Jesus gave us a call to be perfect, or complete, in love.
This was the apostle Paul’s highest goal. He sought to win the prize of presenting to Jesus the testimony of complete obedience, which is perfect love. He did not live aimlessly; he lived in a focused manner with this goal in mind.
To live perfect before God is to seek to live in the full measure of light the Holy Spirit has given us, reaching for 100% obedience in our thoughts, words, and deeds. However, to reach for 100% obedience is different than attaining to it. Though we still sin, we repent and renew our resolve to fully obey, with confidence that God enjoys us. The pursuit of complete and perfect love for Jesus includes bridling our speech, making a covenant with our eyes that refuses to look on anything that stirs up lust, disciplining our physical appetites, managing our time for service and prayer, and managing our money to increase the Kingdom beyond personal comfort.
We have a certain amount of years in this life to bring every area under the Spirit’s leadership as our way of demonstrating love to God. All who are wise will make this their single greatest goal for which they will gladly sacrifice pleasure, money, and even honor in ministry.
That's some good word right there.
I need to keep on look like Jesus.
Bringing every area under the Spirit's leadership.
And demonstrate my love through that.
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