Onething 08 - Day 4

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
By johnny
DAY 4 – Dec. 31, 2008

9am Session – Dwayne Roberts

- Dreams are being released in a great measure.
Pay attention to the children.

- Rev. 19:7
• The ultimate destiny for us. Start picture what it will look like on that day.
• We, the bride, have made ourselves ready.

- We know that Christmas is coming, so we get prepared for Christmas with different things. We also know that Christ is coming again, so we gotta get prepared.
- Sobriety must come upon us.
• This priority will align your spirit man and allow discontentment to live within us.
• It must affect how you spend your time.

- Love for Jesus is going to dominate your intellectual understanding.
• The church will one day be so ravished by Him.
• Nothing will stand on that day besides what we pursue → HIM and HIM ALONE. (SoS 1:2, Deut 8:3)
• Feast on eternity.

2pm Session – Mike Bickle

- If we get the prayer down, then other dominoes will be set in place.
- All leaders MUST attend prayer meeting.
• Going from a prayer program to a prayer culture.
• Difference between a lover & a worker: If you do justice without prayer, your well would run dry and you’ll starting to look like the beat you try to kill!

7pm Session – Stuart Greaves

- Justice: Luke 18:1-8
- The end-time prayer movement is the justice movement, and a forerunner movement.
• Psalm 97:2
• The establishment of justice is central in Jesus’ 1st & 2nd coming.

- 3 Parts of the Justice Movement in the End-Time
• Night & Day Prayer, The Preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, Works of Justice.
• We need to address the issue in context of Jesus & the Gospel.
• Evangelism IS justice. (Isa. 42, Matt. 12)

- A BOLD STATEMENT: The present social justice act is preparing those who are in need to receive the Antichrist on that day.
• They shall bow down to the Antichrist for bread. This act is fueled by humanism.

- The poor need a message to raise them up from depravity from the oppression of the society.
- Humanism: Using human dilemma to define God’s work instead of using the Truth to explain the human dilemma.
Therefore, the question we should ask is not “Why do good things happen to bad people and vice versa?” but rather “How can God be so kind and merciful to us?”
• Preaching of issues should never be priority. Preaching who Jesus is should be the priority.

Vision for Family:
I see a fire that is lit on the top of my Chinese last name's character 王 (which means KING). And the fire turns this character into 主 (which means LORD).




blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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