See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong.
Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind,
like a driving rain and a flooding downpour,
He will throw it forcefully to the ground.
Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind,
like a driving rain and a flooding downpour,
He will throw it forcefully to the ground.
Well, it was hailing earlier tonight, and it was my first time driving in such a heavy rain/hail. Complete craziness right there. The weather these days has been changing dramatically in SoCal these couple days.
Since I failed to share what happened on Saturday, so I'm going to summarize that day up:
Well, we had a great band practice. A cool boy named Benjamin walked in with his electric guitar so we jammed a bit before we start going over songs. He's the son of a pastor, who is a friend of Paul. He's been playing for a year and he really loves it. I can feel it. Sweet.
After practice, Andy, J, and myself were just jamming around, and somehow it became kinda kind a harp & bowl time. Gosh I love singing prayers and prophesy with His words through songs!
Then finally I got in contact with Bruno in the late afternoon, picked him up and took him over here and we had our first Project Elisha time (can I call it PE class? lol...)! We both went through the material about God's Plan for Salvation. Not only Bruno did, I also learned so much from that material! Sometimes we believers take salvation for granted. After that 40 minute PE class, I once again understand WHY God did not avoid all the hassle of planning this thing called "SALVATION". And that reason still puts me in awe. Because I still cannot understand this crazy love He has for us. Bruno is an incredible guy, and I'm so glad that he found our PE class interesting and fun. Next time we might dig into the book of Revelation....swweeeet.

After that WAVE had a little outing in Alhambra. Bruno, Eric, Momo, Tina, and I had dinner at this Soul Food Restaurant called ANGELINA on Main St. and Garfield. Man their fried chicken is the best fried chicken I have ever had! No joke. And CHICKEN WAFFLE is the SHABANG! We had a great time sharing and just being a family. I love all these incredible friends. I'm thankful to have known them and that I can play a part in their lives.
Thank You Jesus for what You've done.
Incredible indeed!
wow. chicken and waffles sound super yummy right about now.