1. Return, Repent, Inherit

    Saturday, May 31, 2008
    By johnny
    The word inherit and its noun form inheritance are used 265 times in the bible, 230 of which are in the Old Testament. That's quite a lot indeed -- from Genesis to Revelation, the Lord is definitely saying something about inheritance. After reading Jeremiah 3, I believe the inheritance of His Kingdom or a Promise Land has to start from this -- Return with Repentance.

    "Return, faithless people, for I am your Husband.
    I will choose you...and bring you to Zion.
    I will give you shepherds after my own heart,
    who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.
    ...They will call Jerusalem The Throne of the Lord,
    and all nations will gather in Jerusalem to
    honor the Name of the Lord.
    The house of Judah will join the house of Israel,
    and together they will come from a northern land
    to the land I gave your forefathers as an inheritance.

    I myself said,

    "How gladly would I treat you like sons
    and give you a desirable land,
    the most beautiful inheritance of any nation.
    I thought you would call me FATHER
    and not turn away from following me..."
    -Jeremiah 3:14~19-

    Even though there is a great outpouring of His Spirit in Florida, we still need to CONSTANTLY pray for God to forgive our sins and plead the Blood of Jesus to cover them and the sins of our nations. He is certainly God of this city, state, nation and the world!

    I posted the poem Home At Last in the Book of Psalms.


    ps. Eric found a fun website: ColorFlip.com
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  2. You Won't Relent

    Friday, May 30, 2008
    By johnny
    Yet another Holy Spirit day at Price Center. I really hope that we can do this at least once a week next school year. Many of us felt the Spirit during worship, and I felt like there were angels around PC! I can keep on saying how awesome it was, but I want to also be genuine about today.

    It was really awesome and all, but I felt like there was something missing. Or rather, something out of place. Maybe just me, but I felt there was a shift in spirit today -- in either a good or bad way since Holy Spirit was there so it's not my place to judge. But being down there really is different from being up here -- I can sense more of His Spirit because I was so into worship. It's really a challenge to be up there playing and flow with the Spirit, and Grace and Jon has been going after that. I just pray for more unity among the group and unity with the Spirit that we don't create anything that would block the work of the Spirit and we don't do too less to prevent the work of the Spirit. I really want to thank Impact & RadJam for all these years' togetherness and worship in unity. I've really learned a lot from being in a band, and we're still learning! And same for YOPP as we go out there warring with our musical instruments against the secular spirit that's all over the campus. We need to always be alert and know the surroundings.

    Woah. I just remembered a dream Eddie had for me: some people were gathered in the house, and were all drunk in the spirit, and I was totally out of it. I was in the kitchen being BAMMed, and suddenly I fell, and one of my hand was cut by the knives in the open dish washer as I fell down. That was pretty much the dream. I agree with Eddie that this is a dream from the Lord telling us to know our surroundings, even when we are in a spirit high mode. Always be alert. Eddie, I'm truly blessed to have known you.

    Jeff Wong's friend's mother just died this past Monday. We're praying for a resurrection. Lord, I ask for new breath of life to flow into Jeff's friend's mother in San Jose! Bring her back to life! Amen!


    ps. I'm really glad the different encounters I've had with God for the past two weeks or so on campus. I realized I haven't seen many sick or injured people and I've been just wanting to worship Him instead of chasing after sick people. Today as I was showing, I was reminded yet again of 1 Corinthians 13. If I have not love, I am nothing.

    pps. Jesus I love You.

    ppps. Anthony who plays bass guitar is actually the bass player for Eddie James! I gotta start taking some lessons from him muhahaha
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  3. Foolish Virgin

    Thursday, May 29, 2008
    By johnny
    This is my visual project for my CAT class.
    The argument is quite clear: cell phones are cuffing workers to more work.

    Special Thanks To:
    Eric Wang - brainstorming
    Jeff Kuo - got hand-cuffed
    UCSD Police Dept (I literally called them up and told them that I need a picture of handcuffs! I mean, what else do they usually do at midnight anyways?)


    I don't want to stop burning.
    I really don't want to.

    Just spent 1.5 hours with Jesus at Revelle Plaza.
    It was pretty awesome. I haven't been spending time with Him, and tonight I knew I needed to get back on track with Him. Because after all, I can lose my ministry or what I do, I cannot cease loving Jesus. And I felt like I haven't been doing that much lately.

    Listened to Misty's Relentless-Unplugged all the way through, praying in tongue most of the time (haven't done that for a while either). And the Lord had me meet a guy passing by named Victor. He's this awesome African American dude, who saw me walking back and forth with headphones plugged in, came to me and asked me whether everything's alright. I told him I was praying, seeing him holding a Bible. I told him about YOPP and invited him to come to our open-air worship tomorrow at PC. He goes to a non-denominational church around San Diego; moreover, he was so excited to hear that there are people believe in prophsying like him on this campus too! Thank You Jesus for this divine connection!

    I just kept on praying in tongue and wanting more of Him. As I was listening to the song "Matthew 25", I was broken because I realized that I'm acting as one of the foolish virgins, wanting to burn but forgot the oil. The song came in at the right moment. I don't even want to fall asleep. I want to be alert and free of temptation of falling asleep inside. I need to be constantly reminded to buy more oil, if my desire is to burn and burn and burn. I need A LOT of oil.

    Yesterday at YOPP Eddie, Jeff, and Victor told me how I'm just so on fire for God and ready to burn at any moment. I was encouraged, but inside I was questioning myself. How can I burn ceaselessly? I want fire in my bones; even more, I desire to infect others with my fire. Am I doing it? And Matthew 25 is the solution to my problem, answer to my question. God, it's really all about the oil. Once again I was reminded of the importance of intimacy with Christ.

    Then I saw Heather, Kathy, and Eunice -- who all serve at Intervarsity's Dorm Team. They asked me whether everything's alright and they offered to pray for me. So I shared a bit about how I need to be filled up before I can go and give, and how I need to find the perfect balance between working for the Lord and school work. They were very encouraging and Heather prayed for me. It was an awesome prayer.

    Kept on praying in tongue. I'm reminded of one of Jack's sermon on speaking in tongues -- he said what do little children speak before they talk? "blah bleh blah blah." So I suppose I gotta get back to that place of innocence and intimacy with my lovely Father on a constant basis. Who wouldn't want to be a kid again, right?

    Tomorrow's going to be great.
    Lord I once again pray for an open heaven above UCSD!

    You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
    You anoint my head with oil;
    My cup runs over.
    -Psalm 23:5-

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  4. Open Heaven Worship

    Wednesday, May 28, 2008
    By johnny
    Once again, the open-air worship brought God's presence down upon library walk today. Grace on keys, Jon on acoustic guitar, Anthony on electric bass (he's amazing at it, moreover he's thinking about going to FMA), and Gordon on another acoustic guitar with some awesome effects. The worship was so pure and innocent, and the presence of the Lord fell so gently yet heavily. The entire atmosphere on library walk was shifted into worshiping the God Almighty. Many believers from other fellowships stopped and worshiped with us. And many other passing-by people paused, stared, and attracted to the worship music, and definitely, the presence of the Lord.

    Someone once asked me why haven't I led open air worship since the beginning of the school year. My simple answer would be that there's no keyboard available. But I think the real reason why I really haven't played keys and sang corporately on my campus isn't that I don't want to or I was not led to do so, but that I really enjoy being down there worshiping the Lord without the spotlight. The last thing I want to do is to grab that mic and sing or take that keyboard and play, I don't know why. However, I am more than willing to worship in public, but I guess not in this school year. And I'm totally fine with it! I mean, I lead worship at Impact almost every week, and being on the sideline worshiping has always been one of the most relaxing and fun times because I do not have a microphone or a keyboard to fiddle with. I can just jump, dance, lift my hands, and soak.

    I love open air worship.
    I love open heaven worship more.
    I love the heaviness of the Kingdom.

    I love Jesus.


    ps. 4 things due: Visual project (Tomorrow), Paper(Monday), Website(Sunday), and Research Project(next Thursday). Please keep me in your prayers. I really want to get more than 3.0 this quarter.
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  5. Home At Last

    Tuesday, May 27, 2008
    By johnny
    In memory of Maria Sue Chunxi Chapman

    Home At Last
    Running into the Father's arms
    I've finally found where I belong
    for eternity

    With tears in His eyes,
    He says to me,
    "Maria, you're safe
    here with me. Don't worry."

    I miss daddy and mommy
    and all my family
    I wish they are here
    with me
    and see how beautiful
    my new home is

    "They will one day

    join you here too,"
    He says
    tears streaming down
    His bright face

    I know
    I am not an orphan anymore

    because daddy and mommy
    got me the best family in the world
    And now
    I am with my Father, I am
    home at last

    Maria is the youngest child of Steven Curtis Chapman.
    On May 21st she was hit by an SUV by her brother,
    who was backing up. It was truly a tragic accident.

    Music Video of SCC's song Cinderella
    written for his daughters

    Read about Maria's Memorial Service

    I believe the Lord is holding Maria tight in His arms right now.
    This five-year-old is precious in His eyes.

    Dear ones,
    please spend a moment to pray for the Chapman family.

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  6. Good Dad

    Monday, May 26, 2008
    By johnny
    He's really the best Dad ever existed,
    and He's given me a wonderful dad too.

    I had a good talk with my dad and he shared many stories from the old times. He said all that jazz together once again, but it was great to listen to and absorb some from his wisdom.

    Anyhow I'm just so tired and I'm going to bed.


    ps. Too bad there wasn't internet in SF, so I failed to update my blog for three days!

    pps. MAY 25, 2007 was the day of the Wipe A Tear Concert!
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  7. Lymph Note

    Thursday, May 22, 2008
    By johnny
    A big one by my throat. That means my immune system fighting some sickness that's invading this holy temple of the Lord.

    At noon, I went to Library Walk to hold up a sign that says "He Calls You His Beloved" for the Love Campaign on my campus. Brian was holding another one. I told him that I had sore throat and lymph note thingy, so he prayed for me. And then Victor showed up, and he prayed for me 4 times and I felt so much better!

    Saw Fred Driscoll, the #1 atheist on campus and a physics professor, passing by. He saw me holding the sign and started to ask me questions about what it means to "pray for the victims of the earthquake in China". He was in a rush and did not find my response convincing, so he left. Lord I ask that You would reveal Yourself to Fred and soften his heart. The only reponse I can think of would be to pray that God come and restore. Fred then asked me, "So God made the earthquake happen and killed many?"

    God heart was definitely hurting when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even though it's His wrath. And if God's the same yesterday, today, and forever, then He definitely has the power to bring down destruction. Moreover, He is coming soon.

    Yet I don't think it contradicts the fact that God is Love.
    But I don't know how to solve the paradox in Fred's eyes.
    Because, for me, this is not a paradox.

    One right wrist, One left wrist today.
    Still praying for their complete healing.

    Watched Todd for another 1.5 hours.
    Once again, this fire is so encouraging and contagious.
    And I just want more of His manifested presence!

    Alright, time to pull and al-nighter,
    and then going to San Fran!

    Jesus I love You! Help me to focus and get an A!

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  8. Peace and Glory

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008
    By johnny
    For those who believe that open air worship can change the atmosphere of any place, then they'll love what I'm about to type.

    PART 1 --
    YOPP, after 8 weeks of silence, finally got back to Price Center for the first time this quarter, with brand new sound system (God's grace)! Got a keyboard set up, a bass, an acoustic guitar, and a djembe.

    We usually set up our stuff on the center of the plaza, but today we saw a stage set up on the corner of the plaza with no one using it! So we asked the person in charge of PC and he said that we can use that stage FOR FREE!! The stage is usually $300 dollars for rent, but the Lord gave it to us!!

    Grace on keyboard and vocal, Jon on acoustic guitar, and Gordon on bass. And in this one hour of live worship, the presence of God started to fall and we saw many people tearing up for no reason, and they were guys! I just felt so much peace and glory right there. We didn't preach, we didn't yell, we didn't share any testimony, we just worshiped Him. And that was the focus today. And that's enough to touch souls and open hearts. I can't describe how tangible God's presence was today in Price Center. Beautimous.

    Prayed for 2 left wrists and 1 left ankle.
    All of them were really encouraged.
    And I'm so believing that God's healing them right now.

    PART 2 --
    Shared the revival with my good friends Casey and Seth, both are in Intervarsity. They were in awe of the testimonies I told them, and they want to check out the revival themselves because it was pretty tough to absorb. I totally understand what they mean, I was once a doubting Thomas, but just by watching the revival day after day and going to Florida and got the fire, my level of hunger has reached another level.Lord I just pray that You will touch my brothers as they watch the revival over the internet and feel the tangible presence of You over the live streaming. Reveal more of Yourself to them and show them something they've never experienced before!

    PART 3 --
    Watched the last hour of the Outpouring tonight, and Todd was speaking right to me -- all his contending for healing. "If 1,000 didn't get healed, then I'm just going to keep on praying for another thousand, and another thousand. And when one or two finally get healed on the spot, PRAISE GOD!" And right then, everyone started to get healed to a point that he gained so much confident and faith for healing that he does not even need to have faith necessary because he KNOWS already that God's going to heal people! Once in Africa, he prayed for 139 deaf-mute, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM RECEIVED HEALING!

    Lord, right now I take Todd's words as Your words because You desire to see those who wouldn't give up praying. And Lord I believe if I keep on praying for the sick and sowing, then I will be reaping thousands in the future and see every sick person be healed. God I thank You for speaking to me tonight through Todd's words.

    I love those who love me,
    And those who seek me diligently will find me.
    -Proverbs 8:17-

    But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
    for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and
    that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
    -Hebrews 11:6-

    Moreover, God never tells us to GIVE UP.

    If Elijah the great prophet prayed for seven times for rain (1 Kings 18), then I'm going to pray for thousands of times for supernatural healing. And there is freedom in healing, and healing actually comes with salvation.

    **Get this: God cannot deal with healing without dealing sin. If God heals sickness, then He forgives every sin, whether a believer or not.

    Keep on watching the revival, it's a real faith booster.
    And keep on sharing testimonies with others too!


    ps. I saw two people whom I prayed for before: Lee (back in February) and Amber (My post on May 13th). I saw Lee with his brace on his left leg again, and he told me that he just got the screws off his leg and it's healing now so I'm really glad for him. I asked him whether I could pray for him again and he's like, "yeah man, but you gotta pray for my friend here." His friend Trang, a believer also, twisted her left wrist (that's the second left wrist I just wrote about today). So I prayed for her and she was really encouraged by my boldness. I told her that she's definitely getting healed really soon. She said she felt some tingling feeling in her left wrist when I was praying for her. I'm going to check up on them via facebook sometime soon. God is good!
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  9. Free Food vs. Free Prayer

    Tuesday, May 20, 2008
    By johnny
    Yes. I got loads of food to pass out randomly because I have way too many meal points to spend. So why not? I went online to buy lots of food with my meal points. And today I received a call telling me to go pick up my food because they are running out of storage space. Check out these pictures on my facebook photos.


    Yup, so Jeff and I went and pick up all the food and it filled up the entire space of his Lexus SUV trunk. Just imagine that for a moment. Anyhow, we randomly gave out 12 packs of Pringles to random people and Goldfish. And here's the conclusion of their reaction overall.

    Free Food vs. Free Prayer
    1. Both are free (obviously)

    2. Awkward stares and looks from people (you know it)


    1. Today, Five out of Six took the food after the stare and the questioning (why are you giving out free food?), and Two out of Three people let me pray for them. So that's 83% for Food, and 66% for Prayer.

    So today's winner is --- FREE FOOD!
    (I believe one day the winner will be Free Prayer!)

    So this afternoon I prayed for a girl who twisted her left..... guess what? ANKLE!! She twisted it Friday while doing some running. And she, wanting to run a marathon in just two weeks, was desperate for anything to see her ankle better. So she really appreciated my prayer and went on. I believe ankles are definitely a sign from the Lord, but I still don't know why there are lots of injured ankles all around UCSD.

    I might start a chart to see the injuries I prayed for.
    And definitely ANKLE INJURY is #1 on my list so far.

    Oh, right, and today a REAL REALITY SHOW went on in my computing in art class. It'll take too long to explain, but basically there are confusion, arguments, anger, lies, storming out of classroom, and more near-sparked moments. I was a bit entertained until I couldn't stand it anymore, so I left along with half the class.


    ps. Still have loads of food to give out. Come get some! ha.

    pps. Jack, if you're reading this, I got you some survival food aka Corn, Chicken Noodle Soup, and Clam Chowder. Chug Chug Chug...
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  10. Holy Holy Lord God Almighty

    Monday, May 19, 2008
    By johnny
    I enjoyed worship this past Sunday.
    And singing HOLY, HOLY to the Lord in one accord
    was just a blast and something hard to put into words.

    Jesus was definitely there with us
    and the angels singing Holy Holy with us.

    Nothing much to say besides God is so good.

    Just got back to school and ready for a 4 day boot camp.
    And then back home for a 4 day weekend!!

    Please pray for my school work as the term's closing.
    Lord I ask for favor and grace over my work here.
    I want to pursue You as well as do well in classes.

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  11. David & Jesus' Three Men

    Sunday, May 18, 2008
    By johnny
    So the three mighty men broke through the Philistine lines,
    drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and
    carried it back to David.
    -2 Samuel 23:16-


    He took Peter, James, and John along with Him...
    and said to them, "Stay here and keep watch."...
    Then He...found them sleeping...
    -Mark 15:33~37-

    You thought Jesus' got mighty men to back Him up
    just like David back in the golden days.
    Jesus brought His closest 3 disciples with Him.
    3 of David's mighty men was with him.
    All of them would die for their master.

    I mean, I definitely want to be one of those mighty men
    who BROKE THROUGH the Philistine lines.
    That's pretty sick, just imagine that.
    I'd say these three men killed over 5,000 people
    just to get that little glass of water back to David.

    As a disciple, I definitely want to cultivate that faithful and loyal attitude toward all my leaders. Like Jonathan's armor bearer, I want to be a encourager that would push each other forward as I'm being pushed forward too.

    I don't know whether this post makes any sense, but I just want to get back to His Words and dig a little deeper and a little wider. I love to read awesome stories about all these crazy people who would GO DIE! That's what the Body of Christ need--more Mighty Men and Women, and more Armor Bearers. And many more Peter, James and John!

    And my name happens to be


    ps. Family's here -- Dad, Mom, Grandparents. Keep me in your prayers and boldness within me to share testimonies with them.
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  12. Good Day

    Saturday, May 17, 2008
    By johnny
    I felt the same presence of the Lord last night at the meeting with Todd that I felt back in Lakeland! It was pretty heavy and intense. Todd, in the end, laid hand on everyone to impart what's happening to Florida to California. 15 of us went there and lined up for quite a long time! The auditorium was packed with people from all over west coast!

    Eddie got called up and prayed over. I can feel the power of the words from Todd hitting right at Eddie's heart. He is a man who'd pierce his heart to see San Diego turning back to the Lord.

    Went to Taiwan Embassy in LA and got my Oversea Citizenship so that I can go back to Taiwan this summer.

    Got some UHOH PINK'S HOT DOG!!

    EEEEErik, you weird.

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  13. 5 Countries in One Night

    Friday, May 16, 2008
    By johnny
    Went to Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego with Jeff.
    The artworks are very interesting and cool.
    Here's one by Maya Lin, a landscape artist.

    Then we went to Horton Plaza because Jeff needed to buy a pair of shoes. As Jeff was at Foot Locker, I saw this homeless man and started to talk to him. His name is Mike, 53 years old. And both his calves have serious injuries--a hole on each one that leaks out something...and he cannot really walk for a long time or else his legs would hurt and burn. So I prayed for him but he didn't try it out because he's there to ask for money so that he can buy some dinner. I didn't have any cash. Rather I prayed for him multiple times--for his relationship with family and friends, and Lord's favor over his life because He is the Provider. His story was pretty wacked-out but obviously he didn't tell me the full-length of his story; not even the weird looking holes that's on his arms. I hope those weren't bullet holes or burnt marks. God bless that man. I really felt burdened after talking to him. Don't know how to fully express that feeling into words though.

    Then we went to In-N-Out. At the parking lot we met this man Alex coming to ask us for a few bucks so that he can get some gas and to support his family--a 5 month pregnant wife. He started to share with us his testimony about how he found his wife two tears ago. Jeff and I were pretty encouraged at how the Lord is so graceful and encouraging. We prayed for him and he prayed for us. He hope the baby will be a girl. Bless that man and Lord, be their Provision!

    Got into In-N-Out. Sitting next to me were three Caucasians. Found out that the two guys were from Switzerland, and the lady was from South Africa. One of the guys has a brace on his right ankle because he twisted it. I told them about the testimonies, yet that guy's face is really awkward, so he didn't know what to reply, which became a NO. Anyhow they were talking about secert menus and I joined the conversation and told them all the different In-N-Out secrets out of the menu, and they were amazed at how many different things that are not on the menu!

    After that group came another group -- a guy and two young ladies. Jeff and I were guessing where they were from, and I guessed GERMANY, and Jeff guessed AUSTRALIA. And neither of us was right. The guy was from Congo, one of the girls was from Korea, and another from China. Moreover, they are also Caucasians!! And, of course, we got tricked. Guess what? I even asked that girl whether she speaks some Madarin, and she's like.... "uh...yeah....just a little bit." And then I said, "一點點?" And then she's like...."yeah..." (HAHA I was still into their trap!) haahhaa.... The guy's from Poland, the "Korean" girl is actually from Uruguay, and the "Chinese" girl is from Italy.

    So today was pretty cool, met people from
    South Africa, Switzerland, Poland, Italy, and Uruguay
    In that little In-N-Out in San Diego!

    Jesus I love You!


    ps. Jack's got some crazy stories that toally boosted my faith and hunger!!! CRAZY!!!!
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  14. Dream Interpreted!

    Thursday, May 15, 2008
    By johnny
    First of all, another left ankle today. She did not feel much difference but she's been walking and running with a small ankle band on. Lord I ask You to heal her left ankle completely right now!!

    Got my dream interpreted.
    The dream I posted on March 23nd.
    It's the long one.
    Go read the dream
    before the interpretation.

    So tonight was Speach's last Dream Interpretation class, and we're kinda reluctant to see him leave for Charlotte, NC. Anyhow, I shared with everyone this dream I had but I've never gotten any interpretation. So here it goes:

    Look into leadership.
    School bus with a Kid/student trying to try out to lead but didn't quite work.
    The man in authority -- not really leading but has experiences.
    Go back to pastor's house.

    Bus: movement ministry w/ many people.
    Junk food on the side.
    Better food promised as we go further.
    The man's talking about food at the theme park--fill up masses.
    Food on the side is not for us specifically.
    House: Family food (rice cooker and leftover food) in the end -- love and personal -- There's a lot of things available and He's got something personal for me.

    It's physical stuff--pure heart.
    Maybe the person(the girl singing in the front of the bus) is out for attention--just physical stuff, as she said. It's about the heart and the worship. I might not realize. I have already a natural leadership in worship. I was sitting down and led everyone to sing with me.

    The number 613 -- Jeff right away heard the word Romans.
    Romans 6:13 - instrument, righteousness, worship, pure vessel -- Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

    The whole worship thing: the Lord is going to bring pure worship into the Body. There are other people who want to walk into it. He has found someone who worship Him in spirit and in truth and other can feel the freedom to worship in purity. A heart that wants to please God. There'll be people want what I have and want to do that too but they haven't cultivated what I have cultivated in their hearts and I can help them with it.

    Everyone gave some input bout the dream and I would never have thought about that if I didn't share my dream tonight! Pretty insane! And the dream happened 2 weeks before our Encounter Conference! I still remember that Sunday's worship. Real pure and full of His presence. I especially like Romans 6:13 and how it's right on the spot about worship with pure instruments. And Speach's interpretation is right on. That's really what I've been longing a searching for -- freedom in worship -- coming before Him pure and blameless with a heart that simply wants to please Him. Thanks Maritha, Jeff, and Speach for your confirmation about worship, Victor about leadership, and Grace about receiving personal food.

    One thing I don't quite get: why did I just know I had to get off the bus early (wasn't because of the food or anything else, it's more like a gut feeling)?


    ps. What's your interpretation of the dream?

    pps. I typed up some notes about interpretation.

    ppps. my left ankle was hurting (a little bit on my right one) during dream interpretation class! and my right wrist too. They are all fine now besides my left wrist which is hurting. Weird huh.
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  15. Ankles After Ankles

    Wednesday, May 14, 2008
    By johnny
    For the past two days, I prayed for 4 people.
    All of them sprang/fractured on of their ankles.
    Two right ankle, and two left one.

    All of them felt mucho better after the prayer,
    one of them, Eric, actually started to walk!
    I actually saw Eric again today after praying for
    Steven, a guy who's open to prayer yet didn't try it out.

    On my way to lunch/dinner I saw this man on crutches.
    He has this huge brace on his right leg. Thigh to calf.
    He fractured his knee.
    He'll know whether he needs surgery next week.
    I shared with him Chad and Eric's testimony.
    And he said, "No thank You."
    I pressed in, "don't you want to get better?"
    "I'm an atheist. Thank you for your good intention."
    "No thank You. My wife is waiting for me in the car."

    Wasn't that saddening?
    How stubborn a person can be?
    It's like a indoor person who's never gone outdoor,
    and no matter what other people say,
    he still refuses to leave the house.
    Nothing can convince him that God exists.
    Only the Lord can change the heart now.
    And I pray that He does change that man's heart.

    Had a great YOPP meeting.
    Did some impartation and all that cool jazz.
    Met this cool dude Anthony from Alabama.
    He might head back to school in FMA.
    Plays bass. I gotta chill with him!

    What's next? I don't know.
    Still gonna fast and pray regularly to seek Him more.
    The kingdom is at hand. Just grab it!


    ps. um....I was gonna type something but I forgot..uh..

    pps. School's newspaper is messed up: Free-Speech regulations, Stem-Cell research, Egg donation....and in the Free Speech article the ONLY example the writer gives is about the PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! However the school is saying that this policy change is "NOT TOWARD Christians". HA. What a school. Anyhow, please keep on praying for this barren land that needs water, then fruit. I'll show y'all this newspaper that's completely gone coo-coo. Lord! Send revival to UCSD!
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  16. Never Giving Up

    Tuesday, May 13, 2008
    By johnny
    I felt really weird from 1pm to 4pm.
    Got to school at 1 and got back to my room.
    At around like 3:30,
    I started to have an aching in my heart for no reason.
    until I realized that I was longing for Him and Him alone.

    I really cannot describe the feeling. it was so weird.
    I think I have felt this before, but I couldn't remember.
    I had class at 4 so I couldn't even spend some time alone.

    On my way to class, I saw this girl with cast on her left ankle.
    I was about to walk away. My heart was aching.
    But the girl stopped moving. And I stopped, and struggled.
    And, finally I went up and did my intro and stuff.
    She happened to be a believer too and she let me pray for her.
    She's going to have a check-up tomorrow
    to see whether she needs a surgery.
    So I prayed for her and went on.
    I declare victory over that fractured left ankle of that girl.
    In Jesus' Name.
    Thanked the Lord to encourage me with what I love to do:
    Praying for people.

    After class at around 5pm, I was still a little moody.
    On my way to my next class,
    saw this guy with two crutches,
    asked him about it, and he wasn't injured.
    It was his friend sitting across from him.
    Went over, and did my thing, and found out that
    he goes to KCM fellowship and let me pray for his
    sprang right ankle since yesterday.
    After first prayer, he started to try it out.
    ".....wwwwhat? ......wait...."
    He started to walk.
    He took off his brace and started to walk.

    Still hurt a bit. Prayed for him again.
    The pain was pretty much gone.
    I shared with him my testimony of Chad.

    And he was really happy, and so was I.
    And so was Jesus.
    Thank You Lord for boosting my spirit man up.
    You know me the best.
    I love praying for others.

    Your love
    It never fails, it never ends
    Your love
    It never quits, it never stops
    Chasing my soul
    You're never giving up on me
    - jonathan david helser


    ps. Chilled out with Jeff tonight, got to know more of his crazy stories from middle school and elementray school haha... went to WalMart, and for many times my right ankle was hurting and my one of my shoulder was hurting too. Don't know whether that's from the Lord... hmm....

    pps. Man...I missed the outpouring streaming today!!!

    ppps. Both book of psalms and book of blab are updated!
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  17. Spirit-Blasted Sunday

    Monday, May 12, 2008
    By johnny
    I had a vision of this Sunday when we were on our way back from Florida -- people got filled by the fire of the Lord, being blasted and electric shocked or laughing uncontrollably. Or like Jack, stomach twitching (haha). Man this anointing is certainly contagious!!

    Steven got healed of nerve damage on one of his arms last Monday, and today, after we started to impart the anointing and watch the outpouring over God TV, Jack started to pray for Steven's other arm that's not yet healed. And guess what? THE FEELING CAME BACK IN THE OTHER ARM TOO!!!! Both his arms are healed of nerve damage now!!!! Man this healing anointing is so thick at Impact. And right away, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill Steven up and use him as a vessel of healing and signs and wonders. And right then he got BAMMMMM'd! and fell back to the ground, laughing uncontrollably, and we were too. God, You are so good!!!

    We all prayed for Tony from Irvine whose right shoulder has nerve damage. He's a great man of faith and I believe the Lord will heal him all of a sudden very soon. I'm keeping him in my prayers.

    I really hope that Todd got that t-shirt. Too bad we didn't ask him to anoint it...or it would've been totally awesome. Nonetheless, we all got the impartation now!!! I believe more signs, wonders and miracles will start to happen at Impact!!!!

    Isn't Jesus Good?

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  18. LAKELAND - Day 3

    Sunday, May 11, 2008
    By johnny
    FIRE! In my bones!!!!!!

    I can't wait to see fire to burn in Southern Califonia.

    Going to the airpot in about 20 minutes.

    Flying back and straight to service.

    Tonight we had a Holy Spirit impartation. Crazy!!!

    I can't wait to see what God's gonna do at service today!

    We met many people from Cali too! San Fran!!


    ps. Did you see us on God.Tv?
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  19. LAKELAND - Day 2

    Saturday, May 10, 2008
    By johnny
    Met this cool guy Gene from Seattle. He's got cool stories.
    Met this guy from Bama, graduating from High school and heading to FSM for a 4-yr track. He's pretty genuine and lean back. I gotta get his contact.
    Got over 20 prayer requests. God's answering your prayers that are burnt before him and offered up to the throne.

    Anyhow, today's morning service was pretty exciting. I got soaked in tears again just groaning before the Lord, without some specific reason but to know more of Him.

    Got anointed by Todd -- didn't get to talk to him at all since he was anointing over 14,000 people tonight! I really can see revival to break out in different countries in the world, and, of course, Southern California. There were many healing of eye sights!! If God really heal my eyesight, then I really believe that my entire family will come to Christ. I can already picture myself in Taiwan in my dad's optical shop and praying for whoever has eye problems and they will get healed and leave!

    Haha...not to say I want my dad be bankrupt and poor, but to see him in awe of the BIGNESS of this God! And then he will close down the optical shop and make it a church!! Woohoo!! I'm dreaming and seeing and prophesying it!

    One more day & then we'll take the fire back to SoCal!


    ps. It's very humid and hot here....sticky...
    pps. DON'T ORDER Water Here in FL, it tastes bad...
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  20. LAKELAND - Day 1

    Thursday, May 8, 2008
    By johnny
    We are here. Jack, Eric, Sarah, Joy, and myself.
    Had a little trouble with United Air(once again...)
    and this time I promise myself not to take United again.
    Nonetheless the customer service is really nice.
    Had some UH-OH's from 7~11 hha....

    I'm excited for tomorrow and Saturday.

    Love You Jesus.

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  21. Thanksgiving & Praise

    Wednesday, May 7, 2008
    By johnny
    Tonight during YOPP, we basically gave thanks to God for 3 hours -- Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
    -Psalm 100:4-

    We all got shaken by the Holy Spirit and how thanking Him for EVERYTHING is something we need to do CONSTANTLY!

    "Intercession is not complain session."
    -Bill Johnson

    We were all soaking into His love and Holiness tonight and we all give thanks to WHO GOD IS: shepherd, King of kings, Prince of peace, Creator, Saviour....everything He is that's written in the Bible. I could stay in His holiness forever! It's such a great feeling -- I don't have to care about ANYTHING in the world. I just want Him, and that's enough!

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  22. Gotta Pay the Price! + INTERNET HEALING!!!

    Tuesday, May 6, 2008
    By johnny
    I have a paper and a visual presentation due this Wed.
    And since I'm going to get some, I need to finish another video project that's due Friday by Wednesday also. Jesus! I need s'more favor and mercy!!

    Alrighty, time to get working on the 5 page paper!

    I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that
    you have left your first love.
    -Revelation 2:2~4-

    Thank You Holy Spirit for the miracle over the internet for Steven's arm! Nerve damage -- completely healed! OH MY GOD!!!!! This revival is breaking out!!!!! The anointing is so contagious and tangible! I was laughing and feeling the Holy Spirit working through the live streaming. Jesus, You are the God who loves and does signs, wonders, and miracles. All things are possible in You!

    Jesus, every time I think about Your presence and how much I don't want to leave Your presence, I tear up. I really love You so much.


    ps. Jeff Wong and Micah Klausman are going to catch the fire Thursday to Sunday too!!!! SoCal get ready, cuz Holy Spirit soon will hit this land like never before!

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  23. Come And Get Some!

    Monday, May 5, 2008
    By johnny
    That's right.
    I'm going to get some with Jack, Eric, Joy, & Sarah this Thursday. This is going to be one BIG EXCITING WEEKEND AHEAD!! If Todd's telling us to go get caught on fire, then there we'll go!


    I believe it takes a few sparks to start a forest fire.
    Are we the few? Are we the nameless and faceless sparks
    that start the fire?

    I believe so. It takes some hunger and desperation to move Lord's heart and speed things up (Just MAYBE). The prophecy is spoken and recorded. And right now we grab that and run like never before.

    Thank You Jesus for providing us tickets and the money to GO GET IT. I'm not telling anyone to drop any classes or skip any classes, but I think if this is the GREATEST REVIVAL IN THE HISTORY, then I'd give up the world to see Jesus coming!

    Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life,
    as clear as crystal, flowing from
    the throne of God and of the Lamb
    down the middle of the great street of the city....
    No longer will there be any curse.
    The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city,
    and His servants will serve him.
    They will see His face,
    and His name will be on their foreheads.
    There will be no more night.
    -Revelation 22:1~5-


    ps. Today as I was worshiping the Lord in the car at church's parking lot before morning practice, He came and messed me up yet again. I just want His presence. It's His presence that changes everything. And again I was messed up when we started to watch the outpour over God.Tv -- I couldn't stop crying because He's just so magnificent and awesome and beautiful and humble. Crying before Him has certainly become one of my favorite activities.

    pps. I really love how Holy Spirit came today during the service. It was tangible and overwhelming!
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  24. No Virus Allowed

    Sunday, May 4, 2008
    By johnny
    For the past 4 years, I've been told that this is the greatest time of the history. It took me four years to realize why -- the latter days shall be greater than the former days. And surely it is: this outpour in Florida is being broadcast all over the globe through TV and Internet! 214 countries & over 130 million homes. Never have we had such a measure of revival -- it's so widespread that NO ONE CAN IGNORE BECAUSE GOD IS USING TECHNOLOGY TO BRING HIS GLORY TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH!!!!

    Here are Todd's words on Friday night:
    “...God is ushering in a ‘new season of the teaching and revelation of the world’! After that, another new season is coming to the Body of Christ, that will shake the whole world! It will be the greatest outpouring of the miracle healing power of God that the world has ever seen! At times, they will not be able to lay hands and pray for people as we did… one at a time… but they will just speak the word to all the multitudes of the deaf and blind… and their ears will pop open and their blind eyes will open… with no man touching them! Even eye balls will be created! Missing limbs and organs created! Creative miracles of restoration of body parts… even the dead raised!

    God is going to raise up a great army of true apostles and prophets. They will have the end-time anointing upon them. And they will rise up and bring healing to the nations! There will be times that such large crowds will come to the mass meetings, that no tent, no auditorium, will be able to seat the people! The prophets of God will not just about future events, but they will have the divine mind of God, and become the very oracle of God! And they will speak with such authority that their words will be the words of God Himself. What ever they say… God will create it… for His Glory! This will be the greatest move of God of all time. It will usher in the coming of the Lord!”

    I really enjoyed tonight. I always tear up when I watch the revival going on in Florida. Two reasons: 1) I was touched by God's massive love and great power to heal and restore and 2) I was also crying for the fire to fall upon Southern California. I believe tonight's little prayer meeting with these 20 young people will rend the heavens and shake the earth. Our one-on-one prayer closet with the Lord is definitely a NECESSITY, however I think the time has come when masses will gather and pray corporately because they felt the URGENCY.
    Peeps, I believe NOW is the time and bind ourselves to prayers -- both personal and corporate. When we start praying, we will be stripped down to the bone and laid bare with nothing to hide. If the body of Christ needs to be purified, then every single cell in that body should be cleansed too: NO VIRUS ALLOWED. I believe revival starts with desperation and urgency. If this is the "Fifth Great Awakening" as it was prophesied, then what we need to know how to keep this movement going and not let the fire die down. I believe tomorrow many will get visions from the Lord about the revival to come here in SoCal. Lord, we prophesy to the dry bones! Go Church Go! We call forth the dead bodies from the grave!

    Time for dreams!

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  25. 3-Day Water Fast

    Saturday, May 3, 2008
    By johnny
    I really do not like fasting.
    However, this fasting is definitely rewarding.
    I believe God's moving through our fast.
    Lord I ask for a radical encounter in Fred's life!

    DAY 1 - Wed
    I actually didn't feel quite hungry, however I had to stay up until 4 studying for a midterm. I usually go to bed at around 3ish/4 but Wednesday night I was so exausted because I didn't eat anything but water!

    DAY 2 - Thurs
    Woke up with pain and soreness on both of my hands. Really bothering and annoying because no matter how much I massaged my hands, the soreness will feels the same! So up on the snake , Victor, Brian, Robert, and Eddie prayed for my hands and they saw two things: 1) My hands are pierced through like Jesus' hands on the cross. 2) God would use my hands to release healing to others. Later on that day when I was on the train back to LA, my hands were fine, but my legs started to hurt and sore! I could hardly walk straight, later on that day I felt a lot better. Prayer Room was pretty awesome. We cried out for revival to break out in SoCal and start with us! 2 Chronicle 7:14!

    DAY 3 - Fri
    Today I felt, many times, quite lightheaded. Low sugar, low food, low everything. However I accomplished many things: Testimonies, Music, and Praying for Enoch's Grandma. We prayed for her healing, and her countenance really changed throughout our prayer! Anyhow, as I was passing by this nursing home, my heart was stirred up because there were so many elderly people who need to encounter God's healing power and love!
    So as everyone (Enoch, Enoch's mother Sally, MQ, Momo, Eric, Theo, and I) was chatting with grandma MegReed, I was also praying for a really sick old lady in the next bed. And I was praying right at her in tongue and command the pain to leave and the body be healed, she started to move her legs! I have no idea why, but I believe God was doing something inside of her. Moreover, when I kept on praying, she started to put her hand on her stomach and her left hand started to shake! And she started to breathe out loud with her throat (similar to gasping, but breathing). I was amazed to see what was happening to her; however she couldn't talk (I also told her to SPEAK in faith) so that was it. I believe the Lord is going to heal her completely from the trauma.

    Went to eat at IHOP @ midnight after the 3 Day Water Fast. I really appreciate this opportunity to fast corporately with YOPP for this one man Fred. Fasting has really helped me spiritually--to be much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit! I'm humbled by this experience and God's everlasting promise for each one of us. Thank You Jesus! I'm here! Come and send down Your Fire upon Southern California!


    ps. I am 100% that I gotta get to Lakeland sometimes soon; however, I do not have any money for plane ticket, don't even mention hotel and rental car! God! Provide me!!!! I want to go and get infected by Your Fire and take the Fire back to SoCal! Thank You Lord!

    pps. Lord I ask the burning pain on Theo's legs to be gone in Jesus' Name. There will be no pain or marks after he wakes up in the morning!
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  26. National Day of Prayer

    Today was National Day of Prayer.
    Tens of thousands are gathered in this nation to pray:

    If my people, who are called by my name,
    will humble themselves and pray
    and seek my face
    and turn from their wicked ways, then
    will I hear from heaven
    and forgive their sins and heal their land.
    -2 Chronicles 7:14-

    One of my favorite verses indeed.
    This day, this nation is being cleansed once again.

    Keep on contending for fire to fall upon SoCal!!!!

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  27. This Is Serious Stuff

    Thursday, May 1, 2008
    By johnny
    Before you read this entry,

    If you have NO IDEA what's going on in Florida, click on LAKELAND UPDATES on the right and read about testimonies of the Lord and the Spirit outpour in Florida.


    Shake it. Absorb it. Take it. Cry over it.
    I truly believe this is what God's going to do.
    We gotta listen to this prophecy over and over and ask for more to be revealed. Have you been crying out for what's happening in Florida to come over to SoCal? Since the day I started to watch the outpour, I've been crying out to God for a shift in the spiritual atmosphere here in southern Cali. And we are at the brink of seeing it coming to pass!

    I want to go over to Florida and receive the impartation of anointings from heaven! I really don't want to miss out bringing the fire back to California. I really feel called to head over as soon as possible because there's something there waiting. I don't know what's there waiting, but something explosive is going to happen.

    Impact will be a church that is pure and spotless, a bride so ravished His heart. And we will be one of God's army bases in SoCal, undoubtedly. Keep on believing it. This revival wave is going to the four corners of the earth! I declare Lord's victory over the land of southern California!!!

    God, I want You. All of You.
    And that'll be just superb.


    ps. The mp3 file is also on the right for download.
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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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