Dream Interpreted!

Thursday, May 15, 2008
By johnny
First of all, another left ankle today. She did not feel much difference but she's been walking and running with a small ankle band on. Lord I ask You to heal her left ankle completely right now!!

Got my dream interpreted.
The dream I posted on March 23nd.
It's the long one.
Go read the dream
before the interpretation.

So tonight was Speach's last Dream Interpretation class, and we're kinda reluctant to see him leave for Charlotte, NC. Anyhow, I shared with everyone this dream I had but I've never gotten any interpretation. So here it goes:

Look into leadership.
School bus with a Kid/student trying to try out to lead but didn't quite work.
The man in authority -- not really leading but has experiences.
Go back to pastor's house.

Bus: movement ministry w/ many people.
Junk food on the side.
Better food promised as we go further.
The man's talking about food at the theme park--fill up masses.
Food on the side is not for us specifically.
House: Family food (rice cooker and leftover food) in the end -- love and personal -- There's a lot of things available and He's got something personal for me.

It's physical stuff--pure heart.
Maybe the person(the girl singing in the front of the bus) is out for attention--just physical stuff, as she said. It's about the heart and the worship. I might not realize. I have already a natural leadership in worship. I was sitting down and led everyone to sing with me.

The number 613 -- Jeff right away heard the word Romans.
Romans 6:13 - instrument, righteousness, worship, pure vessel -- Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

The whole worship thing: the Lord is going to bring pure worship into the Body. There are other people who want to walk into it. He has found someone who worship Him in spirit and in truth and other can feel the freedom to worship in purity. A heart that wants to please God. There'll be people want what I have and want to do that too but they haven't cultivated what I have cultivated in their hearts and I can help them with it.

Everyone gave some input bout the dream and I would never have thought about that if I didn't share my dream tonight! Pretty insane! And the dream happened 2 weeks before our Encounter Conference! I still remember that Sunday's worship. Real pure and full of His presence. I especially like Romans 6:13 and how it's right on the spot about worship with pure instruments. And Speach's interpretation is right on. That's really what I've been longing a searching for -- freedom in worship -- coming before Him pure and blameless with a heart that simply wants to please Him. Thanks Maritha, Jeff, and Speach for your confirmation about worship, Victor about leadership, and Grace about receiving personal food.

One thing I don't quite get: why did I just know I had to get off the bus early (wasn't because of the food or anything else, it's more like a gut feeling)?


ps. What's your interpretation of the dream?

pps. I typed up some notes about interpretation.

ppps. my left ankle was hurting (a little bit on my right one) during dream interpretation class! and my right wrist too. They are all fine now besides my left wrist which is hurting. Weird huh.


May 15, 2008 9:33 PM Cheezy

I still don't get the physical stuff thing.


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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