1. Onething 08 - Day 4

    Wednesday, December 31, 2008
    By johnny
    DAY 4 – Dec. 31, 2008

    9am Session – Dwayne Roberts

    - Dreams are being released in a great measure.
    Pay attention to the children.

    - Rev. 19:7
    • The ultimate destiny for us. Start picture what it will look like on that day.
    • We, the bride, have made ourselves ready.

    - We know that Christmas is coming, so we get prepared for Christmas with different things. We also know that Christ is coming again, so we gotta get prepared.
    - Sobriety must come upon us.
    • This priority will align your spirit man and allow discontentment to live within us.
    • It must affect how you spend your time.

    - Love for Jesus is going to dominate your intellectual understanding.
    • The church will one day be so ravished by Him.
    • Nothing will stand on that day besides what we pursue → HIM and HIM ALONE. (SoS 1:2, Deut 8:3)
    • Feast on eternity.

    2pm Session – Mike Bickle

    - If we get the prayer down, then other dominoes will be set in place.
    - All leaders MUST attend prayer meeting.
    • Going from a prayer program to a prayer culture.
    • Difference between a lover & a worker: If you do justice without prayer, your well would run dry and you’ll starting to look like the beat you try to kill!

    7pm Session – Stuart Greaves

    - Justice: Luke 18:1-8
    - The end-time prayer movement is the justice movement, and a forerunner movement.
    • Psalm 97:2
    • The establishment of justice is central in Jesus’ 1st & 2nd coming.

    - 3 Parts of the Justice Movement in the End-Time
    • Night & Day Prayer, The Preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, Works of Justice.
    • We need to address the issue in context of Jesus & the Gospel.
    • Evangelism IS justice. (Isa. 42, Matt. 12)

    - A BOLD STATEMENT: The present social justice act is preparing those who are in need to receive the Antichrist on that day.
    • They shall bow down to the Antichrist for bread. This act is fueled by humanism.

    - The poor need a message to raise them up from depravity from the oppression of the society.
    - Humanism: Using human dilemma to define God’s work instead of using the Truth to explain the human dilemma.
    Therefore, the question we should ask is not “Why do good things happen to bad people and vice versa?” but rather “How can God be so kind and merciful to us?”
    • Preaching of issues should never be priority. Preaching who Jesus is should be the priority.

    Vision for Family:
    I see a fire that is lit on the top of my Chinese last name's character 王 (which means KING). And the fire turns this character into 主 (which means LORD).

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  2. Onething 08 - Day 3

    Tuesday, December 30, 2008
    By johnny
    DAY 3 – Dec. 30, 2008

    9am Session – Misty Edwards

    - My satisfaction is in satisfying Him.
    - Love is not passive. Love is passion.
    - Freewill is the most precious thing aside from God.
    • Life is the arena of demonstration of love.

    - God’s given us the Holy Spirit so that we can know what’s on His heart and so we can be one with this Man. Having the Holy Spirit means to feel how He feels, and we cannot do that if we just have Jesus.

    - Distortion of our image of this world is unrighteousness.
    • We look like a rock when we should look like a pot.

    - It is easy to run the race with 100% of us. But we always run with 98% while the 2% still wants to stay in bed.
    He will not violate freewill because HE IS LOVE.
    • Without freewill, there is no LOVE.
    The events in Revelation presses eternity right in front of your face.
    • It’s all about a wedding to come and how we should love Him with all our soul, mind, and strength.

    7pm Session – Lou Engle

    - Luke 1:8
    • We are in the greatest revolution in the History.
    • For your prayer is heard.
    • Are we the generation that’s wanting the jealous flame of Jesus?

    - Voting is an act of judgment.
    • If we vote for the shedding of innocent blood, how can God entrust us at the end-time?

    - Truth is the root. Love is the motivation.
    • Prophets like Elijah & John are prophets of separation.
    • If we are politically correct today, then we will be easily marked with the mark of the beast in the days to come.

    - There is a Mount Carmel in the generation, and everyone should come to a Mount Carmel moment.
    • Don’t despise your suffering. It ‘s the suffering that releases prayers.
    • Spirit of Jehu is rising.
    • The longer a person’s filled by the Spirit, the wider is his usefulness.

    - We need to separate ourselves from the world and anything that prevents out fire to shine bright.

    Misty’s message was straight forward and powerful. When she finished and started to pray and worship, I started to bawl like NEVER BEFORE. It was only the morning session and I was wrecked to the bone, even more messed up than the day before. The love for Him was so intense that my tears were out of longing for Him.

    As I was standing with my hands on the seatback in front of me, I felt like I got taken upward, and I was growing taller while my feet were sinking into the ground.

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  3. Onething 08 - Day 2

    DAY 2 – Dec. 29, 2008

    9am Session – Mike Bickle

    - First and foremost: to question and challenge what is being said.
    - According to major news magazines (Times, Newsweek…etc.), 60 to 80 million American non-believers of Jesus believe in the book of Revelation. And 20 to 40 million within actually believe that the End-Time will arrive in their lifetime.
    The way you picture the future will affect how you live today.

    - The Gospel of the Kingdom: what John the Baptist & Jesus were proclaiming. The church in America has been preaching on the Gospel of Grace (salvation) yet somehow leaving out the preaching of the Gospel of Kingdom.
    • We are 10 to 20 years away for the Gospel of Grace to be preached to every nation.
    • You can’t preach the Gospel of Grace without the Gospel of Kingdom.
    • The Gospel of Kingdom is a declaration of a Kingdom that is to come and take over ALL governments.

    7pm Session – Allen Hood

    - The Good News: The struggle in darkness shall come to an end! And it shall come to pass! Jesus will finish what He started.
    • God of peace will soon crush Satan’s head under OUR feet.
    • We are in the wombs of eternity.

    - Some churches leave the book of Revelation out of what they preach. You wouldn’t read 24 chapters of a book that has 25 chapters and be over with it, would you? Don’t leave out the final chapter!

    - Revelation 1:3
    • This book is mean to be READ, HEARD, and KEPT.
    • The words from this book are prophecies that we ought to keep.
    We gotta take the pill & get out of the matrix. Shake off this world!
    • Many have left out this book in the body of Christ so marketing comes instead of intercession.

    • Will we blush when we tell our friends about this conference and the book of Revelation?
    • We need to realize what we have been taught by this world. Why do we blush over the truth?

    - We preach the message of repentance because we want Jesus to come back. Because we love Him and miss Him.
    One of the things blocking Him from coming back is that NO ONE WANTS HIM BACK. (I had tears in my eyes when I heard this.)
    • The love of Christ compels me; I cannot hold it back.
    Our longing for His return reflects our relationship with Him!

    Prayer Room:
    I was asking the Lord to stir up my desire for Him. However, I fell asleep for about 20 minutes haha. It’s only the second day and I was exhausted. I woke up when Jon Thurlow was singing “I can hear the angels singing, Glory, Glory to God in the highest”. Suddenly something overcame and I started to tear up, and out of nowhere I started to say DADA like a little child calling out for Dad. And man was I messed up. I’ve got tears all over. It was not a pretty scene. I cried for a good 30 minutes. It was simply awesome.
    He is so good and merciful. I see how empty I was inside & how I need to completely give myself to Him to see who I truly am.

    Prophetic Room:
    After being messed up in the Prayer Room, Tiffa, Sammy, and myself went to prophetic ministry where we were prophesied by Denise and Jim, 2 IHOP staff members. Guess what, as soon as we sat down and the music started playing, I started bawling AGAIN. This time was even more messed up than in the PR!
    Denise first spoke prophetically to Tiffa, and she was tearing up (she told me that), but I was like “bwaaaaaahhhh…~~~”. It was not even my turn yet! Basically both Denise and Jim prophesied over Tiffa and Sammy first. And I got so messed up already... So finally it was my turn to be prophesied over…
    Denise told me, in short, that I would go into the wilderness for the oppressed, and I have a tender heart for Jesus. I believe this word will definitely be helpful to me in the near future.
    The first thing Jim said to me was, “John, I don’t know whether you’re a musician or not, I kind of have a sense that music is important…” And I just went BEZERKA. His words are a confirmation of one of my prayers about worship and music in the End-Time battle. Pastor David Tai prophesied the exact same thing over me earlier this year too that I will be in the frontline of the battle fighting enemies with music.
    I got so wrecked that day. Never have I cried so much in such a short period of time. My eyes were so dried by my spirit was so saturated in His love. I certainly encountered Him in a new way, which is what I have been praying about.

    The crawling baby vision from yesterday came back to me again.

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  4. Onething 08 - Day 1

    Monday, December 29, 2008
    By johnny
    I'm just going to put down my notes & visions.

    DAY 1 - Dec 28, 2008

    2pm — Corey Russell: Calling forth the Nazerite generation.

    Consecration (Numbers 6)
    - Amos 6:10-12
    • Nazerite calling
    • Be a voice and cry out

    - Luke 1:6
    • Being faithful & knowing the truth
    • When you consecrate yourselves, Nazerite shall be birth out from you. A generation of Nazerites shall birth out of our labor

    - There is a divorce between what you know & what you think you know

    - Ezekiel 8 – Taking us into the secret places
    • Encounter the Word of God
    • Repenting & live out a Nazerite lifestyle

    - The church in America sees this fire. They dance around the fire, they rejoice over the fire, but they don’t jump into the fire.

    - Why am I here?
    • Matt. 11:10
    • John is just a small down payment for what is to come (Malachi 3)
    • We need to get delivered and get to reality.

    - Those who are born again in the Spirit have more access to the realm of power & grace for prayer, fasting, & consecration then John. (Matt. 11:11)
    • A greater grace is available for this generation.
    • We need to repent to believe in the God of convenience.
    • This is reality: Jesus gives more to the hungry.

    - Revelation 10 – When Angel was giving John the scroll
    • “Give me the book.” “No, TAKE it.”

    - More will be required to those who knows more (Matt. 10:20-24)
    - Matthew 11 – Spiritual Violence & Spiritual Rest in the same chapter
    • Spiritual Rest: A single-minded person who goes through traffic. No more doubleness.
    • Why? Because in order to reach Spiritual Rest, there MUST BE Spiritual Violence.

    EVENING SESSION — Mike Bickle

    Luke 2:36-38 – Anna’s Calling:
    1. A Prophetess (v. 36)
    2. An Intercessor praying and fasting day and night (v. 37)
    3. An Evangelist (v. 38) – first evangelist in NT

    John 3:29 – Who will be the friend of the Bridegroom?
    - May 7, 1997: Raise up 10,000 John the Baptists as faithful witnesses
    - The 20 year olds must eat the scroll and then disciple those who are 5 years old now
    - No more Cotton Candy Christianity

    Book of Revelation:
    - End-Time Book of Acts written beforehand
    - Tribulation will happen through us to the AntiChrist
    - Jesus is waiting for us to grow up and loose it! Not to go up & miss it!
    - The prayer faith for healing the sick is the same prayer faith to release judgment
    - The only church surviving in the hour is the Praying Church
    - We should start expecting a massive breakthrough in the next 2 decades

    Mike's Open Vision:
    - Movie Screen
    • Tanks are coming into North America

    - Angel (Sep. 2005)
    • Holding a trumpet, almost touching his lips, ready to blow.
    • Saw the same vision over and over for 3 times.
    • Trumpet: Disaster’s coming & Rallying houses of prayer


    During afternoon worship:
    I see a golden crown with hundreds of jewels, rubies, & sapphires. And the crown was then place on His head and now this crown is shining brighter than the stars in the universe. HE IS JEALOUS. And we shall be crowned with Him to reign. We will wear the crown.

    During PR time:
    I see a child crawling toward the light that is calling out the child’s name. But on the way toward the light, many voices on the side are also calling out his name to distract him.

    Pictures will be on my facebook page: Ting-Chun John Wang

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  5. Stay Tuned

    Sunday, December 28, 2008
    By johnny
    I'm super exauted. And of course, Onething is such an intensive conference, so we get back to the Hendricksons at around 1am.

    Well, long story short, I got totally wrecked during these past 3 days. God's been touching me through tears and prophetic words from songs, people, message, and speakers.

    Stay tuned. I'll definitely make a good last 4-day post of my 2008 blogging. God is moving. We need to prepare ourselves. Whether He's coming back in our lifetime or not, we need to get ready, because He might be back in our children's or grandchildren's generation.

    btw, did anyone watch tonight's session when Lou Engle spoke? Well, Tiffa & I went up to the front, hoping that someone would recognize us through the webstream!

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  6. Ready, Set, Kansas City!

    Saturday, December 27, 2008
    By johnny
    One thing I ask of the LORD,
    this is what I seek:
    that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
    all the days of my life,
    to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
    and to seek him in his temple.
    ~Psalm 27:4~

    Lord, I wanna go there empty handed and come back overflowing.

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  7. Christmas Eve Family Fun

    Friday, December 26, 2008
    By johnny

    Christmas eve is the BIG NIGHT for my family.
    Different from the tradition, we have a big dinner and exchange gifts on Christmas eve. The dinner was THE BOMB! Where on earth can you have SALMON, SHRIMP, and RACK-OF-LAMB at the same meal? I love You, BABY JESUS =)

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  8. Happy Birthday, JESUS

    Thursday, December 25, 2008
    By johnny

    And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

    Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.

    And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.

    Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.

    For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

    And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”

    And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

    “ Glory to God in the highest,
    And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

    Happy Birthday, Jesus. I cannot thank You enough for the most significant birth in the history of men. Without Your becoming flesh, we can call You a complete liar. There is no better way to demonstrate who You are than this.

    O when God
    You became a man
    You took on flesh
    You're so beautiful

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  9. Ice Skating + Judas Spirit

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008
    By johnny

    Well, it was my first time ice skating.

    Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.... it actually felt quite similar to in-line skating. I still remember the first time I learned how to in-line skate when I was around 9. I felt on my butt a gazillion times before I could even stand still. I also remember my first time snowboarding. Gosh it was 10 times worse than in-line skating. My butt was hurting BIG TIME, and I did a couple of front flips after falling. Ouch.

    Well, I almost fell today, but my skillfulness prevented me to do so =) Had lots of fun with Enoch, Aaron, Eric, George, Bruno, Stephanie, Stacie, Alice, Amy, Joy, Jennifer, Jasmine, and Yoyo. Man I'm definitely planning another ice-skating trip for our cell group!

    Bruno is the man. I love that guy. He prayed an awesome prayer for my trip to KC this Saturday.

    Well, just wanna share some more good word by Kris.


    I call cohabiting the prime expression of the "Judas spirit" because, at Jesus' going away party, He said the His team, "...One of you will betray Me" (John 13:21). None of His guys knew who the backstabber was until Jesus suggested that they make a covenant. That's when Judas decided that he was out of there. Later Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss because the Judas spirit always wants intimacy without covenant!

    Did you just get rocked?
    When I read that last line, man my entire body got electrified! Gosh that's such a good word! This world is full of Judas and this spirit is fo sho not of the Lord but of the devil! And it also happens in the church! We gotta break that off this generation! This is the Holy Spirit generation, not the Judas spirit generation!

    Did a little last minute shopping. Phew. Fun.
    I'm excited for Christmas Eve Meal! Yum Yum!

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  10. Good Word

    Tuesday, December 23, 2008
    By johnny

    Jesus gave us a call to be perfect, or complete, in love.

    This was the apostle Paul’s highest goal. He sought to win the prize of presenting to Jesus the testimony of complete obedience, which is perfect love. He did not live aimlessly; he lived in a focused manner with this goal in mind.

    To live perfect before God is to seek to live in the full measure of light the Holy Spirit has given us, reaching for 100% obedience in our thoughts, words, and deeds. However, to reach for 100% obedience is different than attaining to it. Though we still sin, we repent and renew our resolve to fully obey, with confidence that God enjoys us. The pursuit of complete and perfect love for Jesus includes bridling our speech, making a covenant with our eyes that refuses to look on anything that stirs up lust, disciplining our physical appetites, managing our time for service and prayer, and managing our money to increase the Kingdom beyond personal comfort.

    We have a certain amount of years in this life to bring every area under the Spirit’s leadership as our way of demonstrating love to God. All who are wise will make this their single greatest goal for which they will gladly sacrifice pleasure, money, and even honor in ministry.

    - Mike Bickle

    That's some good word right there.
    I need to keep on look like Jesus.
    Bringing every area under the Spirit's leadership.
    And demonstrate my love through that.


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    Monday, December 22, 2008
    By johnny

    I'm just blown away by God's goodness!
    We praised him for an hour and half, and He gave us a healing testimony!

    The lady whom we prayed for back in October got COMPLETELY HEALED OF CANCER!!!!! She went to the doctors earlier today and the doctor couldn't find any cancer anymore!!!! This is amazing! I'm still so in awe! Man that joy joy joy is overflowing!

    All I know is that this lady, a believer, was diagnosed with cancer (she did not tell me what kind) back in fall, so some of us from Impact went to her house and prayed for her. And I remember so clearly that during our prayer and laying hands, her living room was heated up and everyone was sweating!

    I totally forgot about her during these two months, and now my faith is being boost up another level because God never ignore our prayers.

    I've been contending for some major breakthrough in healing, and now we've got our first testimony of cancer healing. I am so sure that more cancer will be healed! I'm expecting for more breakthroughs in healing, signs, and wonders in 2009! Bring it on, terminal diseases!

    I've got love, joy, peace, and righteous in the Holy Spirit!!!!

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  12. Woh Oh Oh Oh YEAH

    Sunday, December 21, 2008
    By johnny
    Well, today during cell group we read through one of my favorite Christmas passages: Luke 2:7~14. I'll post it on Christmas eve, I guess.

    Anywho, today's practice was something different. I like it when we spice it up a little bit and tweak with grooves. Hung out with Steven and Aaron over Souplantation discussing about different genres of music and how we should do some exploring and maybe find the one that we are most identified with, and start making a new sound out of those sick grooves.

    Here's a great YouTube video for you to get some LOVE JOY PEACE & RIGHTEOUSNESS in the Holy Spirit (woh oh oh oh yea...):

    He's been so good, so so good to me!

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  13. Revelation Broken Down

    Saturday, December 20, 2008
    By johnny
    As promised, here is the second half of Mike's note on the book of Revelation. This outline is simple yet profound because i would never have looked at this book in such a revelatory way.


    Rev. 1 Pt. 1: John’s CALLING to prophesy about the End-Times: John gave 18 truths about Jesus’ majesty that formed the way he prophesied about the End-Times, which are meant to equip us.
    Rev. 2-3 Pt. 2: Jesus gave 7 LETTERS to 7 churches: the instructions Jesus gave to these 7 churches about overcoming sin give us practical insight into what we must also overcome today.
    Rev. 4-5 Pt. 3: Jesus takes the SCROLL: contains the earth’s title deed and His battle plan to cleanse it.
    Rev. 6-22 Pt. 4: Jesus’ BATTLE PLAN: includes Great Tribulation judgments against the Antichrist. Jesus reveals His main storyline of love to cleanse the earth of evil. His battle plan here is seen in 5 Chronological sections that describe events that unfold in sequential order. Each section is followed by an Angelic explanation to help us understand that section.

    The 5 Chronological Sections:
    tell us what happens to the Antichrist’s followers in 21 judgment events (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls). These intensify in severity as they unfold.

    The 5 Angelic Explanations:
    function as a parenthesis, putting the storyline on “pause”. They answer questions arising from the chronological sections: Why is God’s wrath so severe? What will happen to us? Angels explain to John what happens to God’s people including what Jesus will do to help us and what the Antichrist will do to persecute us.

    Rev. 6
    Chronological section #1: the SEAL JUDGMENTS against the kingdom of darkness.
    Rev. 7
    Angelic Explanation #1: we receive PROTECTION from judgments and falling away.

    Rev. 8-9
    Chronological section #2: the TRUMPET JUDGMENTS against the Antichrist’s empire.
    Rev. 10-11
    Angelic Explanation #2: we receive DIRECTION by great increase of prophetic ministry.

    Rev. 11:15-19
    Chronological section #3: the SECOND COMING PROCESSION and the Rapture. The 7th and Last Trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52; Rev. 10:7; 1 Thes. 4:16): Jesus replaces all governmental leaders on earth in a hostile takeover. In His Procession, Jesus first travels across the sky to rapture the saints (every eye sees Him; Rev. 1:7), then through the land of Edom (modern day Jordan; Isa. 63:1-6) then into Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives.
    Rev. 12-14
    Angelic Explanation #3: the CONFRONTATION against the saints by the Antichrist’s system and persecutions requires that all his governments be taken over. Satan is on earth.

    Rev. 15-16
    Chronological section #4: the BOWL JUDGMENTS destroy evil infrastructures in society.
    Rev. 17-18
    Angelic Explanation #4: the SEDUCTION of Babylon’s evil religion will permeate and infiltrate all the structures of society, requiring that Babylon be totally destroyed.

    Rev. 19-20
    Chronological section #5: Jesus’ TRIUMPHAL ENTRY to Jerusalem (Rev. 19:11-21:8)
    Rev. 21-22
    Angelic Explanation #5: the RESTORATION of all things Acts 3:21 (Rev. 21:9-22:5)


    I learned from one of the latest Onething podcast by Mike Bickle & Allen Hood that Bible will be translated into ALL LANGUAGES and DISTRIBUTED to every corner of the planet by the YEAR OF 2025!

    Man this is simply amazing news, and just maybe Jesus would come then! I don't know, but we are definitely one more day closer to His coming. And I am 7 days away from Kansas City! I am stoked!

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  14. Rich and Intense

    Friday, December 19, 2008
    By johnny
    I love corporate prayers.

    Eric, Stephanie, and I were praying for people traveling, those we are sick, Jack, Annie, and the Bean, Impact. And then, each other.

    So I asked them to lay hand on me and pray for my trip to Kansas City. And man it was good! We had a great time praying and prophesying and seeing visions for each other and man the atmosphere around that sofa sure got heated up with the Holy Ghost =)

    I miss those awesome moments. I want more.
    And this post is short and dense and sweet.
    Come to prayer room, cuz you never know what you're gonna get =)

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  15. Revelation - End-Time Acts

    Thursday, December 18, 2008
    By johnny
    (This is actually a book written by Chuck Pierce, I just happen to come across it online.)

    I was reading through Mike Bickle's note on the book of Revelation, and my goal is to memorize the entire thing before I head over to KC! I'm gonna post the first half of this summary of Revelation below. It is so good and I have to read it over and over to complete digest! I strongly encourage everyone to read it.


    A. The Book of Revelation reveals the glory of Jesus (Rev. 1:1) and His dramatic plan to transition the earth to the age-to-come. There will be unique dynamics in the generation Jesus returns that are absolutely necessary in preparing the nations for His return. These events require our deep involvement. Thus, Jesus gives us the details which are essential to equip us to fully participate.
    B. There are 4 parts in the structure of Revelation. The 4th part has 5 chronological sections in which the events occur in sequential order. There are 7 main symbols in the Book.
    C. The main theme of Revelation is Jesus’ return to earth to rule all the nations. His End-Time battle plan is to physically destroy all the evil governments on earth by releasing His judgments on them during the Great Tribulation as described in Rev. 6-19.

    D. As the Book of Acts describes the power of the Holy Spirit that was released through the early Church so the Book of Revelation describes the power of the Holy Spirit that will be released through the End-Time Church. I refer to Revelation as the “End-Time Book of Acts”. It is a “canonized prayer manual” that informs us of the ways in which Jesus will manifest His power.

    E. As Moses released God’s judgments on Pharaoh by prayer (Exod 7-12), so the Church will release the Great Tribulation judgments on the Antichrist by prayer. The miracles and judgments in Exodus and Acts will be multiplied and released worldwide through prayer. The greatest demonstrations of power in history will be openly manifest by Jesus and Satan (Rev. 12:9; 13:2).
    18 I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades (authority of hell) shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Mt. 16:18-19)

    F. Revelation is Jesus’ battle plan to allow the sin in man’s heart to fully come to the surface and then to drive evil off the planet through the praying Church. These judgment events do not happen to us as helpless victims of Satan but are released through us as participants with Jesus. Jesus’ judgments are released to remove all that hinders love. He is at war to have His wedding.

    G. The 7 main symbols: all events and numbers in Revelation are to be taken in their plain meaning (literal) unless specifically indicated not to (Rev. 1:20; 5:6; 11:8; 12:1, 3, 9; 17:7, 9, 15-18, etc.)

    1) Dragon: is symbolic of Satan (Rev. 12:3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17; 13:2, 4; 16:13; 20:2)
    2) First Beast: is symbolic of the Antichrist (Rev. 13; 14:9-11; 17:3-17; 19:19-21; 20:4, 10)
    3) Another Beast: is symbolic of the False Prophet called “another Beast” just once (Rev. 13:11)
    4) Seven Heads: are 7 empires from history that persecuted Israel (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon,
    Persia, Greece, Rome, revived Roman Empire of Dan. 2:41-42; 7:7; Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:3-16)
    5) Ten Horns: represents a 10-nation confederation that serves the Antichrist (Rev. 17:12-13)
    6) Harlot Babylon: will be a worldwide demonically inspired religious and economic system
    based in the re-built city of Babylon, near Baghdad in Iraq (Rev. 17-18; Jer. 50-51)
    7) Woman and Male-child (Jesus): is the faithful remnant of Israel throughout history (Rev. 12)

    Here ends the first part. I'll post the second part tomorrow which divide the book in 4 parts and 5 sections in the 4th part. Man I've never looked at this book in such detail, and I'm being rocked.

    Jesus, I want to be ready for Your coming!

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  16. Exercise, NO BIG MAC

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008
    By johnny
    This ain't kid's game.

    Well, it's been quite a while since I last played badminton (or do any kind of exercise), but it (as in the soreness and pain) felt pretty good! Well, Mack and I had a good show-down single match while Jack sat there and basically bored to death lol.... well, he played a little bit, but the badminton master shi-fu did not break sweat at all. That's true master right there.

    And Mack and I were flat on the floor after our 3-game match.

    We exercise because we want to stay in shape, boost up our immune system, and be healthy. I remember one Sunday I was sore from badminton playing also, and I came to a realization that not only my physical body needs to stay in shape, but my spirit man should also do some push-ups and sit-ups or else he'll gain some weight for sure.

    If you don't feed your spiritual man, he'll die.
    If you don't put him to exercise, he'll get fat and lazy.
    And if you feed him McDonald's....you better stop.

    That's good word right there. Well, I haven't been whipping my spiritual man's butt lately, but I've done some good feeding. It's time to go out for a jog, eh?

    So, have you been feeding your spiritual man Big Macs?
    If anyone is AMENing, you better call me up and we'll do a group jog.
    Arcadia mall is a great place for a jog, sprint, or marathon.
    I hope you're getting all of this.

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  17. Hail & Recap

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008
    By johnny
    See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong.
    Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind,
    like a driving rain and a flooding downpour,
    He will throw it forcefully to the ground.

    Well, it was hailing earlier tonight, and it was my first time driving in such a heavy rain/hail. Complete craziness right there. The weather these days has been changing dramatically in SoCal these couple days.

    Since I failed to share what happened on Saturday, so I'm going to summarize that day up:

    Well, we had a great band practice. A cool boy named Benjamin walked in with his electric guitar so we jammed a bit before we start going over songs. He's the son of a pastor, who is a friend of Paul. He's been playing for a year and he really loves it. I can feel it. Sweet.

    After practice, Andy, J, and myself were just jamming around, and somehow it became kinda kind a harp & bowl time. Gosh I love singing prayers and prophesy with His words through songs!

    Then finally I got in contact with Bruno in the late afternoon, picked him up and took him over here and we had our first Project Elisha time (can I call it PE class? lol...)! We both went through the material about God's Plan for Salvation. Not only Bruno did, I also learned so much from that material! Sometimes we believers take salvation for granted. After that 40 minute PE class, I once again understand WHY God did not avoid all the hassle of planning this thing called "SALVATION". And that reason still puts me in awe. Because I still cannot understand this crazy love He has for us. Bruno is an incredible guy, and I'm so glad that he found our PE class interesting and fun. Next time we might dig into the book of Revelation....swweeeet.

    After that WAVE had a little outing in Alhambra. Bruno, Eric, Momo, Tina, and I had dinner at this Soul Food Restaurant called ANGELINA on Main St. and Garfield. Man their fried chicken is the best fried chicken I have ever had! No joke. And CHICKEN WAFFLE is the SHABANG! We had a great time sharing and just being a family. I love all these incredible friends. I'm thankful to have known them and that I can play a part in their lives.

    Thank You Jesus for what You've done.
    Incredible indeed!

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  18. Got Oil?

    Monday, December 15, 2008
    By johnny
    This is the national and state average gasoline price during the past 6 months. Gas price reached its peak back in June, and now, half a year later, we had an incredible decrease starting in October, and right now we've reached the same price as 6 years ago. Insane.

    It seems like Kansas City right now has the lowest gas price of all cities in the United States: $1.339 dollars per gallon!!!! Man IHOP sure do know how to pray for supernatural provision! Well, praise the Lord for the $1.65 gasoline price here in SoCal!

    But some oil simply cannot be purchased with money.
    (And for everything else, you've got your MasterCard...)

    Here's some good word from Mike Bickle:

    Jesus told us that in the days before His return, the kingdom of heaven would be like ten virgins, five of whom were wise and five of whom were foolish.

    All ten of the virgins were going out to meet Jesus, the Bridegroom, and all ten of the virgins had lamps, which speak of ministry. However, there was one thing that divided the wise from the foolish: the wise took oil for their lamps and the foolish did not.

    Oil speaks of the presence of the Spirit and our connection with Him as we cultivate our secret life in God. In other words, those who were foolish pursued ministry as their first priority. They pursued ministry over getting oil in their relationship with Jesus. The wise, however, chose to acquire oil as their first priority before seeking to expand and network their ministry. They valued their inner life with God above their ministries. They took the time to cultivate a heart connection with Jesus, and they recognized this as being the fuel that would keep their lamps burning bright in the hour of the Bridegroom’s return.

    I was actually flipping through my two old notebooks and I found some notes back in Onething 2006. Man they are good stuff for sure and I was so impacted by the sharing--especially the parable of the ten virgins. The last sermon that Jesus preached. Gotta go get some of those oil to keep my lamp burning before the coming of the Bridegroom. We've been waiting for 2000 years, but we still need to be alert and get s'more oil so that our lamps will not die. Oh the intimacy with Jesus!

    Well, I just love when Jesus shows up, and surely He did today and I love every single second of His visitation! Fill us up and baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire!


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  19. Break....Free!

    Saturday, December 13, 2008
    By johnny
    The battles were real rough today. Lots of blood shed and brain juice spills.
    But I survived after all. Break free from the chain of mind-boggling and muscle-twitching and nerve-wrecking. WOOHOO!

    Winter break. Mom's flying in on Sunday. I'm so glad that she's coming over. I miss her a lot. I miss You too, Jesus. We'll talk more, I promise!!

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  20. 2 More Rough Battles

    Thursday, December 11, 2008
    By johnny
    Almost free.

    Just two battles away from the end of war.
    Lord I need Your peace. Sometimes I get so frustrated that my mind would start going blank and I could not even think straight. I need Your peace and grace. Would you remove any accusation from the enemy. I AM ABLE.

    Claiming that victory. ROAR!

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  21. For His Glory

    Phillipians 4:13

    Well, all these Biblical giants did everything He appointed them to do, for His Glory. I guess I'm appointed to be a student? Well, is it more like a choice? But heck, who cares. I AM A STUDENT! And tomorrow I shall glorify the Lord with all I've learned and reviewed. I'm keeping my hopes high!

    It's certainly hard to glorify the Lord in everything....when I eat, drink, walk, sleep, smell, facebook, go to restroom.....hum....makes me think of King Saul.

    It's time for battle! AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!
    Prayers are greatly needed and accepted =)

    Jesus, would you remind me of what I've learned if I hit a wall!

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  22. Dictated by Virtue

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008
    By johnny
    I've been reading Kris Vallotton's latest work, Purity: A New Moral Revolution.
    Here are some good words in Chapter 3 -- THE GREAT ESCAPE:

    Living From Your Virtues

    Years ago, I read a book about the life of Benjamin Franklin. The author recounted that Franklin decided who he wanted to be early in his life, and he wrote 13 virtues to guide all of his decisions so that he would be become that person. Benjamin Franklin didn't want his emotions, his circumstances, or the pressure of pleasing others to determine his destiny, define his personhood, or dictate his legacy. I was so inspired by the idea that I could live out of my virtues instead of living from the circumstances of my life that I wrote my own virtue list. The process of envisioning who I was created and called to be and then writing down the virtues that would enable me to become that person was so exciting. Here are a few of my own -- maybe they will help to inspire you also:

    • I will serve God first and honor Him always, both in life and in death.
    • I will be honest, loyal, trustworthy, and a man of my word, no matter what the price.
    • I will keep my values, regardless of how much they cost me, and if I fail, I will be quick to repent.
    • I will treat all people with respect, whether they are friend or foe, because they were created in God's image.
    • I will strive to love everyone, despite their opinions, attitudes, or persuations and inspite of how they treat me.
    • I will be loyal to my wife, both in thought and deed into eternity.
    • I will live to bless and empower the generation to come and leave and inheritance both in the Spirit and in the natural for three generations.
    • I will never work for money or sell myself at any price. I will only be motivated to do what I believe to be the right thing and reveive my sustenance from God. I vow to be generous no matter what my circumstances may be.
    • I will live my life to bring out the best in people and to bring them into an encounter with the real and living God.

    Virtues help us to live from the inside out instead of from the outside in. No longer do I live by other people's rules. Instead, I live by values that guide my attitudes, which in turn determine my choices. Choices dictate my behavior. My behaviors become manisfestations of my personhood, and my personhood leads me into my destiny.


    Set the New-Year resolution aside for a moment.
    It's time to build a Virtue List that lasts for eternity.

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  23. Something Broken Through

    Tuesday, December 9, 2008
    By johnny

    Man this past Sunday service was something different.

    The Holy Spirit was so thick in the room that the weightiness of Him just fell in an amazing measure. I believe something was broken through during worship. I love how He would just come in and mess everything up and turn the world rightside up =)

    I especially like the last part of worship when I started to play these two chords -- Emaj9 and G#minor7/A. Man I really had no idea where those two chords came from, but they are the chords for the moment. I LOVE RICH CHORDS. They just melt me from head to toe when the Spirit starts to move! Baptize us with the Holy Spirit, baptize us with fire!

    I am also very proud of our drummers, Shinny and Kay, who played during Sunday service worship for the first time! They did even much better than practice!

    Aaron's sharing on mentoring and becoming spiritual parents was simply profound. That was totally what we needed to hear that the moment. The sharing was full of truth, wisdom, and love. Aaron, you're a great man of God!

    Jesus, thank You for walking in the room and hung out with us. We really love You, Holy Spirit. We are raising expectations for surprises, gem stones, feathers, healing, or just whatever You wanna do!

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  24. God of Provision

    Monday, December 8, 2008
    By johnny
    This is for real.
    God is so real!!
    His faithfulness is never-ending.

    As soon as I got back home on Friday, Jack and Annie told me that someone gave me plane tickets to go to Kansas City and back for the Onething conference!

    God is so faithful and I am so blessed. I will definitely go with a huge empty bag and fill it up with lots of intense teachings and revelations from the Lord and bring it back!! Freely receive, freely give!

    This is probably the first time ever that God's provision become so real to me. Once again, I ahve been wanting to pay a visit to IHOP for almost 2 months, not necessary the onething conference. But when Mike Bickle sent out his personal invitations to the conference, some how I just knew that I HAVE TO be there. So I started to do some research on tickets, but I do not have money for tickets.

    And surely the Lord provides! The person who gave me the tickets has told me that he wanted to give out tickets to someone and then somehow he was told that I really wanted to go to KC, and now I have tickets!

    I am so excited inside and I am so excited for this event. I'm raising my expectation. I had an amazing breakthrough back in 2006, and I believe there will be another one coming up in less than 3 weeks! Lord, expand my horizon and speak destiny to my heart!

    One more praise report: I was actually planning to DRIVE to Kansas City with 7 other friends in 2 cars! But I had to call the roadtrip off because I got the tickets. So the driver of the other car actually started to pray for God's provision too when she heard that I got tickets to go to KC! She has also been wanting to go to KC and she was so ready to drive there BY HERSELF! So last night I just got a news that her friend had the conviction to BUY HER TICKETS! Craziness! God is THE provider! He forms the heaven and the earth. He works things miraculously.

    Flight. Check.
    Lodging. Check.
    Transportation. Check.
    Readiness. almost check.
    Consecration. almost check too.

    O taste and see that the Lord is good.
    Blessed is he who takes refuge in Him.


    ps. PLEASE interpret my dreams for me! I'd love to know what you think! Just click on the MORE DREAM!! post and the EVEN MORE DREAM!! post under December in "Previous Posts" on the left of this post!
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    Sunday, December 7, 2008
    By johnny
    Man I love those amazing dreams, and the one I had on Friday morning was fairly interesting. Quite an important dream, says my gut feeling and spirit man. So here it is:

    I was in the Batman movie (the most recent one). Somehow the Batman lost all his strength against the Joker, and he (Batman) was trying jump off the building. One of the police officers who were going to arrest Batman for killing a hostage (in fact, the Joker did it). And one of the officers has Batman's girlfriend. Somehow a black car (a Mercedes or a BMW) appeared by the side of the building (in the air, I presume), and as Batman leaped over the car, trying to jump down to the ground floor, in the air, he got cut by a knife that was thrown by one of the officers.

    And then Batman fell into the alley between two buildings. I somehow was on the ground level and walking toward the entrance to the alley, and as I reached the crossroad, a WHITE PRIUS drove out from it. And Joker was the driver. I hid and not to be detected. Joker has, in the car, Batman (I do not know whether he was killed or not), and also the man whom he killed in the first place, whom I realized was my best friend.

    I got back home and somehow no one at the school would believe me, and I was so afraid to tell my best friend's mom what to do. And somehow, right before I was about to call her up, I got an email from her.

    It's a slideshow full of encouraging words and images that proclaim the God is good and how I am a man of God. And finally I reached her and told her that her son was killed, she said she has been preparing for this moment. And somehow the reason that my buddy was killed was that he had a political disagreement with his schoolmates down in Carolina, and somehow he died by believing in McCain.

    Here's the last bit of the dream, very interesting:
    I tried to tell people about this, and finally the news got to Lou Engle through a phone call while he was in the office. I think Lou was the sheriff or some sort -- an important figure of justice.

    The dream felt so real and I can feel all the emotion around me and within me.

    I wish the dream could be simpler than I don't have to interpret them lol.... love you Lord no matter what.

    Joel 2:28 - 30! Woohoo!

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    Saturday, December 6, 2008
    By johnny
    On the morning of 12.04.08, before I woke up:

    I'm in some sort of a mission as a spy or something. I went to a foreign country and got to a place to kill someone, I got to the place by a taxi. It's like an outdoor plaza that has 2 or 3 levels. I went upstairs, with a desert eagle on my right hand, and I took out my one-eyed telescope and looked around and see whether there are enemies on the rooftops. And then I saw something coming towards me, gaining the speed.

    I saw that it was a monkey/chimpanzee heading my way in the air to strike me down. And I was looking with my one-eyed scope, and I just had enough time to blew out one of its legs and killed it with what is now a shot gun.

    I went upstairs and realized that one of the enemies just got out of a shower, so I hid right pass the corner and ready to tackle him in surprise. So eventually I punched him a couple times and he fell off the side. Too bad I did not get to kill more enemies or a boss.

    Cause the scene changed.

    I was with a friend at her church, attending a prayer meeting/service. The friend's from the OC area. We were sitting on the side. Somehow I went up to the front and a child, about 4/5 years old, came up and started to lay his (or her) hand on me and pray for me. I started bawling and crying and just soaked in His presence right there.

    After that, my friend had to go up on the stage and rehearse. She was playing a pan flute. I went outside and called up Eric and told him where I'm at. He seemed to know where I was. Suddenly I realized that the church is actually meeting in a Chinese restaurant with all those round tables and stuff! Outside of the entrance to the restaurant was a lobby, and in the center of the lobby were a small, open shop with bookshelf full of Bibles, worship music books, and CD's. And as we (some more people from Impact got there too) were there, I saw Pastor David Tai passing by! I started to tell him about Impact and how we have moved to a new location. And the only thing I remember him saying was something to do with praying hard through the transition.

    It was about time to leave, so I went back in to say bye to my friend, but she was still on the stage, but we made an eye contact. Then I left.

    Another Scene Change....

    Somehow I was on a plane with many different people, and I realized that many of them are not going to LA, so I asked them why are they going there. They answered, "the plane will go to LA and stop there first and then go to _______ (wherever they are from). Here's the thing, Los Angeles is actually NOT on the way to the final destination, rather, it is further to go to ________ from LA, but they chose to take this flight.

    So finally the plane got to LA and I was trying to find a way off the plane, and the plane was about to leave the gate! I was searching for elevators that would take me down to the ground level, and finally I got into this elevator, and I realized that I actually entered into a supermarket, like Ralphs! Nonetheless, I pressed LEVEL 2 (there is no LEVEL 1 for some reason), and the elevator (or rather, the entire supermarket) started to go down 2 levels (I was on level 4).

    I went out and trying to find a staircase to go down to the ground level. And finally I saw a ramp that goes down, and I finally got out of the plane, but the surroundings did not look like a plane at all. That's about it.

    Pretty interesting for sure. INPUTS?

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  27. The Harlot Babylon

    Thursday, December 4, 2008
    By johnny
    The book of Acts of the Apostles is the book about the Early Church.
    The book of Revelation is the book of Acts written beforehand
    for the End-Time Church.

    This is a must-watch. It's been 2 years since my last onething visit and was exposed to the Bridal paradigm. Mike, during last Saturday's service, talked about The Harlot Babylon -- a world-united belief that will prepare the way of the Antichrist. It is awe-strucking yet it probes me into some thinking. This clip lasts for 62 minutes and I encourage you to watch it through without stopping.

    And before you watch it, go download this teaching notes in Word Doc or PDF.
    If you do not have time to watch it, here's the MP3 file of the sermon (right click -> save as).
    For more teachings and just amazingly organized and laid-out notes, go to IHOP website and go to their "Free Resources and Notes". Lots and lots of FREE STUFF! It is amazing what IHOP is doing and I believe we definitely need to be running in the same direction.

    Mike is really speaking with boldness, urgency, and sincerity on this matter. We need to hear this message and to be exposed to what is to come.

    If you want to watch more videos, go to IHOP TV.

    Also check out Mike's teaching on 11/23 on the End-Time Plan for the Church.
    You will get more of an overview of the book of Revelation in this teaching. Here's the MP3 file, Word Doc / PDF notes!

    I pray that your hearts will be stirred and impacted by this message!

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  28. Christmas Music = PLAY IT LOUD!

    ...But in Johnny's calendar, Christmas starts as soon as Thanksgiving is over! And of course, nothing compares to blasting Christmas music and be jolly! Falalalala...lalalala....

    First off, if you want to play a game and relate that game to some scripture, you should read yesterday's post! The game is strongly addictive! =)

    And if you are looking into some Christmas music, look no further, because this album is the ULTIMATE-MUST-HAVE Christmas Music Album: Christmas Collection by the Carpenters. Richard Carpenter is such a brilliant composer and arranger for these songs and medleys, and when Karen Carpenter starts to sing with her gorgeous voice, you just wish that you are sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa, totally joyful and relaxed. If you do not know who the Carpenters are, you gotta check this song out. It definitely is my top 5 favorite song of my lifetime. If only the world has more of these positive and encouraging classics! Sigh..... Karen Carpenter would be my favorite female vocalist ever! Here's their performance of their hits medley in 1976. Beautifully done!

    Well, since it's the Christmas month, I think I'll be posting some of my favorite Christmas-related stuff (mostly music) to add some Christmas spirit in my blog =)

    Oh, and by the way, did you realize I put a music player up with amazing songs? Just click on it and listen to them, and I pray that they would pierce your hearts as they pierced mine!

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  29. Sheep-like but not Sheep-ish + FUN GAME!

    Wednesday, December 3, 2008
    By johnny
    God desires a sheep-like expression rather than a sheepish countenance. And He transforms us into shepherds to turn the sheepish ones sheep-like.
    (Man...that's some good word right there.)

    Two sides of the same coin.
    I was worshiping and listening to Bill Johnson yesterday and Ezekiel 34 came to me. I turned to Isaiah 64 instead because Bill was talking about it. Such a great message, Bill. I think it'd be crazy if someone would produce a Bill & Kris' "That's Some Good Word Right There" daily calendar (those you rip off everyday on your desk)! They've got words that are so simple and profound.

    My sheep wandered over all the mountains
    and on every high hill.
    They were scattered over the whole earth,
    and no one searched or looked for them.
    I will hold [the shepherds] accountable for my flock.
    I am the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.
    I will have them lie down in green pastures
    and lead them beside quiet waters.

    Ezekiel, John the Apostle, and King David understood what it means to be both a sheep and a shepherd.

    Similar to Frogger, the game Sheepish cannot be simpler: make sure the jaywalking sheep get to the other side without being killed by unmerciful drivers who only step on the gas. I have always loved this game, and until now that I see the connection this game has with the Word.

    1) We are the sheep. Crossing the severe storms and a road full of cars going 100mph. Why jaywalking? Well, I believe this is the ONLY WAY out of this chaos. The sheep has grown from sheepish to sheep-like during its jaywalking adventure.

    2) We are the shepherds. Thank God for those up/down/right/left direction buttons. Guiding that sheep across the storm and willing to die in place for that sheepish lamb chop is not a fun thing!

    3) I certainly hope we are NOT the truck drivers who are craving for some rack-a-lamb...

    You might argue that it's the sheep who press those directional buttons, then I'd say the shepherd is the one who has jaywalked successfully across that Jordan river, standing by the edge and light up the directional buttons.

    Jesus, teach me Your ways. They are so insightful.
    Make me a shepherd.


    ps. Well, why not play a round of SHEEPISH right here? =) I got 29000, how about you?

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    Monday, December 1, 2008
    By johnny
    Found this film fairly interesting, and it's actually having a screening on the UCSD campus on January 19th! It's surely intriguing and makes me really want to know what the Lord is speaking in the book of revelation. Onething, I'm coming!

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  31. Prayer Request

    I do know onething now: My heart is so stirred, and I feel so much conviction to go to this year's Onething conference.

    I've been wanting to go to Kansas City for almost 2 months, been searching for tickets (not fruitful), but I haven't been praying about it as much.

    I think it's time to start get down and pray. Lord I believe You will provide me with financial and transportation and lodging support.

    Transportation is about set. I'm planning to drive 1600 miles to Kansas City, and hopefully there will be people joining me and we can get there in just 24 hours.

    Please pray for me. I am very excited for this event and I really want to be there this year. Something is going on and I want to go and receive.

    If you have not been to Onething, please consider going with me. This conference has a great impact to individuals and our church as a whole. Please view the video from the previous post.

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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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