It seems like Kansas City right now has the lowest gas price of all cities in the United States: $1.339 dollars per gallon!!!! Man IHOP sure do know how to pray for supernatural provision! Well, praise the Lord for the $1.65 gasoline price here in SoCal!
But some oil simply cannot be purchased with money.
(And for everything else, you've got your MasterCard...)
Here's some good word from Mike Bickle:
Jesus told us that in the days before His return, the kingdom of heaven would be like ten virgins, five of whom were wise and five of whom were foolish.
All ten of the virgins were going out to meet Jesus, the Bridegroom, and all ten of the virgins had lamps, which speak of ministry. However, there was one thing that divided the wise from the foolish: the wise took oil for their lamps and the foolish did not.
Oil speaks of the presence of the Spirit and our connection with Him as we cultivate our secret life in God. In other words, those who were foolish pursued ministry as their first priority. They pursued ministry over getting oil in their relationship with Jesus. The wise, however, chose to acquire oil as their first priority before seeking to expand and network their ministry. They valued their inner life with God above their ministries. They took the time to cultivate a heart connection with Jesus, and they recognized this as being the fuel that would keep their lamps burning bright in the hour of the Bridegroom’s return.
I was actually flipping through my two old notebooks and I found some notes back in Onething 2006. Man they are good stuff for sure and I was so impacted by the sharing--especially the parable of the ten virgins. The last sermon that Jesus preached. Gotta go get some of those oil to keep my lamp burning before the coming of the Bridegroom. We've been waiting for 2000 years, but we still need to be alert and get s'more oil so that our lamps will not die. Oh the intimacy with Jesus!
Well, I just love when Jesus shows up, and surely He did today and I love every single second of His visitation! Fill us up and baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire!
Great post, bro. Amen to what you said.