This week of my media fast has been fairly interesting.
And this fast has been helping me to discover my weaknesses and, through the process of digging within, God's strength will definitely show. It is a humbling experience when you know that you cannot really do anything unless the Lord uses you. The other day I was sharing with Victor that I've come to a place where sometimes I want to pray for healing because I want to see healing, and, honestly, to feel good. Well, if my starting point is wrong, then I don't think I can reach where I supposedly should go.
I am just so glad that I have been spending more time reading the Word, listening to sermons, reading books, and having more fellowship with Jesus instead of going on facebook, surfing the web, or watch stupid Bobby Lee or OUCH, Charlie videos (they are real funny though!). It's definitely good to have some relax moments, but to rest does not mean to stop my fellowship with God, but rather to have MORE fellowship with God and LESS ministry, work, and worldly fun.
I have done different kinds of fasting, and this fasting has been very rewarding, and I strongly encourage people to go on a media fast (no facebook, TV, web-surfing, newspaper, secular music, and movies). You will see that you actually have SO MUCH TIME (*wink*)!! God is good and I am surely looking forward to the 2nd week of this fast! Thank You Jesus. You are a faithful God.
ps. I just found an article talking about Uganda's witchcraft rituals. It breaks my heart to see what this country is going through. I hate the devil. READ IT HERE.
Day 7 - Reflection #1
YES! You know what I mean then. Get as many as I can. ^__^ I always get at least 4 people to pray for me. If I can't, at least 1. I heard that during S.O.D. it didn't work out so well when you guys tried, but it was totally working yesterday during that period of prophecy time. I feel bad that you didn't get to pray for people.
It's funny because you were on msn earlier. :P Just keeding. I like your fast. I will do that one day soon. I'm starting a fast soon. I just don't know when to do that. I'll probably start Saturday of next weekend. No dinner for me. :D I want to do a 40 day one.