Day 9 - Baby Shower & ANNIE's Dream!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
By johnny
BABY SHOWER on March 21st, 2009
****Répondez Sil Vous Plaît (RSVP)****

Annie woke up this morning and told me her dream. It is an incredible dream that involves fighting, needle-throwing, tongue-praying, and background-music-blasting! I'll throw in my two cents, and y'all can chip in some heavenly interpretation.

Annie was at a theatre (civic auditorium) with Jack & some people from impact, waiting for a show to start. They were sitting on the right in the back, facing the stage. Jack was sitting by the aisle. A young lady came by and asked whether she could sit next to them, Annie said yes. As she sat down, Jack (with a nose ring) turned to Annie and gave her an annoyed face. He said, "the girl is pregnant with a child inside of her eye!" (He meant the lady was carrying a bad spirit). When Annie heard that, she started singing in the spirit towards that lady. The lady got a little irritated and she left after a brief exchange of conversation with Jack/Annie.


Jack & Annie were in front of, but at a distance from a Japanese-temple-like building (the building has a sign which says the name of the building: XX居 -> it's a Japanese culture to name the building in this manner). They were actually cutting open YELLOW MELONS in half and about to enjoy them with a spoon. And that the same moment, Annie could hear a background music playing (electric piano, playing ostonato (arpeggio). dadadada, dadadada, dadadada, JESUS). The music is very intense, like those music you would hear in a movie when there's a battle scene.
As the music started to play, the lady walked out from that building and she started to attack them by shooting needles/pins at Jack. Jack was praying in the spirit, sensing God's presence like an aurora around him, however some needles (at least a dozen of them) came through the aurora and pierced through his brown jacket by the left shoulder. When Annie saw that, she ran toward jack and hugged him from the side, praying in tongue. She then took those pins on Jack's coat and throw them back at the lady, and the needles shot the lady's forehead, and also the building and the sign.

The lady got pissed and took out a fencing-sword, and started walking toward them. Annie thought, "oh no, she cannot pierce through my belly!" And the moment she had that thought, she knew it was the fear from the enemy. So her mind refused the thought right at the instant and changed to, "NO, Jesus will protect my baby!" Then also in her mind, "Lord, blind her eyes."

Then the dream ends. She woke up with the background music still ringing in her ears.


As I was listening to her telling me the dream, I knew this dream is from the Lord. And I think one of the main messages from this dream is that during this season of fighting with the enemy...

1. Jack would be pierced, yet the enemy can only pierce the needle through the jacket and not damage anything else to him (just minor damages to the outer layer).

2. Jack would be on defense during this season through prayer and standing firm, and Annie is the one who takes the offensive side in the battle -- throwing back at the enemy with the same needles. And through that Annie would do some serious damage to the enemy (forehead) and his kingdom (the building, and the sign) even though she does not have perfect aim(does not know where to attack, yet throwing the needles at the right direction). I guess the enemy does not have a shield.

3. And, of course, God's protecting them and being their SHIELD as they are in this rough battle. Singing in the SPIRIT would tick the enemy off; praying in the SPIRIT would bring protection from ABOVE. And Annie would had a moment of doubt as the enemy intensify his attack, yet she would get right back on track because the Lord is with her and the Holy Spirit is there to strengthen her.

I don't quite get the first part, especially with "the girl is pregnant with a baby in her eye" part. I think this could be deep. There could be a connection between that and Annie's prayer: "Lord, blind her eyes." Maybe?

I love this dream! My faith is really boosted up another level =D
AUSTEN! You are a supernatural baby with a supernatural family!
And as for you readers, THROW IN YOUR 2 CENTS AND COMMENT!!!



March 03, 2009 3:40 AM Sarah Wang

the woman carrying the bad spirit is losing her own sight due to the growth of the "baby", which is the bad spirit taking over her slowly, and her sight became the devil's sight. prophesy is the ability to see the unseen and speak it out (shoot out these words of attacks).

the devil is using people to speak negative prophecies to annie/jack, but they can't be touched.

when the "eyes" are blind, the enemy can't see where the targets are.

that's what i got... could be wrong but there u go, my 2 cents.


March 03, 2009 4:22 AM Sarah Wang

also, when you see straight into the enemy's eyes, their entire plan is revealed, who send them, who came w/ them, who they're send to...etc. That is the child in the eye, the evil plan.

ps. how does she feel when she woke up? afraid? confident? overwhelmed by God's presence? peaceful?... however you're awake to determines the whole thing.

March 03, 2009 11:51 AM Anonymous

I forgot to mention the funny part...Jack and I were cutting open these 'yellow watermelons' (u know what i'm talking about...the type you can only find in taiwan, maybe japan too?)...

as we're cutting the melons open, the lady got mad and began the attack.

see? FOOD must be involved !!!

March 03, 2009 11:53 AM Anonymous

didn't feel afraid per se...when i woke up, i felt ike...woosh...what a battle!...and the music was still blasing in my ears... too bad that i forgot the melody afterwards...

we're often put on the spot to make the decision when it comes to hearing the voice of the enemy or standing firm in God's promises...


March 03, 2009 9:22 PM [joy B.] doveseye

wow! what a dream!

March 04, 2009 1:05 AM johnny

comment on the yellow melons: you guys were about to enjoy the fruits from the previous victory (lady left irritated), however the same lady came back with attacks so that you could not enjoy the fruit. dunno whether that'd make sense. but i think it's real good that it's a yellow melon because it is not a common fruit. It's a rare fruit that you will receive that not many people have.

March 06, 2009 12:45 AM Cheezy

This is so interesting. Pregnant in the eye? Hm. I don't get how you got bad spirit from that. If you would explain?

I had a dream that Annie had twins. It was a surprise twin that popped out of nowhere. Her baby will bring double blessings that she would not expect is how I interpreted it. In real life, they would've seen the baby way ahead, but in the dream, it came way late in the third trimester with her having no prior knowledge of it in the first 2 trimester. 3 is a number of divine perfection. It is absolutely God given gift that will be given season where God is manifesting His completeness. He doesn't start things He doesn't finish and He will provide.

In the dream, I also had another thought about the twins. It runs in the family. So I'm guessing, its a generational blessing. :D


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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