the theatres! Lord I just believe that You made this movie with the hands of the righteous. Thank You Jesus for showing up in the movie theatres all across the nation. Let the world know how important marriage is. Read about it on CNN news!

    I want to be fireproofed in relationships, but I don't want to be fireproofed when I'm with You.

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  20. Martyrs

    Friday, October 10, 2008
    By johnny
    The safest place to be is in the middle of God's will.

    Today out on Library Walk, Eddie and us (people from JHOP & YOPP) share about the cruel reality of what's going on at UCSD and how no one is standing up for what is right. Not even us in YOPP.

    So here's what happened to UCSD: free-speech is not allowed for non-affiliates on this public school campus! It is so absurd that it contradicts with freedom of speech in this country! There were public hearings and meetings being held, yet NO Christians attended the meetings but only socialists & anarchists. If we as Christians don't get it before they (socialists & anarchists) do, then things will definitely go out of control. People just don't see that our school is teaching demonic doctrines; moreover, the students are being fed over and over again that THERE IS NO GOD WE CONTROL OUR OWN DESTINY.

    Eddie shared for almost an hour, and something inside of me got awaken again when he said, "I believe I will go to jail this year, and if I die, I want my daughter to know that her earthly father died so that she may know that she has a heavenly Father who loves her even more."

    Campus ministry takes bloodshed. Jesus shed His blood. I want to stand side-by-side with Eddie and fight the fight and have the courage and the boldness to offend anyone in the most righteous way and know that I am in the middle of God's will for UCSD. It really is time to get rid of those "pizza parties" and step into the reality of this school and nation.

    "Everyone has to have a Gethsemane moment -- to lay down his life and say, 'God, my life is all Yours and I will so as far as I can to reach every limit possible. Not my will but Your will be done.'" Eddie said.

    It's time for war. The pizza parties are over.
    Are you for God or against Him? It's that simple.
    We always sing "Take it all...where You go I go...." we need to realize what we are singing or else we are just voices and those words become meaningless. Lord, give me complete abandonment of the world for the Gospel and the Truth. I am for You, Jesus. I would hate to see the flood come and all these people die and not be able to go to heaven. Hold back the flood, Lord. I plead with You. Just wreck my heart for UCSD. Wreck me to the core. Lord, would You help me to walk into the middle of Your will for UCSD and challenge every authority I can for the freedom of speech on this campus and to see the demons cast out from the land of San Diego.

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  21. We Are Good Fruits

    As I was up on the snake this early morning, I was reading Jeremiah 24:

    The LORD showed me, and there were two baskets of figs set before the temple of the LORD, after Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and the princes of Judah with the craftsmen and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon.

    One basket had very good figs, like the figs that are first ripe; and the other basket had very bad figs which could not be eaten, they were so bad.

    Then the LORD said to me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” And I said, “Figs, the good figs, very good; and the bad, very bad, which cannot be eaten, they are so bad.”

    Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: ‘Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge those who are carried away captive from Judah, whom I have sent out of this place for their own good, into the land of the Chaldeans.

    For I will set My eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land; I will build them and not pull them down, and I will plant them and not pluck them up.

    Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.

    -Jeremiah 24:1~7-

    I believe the good figs for this generation are the revivalists who would stand in the gap between the living and the dead to intercede and forge wars in the spiritual realm between angels and demons.

    I'd rather be a gap-stander in a war
    than a by-stander in peace.

    Woah...that's good word right there!

    Prayed for this gentleman from Alabama named Steve. He cannot walk for more than 30 minutes straight or else his feet would start hurt real bad. So I prayed for him while he was on this electronic wheelchair/cart and he said he felt something moved in his left foot when I laid hand on it! I also laid hand on his right foot too! He said he won't know until he tries to walk for a long time tomorrow and I certainly encouraged him to do so! I also prayed a restoration prayer in his family especially his relationship with his two children in Bama. Thank You Jesus!

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  22. Gold Dust Salvation!

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008
    By johnny

    we had another girl come to Jesus last night.

    haha.. her hands were all sparkling

    she washed her hands like twice..
    and her hands still would have this glittery stuff all over her

    actually it's already happened like 3 times..

    twice now in restaurants
    once at this singers house

    this girl was like .. so prophetic..
    she simply accepted Jesus on the spot.
    so innocent.. it was crazy..
    i told her that she's a feeler and God

    she's a flight attendant for EVA Air

    she's like.. wow.. gold dust.. is this normal?

    we explained everything to her.
    than we baptized her w/ a cup of water
    and then she felt drunk.

    than i asked if she was very sensitive to people.. and she said she was.
    and i told her that is how God will most likely use her to speak to people.

    and than i asked her to pray for each of us.

    she basically prophesied over 3 of us
    right after she accepted Jesus

    than we explained prophecy...
    and how she will use that to speak life into people.

    she was like a sponge

    maybe i'll just post this chat... haha.. this is too funny.
    seriously i'll just post this....and mark out your email.


    That was from my good buddy Ed in Taiwan. We just had a good chat and heaven is surely opening up over Taiwan!! Gold dust? Bring it on! I believe for more signs and wonders in these latter days to see thousands saved =) Because He's just a creative God like that! This is cool!!

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  23. Understand The Loaves

    Tuesday, October 7, 2008
    By johnny

    Once again by Bill Johnson's message - Seeing Through Kingdom's Eyes.

    Just testimony after testimony.....dude that Bethel church is like a healing machine that never stops working! And guess what passage Bill used that totally zapped me?

    If you haven't read about my dream from the night before, basically from the dream I got MARK chapter 6. And that's the chapter Bill used. I was getting that divine zap when I heard him say "Mark 6".

    Bill's message is simple yet profound (just like every other time...duh); however, something zapped me even more. He shared about how the disciples and Jesus went on a boat to have some quiet moments after being sent out in pairs, but people were already gathered by the shore and waiting for their arrival! After they arrived came the famous feeding of the 5,000 men.

    Jesus told the disciples to feed them with whatever they've got, and the first thing that amazed me is that the disciples were in 100% obedience. So they did, pass out the fish and bread and in the end collected the leftover with 12 baskets.

    After that Jesus told the disciples to row to the other side on the boat; He seemed to purposely forget the "storm" part eh. Jehovah Sneaky =) Jesus ditched them and went up to the mountain to pray (that's always a great excuse...I mean a great thing)! And you know about how Jesus walked on the water and said to the disciples, "It is I, don't be afraid," while those ex-fishermen & others were screaming like little girls seeing ghosts. And when Jesus climbed into the boat the storm died down, and the disciples were amazed!

    And here comes the BAM part:
    ...for they had not understood
    about the loaves...

    -Mark 6:52-

    So what was it that Jesus wanted the disciples to understand about the loaves? And this storm was indeed a test of faith and their understanding of the loaves. So here it is:

    Jesus wanted them to realize that the bread and fish were multiplied through their hands and not through His!

    Should I retype that one more time just because it's THAT AWESOME? (YES!)

    Jesus wanted the discples to realize that he never took back the command "You give them something to eat"; moreover, he has given power and authority to the disciples therefore the loaves and fish were actually multiplying as the disciples were passing out the basket!

    It's time to see things differently and to understand that God has given us the authority to walk in the prophetic and to tap into the spiritual realm and to draw treasures from heavenly places!

    We need to understand about the loaves
    in order to stand firm and calm the storms ahead of us.

    Thanks, Jehovah Sneaky =P

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  24. Dream & Verse

    Monday, October 6, 2008
    By johnny
    My dream was separated into different parts, thanks to my alarm. Anyhow, here's one little part of the dream that got my attention after I woke up:

    I dreamed about diving to the airport to pick up my friend Mark who lives in Canada. I remember very clearly that I got to the airport 10 minutes early because he told me to be there at 6:10.

    As I was recalling all the parts of my dream, I suddenly got the connection -- MARK 6:10! So here it is: Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. Jesus said this to the disciples when he was about to send them out two by two.

    I guess it means something...maybe? But why this verse? Is God tell me that wherever I go to a place and find a home, I gotta stick with it until I leave the city? Is God telling me that I should stay where I'm at when I'm in San Diego? I believe YOPP & Origins will be the houses that I stay until I leave the town of San Diego.

    What about you? Where's the home you're staying at?

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  25. HEALED Heart, Wrist, Bruise, and Fever!

    Sunday, October 5, 2008
    By johnny
    Did I miss out something? Anyhow, I believe God's really doing something amazing and demonstrating His power to His beloved ones. Get ready to be ROCKED!

    1. Heart Burn - Last night I was at church doing s'more cleaning up and setting up with Jack, Aaron, Enoch, and Eric. And at around 2:30am, Aaron started to have some heartburn - due to his addiction to coffee, of course. He told me that he usually takes pills, but he ran out of pills. I flat out said to him, "you don't need any pills dude, you just need a good dose of the Holy Spirit!" So we sat down and I put my hands on his chest and his back, as soon as I did that, I felt the presence of God right there and I knew that God was healing Aaron from heartburn problems. And he knew that God wanted to deal with his heartburn problems!
    After the prayer, of course, HE'S HEALED!!!! NO MORE PAIN and HEARTBURN!!!! Come on, give God praise!!!!

    2. Wrist - Yesterday I was on my way back home from San Diego. Out of nowhere my left wrist started to hurt tremendously and I couldn't recall that I hurt my wrist since my both my wrists were in relaxed position. I didn't think much but I knew that Lord was telling me that someone's wrist is hurting.
    A minute laster, Peter, sitting next to me, got a phone call from Grace Shan telling him that she fell out of her top bunk and right now she couldn't move her right wrist! Praise the Lord! There's the wrist over the phone! So immediately I took the phone over and started to pray for Grace. After about a minute of praying, I asked her to check whether she felt better, and she said, "yeah I can move my wrist now and it doesn't hurt as much now!!!" I was overjoyed! After praying for healing again, she said she felt even better!
    So today during City Invasion Grace joined my group so I got to pray for the healing of her wrist just another 4 more times =).... and after tonight's meeting I got to pray for her wrist for another 2 times, and every time I prayed for her I felt this heat all around her wrist! And guess what? HER WRIST IS COMPLETELY HEALED! I even hit her wrist (not to hurt her but to test it out! And she didn't feel any pain at all!!) PRAISE THE LORD!

    3. Bruise - Last night at church I felt this tingling pain by my collar bone but no one at church had problems with collar bone (praise God for that!). And tonight, right before she left, Grace Shan (yes, she again!) told me that she needs healing prayer for a bruise around her collar bone! Gosh, she sure knows how to get hurt =)! So I basically said, "Jesus, heal, Jesus," and laid my hand upon her bruise which has a medical pad over it. My hand felt so hot during the prayer! I just believed that the Lord has healed her! She felt SO MUCH BETTER after the first prayer and she said the pain has gone down to 5%! So I prayed for her again, and after the second prayer, SHE COULDN'T FEEL ANY PAIN ANYMORE!!! Come on! She got her wrist and bruise healed in the Name of Jesus =)

    4. Fever - In the middle of tonight's meeting, Grace Shan came to tell me that she'll be leaving soon with Peter & another Grace because that Grace is having fever. So I went over and asked to pray for Grace (not Shan, but her friend whose name is also Grace!). We went out and sat by the hang-out area and she told me that her head was not feeling well in the afternoon during City Invasion, but it got worse during tonight's meeting. She could not even focus. So I laid my hand on her shoulder and just waited on God for a couple seconds, and after the prayer she told me that she felt heat all around her, especially before I started praying and she felt so much better!!! After that I prayed for her again, and she said full of joy, "I felt so much lighter and burden-free! And I can focus now!!" PRAISE GOD!!
    So after the meeting she told me that after I prayed for her and she went back to her seat, the pain started to grow back and it got even worse! And she went up to Pastor Mike for prayer and after he prayed for her, THE PAIN LEFT HER COMPLETELY!!!! Lord You are awesome!!!

    Lord, I thank You for what You're doing and what You have done during the past 24 hours. You are a miraculous God who performs signs that make the world wonder. Lord, I desire to see more miracles and healing upon this land and wherever I go! You are a good God and this is a happy church!

    Now this is what it looks like when Heaven's all around!
    LET IT COME!!!!

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  26. 41:6 & 58

    Saturday, October 4, 2008
    By johnny
    Oh well, the Lord gave me Isaiah 41:6 last night before I went to bed, so this morning I got up at 7am (praise the Lord!) to spend some quality time with Him. I really liked the verse He gave me:
    Everyone helped his neighbor and said to his brother,
    "Be of good courage!"

    That was pretty good for sho.

    Anyhow, just now the words "Isaiah 58" came to me and this is what literally went through my mind: yeah right, Isaiah 58, wait...is there even a 58 in Isaiah... oh right I remember Isaiah goes to 60 something chapters... fine...

    As soon as turned to Isaiah 58, I got whacked by the Lord right on the bed. The chapter's title is FASTING THAT PLEASES GOD. I read it twice just because it's so amazing! I've been fasting on breakfast and lunch for TheCall and this chapter really spoke to me about how my fasting would please the Lord. Just wanna share a couple verses:

    Cry aloud, spare not;
    Lift up your voice like a trumpet...
    Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
    To loose the bonds of wickedness,
    To undo the heavy burdens,
    To let the oppressed go free,
    And that you break every yoke?

    And your righteousness shall go before you;
    The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
    Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
    You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.'

    These words especially caught my eyes. I don't know why, but it's amazing that the righteousness going before me is MINE and not God's. None the less, I've got God's glory backing me up! That's what happens when fasting pleases God. I'd like some of that, Lord! I want to see and know that my righteousness is going before me and Your glory is backing me up!

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  27. Origins + More Kris!

    Thursday, October 2, 2008
    By johnny
    It was August 28th when I got an email from Brian Orme, a missionary living in Sacramento currently with his wife and 2.5-year-old daughter. He has a big heart for college campuses and he and his wife pioneered a group @ University of Utah where 75% of the student body are Mormon believers (dude....intense). He believes that through demonstrating His power that brings about a massive salvation and revival and reformation on this scientific campus. Lord, bring it on! We need more workers, for the harvest is plenty! So here comes ORIGINS.

    There are just so much more to say, but I've got no words to say. Anyhow, after the little yet powerful gathering I asked Brian to pray for me and to impart whatever God has put on him -- signs, wonders, miracles, words of knowledge and wisdom -- upon me. When he was praying for me and putting his hands on my heart, I've got this heat coming in and out of my body in such an overwhelming way!

    Last but not least, his daughter is totally on fire! So when she was just 1 year old, Brian gave her drawings of Biblical figures and asked her to find which on is Jesus. She has never seen Jesus' depiction in a book, but soon she pointed at Jesus in the book correctly!
    "You've seen Jesus before?" Brian asked.
    She nodded. "Every night."
    She has been seeing Jesus on a NIGHTLY BASIS in her room!
    That girl's tapped into the spiritual realm! And I get to meet her soon!

    Just a few months ago she laid hand on a little girl who had asthma so severely that she could not even go outdoor! Brian asked her to pray for that girl, and she simply reached out her hand and said, "Jesus, heal. Amen." Then she rand away giggling with her doll (isn't that adorable?)! Brian was going to "finish" praying for the girl, but he felt heat coming out of that girl while his hand was inches away from her! And right then he knew that God set her free from asthma! And guess what? It's been 4 months and the girl has been playing outdoor for hours without any asthma! Praise the Lord!

    There are just too much to say. Ask me more about it.
    Something's about to explode soon @ UCSD. I can feel it.
    By the way, here's Brian's blog.


    Some more good words by Kris Vallotton. Man I just can't get enough of it!
    It's from Bethel's sermon of the week called A GLORIOUS PEOPLE.

    If you see Jesus, then you become more like Him.
    If you don't see Jesus, then He becomes more like you.
    ......that's good word right there.....whatever...
    -Kris Vallotton

    That's really some good word. We oughta look like Jesus! He's our identical twin for eternity! If we see Him in the mirror, then we become more like Him, and if we don't, then the person in the mirror, who should have been Jesus, would turn out to look like ourselves.
    Get it? Good stuff right there.

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  28. Curry Flavor + Reflection

    My first time making some curry!
    (And yes, that's an weird-looking egg right there!)
    I used Vermont Curry - Mild.
    Hoping to try something different later in the quarter for sure.
    Now that's what I called a decent meal @ college.
    And making curry is actually not that hard at all!
    I have lunch tomorrow now! Sweeeet.

    Another thing I want to say is about John Paul Jackson's latest entry on sin and slavery. That post just came in at the right moment for me, and I encourage everyone to read it. It is just so easy to be caught up in this world and easily forget the other that is far more tangible and real if we were to stop for a moment from what we are doing and see, smell, listen, taste, and feel what is truly REAL. I have to say that God is so merciful that every time I fall, He picks me up. But I don't want to fall again.

    Honestly, falling simply sucks. Just take me with You, away from temptations and being enslaved by this world and its principality. But I am a WORLD CHANGER! I should keep holding on and pressing in until something breaks through! Now I am determined to use every free time I've got to be with You or just to read some good word and to go pray for the sick in Your Name.

    I gotta get right with Jesus. I love Him so much. And there is really nothing, NOTHING that can fill in that space inside of me besides Him. Last but not least, there is no time to lose.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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