(Man...that's some good word right there.)
Two sides of the same coin.
I was worshiping and listening to Bill Johnson yesterday and Ezekiel 34 came to me. I turned to Isaiah 64 instead because Bill was talking about it. Such a great message, Bill. I think it'd be crazy if someone would produce a Bill & Kris' "That's Some Good Word Right There" daily calendar (those you rip off everyday on your desk)! They've got words that are so simple and profound.
My sheep wandered over all the mountains
and on every high hill.
They were scattered over the whole earth,
and no one searched or looked for them.
I will hold [the shepherds] accountable for my flock.
I am the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.
I will have them lie down in green pastures
and lead them beside quiet waters.
Ezekiel, John the Apostle, and King David understood what it means to be both a sheep and a shepherd.

Similar to Frogger, the game Sheepish cannot be simpler: make sure the jaywalking sheep get to the other side without being killed by unmerciful drivers who only step on the gas. I have always loved this game, and until now that I see the connection this game has with the Word.
1) We are the sheep. Crossing the severe storms and a road full of cars going 100mph. Why jaywalking? Well, I believe this is the ONLY WAY out of this chaos. The sheep has grown from sheepish to sheep-like during its jaywalking adventure.
2) We are the shepherds. Thank God for those up/down/right/left direction buttons. Guiding that sheep across the storm and willing to die in place for that sheepish lamb chop is not a fun thing!
3) I certainly hope we are NOT the truck drivers who are craving for some rack-a-lamb...
You might argue that it's the sheep who press those directional buttons, then I'd say the shepherd is the one who has jaywalked successfully across that Jordan river, standing by the edge and light up the directional buttons.
Jesus, teach me Your ways. They are so insightful.
Make me a shepherd.
ps. Well, why not play a round of SHEEPISH right here? =) I got 29000, how about you?
ha,,what's your highest score?
i got 6400 so far...ha
i like how u put up the game there..hah..
anyways... i want to be a sheep-like ^^