Man this past Sunday service was something different.
The Holy Spirit was so thick in the room that the weightiness of Him just fell in an amazing measure. I believe something was broken through during worship. I love how He would just come in and mess everything up and turn the world rightside up =)
I especially like the last part of worship when I started to play these two chords -- Emaj9 and G#minor7/A. Man I really had no idea where those two chords came from, but they are the chords for the moment. I LOVE RICH CHORDS. They just melt me from head to toe when the Spirit starts to move! Baptize us with the Holy Spirit, baptize us with fire!
I am also very proud of our drummers, Shinny and Kay, who played during Sunday service worship for the first time! They did even much better than practice!
Aaron's sharing on mentoring and becoming spiritual parents was simply profound. That was totally what we needed to hear that the moment. The sharing was full of truth, wisdom, and love. Aaron, you're a great man of God!
Jesus, thank You for walking in the room and hung out with us. We really love You, Holy Spirit. We are raising expectations for surprises, gem stones, feathers, healing, or just whatever You wanna do!
oh, it was between girls so i don't think you'd want to hear it. haha.. unless you want me to think of you as a girl or something, but i don't think that's happening. :D
anyway, yeah i was pretty sad that i missed service this past weekend. it felt so weird. i'm glad that His presence was thick and that the Holy Spirit just totally took over. it's always nice to be in that situation and not care about anything around us.
Why is it that I always miss Aaron's sharing? I remember this one service I missed and Aaron shared then as well. haha x] bad timing I guess. oh well. it's all God's timing though. but i'm sure that He'll give me a even BETTER sharing next time from Aaron and whoever else that shared (unless it was only Aaron lol). [: haah yes. I MISSED YOU GUYS. ^_^