Day 18 - Art Work & Studio Work

Thursday, March 12, 2009
By johnny
Well, this morning, Helena presented her another art project -- with some of us standing on the head of the serpent. She took the entire class over as we were standing upon the head of the snake with LIFE tapes over our mouths. It was a powerful moment as we sang Nothing But the Blood together after putting our tapes in our hands. The class were pretty mcu hweird out, but the Lord was there with us as we "Completing the Artwork" by crushing the head of the snake under our feet. I am so encouraged by her boldness and obedience to the Lord! Great is her reward in Heaven!

Anyhow, from 1pm to 10pm I basically locked myself up in this tiny office space doing some recording. It's about time that I start doing something about those music in my notes. I spent a little time thinking about what sound I want to go after, and I felt that I should just do a piano-only (with some pads) album. On one hand, I still don't quite like my sound in recording, and on the other hand, I don't need to worry about singing!

Recording is a really good challenge for me because it forces me to play with accuracy and care, or else I would have to keep redo the same line over and over again until I get it right. Moreover, I learned that it is SO HARD to play with METRONOME!!! In order to be efficient, one would have to record with metronome in order to stay in measure bars -- very essential for editing because it would be much easier to count the beat and not to loose count of the measures. However, because of time crunch, I just played without following the metronome or the measures on the program. It was quite alright for me because I only used one instrument.

So, um, yea, stay tuned for this demo. I found this song I wrote back in MARCH 2005! And, of course, having this so-called "universal artist pet-peeve", I felt like that song was so cheesy and I couldn't believe I wrote that. Haha.... Always improving and never satisfied with my current work. I can get so pumped with a new song that I wrote for a maximum of a week, I think. What do you artists think about your previous works?

Nonetheless, some songs are still pretty sweet, and you will definitely hear some tunes you've never heard from me before because I've never sung it more than once. I might even record one song with singing... that's still pending. But, yes, I just want to throw this out to the world that I am doing some recording for my own project!

I don't think I've ever been so productive in recording music; I've got 5 tracks down in a day and I'm feeling pretty good about them. Maybe 5 more during spring break and I'll be giving myself a nice birthday gift when April comes =D




blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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