...But in Johnny's calendar, Christmas starts as soon as Thanksgiving is over! And of course, nothing compares to blasting Christmas music and be jolly! Falalalala...lalalala....
First off, if you want to play a game and relate that game to some scripture, you should read yesterday's post! The game is strongly addictive! =)
And if you are looking into some Christmas music, look no further, because this album is the ULTIMATE-MUST-HAVE Christmas Music Album: Christmas Collection by the Carpenters. Richard Carpenter is such a brilliant composer and arranger for these songs and medleys, and when Karen Carpenter starts to sing with her gorgeous voice, you just wish that you are sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa, totally joyful and relaxed. If you do not know who the Carpenters are, you gotta check this song out. It definitely is my top 5 favorite song of my lifetime. If only the world has more of these positive and encouraging classics! Sigh..... Karen Carpenter would be my favorite female vocalist ever! Here's their performance of their hits medley in 1976. Beautifully done!
Well, since it's the Christmas month, I think I'll be posting some of my favorite Christmas-related stuff (mostly music) to add some Christmas spirit in my blog =)
Oh, and by the way, did you realize I put a music player up with amazing songs? Just click on it and listen to them, and I pray that they would pierce your hearts as they pierced mine!
Hey Johnny,
Thanks for the encouragement! I actually haven't been on my blog for quite some time now. Thanks for reminding me about it!
I noticed you are a student in California. Me too! Are you by any chance at SDSU? Just wondering cuz thats my school and Im always down to meet more brothers and sisters in the faith.
Hey man, is there any ways I can pray for you or your family?
Dying to live,