Pretty darn expensive. One small toy costs 10 bucks!
Don't even mention the big ones...nice design though.

On our way back home I was asking Pastor Mike about the role of a worship leader. I especially asked him how, as a worship leader, to prepare for worship sets. I can't even describe what he told me but, man, I got rocked by his long yet dense response to my question. He, at one point, led worship because he wanted to let the band know how important worship is and what role they take on when they play in a band for worship. And the last words he said was,
"Worship is warfare."
I know that as a fact and I would not want to go into a battle with out any preparation; I would not want to be even more vulnerable than I am now! Yet I would like to tap into this realm of worship that brings down conviction, salvation, healing, restoration, and repentance. I want to know God's heart for His people even before the music starts. I need to realize more and more that the position of a worship leader and a worship band is dangerous and I need to constantly be alert since it is a "dare-to-die corps / suicide squad" charging in the front line of the battle. In Chinese, we call the squad "敢死隊". The worshipers went out to create an atmosphere that allows God's presence to manifest and a portal of His glory to be opened up, then came the priests.
I would love to share more on the topic of worship and leading worship in the weeks to come. I am learning so much everyday and God has placed at my side those who are experienced and loving to give me suggestions and advices. This is the breakthrough that I have been wanting, and I am entering into it! There is so much more! I am very excited!!!
Jesus, O YA KYA!
some good words and good sharing. thanks for allowing us to be part of your journey. Even though worship is warfare, let us continue to focus on the goodness of the Lord and building an intimate relationship with Him. That type of 'secret place' relationship with papa God trumps all the other 'efforts' which often lead us to striving. Keep our hearts pure and turn toward Him and His promises...
Open Heaven awaits...