I was at Trader Joe's in Morovia with Annie today, and as we were getting some milk, out of no where the front of my shin (both the muscle and the bone) is hurting very badly as if someone was stabbing it with a knife, causing an extremely sharp pain. It came so suddenly that I knew right away that God wants to do something.
I looked around, searching for the person I should talk to, while praying and asking the Lord for direction at the same time. Right next to us stood this guy who works at Trader Joe's. He was doing some restocking of bread and toasts. Well, my shin was still hurting like crazy, but I still wanted a confirmation. So I walked away from the guy, and the pain lessened, but when I got closer to him, the pain came back even more. Just when I was about to take a step toward him, he walked into the storage area in the back of the market. O great. What now?
Well, praise the Lord for second chances! He came back out and I basically approached him and said, "Hey, I know it may sound weird, and I hope you don't have it, but by any chance you have a very sharp pain right in front of this part of your leg?" (I pointed and rubbed my shin. It was still hurting pretty badly) He looked a little confused, so I went on, "I'm a Christian, and sometimes God would give me sudden pains to tell me that He wants to heal someone from that pain."
And he said, "Yea, woah, that's crazy. I had a shin splint right at the spot you're pointing at, and I actually tore my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament, one of the four main ligaments at the knee)." He told me he felt fine at the moment, but every now and then his shin would get sore. So I prayed a 30-sec prayer, believing that he was completely healed from injury in the name of Jesus! He did not feel any heat or electricity, but his heart was stirred fo sho! Wooo! Well, I told him that God really loves him and desires to heal him completely from it and through that to demonstrate His love for him. He was in awe and encouraged cause he just had a taste of the love of Christ!
The guy's name is Greg. I'm definitely going back to Trader Joe's to check up on him and to share more about the Kingdom he just encountered tonight right by all the milk cartons, and, of course, the King who lives within the Kingdom.
Well, after that encounter and as I got some CAT COOKIES FOR PEOPLE (the best cookie in TJ!), that shin pain left for good! And guess what? Our cashier, a lady who has 3 kids, told Annie something that we believe is from the Lord, she said, "pay close attention to the FIRST DREAM you have for your child. I've had dreams for my kids and they all happened in real life." So Annie, you better start dreamin' some BILLION-SOUL REVIVAL dream for Austen!
Come on, Jesus, You rock my world.
Annie said something real good just now:
I'm so thankful and encouraged to know that there are angels around us!
That's right, sista. We've got our back covered.
Who are those that have turned the world upside down?
-Acts 17:6-
-Acts 17:6-
Hello! :)