3 Action Movie Reviews

Thursday, November 27, 2008
By johnny

These three characters have many things in common:
- They are professional killers (the dog thinks so anyways).
- They get injured but never die.
- Their goal is to rescue someone.
- They know more kung-fu than the Furious Five and Po combined.
- Hero of the movie.

Well, if I were to give these three movies a letter grade:


I mean, it's a Jason Staltham movie. Period. Lots of driving, fighting, and shooting. But the story plot just blows, big time, even worse than the previous ones. It's a good movie to watch if you just want to be entertained by the action. All the impossible, against-gravity actions are all packed in this 100 minute movie!


I guess I was expecting more from a James Bond movie, but on ther other hand, this movie goes back to back with the last one, Casino Royale. I really liked Casino Royale and its storyline, but this new Bond movie just seems a tad too short in its story even though the action really speaks. It gets a little dry in the middle. I'd give a B+/A- for the action part (could definitely use more action), but once again, my over-expectation brings my rating down. Lastly, James Bond did not say his name: "Bond, James Bond." BOOOOOOOOO!!!!


So far none of the Disney animation has disappointed me. I was not planning to watch Bolt because I thought it is just another lame movie on dogs. I even watched the preview and kinda jeered at the idea. Oh well, I went in mostly for the 3D effect because the special 3D glasses was required! I have to say it was one of those eye-opening experience! I really love this movie--its storyline, characters, and especially the humor! This movie is amazingly funny that I just have to give this animated-and-funny version of Truman show a great A-! It's worth your dollars, and watch it in 3D.



November 27, 2008 3:08 PM Cheezy



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which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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