Saint Patrick, a Wales missionary to the Irish people.
I believe this missionary pioneer planted the first seed of revival in Wales which came in full scale 1500 years later as the Welsh Revival from 1904-1905.
As one of the earliest Christian missionaries traveling abroad to spread the Christian faith, Saint Patrick is important because he serves as a testament to the overall missionary legacy of the Church. His example afforded later Christian missionaries the opportunity to assess the best methods to employ when confronting pagan groups abroad. Perhaps the most significant aspect of Saint Patrick’s missionary efforts in Ireland was that he transcended the boundary between Church hierarchy and prominent Church Fathers in terms of the viability of missionary pursuits. Saint Patrick proved that any Christian could live out the Scriptural commandment to spread the word of God while “exalting and confessing his wonders before all the nations that are under the heavens." Patrick’s example would inspire later missionaries to undertake great missions to evangelize abroad in later years.
Let's honor the Saints and remember what they've sewn and we shall do the same.
Saint Patrick's day is not a day to get drunk in wine but in the spirit! =D
Notes on fasting....
I felt like I should keep on fasting for another week, so there, for those facebook friends, I'm sorry you'll have to miss me for another week!
This week I'm going to focus my prayer on strategies of outreach and save souls. Kingdom invasion and King invitation gotta come hand in hand.
Just finished two finals in one day. I'm starving!!!! I have another one on Thursday and I'll be done with this quarter! WAH! God is good!
guess what...2 books for SOD just arrived and I highly recommend finishing 1 of them over the spring break!!!
u talked about Kingdom invasion and soul winning... guess what. Kevin Dedmon's Treausre Hunt is here and it talks about Supernatural soul winning through supernatural encounters. This will be a good one to rock your spring break while hanging out with the Kingsleys.
you're gonna rock on history of music. I just knew it! In Jesus' name, open johnny's ears to identify artists and music styles. Give the glory to the Lord. amen.