Day 10 - Library Walk Encounter

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
By johnny
Peter with that CRAZY SIGN on Library Walk today!

That's right. Victor held another sign that says "JESUS IS LOVE". I felt led to write "WOULD YOU LIKE A MIRACLE" on my board. If you have read one of my LONGEST POSTs about a year ago (if you want to read it, be my guest!), I held up a sign that says "CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU". So today, I held up the new sign, hoping to provoke people's thoughts and logic, and also to create an atmosphere that builds up faith for the supernatural to invade the natural.

Me with that good ol' sign back on Feb 21, 2008!

Well, as expected, many people told me that they wouldn't like a miracle, or they would like to PASS THEIR CLASSES or get STRAIGHT A's. I was a little disheartened to hear what these students desires--better grade. There is so much more than a piece of paper with alphabets. Anyhow, I talked with this girl from another table that is about this religion which believes that all gods are from the same god. I found her belief contradict with itself, but I shared Jesus with her. Lord, Your heart aches for her to return! You are the best.

Anyhow, for 2.5 hours we were out on the Library Walk, holding up signs and worship Jesus. Eventually this African-American guy walked up to me and we started a 40-minute conversation about Jesus. His name is Tim, and he is a 4th year student who has been attending InterVarsity and Bible Studies. I started to share with him my personal testimonies on healing, and I got so excited while he was in awe! I shared about Jesus Culture and the lady's hip problem (YouTube video on the right-hand bar), and Tim's heart was stirred. Lord I thank You for Tim, and I believe that he would start stepping out in faith, and through that step You would bring healing before Tim's eyes because You honor his obedience and love! We had a really awesome talk and exchange testimonies. I'm looking forward to hanging out with him again! It was SUPER ENCOURAGING! And I got to see Garrett and talked to him for a little while! I love that man of God. I believe this brotherhood would go on for eternity.

Prayed for this girl who injured her ligament by her left knee playing soccer. I felt heat on my hand during the prayer, and she felt it too! Even though she did not feel comfortable trying something intense, I told her to try doing something she couldn't do before when she gets home. Well, thank You Jesus that she is healed even tonight!

Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit
He takes away;
and every branch that bears fruit
He prunes,
that it may bear more fruit.
-John 15:2-

Jesus, thank You for strengthening me.
Keep on pruning me, please do.


ps. Please do pray for me during this season, and everyday I would face different temptations, and praise Jesus that He has been leading me into the path of righteousness. I believe I would conquer day after day until the enemy cannot even get into my life! Thank You Holy Spirit for constantly reminding me who I am and what lifestyle I should live out! I love You.

pps. If you haven't read ANNIE'S DREAM, YOU HAVE TO!!!! Another detailed part was added regarding to some yellow melons! Sweet!


March 04, 2009 8:13 PM [joy B.] doveseye

wow.i'm so proud of yo guys!
ps. at first, i thought u got a hair cut,,i was all excited! hahaha..

we ask for God's presence all over UCSD,in Jesus' name! AMEN!

March 06, 2009 12:25 AM Cheezy

You keep it up yo! Love that sign! You continue opening the heavens over UCSD. More Encounters for San Diego! More Jesus! Glory!


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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