I'm still amazed at how connected these past couple day's scripture readings fit together so perfectly! Anyhow, today Garrett called and I prayed for him as he was on his way to LAX heading to Chile for a year of studying abroad. I'll miss him quite a lot I bet =(. Anyhow, right now he's on the plane!
Romans Chapter 1
Many interesting points:
- Paul wanted to impart some spiritual gift to make the churchs in Rome strong (1:11). I've been talking about impartation quite a lot lately, and all the reading so far have to do with that too somehow! Pretty neat.
- Here's a flat-out bold statement by Paul: I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes(1:16). It seems like a complicated thing but it is rather simple: the Gospel is the power of God that saves those who believe! Paul you are too educated, using all those complicated-looking wording, haha!
- God's anger against all mankind (1:18~32). This really fits into the prophecy books' style! Paul's description of God's wrath is very similar to Isaiah(yesterday's blog)!
Romans Chapter 2
More interesting points:
- Verse 1~16 talks about God's righteous judgement--again, the prophecy books!
- The last point and the coolest of all: circumcision! Haha it might sound weird yet it surely does connect to the book of Joshua how we gotta roll the old things away: Circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God (2:29).
O God come and fill me up!
I pray that this generation would see and hear what Paul has to say to the churchs all over the world. Now is the time to let the regulation go away, be washed clean again, start receiving vision and impartation, and not be ashamed of the Gospel under any circumstance! Rock on!
Totally Connected All Over!
BOLDNESS! I think we're all in need of that. Its funny how sometimes our passion for Jesus wanes when we're in an unwelcoming envirnoment like school where the name Jesus is like blasephemy itself in some cases. Actually, its not funny, its horrible. BOLDNESS! I AM NOT ASHAMED! Lets preach it yo. We're not ashamed to be a Son or Daughter of God.
-kneefur -
well...actually...it could be just me...about the above statement. A-HUUUR. D:
amen brother.
great sharing. keep it up~