Sunday, December 7, 2008
By johnny
Man I love those amazing dreams, and the one I had on Friday morning was fairly interesting. Quite an important dream, says my gut feeling and spirit man. So here it is:

I was in the Batman movie (the most recent one). Somehow the Batman lost all his strength against the Joker, and he (Batman) was trying jump off the building. One of the police officers who were going to arrest Batman for killing a hostage (in fact, the Joker did it). And one of the officers has Batman's girlfriend. Somehow a black car (a Mercedes or a BMW) appeared by the side of the building (in the air, I presume), and as Batman leaped over the car, trying to jump down to the ground floor, in the air, he got cut by a knife that was thrown by one of the officers.

And then Batman fell into the alley between two buildings. I somehow was on the ground level and walking toward the entrance to the alley, and as I reached the crossroad, a WHITE PRIUS drove out from it. And Joker was the driver. I hid and not to be detected. Joker has, in the car, Batman (I do not know whether he was killed or not), and also the man whom he killed in the first place, whom I realized was my best friend.

I got back home and somehow no one at the school would believe me, and I was so afraid to tell my best friend's mom what to do. And somehow, right before I was about to call her up, I got an email from her.

It's a slideshow full of encouraging words and images that proclaim the God is good and how I am a man of God. And finally I reached her and told her that her son was killed, she said she has been preparing for this moment. And somehow the reason that my buddy was killed was that he had a political disagreement with his schoolmates down in Carolina, and somehow he died by believing in McCain.

Here's the last bit of the dream, very interesting:
I tried to tell people about this, and finally the news got to Lou Engle through a phone call while he was in the office. I think Lou was the sheriff or some sort -- an important figure of justice.

The dream felt so real and I can feel all the emotion around me and within me.

I wish the dream could be simpler than I don't have to interpret them lol.... love you Lord no matter what.

Joel 2:28 - 30! Woohoo!




blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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