Day 21 - A Very Long Saturday (part 1)

Sunday, March 15, 2009
By johnny
First off I want to say that I do not like conferences that much because there are so many "extra" things to do, especially extra practices for the band. But on the other hand, we were really unto a mission and we had to stay focused in learning music.
I am still learning how to be patient. The Lord has been teaching me on patience. I apologize to everyone whom I got impatience with. I ask for your forgiveness and I ask the Lord to take away my arrogance and impatience and install humility and patience within me so that I can walk more like Jesus and be an example for the world to see.
Anyhow, this morning's practice was pretty bad comparing to our other Saturday practices. It took us an hour to finish practicing one song (that's pretty close to our record)! I really give a big hand to Andy, Aaron, Grace, and especially KAY, who did a splendid job during worship today! She was struggling during practice for many times, but you could not even tell during worship because she's got Holy Spirit on her back yo!

Aaron & Andy doing some weird stuff...

Shinny, Tina, and Kay

After practice we all went to Souplantation to eat as much as we could for tonight. In the restaurant I came across this table with this African American gentleman on a wheelchair. Found out that his name's Evan and he's been on the wheelchair for almost 7 years due to a car accident. He was having lunch with his family, who are all believers. I offered him a pray for whatever's broken to be healed in the name of Jesus and also I prayed that he would start feeling sensations in both of his numb legs. And surely he told that when we were praying, his leg got really tight! Praise Jesus! Right before I left them alone (lol), the side of my right forearm started to hurt. So I asked them whether a person at his table has some problem with this part of the arm. And Evan told me, "actually at the exact spot which you point at, I have a blood circulation problem." HA! WHEN GOD REVEALS, HE ALWAYS HEALS! So we declare completely healing from that in the name of Jesus! He really knows the love of Christ and he received the healing right on the spot! Got his email. Will check up on him.

Evan and his family @ Souplantation

Went to Trader Joe's to check up on Greg. He's been feeling very well, and I believe God really healed him from his shin splint! If you haven't read about this testimony, CLICK HERE! I'm going back next week to share more Jesus with him! Thank You Lord!!

I then went home to change shoes, and outside of our complex I saw this old couple cruising by the sidewalk with their walkers. The gentleman, Martin, is NINTY-THREE years old, born in 1916. He's basically a historical figure who is still alive and well because he looks lik he's only 80! And his wife, Anna, is 88 years old. Both of them have lots of knee/joint problems. Both are Catholic so they did not mind my praying for them. What I learned from them were so cool: They moved to Arcadia in 1957 and watched this city being built up. Martin was @ D-DAY during WWII. He served as a machine gunner during the 2nd wave of NORMANDY, and his leader was Lt. PATTEN (for those WWII & CoD geeks)! Just be listening to what they had to say really encouraged me because I cannot imagine being married with the same person for 63 years! That's insane!! But God loves covenant relationships. Anyhow, they really appreciated my fellowship with them and listening to their lives stories! They just live down the block so I believe I'll definitely see them around!

Anyhow, here ends part 1. God is so good!



March 16, 2009 12:03 PM Cheezy

You are freakin awesome. Jesus is freakin awesome. Come on!

March 19, 2009 6:53 AM Anonymous

that's great! I can't wait to meet Martin & Anna.

tapping into the history of this city is vital!!!

Souplantation rocks, dude. Let's continue to bring God's love and Kingdom to others.



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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