Before Psalm 2 I just wanna share a bit about Psalm 1.
Once again the Holy Spirit confirmed my prayer of not to stray from His path.
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked... -Psalm 1:1-
For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous. -Psalm 1:6-
Thank You God =)
Alright. Here's Psalm 2:
I still remember a long time ago Jack talked about Son of God--a position we belong before we were even created. Son of God is, like Bride of Christ, a position in which we stand.
The kings...and the rulers gather together
against the Lord and against his anointed one.
-Psalm 2:2-
I [The anointed one(in Chinese version)]
will proclaim the decree of the Lord:
He said to me, "You are my Son;
today I have become your Father..."
-Psalm 2:7-
Guess what? Each of us is the anointed one!
We are all Sons of the Father. Undeniably.
He said to me/you!
And here's the crazy part:
Impact's vision 2008--Kingdom Inheritance
Ask of me, and I will make
the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
-Psalm 2:8-
Ain't that something?
He first calls us His Son,
then the Anointed One,
then the Ruler!
He has given us HIS AUTHORITY!
His kingdom is AT HAND, people!
Just like the comment I left on Jennifer's blog: look at the baton you're holding on your right hand and start running! I'm so excited for this year even though I don't know what awaits! But I know that I'm gonna enter into a whole new territory with THE Lover and King!
A (couple) final note(s):
I had dinner w/ Jeff tonight. It went well and we chatted about good times and he told me how he really enjoyed his time in Taiwan and all. Anyhow, a good night seeing him and got to share more Jesus with him. Too bad he went back and study; didn't go to LG with me. I know God's moving his heart. And my prayer for him is that he would accept Jesus as his personal Savior this Sunday during Impact's service. amen.
During Intervarsity Large Group night's worship, I was speechless and in awe of His presence. I don't know whether other people were immersed in the Holy Spirit, but I was crazily shocked. Usually I feel the numb and the electricity-run-through-my-body thing, but tonight was something different. Besides the electric shocking, I felt like there are a thousand needles piercing in from my skin! I couldn't do anything about it but to be in awe of Him. I felt like His love can really be that powerful like needles! For a minute I was feeling very different in a good way, but I don't know how to describe it anyways. But I really believe that God's brought my experience of His presence into another area! Thanks =)
We watched a very emotional section from the Passion where Mary ran to Jesus after seeing Him fall to the ground. "See, mother. I make all things new!" The last time I watched the Passion my tears finally broke out at that point, and the same tonight. My Jesus, how You love me!
After LG I walked back w/ a brother and he shared with me about one of his friends back home and how his friend is now recovering from a suicidal trauma and is doing very well! So I encouraged him with the testimony of Sam's miraculous report from the therapist. I prayed for him again(the weather wasn't that cold, praise the Lord!) for he was about to go share God with a friend. I hope to see him more often and start encouraging one another and confessing sins with each other! Thanks Jesus!
That's quite an endnote. I'm very excited for the MacWorld Expo. We'll see what the iCult has come up with on the 15th. Maybe by then I'll know what Apple laptop I'm getting.
And I can't wait for tomorrow's prayer room on campus!!!!!
Fire fall down!
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