Wednesday, March 4, 2009
By johnny
So here's my little message for myself and for you to receive what is from the Lord and throw away what is not from Him. And please do digest and take some time to think about what I'm about to write. And please do comment on this! I want to hear what you have to say about it.


1. God's Love is Jealous

For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy as cruel as the grave.
-Song of Solomon 8:6-

When it comes to love, God never compromises.
He is jealous for His people. He desires them so much that He gets all emotional and jealous because HE LOVES US and he does not want us to love this world or follow anyone else of this world but Him and Him alone.
(Note: God is perfect, and His jealousy is not of this world. Therefore, this is the Holy Spirit jealousy and not the spirit of jealousy of this world which is manipulated by the devil ot blind many.)

2. God's Love is Violent

Its flames are flames of fire,
A most vehement flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
Nor can the floods drown it.
-Song of Solomon 8:6~7-

When it comes to love, God never compromises.
He holds in His hands swords that are ready to slay anything between us and Him. God's love gets all flame'd up and burns with violent flame that turns all the other lovers into ashes and dries up the flood. HE LOVES US. He would fight for what belongs to Him but is now stolen.
(Note: God is altogether righteous and just, and His violence is not toward men but toward Satan, the principalities, and the gods of this world.)

3. God's Love is Selfish a bridegroom [loves] his bride,
so will your God [love] you.
-Isaiah 62:5-

When it comes to love, God never compromises.
I believe selfishness gives birth to and is the root of jealousy and violence. I shared the idea of God being a selfish God to Jennifer, and she was a bit taken back by my choice of words. However, after I decribed the word SELFISH in the context of love, everything falls into place. I asked her, "When you get married, would you like share your husband with other women?" HECK NO was her respond. So yea, I believe all the emotions we have are from God, including the feeling of selfish in the context of Love. He is selfish when someone else wants to share His beloved ones with Him.
(Note: The enemy is using men's selfishness to tear down relationships, but God's selfishness is to RESTORE our relationship with Him.)

4. God's Love is Selfless

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
-Romans 5:8-

When it comes to love, God never compromises.
I was only going to type out the first three points, but then I was reminded through chatting with Jennifer, that God is so selfless that He became a man and died on a cross and was made ransom for the past, present, and future sins of this world. This is the core of the Gospel. Many times when I start pondering upon Christ's love, my mind would start spinning and my head literally would feel like exploding because even just the thought of it is too much to contain. Go try doing it. And see whether this love would make you crazy (literally and metaphorically...haha).

So here's my conclusion:
God is violent because He is jealous.
God is jealous because He is selfish.
God is selfish because He is selfless.

He is selfish when it comes to the enemy,
but He is selfless when it comes to us.

Wanna know how I got all these?

Earlier tonight I was IMing with a friend, and I started to talk about how God desires our love back to Him. Then my friend typed something like this... not to be a pain, but God is forcing us to live under His guidelines. You're just trapped under Him. Isn't that selfish?

And suddenly, to her and to my surprise, I typed, "God is selfish." The Lord then starting to remind me of who He is as I typed on continuously...

isn't love selfish?
it is personal
it is a jealous love
it is a violent love
so violent that is as strong as death
this God gets so jealous that He became man
because He desires His people

That's why I'm sharing this tonight.
EVERYTHING comes down to the Love of Jesus.

Woah. Thank You Jesus for this revelation.
Thank You for unveiling another layer of You to me. Even though I've known all these, now I'm seeing Your Love in a deeper and fresher way. What is the length, the depth, the width, and the height of the love of Christ?
Thank You for Your love. I will not die, I will live.



March 06, 2009 12:30 AM Cheezy

Come on! More revelation! God is always revealing new perspectives on His love. His love is so deep and has so many facets to it. I mean, jealous, violent, selfish AND selfless, how does that even work? It may read with some uncomfortable conotations to some people at first, but God's love will never hurt us when you get the true revelation behind it. Good word. Keep digging!

March 06, 2009 10:15 PM Anonymous

love it. great insight. keep it coming, bro.

such a mystery :-)


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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